
I am me! and i will always be(joining/open)


03-23-2013, 05:35 PM
Walking across the land a small dame made her way onto the Seracia territory. Her stride was smooth and calm as she came up to the boarder line. The scent of the pack filled her nostrils, her ears perked up. This was her time, her chance to help others with her skills. She took a deep breath, this was it. Time to cross into Seracia territory, and start a new life. Looking up into the sky she herd her mother's voice. "Don't give up on what you believe Segolia. Your faith in this choice is what will guide you to your path. The path that destiny has chosen for you."

She nodded her head"Your right mother, i will not give up. I am to close"She took another breath, and stepped over the territory line. It felt like a whole new experience to her. For two years of her life she knew nothing but that pack she was born in. What if she will not be what they want, what if she is not up to there standards. She shook her head. "No. I must stay strong and brave" She said as she raised her muzzle to the sky and let out a call to the alpha or who ever was in authority to accept her in the pack.

Lowering her head she stood there waiting for some one to arrive. She is quite sure that her healer skills are going to help with her acceptance to this pack. Her tail swayed as she stood there, she was surly excited for this, and it was her chance to start over. The hurricane surly struck her a new, it showed her that the earth can destroy things that she dose not want on her lands, but Segolia had a feeling that this was meant to be. Fate had lead her onto this land, and there has to be a reason for this, she just knows it.


03-23-2013, 05:56 PM

Prince, he was Prince of Seracia. The boy had still not quite gotten used to his new title - but it was growing on him every day. He had woken early this morning and had been meandering through the winding fingers of the delta. Quite literally through, as he was soaked from his elbows down in the water. Maverick loved the water, probably more than he loved the land. But now, now a call beckoned him out of his watery wonderland and into Prince-mode. Tail would flag upward as his fathers' always did, and his crown would lift high, displaying his ever-rising height. The boy neared thirty-two inches so far, but he was certain that he had more growing to do. Oversized paws were a testament to that.

He would find her standing on the edge of the territory, just a single step inside of it. Normally he would have bristled, but the boy felt as if he needed to behave on this occasion. Besides, she was female, what harm could she be? He would decline his head gently in greeting, before coming to a stop a yard in front of her. "Hello." Formalities were left to the wind on this occasion. He would be polite and courteous, but he saw little reason to draw out a long-winded greeting like his father did. That wasn't his style. Maverick was far more laid back than his adopted-sire, and would always be that way - or so he thought. "I am Prince Maverick of Seracia. What brings you to my home?" Now titles, titles were still important to the boy.



03-23-2013, 07:35 PM
It was a few minutes until someone had arrived in her vision. Segolia Watched as the large brute made his way in her direction. He was indeed taller than her in a long run, but she did not see any hostility in his stride, or posture. She stood there, and the male came closer to her. He had begun to speak, Formal he was very formal. She listened to him speak to her, his words flowed out of his maw so, well nicely. She lowered her head in respect before she spoke. "Hello Maverick, My name is Segolia Minsi, but please call me Segolia if you wish." She spoke in a calm pleasant voice.

"As for my reasons to be here i wish to join this pack."She said as she stood there. This male was the prince of this pack? All these terms were new to her, She had never herd of a prince of a pack before. She knew this was a new land and she will have to grow a custom to the ways they live here. Her Purple eyes looked up at the male. She was very small compared to him, but that did not bother her. It just made it easier to help others, well more in fixing wounds closer to the ground and less carrying them.


03-23-2013, 07:43 PM

Eyes would rove over her frame appraisingly. She was black and white, but in odd places. Her eyes were purple, much like his father's, and she was rather small - or smaller than he, at least. Overall she looked harmless, which led him to believe that she must be here to join, rather than to cause problems. The Prince was glad of this. She would introduce herself, giving her name as Segolia Minsi. Her voice was easy on the ears, and the Prince gave a smile. She then spoke of wanting to join the pack. This made him rather excited, but he would keep his exterior very calm and collected.

What do you know of my home, Lady Segolia? Have you been informed of our way of life? He would ask this curiously, wondering if perhaps she had chosen them for a reason, or if she was simply joining blindly. Joining blindly would be strange, but it had certainly happened before. As he stood there waiting for a response, a fluffy creature with auburn fur slick with water would emerge and crawl nimbly between the Prince's legs, coming to rest in a comical sitting position between his front paws. The creature was an otter, Maverick's newest friend. The otter, Belatro, chirped happily but said not a word. He loved Maverick dearly, but was unsure who this female wolf was. Maverick reached down and nuzzled the otter's head before bringing his lime gaze back to Segolia.



03-24-2013, 06:54 AM
Segolia listened to Maverick as he spoke about why did she choose this pack. Well she had herd a bit of this pack, but most of all she wanted to join this pack because she herd that it was a strong pack. Another thing she herd is that the pack had a good system for keeping things in order. She was about to reply to him that was until a small, yes Otter it was an otter. That was something she was not use to, but she will get use to that. It was something she found fascinating.

"Well i herd a little about the pack, but what i like the most that i herd that there is a really good system that Seracia pack has." She said as she stood there, here eyes kept looking at the Otter that sat between the male's legs. She was fascinated that the wolves here can forge a bond with animals like that. It was indeed something she was indeed pleased about, maybe some day she could get a companion to help her with her with healing the injured.


03-25-2013, 07:18 PM

It never ceased to amaze him when a wolf would come to a pack's borders and not even know much about the pack that they wished to join. If Maverick were not Prince of Seracia, he would be doing all he could to learn about the other packs before he joined them. The otter looked up at him quizzically, as if to ask 'who is this woman'. Maverick shook his head lightly, indicating to the sea creature that he was in no position to answer him at this time. Balatro nodded lightly and reached down, preening the fur on Maverick's right front paw. The wolf would shift his weight slightly, lifting the paw for easier access to the otter, before listening intently to the dame's words. She was vague, hinting at the fact that she knew very little of Seracia's ways. The Prince had a lot of explaining to do.

By system I assume you are referring to the layout of our ranks, and our rules. He would pause before going into length of his way of life. Obviously my father is the absolute authority, that's standard anywhere. Ranks are very meaningful in Seracia, they become a part of who you are, and who you can become. Mating is prohibited without permission from my father or mother, or another high ranked wolf. This is to ensure that a serious decision like that is not taken too lightly. If pups are born, they are to be raised in Seracia - no exceptions. Other than that, we're basically a family. We do allow challenging for ranks, but a high ranked official must be present during those challenges. That was about it for the rules. He hoped she was listening. The otter would shift to his left front paw, and Maverick shifted his weight accordingly. As for our ranks, we start off with my father and mother as King and Queen, then myself as Prince. My uncle and sister are the Grand Duke and Duchess, followed by our lead ranks of Infante - the warriors, Viscount - the hunters, and Marquis - the healers. Then our regular ranks come in, Knight, Count, and Baroness.. warriors, hunters, and healers respectively. Our lowest rank would be the omega rank, known to Seracians as the Jester.

Removing his paw from the otter's grasp, Maverick stood proudly on all four paws. What skills do you possess that would benefit our Kingdom? It was time to determine if her services were really needed. Maverick half hoped she was a healer, to help out Loccian, but any other rank would be acceptable as well.



03-27-2013, 08:30 AM
Segolia looked at Maverick as he spoke about the pack and it's ranks. He was correct as to system she meant. Segolia did not say much as the prince spoke. The rules, and all the other ways of this pack made it's way from his maw and into her brain. She was agreeable to the terms of the pack, it was good rules, and easy to follow in her mind.

Once he finished explaining the way of the pack, Segolia looked at him as he asked her a question about her skills. "The strongest skill of mine is healing. I have been practicing it my whole life. I can hunt, and fight, but they are not as strong of a skill as my healing skill." She spoke in her calm sweet voice. She was perfect for helping others with what they need. Segolia hoped that she will be accepted into this pack. She will try her best to help the pack if they need it. If she gets into the pack she will do all she can to help them.


03-27-2013, 10:12 AM

The otter chirped beneath him, but a gentle look was given and the creature fell silent. She spoke on having healing skills, and the Prince offered a smile. So she was a healer. Perfect. They now had two Knights, three hunters, and two healers. His father would be happy with their new addition. "Very well, you shall be named a Baroness of Seracia. Please, enter the Kingdom." He found no reason to not accept her to the pack, so as far as the Prince was concerned, she was their newest member. "Do you have any other questions for me?" If she had anything else to discuss, the Prince would linger, but if she merely wished to come into her home and explore, he would be fine with that as well. It was not necessary for him to escort her everywhere. He would just point her to the main locations and send her on her way, and perhaps alert his father to the new addition as well. Loccian would need to be notified as well, as she would be in charge of their newest addition.



04-01-2013, 10:12 AM
Segolia was happy that she was accepted into the pack. This will be her first chance at a new life, and try to make the best of it. She nodded her head and followed Maverick on to the kingdom land. Her stride was smooth and calm as she walked up next to the male. His words came and hit her ears, they twitched to indicate she was listening to him speaking. In a calm, sweet, soothing voice, she spoke. " I have no questions at this time. If any should arise in the future do i have your permission to address them to you?" She spoke as she followed along side of the prince.


04-01-2013, 11:25 AM

The boy felt their meeting coming to an end. He'd accepted her and it was clear she already knew a fair amount about Seracia. She would retort back that she had no further questions, and he would nod. "Of course," Naturally, she was welcome to route any questions that arose directly to him if she chose to, or almost anyone else in Seracia. "Welcome home," he would utter in a slightly prideful tone as he pivoted and moved to go on his way.

Exit Maverick



04-03-2013, 04:19 AM
Segolia smiled at the prince as he agreed that she can come to him with any questions that she may have. Segolia knew that this was going to be a great place to live. She did not know if everyone in Seracia would accept her, but that was nothing to worry about. "Thank you" She said as she continued to walk.

[exit segolia]