
Long Road Back

Twig I


01-20-2014, 08:57 PM

The marked maiden would stroll over the grassy plains, as the gentle spring breeze would tug at her long fur. Her nostrils would breathe deeply the scents that lingered. It seemed to her that this land had once held a pack. They were certainly long gone by now, and none of the stale scents would interest her. She but wanted her family, and these grassy plains were certainly not able to deliver.
Tired haunches would coil beneath her tired form as her tiara would swivel towards the slowly falling sun. Her slate covered ears would fall back as she squinted in the bright light. A snarl would overtake her features as she cursed the wind for not carrying her loved ones to her. A sigh would follow as she let the blame again rest upon her shoulders. She was not adequate enough to find them, she could not track them. She was no closer finding them today then she was two moons ago.
The sun would finally settle behind the horizon as the moon would slowly rise from the opposite side. She could feel a frustrated tear roll down her cheek as she tipped her head back. Her pearly jaws would slide open as a wail of heartache would flow from those inky lips. It was likely that it would attract just as much attention as the last, but her emotions were not so easily controlled.




10 Years
01-23-2014, 12:27 PM

Ara had heard tales of the Valhalla pack, who lived in the west -- loyal and dedicated allies of her own pack. Of course, she could not help but wonder what knowledge they might have to offer her. She'd asked her father briefly if it might be okay for her to visit, and he assured her it would be fine. And so she would quietly decided to seek them out, intrigued at the type of wolves they might be.

But there was no pack on these plains, not like her father had said; of course, she hadn't heard news of the territory change. A slight frown would grace her youthful features as she explored, finding naughty but the faint remnant of a pack's scent, like a ghost left lingering on the lands. It was an eerie sight; in many places, the plains were all but decimated, and the setting sun cast strange colors over the earth. It would take some time for the scent of another to reach her nostrils -- someone who still lingered here.

She noticed a moment too late, before a painful cry echoed across the flat plains. The girl would freeze, gaze dancing about to search for the source of the cry. It was some time before she found it, and already the moon had begun to appear in the sky, towering boldly overhead.

"H.. hello?" She would call out in a slightly shaky voice, wondering if the wolf who had called out was hurt or in pain. It was a bit nerve-wracking to search for her in the darkness, oblivious to the kind of creature it might be, but she would never forgive herself if she walked away from a soul in need of assistance. "Are you okay?" She could see the woman's outline in the near distance, but little more than that.

Twig I


01-23-2014, 03:11 PM

She would sit in her loneliness, the moons rays wrapping their tendrils around her body like a lost lover. She would lean into the touch of its light as she let unabashed tears roll down her face. She felt so completely alone in the world, her family was gone. Here she was pitying herself when she could have still been scouting for their scents. Crying never helped anyone, but she couldn't help the tears that fell so easily from her face. She wished a moment to mourn, a moment of rest for her travels had been extensive. It felt as though she had traveled all over the western part of the continent, and nowhere had she found hide or hair of her family.
Her time to wallow in her sorrow alone would come to and end as a tiny voice struck out in the quiet of the night. The woman would cast aside the rest of her tears with a slate covered paw as her crown would swivel to take in the form of the girl. Moonlight would alert her to the presence of another young wolf. She looked to be about full grown, and had she not heard the soft shakiness in her voice she would not have known otherwise. "H.. hello?" Twig would elect to stand at the call, she was well aware of her folly. Of calling out when she was unaware of her surroundings. A howl like that had been bound to catch someones attention. "Are you okay?" Concern was obvious in the girl's voice, though Twig would half contemplate running off into the darkness. Instead she would sigh and move a bit closer, it seemed this land was full of those who would not pass up an opportunity to help.
She would growl lightly, an old habit that she had no intention of dropping, it was just a warning, making sure that her personal space was not encroached upon. In reality her body was perfectly fit, maybe she had missed a few too many meals but she still felt strong and quite able bodied. Her mental health however, had suffered incredible amounts during her time away from the other members of her family. She felt as though her mind had become foggy in recent days, like the world was becoming harder to remember. A world where she was happy with her brothers and sisters.. "I'm fine," her voice would crack as she called back, but it was obviously an incomplete statement. She would not admit, but she was certainly not fine.

I can talk!



10 Years
01-23-2014, 03:35 PM

It was a strange land, no doubt; Ara swore she could smell the lingering stench of blood on these plains, but she calked it up to her imagination. It made her mind wander, though, and she wondered if something awful had happened here. To force the pack out. Maybe it had been unwise to come here after all..

But her attention would be stolen by the stranger as she spoke in response. Her pale blue eyes would slowly begin to adjust to the heavy darkness that had seemed to settle down on the earth suddenly, as the moon's light grew stronger. She had no clue what was wrong with the woman, but truly wanted to help. A soft shuffle came before the response, as the woman shifted and turned to find her in the night.

Her answer was a growl, and Ara tensed, fur bristling on the back of her neck. She would not return such a noise, but instead would remain silent and wary. Waiting to run, if she had to, or approach further if the stranger truly was in need of help. "I do not cry when I am fine," she stated softly, hardly loud enough for Twig to hear her. Clearly something was wrong. She could not see the tears that had fallen, but her howl had been full of sadness and anguish that even a child could recognize. "Are you hurt?"

Twig I


01-23-2014, 06:02 PM

Were it not for the light of the moon she was sure the lands would be pitch black, not a single star would come out to show its face to them, and the eerie silence of the place would seem to haunt her. It was a perfect destination for one so downtrodden as her because the land seemed so keen upon echoing her mood. It was absolutely abandoned, like when the pack had left so did the animals and all life that had once taken up residence there. She wondered what could have happened to push them away so thoroughly.
She wondered for a moment if her abrasiveness would chase the girl away, her regular greeting seemed to always be a growl. She didn't wish the presence of others upon herself, the only company she liked to accept was that of her immediate family. She'd sigh as the girl would say something unintelligible, she'd let her ears swivel towards the girl to hear the next words better. "Are you hurt?" She certainly wasn't hurt physically, but she could feel the hurt in her heart. "My body isn't." lyrics would fall from her marked lips as her haunches coiled back underneath her. It wasn't often she offered such conversation so easily.

I can talk!



10 Years
01-29-2014, 04:09 PM (This post was last modified: 01-29-2014, 04:10 PM by Ara.)

The moonlight cast strange shadows on the ground, and she felt wary around them as they danced on the earth. Their dance was flawless and strange, and for a moment her gaze would follow the shadows of the few trees that dappled the plains, before settling back on Twig. But the woman's cold voice would bring her back to reality, and she would focus her stare on her again. The young girl's gaze was not as soft as she hoped, so different from the kindness in her heart -- she often struggled to show compassion when it was necessary, instead preferring to stay guarded and serious. Things were easier that way.

"I know that kind of pain," she offered as gently as she could. Even from birth, Ara had always been different. A dreamer, a thinker, often lost in her own world, and often her words mirrored her aimless mind.

Though she was young, she truly understood that there were things in the world far more painful than physical pain. Like when her father had been taken as a prisoner; she would rather bleed than feel that kind of loss. It was for that reason that she felt so inclined to master the art of healing -- to know everything there was to know -- hoping that someday, she might find a cure for such things. For sadness, for heartache. For the empty feeling that had lingered in her heart for so many months before her father's return.

"I.. might be able to find something to relax your mind," she suggested timidly. "Or help you sleep.." It was the best she could do, and she wasn't sure if it was company that the woman wanted.

Twig I


01-31-2014, 02:23 PM

Twig was not focused on the she wolf she the gentle breeze would play through the trees canopy. She wasn't too far away, so their soft words were exchanged rather easily, "I know that kind of pain," It was at that moment that Twig would spare a glance towards the other girl, her interest now a bit more. She had said so few words, how did she know how she felt? She wouldn't press the issue, thankfully, but she did offer a bit of help it seemed, "I.. might be able to find something to relax your mind, Or help you sleep.." The girl was timid, but seemed genuine. This would mark the second time a healer had offered their assistance, but in such a situation she was unsure if she could accept it.
She would be able to relax on her own, soon enough the emotions would ebb away once again. It would just take some time, and more searching. She couldn't rest until she found her siblings, her family. She needed them, not herbs that would dull her mind and make her sleep. "I appreciate the offer, but I'll pass. I can overcome my hardships alone." She really was much too stubborn for her own good.

"Talk" Think "You"



10 Years
02-03-2014, 01:01 PM

The woman's song had spoken of pain, of hardship, of loss and longing. So much could be said, and heard, when no words were being spoken. Even the body spoke leagues about the state of a wolf's mind. Those who were burdened with stress, or with sadness, tended to be less healthy. Sickness befell the mentally ill more easily. Twig was not necessarily an open book, but it was clear the woman had suffered something.

And Ara had offered to help. Not to take the pain away, but to help her relax. Silently she went over the things she could find for her. Lavender was an easy one, and could help soothe anxiety and bring quick sleep. Many other herbs could relax the muscles, often easing the tension of the body and thus allowing the mind room to relax. But, rather quickly and matter-of-factly, the woman brushed off her offer for help. For a long moment she was silent, staring, eyes having adjusted to the darkness that now cloaked the land. Still, she was but a dull silhouette of a wolf; she dared not approach further.

It was not often that Ara felt excessive anything, let alone anger -- but the woman seemed far more rude than she was used to, and Ara felt annoyance bubbling within her chest. An emotion so unfamiliar to her she hardly knew what to do with it. Even she was not the best with strangers, often finding it difficult to find the words she wanted, but she had never denied the help of someone so kind to offer it. "I never said you couldn't," she said sharply, the fur on the back of her neck bristling suddenly. "Just because you can do something alone doesn't mean you ought to." Irritated, the child would turn slightly, searching the dark horizon for a place to flee if she needed to. Even the sky was dark, mirroring the slight irritation she felt brewing in her very core.

Twig I


02-04-2014, 06:57 PM (This post was last modified: 02-04-2014, 06:57 PM by Twig I.)

Twig was certainly one who knew hardship, the beginning of her life had been rather easy. She and her parents lived relatively peacefully in their pack while the pups grew and learned the world around them. That certainly changed when Lunatik went crazy. He killed many members of the pack including her parent... The loss was unbearably hard for her and it seemed sometimes the only thing that would push her through was the slight hope she'd be reunited with those she lost. For a moment, she was almost sure that she had encouraged the girl to leave her silence filled the air. When she spoke again Twig could hear a sharpness in her voice that had certainly not been there before,
"I never said you couldn't, Just because you can do something alone doesn't mean you ought to."

They were wiser words than Twig had been able to wrap her head around. She was so stubborn and independent, and she had already gleaned enough help for the rest of her lifetime. She was also leery of most wolves, and though this girl was barely a year old she certainly couldn't completely trust her to not give her poison or some such nonsense. Still she couldn't help but feel like she'd let the child down, "Well, if you're going to be that insistent I may as well let you do what you will. Maybe an actual good night's rest will de me well." She would swivel to look at the girl in the dim light, wondering if she'd even want to help her now.




10 Years
02-09-2014, 08:14 AM (This post was last modified: 02-09-2014, 08:14 AM by Ara.)

Ara was almost always a composed girl, rarely shaken by anything; but she had not encountered many wolves like Twig before, and it had set off a slight irritation inside her. But she, too, was stubborn, and was unwilling to let the other woman off so easily. And yet all it took was a simple comment to make her agree. A slight smile would tease the corners of the girl's lips, her face threatening to break into a smile, but she would force it away.

"Good," she said simply, drawing closer to the woman. Even in the near-darkness, she saw how strange her pelt was -- creamy white in some areas, but jet black in others. Not at all unlike her own coloration. But what caught her eye, in the faint light of the moon, was the strange pattern on her front left leg. It was like nothing she'd ever seen before, and she couldn't help but stare for a moment too long. "You will feel much better in the morning," she agreed confidently. Now, the only problem would be to actually find what she was looking for. Luckily, lavender was an easy plant to find -- its aroma was pungent, and unmistakable from the rest. "If you want to walk with me, you can," she offered warily. For a moment she had seemed on the verge of anger, but it subsided as quickly as it came, and she once again was nothing but a hesitant -- but very smart -- child. "If not, I will come back once I find what I am looking for. By the way, my name is Ara."

Twig I


02-10-2014, 01:29 PM

Orchid eyes would gaze upon the girl as she agreed to let her help her. She wondered about strangers often, why most of them she had come across her oh so nice to her when all she wanted was solitude. Did they not have the concern for safety that Twig had? She knew that she preferred the company of her family, but this land was so different. Everyone seemed concerned about the well fare and lives of those they had never met before. She would push the thoughts aside however, and just let herself be in the girl's presence. "Good."
She would draw closer, her eyes becoming quite enamored by the cross that laid upon her shoulder. The corner of her petite lips would pull back in an amused smile as the she wolf continued, ""You will feel much better in the morning,"" She wondered how she would treat her when she had nothing on her body of plant material, but the question would soon be answered, "If you want to walk with me, you can, If not, I will come back once I find what I am looking for. By the way, my name is Ara. She certainly couldn't argue with her options, and it would give her a chance to observe the girl and maybe she could make her own sleeping potions once, Ara, was gone. "I think I'd like to come with you." her lyrics would fall from her lips as she took a standing position, furthering her devotion to following. She would not say as to why it was she wanted to go, but Ara would probably figure it out herself.

"Talk" Think "You"



10 Years
02-17-2014, 09:18 AM

It was obvious that Twig had some kind of emotional turmoil going on. She had cried out, singing a song of loss and heartache, and yet she had attempted to deny her pain. The thought nearly made the child smile with amusement -- not at the woman's pain, but at how swiftly she had tried to cover it up. It was much easier to admit it, Ara knew, and receive help when it was offered.

Twig agreed to come with her, bringing another small smile to her lips. Her tail would wave slowly where it lay between her hind legs, her pleasure obvious. And with that, they began to walk together. It felt strange, leading the way, but quickly she grew accustomed to it. Ara's pace was slightly quickened, and it was obvious she was in search of something. It felt even stranger to be guiding someone older than herself, but she could only hope she could truly aid the woman. "You didn't tell me your name," she offered quietly. If she didn't want to give it, she would not argue, but it seemed polite.

Her nose would bring her to the scent of something familiar. Flowers often bloomed near one another, it seemed, and the spring was the perfect time to find many kinds of flowers. Her direction would shift, nose pressed tightly to the earth as she continued forth.