
to the last damned breath



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-17-2014, 08:11 PM


The moon cloaked the plains with silver, but the lack of a sun's golden rays did little to cool the sweltering air. Still, it was better than nothing, and Hati wasn't going to complain.

Well, he was, but he still needed to eat.

His cave sanctuary defiled by the unexpected appearance of a female falling through the ceiling, followed shortly after by another, had led him to abandon it to travel away from the sea, seeking shelter where he could during the heat of the day and doing what traveling and hunting he could beneath the moon. Now, traveling through the browned grass in search of a meal, the big black male paused. Not the stealthiest of hunters at the best of times, tonight as thirsty and out of sorts as he was he didn't even bother with the rabbits and various rodents scurrying around. But there, the strong scent of a deer tickled his nose even as he caught site of it. An elderly doe, weakened even further by the drought, resting in the grass and panting heavily.

She was barely lucid enough to struggle when he pounced on her. He dispatched her carelessly, with little energy wasted on finesse, and immediately set to eating while the blood was still warm in his mouth. Sated and feeling slightly more magnanimous with the world in general, he stretched out nearby to drowse and guard his kill against any overly-brave scavengers. The coagulated blood from the deer still spattered stickily over his dark fur, but for the moment he ignored it. Blood never bothered him anyway.


Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


02-18-2014, 05:11 PM

Mismatched violet and metallic gaze ravaged the southern scape so hungrily in an attempt to pinpoint an ideal haven for her future militia, having already obtained superior status through the defeat of an empress but lacking the proper domain to contain an army. The Tyrant had an idea as to where she would hope to construct Elysium, but it was still wise to weigh her options before she seized the enigmatic forest where her mother had birthed her younger half-siblings a few months prior, and thus the phantom would glide so effortlessly about the southern region, undeterred by the fresh wounds that laced her masculine form. They had ceased to weep yet still stung against the heated summer air, but the proud paladin adorned her bloodied injuries like badges of honor, allowing the silver moonlight to encompass her now-marred countenance to display her most recent feat to all she encountered. ?Do I impress you?

The metallic aroma of blood?and not her own?enticed the porcelain prodigy to pursue an unknown object of intrigue, elongated limbs propelling her into a vast and unfamiliar plain as her nostrils greedily flared to inhale the scent that had prompted her onward. Curiosity rather than hunger urged her to proceed with her newest mission of locating the source of blood, hoping that she might happen upon the ends of a violent dispute, but the babe would only be greeted with disappointment as her pupils devoured a rather placid scene. A disdainful frown briefly tugged at the corners of her velveteen lips before her gaze darted towards the sole source of life within her surroundings, scrutinizing the lounging form of an unfamiliar canine before all traces of emotion drained from her gored visage. ?Napping on a night as grand as this?? the babe inquired incredulously, voice adopting a tone of light jesting in hopes of stirring the oblivious beast.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-25-2014, 08:29 AM


Drowsy though he may be, Hati was far from oblivious to the approach of the younger wolf, opening his golden eyes just the merest slit. She seemed disappointed - looking for someone specific, was she? He grunted at her words, finally opening his eyes up all the way. "Too damn hot to do anything else," he growled by way of explanation, though why he felt the need to explain anything to this whelp was beyond him. He stood, stretching, feeling the pull of knotted muscles beneath his recently healed injuries. The old healer had done good work, he admitted grudgingly to himself, though she'd have done better just to let him die.

He turned his luminous gaze to the other wolf in scrutiny. She looked like moonlight incarnate - rather poetic for the bluntly straightforward Hati, but there it was. White coat, silver eye, she gleamed in the moonlight, and the surprising splash of color added by her mismatched eye was certainly attention-grabbing. Hati's thoughts stirred in a much darker direction, but the laziness of a full belly and the hot air put a stop to any ideas he might have had. Besides, she carried herself with the pose of command, of a warrior, and he was feeling much too apathetic to risk a fight. "So you lookin for someone or just bein sociable?" He yawned, then added with a nod toward the deer carcass and a surprising amount of politeness, "Kill's fresh if you're hungry. Feel free."


Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!