

Virgil I


4 Years
02-25-2014, 12:18 PM (This post was last modified: 02-25-2014, 04:15 PM by Virgil I.)

So, as a result of a rape (although Anthem did not know what he was doing), Virgil and Anthem will be having a litter of kids! There will probably end up being a lot of drama surrounding the pups, and much is uncertain about them, but I can say at the very least that Virgil is likely to try to keep them to herself. She'll probably end up giving them the Olympus surname, and Olympus-based names (i.e. Greek/Roman names based off of Greek/Roman people and gods/goddesses), at least to begin with. Raisa will probably have a hand in their raising as a sort of second-mother figure [:
The breeding thread is in progress, so it should not be too long until a pup application can go up! These kids can have a variety of appearances (Olympus traits being fiery-colored eyes, golden/russet/brown fur with darker markings, and large builds with Destruction traits typically being lighter fur, eye markings, and heterochromia), and there are a few designs below. If you wish to design your own, here are Virgil's and Anthem's references.

To apply, please give a description and personality of the pup you wish to play!

by Yumpy:

[Image: pgQXQrH.png]

[Image: yeeCB6D.png]

by Raii:
[Image: olympus7_by_northctrypenguin-d70ujwe.png]
[Image: olympus4_by_northctrypenguin-d6xchh2.png]
by Kat:
[Image: D9C577B5-9D8C-4038-ADB2-2891DDC905A5-334...3c812d.jpg]

by Eldarwen:


02-25-2014, 03:37 PM
Character Name: Alala Destruction Olympus {Pretty sure I got the last names.}

Why This Name: Alala was the female personification of the war cry in Greek mythology. She was the daughter of Polemos, the daemon of war. Which, considering Alala, is a misnomer.

Character Age: Alala is unborn, if she even gets chosen.

Gender: A female.

Alliance: Alala will be in Olympus for a while, then probably protect her younger siblings when they go off to see the world.

Rank: Alala

Appearance: {Kat Design 2.}


Roleplay Sample:

Loki 1


6 Years
02-25-2014, 05:09 PM (This post was last modified: 03-08-2014, 08:19 AM by Loki 1.)
Name: Hephaestus Olympus

Gender: Male


Yumpy 1

Hephaestus' base color is a light brown, darkening into an earthy brown color that starts on his ears and forehead, and spreads down his head and back, bleeding down over his shoulders. His muzzle is much lighter, a pale tan that runs only halfway up before fading into the darker brown. A fiery copper hue runs in bright streaks the top of his hips to take over the color of his tail, tipping also the stiffer fur over his shoulders. This color also stains the front and sides of his ears. Beginning on either side of his muzzle, the fire streaks up, surrounding his eyes and continuing on slightly before fading. A dot of copper hovers over each fiery orange eye as well. Finally, all four of his legs look to have been dipped in molten copper, the color twisting its way up each leg.

Taking after his mother rather than his unknown father, he will grow to be tall and strong at 36 inches tall, and with the muscular body of a born warrior. His voice is surprisingly deep and brassy even for his size, a mellow rumble like the moving of a mountain.

Personality: Steady and steadfast is Hephaestus, the rock upon which all may depend on. Slow to emotion and very deliberate, though not slow-witted, Hephaestus prefers to think things through thoroughly before acting. Part of this comes from his own gentle nature - he worries constantly about hurting others, physically or emotionally, and takes great care to avoid this whenever he can. Slow to emotion though he is, once he finds it it consumes him.

He loves his family deeply, with every fiber of his being and would do anything to protect them. His mother and his siblings - including his adoptive siblings from Raisa - mean everything to him. Little can move him to anger or hasty action, but threatening his family is the fastest way to get this mountain of a wolf to move. Even as a small pup he would be the first to step between one of his siblings and a charging squirrel. And once his temper actually erupts, it is with the fiery fury of a volcano - hot and dangerous, but quick to cool down again.

As a pup he will be concerned about their lack of a proper father, but not for himself - he will worry about the effect on his siblings and his mother and he will, in his own puppyish way, try to step up and be the "man" of their immediate family. Like a mountain, Hephaestus can at times be immovably stubborn, particularly when it comes to the safety of his family. Generally pretty easy-going, once he sets his mind to something it is difficult to get him to change it.

Despite, or maybe because of, his deliberate nature, Hephaestus is an innovator. Intelligent, with a way of looking at every side of a problem that gives him a unique perspective on it, he is a master problem solver though he often hesitates to put forward a solution until he is completely certain of it.

He has a certain amount of anxiety about proving himself to his extended family. Being a child of tragedy, he feels himself to be tainted, crippled by the circumstances of his birth. It influences him to push himself beyond his limits for just a hint of their approval - especially his mother, who he worries for.

More Info: I'm willing to buy an extra pup slot for him



02-25-2014, 05:23 PM (This post was last modified: 02-25-2014, 09:15 PM by Song.)
user posted image

Name: Gaia Olympus?
-Blind- from birth the girl will be blind to the colors of the world, she will never use the optical sense so her others will gain heightened ability. Especially her hearing and sense of touch. -Quiet- Gaia will only have the ability to communicate verbally, so she will have to be taught a bit differently from her sight born siblings. She can't see sizes or other wolves body language so it's very easy to misjudge other wolves intentions. She will be very curious but will become confused easily because she has no way to see what is going on. -Elusive- She tries to avoid those she does not know well and is not often heard starting conversations. She seems to grasp verbal language exceptionally, and will speak well from an early age. It's highly unlikely she will consciously seek help or will she ask questions of any who are not within her immediate family. -Curious- Even though she will be frighteningly shy the blind girl will hold a desire to know everything about the world that she can. Asking all the questions that she is able, colors being a particularly confusing topic. There is so much she doesn't understand, but it can't compare to all she wants to know.?

Appearance: Her coat is a blanket of soft ash, the color of a newly dead campfire. The base is covered in longer tufts of darker grey that cover her paws delicately. The back of her ears and much of her tail contain the darker hues as well. A trail of the darker ash runs up her petite nose, around her eyes a silky white Destruction strip underlines her foggy gaze while her eyebrows are tipped with the same color. The girl's build is quite small, only reaching an unimpressive 28" her weight being something that will probably fluctuate during her lifetime but she will always be a willowy creature. Her muscles will be relatively weak as she does not like to move quickly for fear of colliding with anything. The eyes with which she is given will be a bright silvery white from the moment she is born. ?



5 Years
02-25-2014, 05:40 PM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2014, 04:48 AM by Novella.)

Name: Andromeda Olympus

Design: Eldarwen #5

Appearance: It appears as though the Gods favoured her Olympus heritage when designing her. Her coat is built up entirely of golden brown colours, darker at the upper half of her body and gradually fading to a far paler, almost white shade. So smooth and sleek is her design, one might assume any bold markings would spoil her divine appearance and yet the few she has compliment her nicely. Still following her gilded colour scheme, the same shade, darker than any other part of her fur marks her ears, a small strip upon her muzzle and a fine line beneath each of her fiery orange eyes.

She will grow to be around 36? in height with little difficulty, though gaining a muscular figure like her mother?s will most certainly take dedication and effort. The Gods have blessed her with beauty and now she must do the rest.

Personality: At the base of this girl's personality lies a good and loyal heart. Nurtured by her mother's ways, this good will certainly grow within her, hopefully leading her to become a wonderful addition to the world. Primarily however it is her family that take priority in her life, her fierce loyalty lying mostly with them. Their presence in her life becoming rather important and as she grows it will become obvious that she would do everything in her power to protect them if ever needed.

She is born of a great line, whether officially stated to her or not this will become her belief. With a pack sharing her family name and her mother leading it she will soon begin to believe that Olympus is a name she ought to be proud to bear. Rather than fuel an ego however, it will give her a strong desire to prove that she deserves to have the name Olympus. Her mother is of course her primary idol in this goal, though she believes the standard is also set rather high by many of the elder wolves in her line. She may not do better than any of them, but she must at least do some good for the family and in her mission no one is harder on her than herself.

She will grow to be confident, perhaps not fully so in her own abilities though in the manner she speaks it is clear she isn't afraid to say what is on her mind. From an early age this will likely simply be speaking any questions, sharing her thoughts upon the world as she learns. Improving her knowledge will be a main aim for her, eager to copy the adults around her and achieve what are seen as amazing feats in the innocent mind of one so young.

Other: As you only get the one free pup, I will be willing to buy a pup slot if needed.



4 Years
02-27-2014, 10:27 PM
Name: Nemesis (Greek mythology)
Gender: Male
Design: See bottom of app
Description: Nemesis' colors were taken heavily from the tones of autumn. Starting on his forehead and working its way across the back of his neck, and down his extremities is a warm chocolate color. His sides, underside and face are a gradient that runs from honey brown at its widest to dark goldenrod at the tips of his fur. His cheeks, chin, ear tips, toes and the markings around his eyes are a deep golden color. Nemesis' eyes are glacier blue around the rims and darken to midnight blue at the pupils.
Personality: If fate is kind, Nemesis will live up to his name. He has the capacity for great ferocity and an indomitable spirit; whether his talents will be used for good or evil is something only time will tell, although from birth he'll lean towards the lighter side of things. Something that will play a key part in his development is whether or not his conception is held against him.

Energetic, restless adventurer - Nemesis will go through life as if his tail is on fire. He'll fly from adventure to adventure, always testing himself and honing his abilities. Boredom will be a lifelong adversary and if he's not careful, it'll creep up on him. To keep this from happening, Nemesis will constantly be on the move and little tasks such as sitting still won't come naturally to him. 'Fidgety' would be a good word to describe his inability to settle.

Affectionate, loyal accomplice - Although he'll be careful about his affections, once earned, there's nothing Nemesis wouldn't offer in return. All he'll ask is that he be shown the same kindness. His family will be given priority and there's nothing they could do that would turn him away from them completely. He may grow to not like them, but that won't stop him from coming to their defense--even if they don't deserve it. To his friends, Nemesis will by the go-to guy for pranks. He'll enjoy all kinds of mischief, whether he instigates or joins in, and will be eager to laugh.

Headstrong, stubborn rage monster - He'll have a temper for sure, and it'll be something he struggles with, but in time he might be able to keep it in check. Nemesis will have a hard time taking orders. Unless whoever is trying to get him to do something has his respect, he's likely to dig in his heels and want to do it his way. He'll be stubborn and nearly unrelenting, preferring his way to the ways of others, but he's not above reason and his heart doesn't rule him.

Insensitive, selfish child - Nemesis won't be very good at handling the thoughts and feelings of others. He'll have a tendency to gloss over them, minimize them or ignore them entirely. It's not that he won't care, they just won't mesh well with his own and it'll be easier to pretend they don't exist than try to get them to work. When they're not ignored, the feelings of those around him tend to be forgotten, which is a product of minimizing. He might get better at empathizing, or he might get worse. Choices are what stands between him and empathy. Or apathy. Nemesis is selfish, putting his needs squarely above the needs of others, with one glaring and borderline selfless exception being his family. He's a bit childish; pouting when he doesn't get his way and prone to pointedly ignoring those he's angry with.

Additional Information: I'd be willing to purchase an extra pup slot

user posted image
[Image: 2z9gv88.png]

Virgil I


4 Years
03-16-2014, 08:45 PM
Congratulations to Nemesis, Andromeda, Gaia, and Hephaestus! <3 These pups have been chosen for the litter 8D The birth will happen on the 24th, so be sure to have your applications up then!