
Banishing Evil Thoughts

Twig I


03-05-2014, 10:28 AM

Only a couple of weeks would pass since her violent attack, it was obvious her wounds were healing but her heart still felt the grip of fear. Pulsus had done good on his word and she had certainly not befallen any new harm, but she could feel a sadness within her. She wanted to be by the healer Themisto. It didn't seem like there was much else within her mind, there was no one else she would rather think about. He would crown out the thoughts and the fears of her attacker and that night. One fear however was not able to be forgotten. She had felt quite sick since the event, she hadn't really told anyone of the queasy way her stomach was treating her. She found herself vomiting frequently for no good reason at all. Her spine and back would ache at the end of the day and her scent seemed to change too. Something was going on within her body and that something she didn't want to think about.
She didn't know quite what she was doing now, what she was searching for or if Pulsus was around. No matter how much she didn't want to think about what she thought was going on, her mind would return to it. She hoped it was impossible, she hoped it was only her mind playing tricks on her, but deep down she couldn't lie to herself. They were in there against her will, Twig couldn't lie to herself. She had to be pregnant. She would sigh as she let herself fall to the earth by the stream that eventually met with Wolfpaw Lake. She was trying to deny what she knew as truth. Orchid gaze would rise to the moon that would shine its indifferent light upon her. Why was the world being so cruel to her.?

I can talk!



03-05-2014, 04:50 PM

So much had changed since she had come to alacritis. Had it been over just a year? It felt like a life time ago. She had gone from depressed nobody to a Primary Theta in a loving pack. Here she had a family, not by blood but better than the one she remembered from her homeland. But in that time there had been struggle and strife, love and a sense of belonging. Though she held a high rank it was bittersweet. She had thought she would be sharing this rank with her love, her mate. He had disappeared before Chrysanthe had been challenged yet again but lost Valhalla. She had not seen him when they moved out of the island and Erani had taken over.

Though she suffered the pain and loss of her missing husband she had a pack to take care of. If she could not make her own family then the pack would become her children. Which meant stocking up her stores of herbs for the many members in her pack. She would not take more than needed but it was still a large task. Today her paws set out in search for lavender, motherwort, trillium, and watercress. So far her search had gone well. Walking the boarders of Wolfpaw lake she spotted someone ahead. Unable to call a greeting with a mouthful of herbs she picked up her pace till she stood a few feet away.

The female looked distressed and at once Imena went to work.Dear what the matter? She asked as she placed the precious herbs down. Already she began to sort the lavender out, Here eat this, it'll help you relax. She nosed the small amount of lavender to the younger woman. Sky blue eyes watched her carefully. She seemed exhausted no doubt it could be the knowledge that she carried pups. Her nose was all to well trained not to have noticed it on the other's scent.


Twig I


03-05-2014, 06:27 PM

Twig's black tipped tail would flop around in the dry dirt, with the heat wave going on she had been half surprised at the still running water the lake was able to produce. She would sit and listen to its babbling ways, hoping to discern the reasoning behind her situation. No matter how closely she listened though she heard nothing but the murmur of running water. Such was not the case for long however, as her audits would catch the sound of footsteps. Unintentionally the girl would feel panic well up inside her as her eyes widened. She would whip herself around bringing herself to her feet at the same time as she faced the intruder.
Before her stood a babe cloaked in dark fur, patches of soft lambsfur on her points. She could feel a fear stirring inside of her, she didn't know who this woman was. As soon as she lent her words however it was easy to figure out. She seemed a bit like the girl, Ara she had met around the same area. This new wolf would even offer her the same herb.. But really twig barely heard the request of the healer. Her eyes still filled with a fear recently aquired. Had she never had been attacked maybe she would have less trouble around strangers now. But now, she felt like she could trust no one new. She knew how well lavender calmed her, and not knowing the woman before her she wanted to be completely on alert.?"First your name and what you want stranger. I won't be taken advantage of again." she would feel the hairs upon her scruff bristle. She didn't mean to threaten her, she just didn't want her any closer. Though part of her still craved the kindness of the unknown girl.?




03-05-2014, 06:39 PM (This post was last modified: 03-05-2014, 06:47 PM by Imena.)

She watched the fear raise off the girl, like a cloud swirling around her. Imena took two steps back before she sat herself down. Her blue eyes gentle, warm and not a hint of anger. This girl obviously had been some kind of trauma and recently too without how alert and prickly she was. Imena Taipa, Primary Theta of Valhalla. I do believe your then stranger here as my pack lives near here and claimed Wolfpaw Lake. So what is your name? She paused, watching her. Drink some water, then tell all you are wishing to share. It wasn't so much a question or a request. But an order to the younger girl. Imena laid down, nosing through her pile of herbs. She did not need the girl to see her as a threat. Plus, Imena knew something dark had happened to this girl. She could feel it, had seen that look before. Had even been down that road herself.

Such a hot day is it not? I hope the rains come soon. The plants could use it as much as me. She smiled softly as she looked up again at the girl. She did not need anymore stress than what she had already and she hoped she would eat the lavender soon. Maybe this girl needed protection, and Imena was more than willing to offer it. Eyes scanned the area carefully, careful to not seem to alert infront of the girl incase she became more distressed and scared. The dark woman may be no fighter but that didn't mean she didn't know how.

Twig I


03-05-2014, 07:24 PM

Thankfully the woman could clearly see how frightful Twig was, and she would back away slightly. Enough that the pregnant she wolf would feel her hackles settle back into place. The woman would continue with her name and title, the name of her pack ringing the tiniest of bells within her memory. She would continue though, telling her the pack was near by. Twig was sure she had been here only weeks ago, completely sure there was no one residing in the near vicinity. The thoughts would bring suspision about the woman, but a quick sniff would bring her the feint odor of many wolves. She would ask of her name, but after such she would issue a command. Twig's eyes would widen in disbelief. Sure it could have been a simple request, but it didn't seem like this woman would take no for an answer. She would feel herself growing ever more cautious around the pack wolf, not feeling comfortable at all. Especially after being given an order, it felt like she was being treated like a child.
Imena would slide into a position that left her laying comfortably by the stream. Her voice finishing a quick statement about how the lack of rain would parch the earth. Twig still would not find any comfort in her kind gaze, the words offered seemed so out of tune with who Twig was.?"You may call me, Twig." the uneasiness was all too much for her. She wanted to feel comfort from the stranger, but all she could decifer was defiance and suspicion.?"How do I know you mean me no harm?" her ears would fall back as she made no motion to move. Her eyes were narrowed, but there was still a part of her that wanted to open up, she would continue though wondering if it was still possible. "rain. Rain to wash the filth from my pelt. Or take the bastard pups from my womb." it still felt very bitter in her mouth, the anger would overthrow the fear she felt towards Imena. A snarl would erupt onto her features, the rage she wanted to show that morning. The rage she still felt within her, it would crumble like an old bridge as she felt horror overcome once again. She was going to birth that monsters children. She would sink to the earth in an emotional lump, looking over to Imena with sad dark lavender eyes. She knew the truth now.?




03-05-2014, 07:48 PM

She could see the distrust but Imena could do nothing more body language wise to show she meant no harm. The girl would have to see that on her own. Imena was in no rush though, she could lay here all day and night, for as long as it took. A name was given, slightly odd but everyone came from different family histories and traditions. A question was asked and Imena looked right at the girl.If I meant you harm would I not have done it already? Would I have offered my herbs? Twig my purpose in life is to help others. I knew that at a very young age and it had been my downfall and yet my rising. I see the look in your eyes and I know the feeling. She paused to lay her head upon crossed paws.I grew in a pack where pups were trained for war. I watched them die in my den time after time. I might have been a healer but to them I was an omega. Strength, power and killing was what was important to them. I feared my own family. I thought I found love in the Heir, only to watch him love my sister because it was frowned upon for a heir to love an omega. So I felt, heartbroken and scared. Till I met Valhalla. They pulled me out of the dark, allowed me to grow in confidence. They took me in as their family. I had found love again, though he has gone missing. But Twig dear, see, I know those feelings. She fell silent and looked out over the stream.

She did not look back till Twig spoke bitter words and anger sounded from her. She stood up slowly and step by tiny step she came to the girl's side and laid next to her. Gently she licked the other's shoulder comfortingly.Even the best fall down sometimes. But the best part of it, is that you can get back up. Twig I am sorry for what happened to you, and if im ever with you and we see that male, I will gladly shred him apart. But do not blame the lives within you. They are innocent. Remember, as a mother you get to dictate how they are raised. Raising pups in whatever way you do, is the foundation of who they will be. She said softly. Paw reached out to pull the lavender closer to both of them as she continued to clean the girl's shoulder.



03-07-2014, 03:55 PM (This post was last modified: 03-07-2014, 03:57 PM by Themisto.)

Nostrils quivered madly as he followed the sweet perfume that led him effortlessly toward Valhalla, his mind set on one thing- finding Twig. He hadn't spoken to her in a week or so, and he had made some big changes in his life since their last meeting, some of them he felt she needed to know. Surprisingly she was right outside where he had been initially headed, which was pretty convenient and ironic. He would emerge from the forestry to find a small stream that seemed to lead to the actual lake, and so he would begin to follow it. Within a few minutes of traveling her scent would grow stronger, and indication that she was very close. Finally her form would come into view, and Themisto would sprint forward, a smile quirking his cracked lips.

"Twig!" He would shout, announcing his presence to the both of them. He did not know the female who was with her, but she seemed to be harmless, so Themisto would stay calm. He would reach them within a few lengthy strides, coming to a dignified halt beside them. He could sense tension in the air, and it would cause his audits to fall backward. His gaze would wearily fall upon Twig as he waited for a response, expecting a greeting and an explanation for being with this stranger. He would remain silent, a feeble smile creasing the corners of his lips as multiple questions flooded into his mind.


Twig I


03-07-2014, 05:47 PM

Imena would quickly explain herself, she would do her best to cause Twig to relax. To see the reasoning she offered, and it would sink in rather well. Her body language would further reveal her purely good intentions and Twig would listen to her story. As she revealed her anger the dark pelted she wolf would slowly draw closer, and Twig would do her best to suppress a low growl. She was so tired of having to be helped. All she wanted to do was be independent, to take care of herself, to protect herself. All she could feel was irritation at the world and how it would not allow her to keep herself safe. Instead she would sigh as Imena brought herself closer and would offer a comforting lick. Her words would impressively bring comfort to the confused and hurt girl, she found sense in the words offered to her. She was right about her children too, they were not the ones at fault, their sire was. He deserved her anger and not the innocent lives within.
She would think about her response, unsure what even to say. That she would try her best for them, that she would raise them as well as she could? What would Themisto think? As though her thoughts would summon him his voice would reach her ears melodically. Eager to see him her head would quickly swivel to take in his jovial form. She felt so pup like when she saw him, her ears would fall as her tail began to knock at the earth. A soft whine would leave her lips as she stood to greet the healer.?"Themisto!" she would enthusiastically start her greeting, but she would become shy before her slate covered legs brought her to the man. She would lower her head and tail, the thoughts she held previously overtaking her. What would he think of her condition??"I'm happy to see you, her voice showing the obvious pleasure she held with being in his presence,?"There's something you should know.." She would remember Imena sitting just a few steps away and her head would tilt in her direction.?"Um, this is Imena, she's from Valhalla. She's been consoling me since I found out that.." she would pause, her gaze shifting to her dark paws. Quietly she would finish her statement,?"Themisto, I'm pregnant." Her orchid gaze would return to his sun-hewn eyes, tears would start to well up within her. They would spill over as she listened for what he would say.?




03-07-2014, 06:40 PM

Themisto's tail would wiggle as she stood to meet him, his stomach flopping within him as their mismatched gazes met. Though his cheerful expression would morph as Twigs did, and she would reveal the truth behind the stiff atmosphere. She was.. pregnant? He wondered how that was possible, seeing that she hadn't been in heat when he met her a few weeks ago. He would tip his audits backward, and his lips would quiver as a frown threatened to strike his features. He would keep a neutral expression though, the slightest hint of a smile played across his lips. "Pre-Pregnant?" He would say astonished, though he would try to remain as calm as possible. He didn't want to make her upset, but it truly was bewildering. "Who's the father, Twig?" He wondered if this had been her decision, or if it had been accidental and due to her encounter with the rogue. He would crane his neck forward so that he could gently nuzzle her neck in an attempt to comfort her should she be upset about this. Her gaze remained on her slate dipped paws, and his sunset kissed orbs would rest upon her striking features until she chose to look back up and respond. He would wait until he got answer's to address the other female as well.




03-08-2014, 12:05 PM

She could see the notable change of Twig relaxing as they laid there. She did not expect a response from the uniquely marked girl. And so she would simply continue comforting the girl the best she could. In some small way it helped her too, to have to care for someone who did not really need the healing she was used to treating with herbs. But treating with the comfort a mother might give to a daughter.

A voice of a male had her head snap up, eyes narrowing slightly. But Twig seemed to know him and they looked like friends. She slowly stood up, eyes on the pair watching them carefully. She would be ready to interfere if needed, but for now she would stand back silently. The male seemed familiar, his scent anyways. She must have come across it before, when she wasn't sure. Then a scent of Seracia came off him. Her slightly tensed body would relax. ast time she check Valhalla and Seracia were allies and that pack had members much like Valhalla's. Even so she was still alert for anything as her blue eyes watched for the girl's reaction


Twig I


03-10-2014, 05:30 PM


Themisto was certainly as bewildered about her predicament as she was, he tried to keep his gaze neutral. She would see his amazement though, she wasn't even in season! Her shy demeanor would continue as his calm questions entered her slate backed audits. She would lean into his gentle nuzzle, feeling her resident butterflies well up within her stomach. She would imagine them fluttering about an tickling her unborn children. Twig didn't know how to feel about the lives within her, they were her own flesh and blood. They were also it's offspring, "That monster did this to me." she would tell him, hoping he didn't think she would have been off having relations with other men. Internally she would squirm, hoping he knew how much he meant to her. How much she needed his sunny gaze to brighten her days. "There's no way I'm ready to be a mom yet." Her haunches would sink back down to the earth as she Thought of the next few months. Growing large and eventually giving birth, it all sounded like a terrible horror story. She had never given reproduction much thought, never had she really even thought of a family. A befuddled sigh would be released from her marked jaws as her gaze came to rest on Themisto's dignified features.?



03-15-2014, 11:49 AM

His sunset kissed stare would remain upon Twig's alluring gaze, and he would continue to nuzzle her, because he knew his kindness would keep her calm. He would nudge her when she sighed, and he would aim to plant a gentle lick upon her right cheek. He would sit directly in front of her so that they could speak eye to eye, and a more serious expression would envelop his features. It was relieving to know that her pregnancy hadn't been intentional, because if it had been... well, he probably wouldn't have stayed around much longer. His ears would fold though, when she would state she did not want them. He would understand if she chose to end the pregnancy early, but he would not be the one to aid her in the process. "Do you plan on continuing the pregnancy, Twig?" He would inquire, his right brow raising as he waited for an answer. A part of him wished she wouldn't abort the blossoming life within her, but in reality this litter would only cause future problems between the two. He would glance toward the other girl and would begin to wonder if she had anything to say about this. She smelt of herbs, perhaps she was a healer as well?


Twig I


03-15-2014, 03:33 PM
She was thankful for Themisto's gentle presence, his bright gaze and sweet nuzzles soothed her nerves. She would feel her lids slip closed as the healer would place with her a simple kiss upon her cheek. She would feel a tingling in her stomach as a quick blush would arise to her pale features. Her eyes would slide open slowly as Themisto pulled away to speak, his resulting question would stop her cold. It certainly hadn't crossed her mind to rid her body of their presence early. Of course if she chose such option the lives which were growing within her could perish. She felt her eyes grow damp as the option of aborting them filled her mind, she knew she wouldn't be able to bring herself to kill them. As Imena had said, they were completely innocent of their sire's crime. "Of course, I couldn't hurt them." she would physically shake her head as she tried to rid her mind of previous thoughts. She'd experienced enough death and heartache to contemplate such actions. "I didn't ask for them, but they've been placed in my care so I'm determined to protect them as best I can." twig was ready to take on the world for her children, they had a horrific beginning but she would do her best to give them a fighting chance at a future. Themisto's gaze would travel towards the healer Imena, and Twig's would follow. She wondered briefly if they'd met before.?