


01-03-2014, 09:03 AM

She still couldn't find that brute she had passed by so briefly in an encounter. He had seemed nice, and Arietta had wanted to see if he would be kind enough to enter a pack with her. But when she had gone back to look for him the wolf wasn't there, leaving Arietta with the cold loneliness she had been feeling since leaving her island home. She wasn't sure why she had stayed in the northern territories during winter... it was terribly cold... and yet somehow soothing. A soft sigh would escape the femme's mouth.

The territory that she had come across now had once belonged to a pack, of that Arietta was certain. Old scents clung to the land, telling stories of those who had left this place. Why had the wolves here left? The female felt as though she was missing a huge part of the picture, though she had no way of learning what had happened here. As a loner she was doomed to not know what went on in the packs, though she wanted to. She was certain that she would find the right pack eventually, though she was still clinging to the small hope she'd come across that male again.

Small, delicate paws would lead the femme on until she found what appeared to be the remains of what had once been the pack camp. Her nose would lead her over to one of the dens. The scent was strong... could this have been the den used by the alpha? The femme's blue eyes would shine curiously as she continued to circle around the camp, pausing to sniff at some old bones here and there. The way packs seemed to form intrigued the wolfess. She would turn as she neared the edge of the camp, tail wagging with curiosity. Maybe she could find out where the wolves had moved to. It would be an interesting journey. A goal to set for herself other than finding a pack. It would keep her busy anyway.

Speech, Thought



10 Years
01-06-2014, 09:15 AM

Odette wasn't sure why she was so far away from home. The island was indeed nice and the space was big enough to keep her busy, but something about being isolated from the continent made her restless. With a brief nuzzle and loving lick to her mother, Odette had told Chrysanthe she would be on the mainland for awhile and promised to return before the sun set.
That was why she set out before the sun even peeked above the skyline. Odette swam the distance between the island and the mainland shore with a dark night sky above, only to have it change into light pinks and yellows when she reached the continent. Paws gracefully trekked the sand beneath the water and she shook herself free of the ocean before setting out to explore.
Usually, Odette would have made a beeline for the Cove in hopes of seeing her family, but the flame had dwindled in her heart, making her less excited about the mission. Instead, she chose to travel West and that was the direction she stuck with. The scenery was different from what she was used to. There were unfamiliar territories and landmarks, but she didn't mind it as she trotted on tan and gray paws. The young girl was interested in learning new things and therefore, the uncharted pieces of land made her happy.
The morning had shifted from dawn to the late morning by the time Odette came across many scents. She automatically sniffed and realized they were stale, as if they hadn't been around for some time. Curiosity peaked and she increased the speed in her pace as she crossed the now faded borders of the old Tortugan lands. Eagerness began to creep around her curiousness when she caught a scent that was not faded, but fresh! Her eyes widened and her tail wagged. Someone new was there!
Friend or foe, she wasn't sure, but Odette was going to find out. Another spurt of speed was given and she cantered through the abandoned woods to the inner circle of the pack lands. Following her nose, the Gargoyle mini-me came out in the open before heading towards the heart of the lands. It was empty and held a hint of sadness, but she didn't need to be told why that was so. Bi-colored eyes scanned the unfamiliar territory until they came across a moving brownish form. Heart rate increased and she slowly made her way towards it. The scent she had followed was of that being and she wanted to know more about him...or her. "Hello?" She gently called, tones warm and curious as they carried themselves to the stranger.

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01-14-2014, 04:16 AM

The longer Arietta stood, the more the she wolf wondered about what she should do from here on out. Sure searching for a pack directly seemed all well and good... but how would she knew she found the right one? Maybe there was a more interesting way to chose one? The femme's mind would work like this as she padded slowly through the camp, nose to the ground, tail up and wagging with curiosity. She knew she would make it to a pack in her own time. She just had to be patient.

Russet tipped ears twitched at the soft call of another female. Arietta would raise her head, tail lowering with uncertainty for a moment. Her soft blue orbs would look into the mismatched eyes of the other for a moment before she took a couple steps forward, deciding to be a bit bold. The brown female would straighten up her small form, tail wagging slowly in greeting.

"Hello there. Were you looking for the remains of this pack too?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

Speech, Thought



10 Years
01-14-2014, 05:07 AM

The stranger was, in fact, a female and that made Odette's defenses stand a little. She didn't now if the young woman was a friend or foe upon first looking at her, but her mind was leaning towards 'friend' when she started to speak. The brightness in the girl's eyes made Odette's tail gently wag behind her once the inquiry was made.
"To be perfectly honest, I wasn't." She gave an indifferent shrug and blinked once. "I was feeling restless at home, so I set out to explore and, 'lo and behold, I ended up here!" Odette glanced around, pondering just what kind of pack used to live near the currently sleeping volcano. "I assumed that a pack was here before, though. The scents stick out like sore thumbs, even if they're faded." Her eyes then turned back to the female in front of her and she realized she had been rude. "Excuse me, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Odette Adravendi. May I ask who you are?"

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02-01-2014, 01:48 AM

Arietta would quietly listen as the female would speak. Exploring could certainly lead you to strange places, as she had ended up here quite on accident herself. "Truth be told that was much my own reason for ending up here... but when I did, well I got rather curious I have to admit." The female loved the thought of packs and was certain she would join one in good time. When the time was right to do so. She would give a nod to the female's input on the pack that had lived here.

The little brown female would smile warmly as the female introduced herself. Odette, a wonderful name, though the part of a last name was a bit lost on the female. Her mother had been a simple creature, and such details were unimportant to the female. Especially since after birthing the pups she had started failing in health. But those were days long ago, and now Arietta had no family... not even a friend to call her own. It was a sad existence.

"Arietta, no more, no less. A loner in Alacritia, at least, for the time being." The female's smile wouldn't fade. She could smell the scent of a pack on Odette's coat. Her soft blue eyes would gaze out over the camp, a soft sigh leaving her. "It is a shame when something upsets the balance of things and lives must be altered to fit the situation... A very sad thing." The female was half talking to herself, but then she looked back at Odette.

"What is your pack like, Odette? And your family?" It might have come off as a bit strong, or perhaps suspicious, but being a wolf who barely had any contact with others as of yet such topics were those her soul hungered for.

Speech, Thought



10 Years
02-04-2014, 04:54 AM

She took a few more steps before reclining to her haunches. Spring had made the old packlands warm and she enjoyed the change of weather for as long as she could. Blinking softly, she listened to Arietta's words and paid attention to her explanation. "That is true." What the brown female spoke of hit close to home for Odette. She knew what it was like to move from where she used to live.
Arietta than inquired of her pack life and what her family was like. A soft sigh escaped her and she lowered herself to the ground with forelegs lazily stretching in front of her. "It depends on which family you're asking about," she softly said. Her tones weren't as cheerful, which collaborated with the lack of enthusiasm in her actions. "I had my mama and papa disappear when I was little, leaving me and my siblings to fend for ourselves. I decided to go out and look for them, but instead became alone again. My aunt, who is the Alphess of our pack, adopted me and now I call her Mother." A smile appeared on Odette's face and she remembered the day as if it was yesterday. "It was one of the happiest moments of my life..."
She looked back to Arietta and returned to her previous question. "My pack life is...serene. There aren't any fights among the members and most of the wolves are my family, so I'm not alone. However, I miss my siblings something terrible." Odette lowered her head across her forelegs. "My littermates have been lost to me for months. I haven't seen them in almost a year and it breaks my heart to not know where they are...I hope to come across them one day, to know that they are all right and that I love them very much." It was then that she realized she may have talked too much. "Forgive me for going on about my personal life, Arietta. I haven't told anyone such details in a long time."

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02-20-2014, 04:25 PM

At the sigh Arietta would lower her ears slightly, watching the female lower herself to the ground and stretch out. When Odette spoke her tone of voice could hardly be called cheerful. The female would settle, attention fully upon the other female as she explained her past. As Odette explained the brown furred femme could tell it was not something she brought up often. A set of parents who disappeared and, in hopes of finding them, the other had set off. It must have been tough, especially during that period of time she was alone. It was so easy for a young pup to be snatched up by a number of things. Evil wolves, predators, even the beasts her mother referred to as man.

Luckily for Odette none of those fates befell her, and instead she was luckily adopted by her aunt. It was a bit surprising that a relative would be the one to find her. Her frown would deep as she listened to the other femme. She had apparently searched for her siblings but in vain. Even if the rest of her pack was mainly family her closest kin were lost to her. The femme would look upon the other with sympathy. As Odette apologized Arietta shook her head.

"Don't stress about it, Odette. Sometimes a wolf needs to get such things off their chest. My mother once told me, when I was only a couple months old, that no wolf can handle everything alone. Whether it is emotionally, mentally, or physically. We all need help with things, and asking for that help is far better than letting things sit and start to get worse." Arietta would offer a small smile. "I still plan to wander Alacritia for a little while. Perhaps if I come across your siblings I can direct them your way. What's your pack name? Oh, and details on them of course."

Speech, Thought



10 Years
02-21-2014, 02:16 AM

Odette Adravendi

Arietta spoke of how she would send Odette's siblings her way if they ever met. It made Odette's tail lightly thump against the ground beside her right flank and a soft sigh left her. "If you do come across them, you will know that they are my brother and sister. We look alike, so we wouldn't be hard to pick out in a crowd." A gentle chuckle escaped her and she perked her ears to the brown female's question of her pack.
"My pack is named Valhalla. We are a group of wolves that are all part of the same family. Honor, bravery, family ties...they all make up what we stand for. Recently, we had moved from the West because of the threat Glaciem had placed upon us. I would prefer to have peace throughout all of the packs, but I don't know why it is like it is now." Politics was something Odette was not familiar with, especially since she was so young. "Maybe, one day, it will happen like it had before."

I speak


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02-24-2014, 12:17 AM

cellpadding="5" cellspacing="25" style="width:500px; border:1px solid #171717; background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:#B0381D">

Arietta would listen to Odette speak of her siblings, giving a small nod. If they looked a lot alike then it certainly wouldn't be hard to pick them out, and she would definitely send them Odette's way. She couldn't imagine what it must be like to have family and yet be seperated from them. She honestly wished she had family to speak of still, but alas Arietta was alone now in this world as far as blood was concerned. Quietly the female would continue to listen as the bi-colored eye female would begin to explain about her pack.

Valhalla. The name would be commited to memory. The wolves were a family unit, which wasn't necessarily surprising. A strong pack would be made up of family lines, though how big was her pack, she wondered? Such a question wasn't necessarily one to ask though. At the mention of Glaciem, as well as Valhalla being threatened, the female would frown. "Unfortunately there will always be those corrupted who wish to hurt others, for some reason or another. It is nice to wish for peace, though one must keep in mind that somewhere, eventually, it will be upset. It is just the way of nature." Arietta would shake her head. [color=white]"All we can do is try to stand for what is right, and protect our loved ones as these challenges arise."

Speech, Thought