
So Far Away



03-24-2013, 03:12 AM

Tahir. It wasn't a name he heard often, but it had filtered throughout the lands and happened to have reached the boy's ears. He had almost forgotten his surname. In fact, he would have had it not been for this reminder. He was of Talutahn blood. His father had been Rancor and Viveeca. He remembered it all. He remembered the religious pack he'd been a part of until his mother brought him exploring and she'd been slayed by a beast near the borders of Lentajin. That's when his new life had began in the pack ran by females. How could he forget such important events?

The name piqued his interest and drew him to leave Luana's side. She could survive a few days without him. This was a quest he felt he had to conquer on his own. The journey would hopefully be a short one. If all went well he would get to see his half family. If the rumors were correct that is.

The journey was an easy one and he reached the borders of Seracia with ease. The gray and white brute stopped at the territory line and let out a summoning howl, calling out to anyone who would be nearby. He had no idea what these siblings of his would look like. Would they carry the common appaloosa markings that his father and mother did. Would they look anything like his siblings had? Would they even be here? All would hopefully be answered too. Hell, there might even be a chance that his father was alive, though he doubted it. For now he just wanted to see if any of the Tahir lineage still existed.

The thought brought him to think of his three other siblings. After his mother had died he hadn't been able to return to them. What had happened to his full blooded siblings? They had probably perished in the fire. If they had then it was unfortunate. He felt as though he was alone. Many had abandoned him in the short course of a year and a half. He was lucky enough to have found Luana and moved to Ludicael. Perhaps a fresh start was the best? Reaching out to the past wasn't a bad idea either. Hence why he stood at the borders waiting.




3 Years
03-25-2013, 10:04 AM
Kamala had wandered far from the heart of her territory, making her meandering way towards the edge of her lands. The gray and red female had never been as adventurous as her siblings, and had mostly kept to Seracia's territory since their arrival there, but she had certainly wandered far and wide within Seracia. She knew these lands like the back of her paw; knew the shortest paths between many points in her home. She could get pretty much anywhere from anywhere. That was what happened when she was left to her own devices for as much time as Kamala had been. And it took more courage than she really had to set off from the border without a destination in mind. So Kamala did most of her wandering within Seracia, even as her brothers began to wander further and further from home.

When the howl came, Kamala wasn't too far from its origin. The question was, would she go investigate it? It took the curious female mere moments to decide that yes, yes she would, and with a twitch of her sooty tail, she was off, padding along smoothly. She carried herself swiftly along, nostrils flaring a little as she scented the air. The wolf did not smell of anything she recognized, though he seemed to smell of a pack. Perhaps he was a member of one of the nearby packs. It would be interesting if he were. Though she wondered what had drawn him there.

Ears flicking, Kamala padded forward, coming to a stop when her gaze focused on a rather strange looking wolf. To be fair, he looked no stranger than her, but she was rather used to her appearance, and his? Well, she had never seen a wolf that looked quite like him, though they did seem to have a similar base shade of grade. Hmm. Interesting. Though Kamala rather doubted that was anything but a coincidence. She didn't realize that this wolf shared any sort of lineage with her.

With a slight inclination of her head, Kamala glanced at the wolf, "Hello, Sir. What brings you to the borders of the Kingdom of Seracia?" With that, the female fell silent, green eyes focused on the male. What he said next would decide how this conversation went. Perhaps her brothers would be arriving soon as well. Maverick would probably be appearing soon, for sure. As the Prince of their Kingdom, he needed to know when wolves appeared at their borders, and seemed to be doing a good job of keeping up with them. It was probably just because she had been wandering so close to this wolf that she had arrived first.

Now, Valkis was another story altogether. Would he show up? Kamala hoped that he would. She missed seeing her scarlet brother around, as quiet as he was.


03-26-2013, 12:57 PM

The Prince had been wandering on that day, not bothering to care much about patrolling the borders as he usually did. He had slept in late, and then went and caught a rabbit, and just recently he'd decided to go patrolling. He had to do something productive today if he wanted to be worth his rank. Blood still stained his lips as he went to the upper parts of the delta and drank from the cool waters. As he lifted his crown to it's original height, a howl split his homeland. It was characteristically male, and that alone made the Prince uneasy. The next fact he found would serve to make that uneasiness worse. His sister was the first to report. Her scent wafted toward him as he trotted to the location, avoiding his urge to sprint so that he could still appear cool and collected. His sister was questioning the male when he arrived. Lime eyes would dash over the scene, fixating on the lad that stood at his borders. The male was roughly his age, perhaps a bit older by a season or two. They were roughly the same size as well, although the stranger was larger due to his slightly more advanced age. Bright red eyes were still gazing at his sister, and that sent a shiver up and down the Prince's spine.

He would advance, possessively rubbing his side against his sister's before coming to rest in a standing position behind her. "I too would like to know." A name was not yet given, it wasn't necessary. This boy was in question, not the Prince or the Grand Duchess. Maverick half wondered if his sister knew what rank she would be offered, he wasn't certain that father had mentioned it to her just yet. Head would pivot from side to side, searching for his brother, half expecting his sibling to not even bother showing up. It was no matter, Maverick was used to his sullen brother doing exactly as he pleased. There was a bad egg in every bunch, wasn't there? He would lean into his sister gently, applying enough pressure to reassure both himself and her that they were in this together. He had no reason to believe this was anything but a positive meeting, but one could never be too careful.




04-07-2013, 12:32 AM

Cetotorah waited patiently. He remained standing, not wanting to be surprised or off guard if anyone did came. Sure enough one did come. Her gray form came upon him and eyes immediately traveled to the appaloosa-like markings on her. His head cocked to the side as he examined her. Surely he hadn't been so lucky as to run into a Tahir? Not on his first try at least. Was in coincidence, or was she family as well? But where did the red come from?

She greeted him politely. He'd heard very little about Seracia. He only knew that they were a kingdom and that they had different customs and ways of life such as kings and queens and other things of that nature. It was interesting and it definitely explained the way she addressed him as sir, even though they were all under two years of age and he was hardly older than her by the looks of it.

His maw opened to reply but he was interrupted as a second oddly marked male came into view and rubbed up against the female protectively. He wasn't as polite as the female, but it wasn't necessarily needed he presumed. He had, after all, come to their kingdom in need of something. He ended up pausing his question for a moment study him as well. He was red, the same red as the girl, and he had appaloosa-like markings too. This was turning out to be odd. Was he a Tahir as well? Were those two siblings? Were they family to him? He could only ask to find out.

"My name is Cetotorah Tahir. I came in search of some answers. I come from Ludicael, but before that I came from Lentajin, and even before that a pack named Talutah. It's laid to waste now, but my parents were Viveeca and Rancor. Would you happen to know of the Tahir lineage? Or is it just coincidence that you look a lot like my father and mother who had similar markings to you both?"

That was probably the most he'd ever spoken to anyone in one sentences save for the first time he'd met Luana. He normally found no reason to speak and was often a quiet boy so this was much different. Much much different.



04-09-2013, 01:40 PM

ooc; yay for no posting orderrrr

The russet brother continued to hold fast to his sister's side, eager to show their united front to this stranger and ensure that just because they were young did not mean they were foolish. Not a smile or simper painted on the yearling's lips, this was not the proper time for them. A query was on the table, and sooner or later this man would either leave out of intimidation or answer the question. Either way, Maverick and Kamala could not lose. Overconfidence ran through his veins as he quirked an ear as the man began to speak, giving his name and surname which was.. ironically and quite surprisingly half of Maverick and Kamala's surname. Could this really be a true and legitimate Tahir? He went on to explain his allegiances, which were few and far between. Maverick only assumed him to be a vagabond. But then Talutah was uttered, and the Prince's ear flicked forward with immediate interest. Then his father's name came up, and Maverick's jaw hinged downward ever so slightly. Who was this stranger who knew about his family? "Tahir of Talutah, you say? We too hail from Talutah, born of Rancor and Akira. I am Maverick, and this is my sister, Kamala. We have a brother as well, Valkis." The Prince would pause, giving an appraising look at the so-claimed Tahir. "Have you no markings?" Maverick had heard that the markings traveled with the blood, manifesting in one way or another on every one of the Tahir's. If this man spoke the truth, where were his spots?



04-09-2013, 06:20 PM

The crimson beast was getting bigger and bigger everyday. Usually he spent his time keeping to himself, not spending time with any of his siblings or anyone else for that matter. He usually was alone, searching the forest for his... candy. He had found a little bunch of mushrooms not far from Seracia, where he would never tell, because these mushrooms were laced with pure gold. When he ate them he turned into a totally different wolf. He saw things the normal crowd would never see without these little gems. Things were good, the trees talked to him, the earth breathed beneath his paws, even the clouds sung along when he bellowed a tone here and there. But, sometimes, he would have the bad experiences. The ones where he would be curled up in a ball, mud covering his crimson pelt as he tried to dig himself in the ground to get away from the monsters. He never knew what type of trip he would have next, but the high he felt was worth it. The happiness took the pain away, the nightmares brought it back. It was a prefect balance for him.

On this day, he had slithered back to Seracia after ingesting one of his shrooms. Things were good... Everything was good. The sky was swarming with all sorts of colors, from crimson to ivory. His body felt numb as he rubbed himself against the bark of laughing trees, himself cackling along at their jokes. The earth beneath his paws shifted rapidly, but he just saw it as mother earth breathing. Who was he to make it hold its breath just so he could walk straight? He didn't move the shifting plates beneath him. He looked forward, three tiny figures coming into his view. Their scent was strong in the air... It was... Who was it? He thought for a moment, then came to a conclusion. His siblings! And... someone else. He rushed toward them, his large frame swaying from side to side as he tried to keep his balance. "Yodeeelodleeeyo" He bellowed that the top of his lungs as he came up to the group. He looked toward his brother instantly. He studied his face for a moment... then he saw it. His brothers eyes sunk into the back of his skull, his head tilting away from his neck. It looked like it was about to fall off! Valkis's heart started racing, his breathing quickening up. He looked toward Kamala. She looked... pretty normal. He came toward her, stopping inches away from her frame. Then it hit him again! Her toungue fell out of her mouth, wrapped itself around her neck, slithered around her abdomen and back, and came back up in the same pattern so it was sitting on top her nose. "Put it back! It is trying to choke you!" He turned away from her, another scent drawing his attention away. Now, this lad... who was he? "Taluuuuuutttaaaaahhhhhhhh. PRAISE THE GODS!" He threw himself against the ground, rolled on his back, and flailed his legs in the air. He was praising the gods in his mind, but in reality, he looked like an idiot.
