
Restless Summer Air...



4 Years
02-21-2014, 04:42 PM (This post was last modified: 02-26-2014, 07:00 PM by Baldur.)

Sweltering heat had settled itself over the lake with it's humid, sticky air. Another restless evening. Baldur paddled a bit farther out into the lake in his efforts to keep cool. Ice-colored eyes rested on the darkening shores. It was evening now and soon the cool breath of night would offer him some relief? ahhh and there she was now. A healthy breeze stirred across the lake, scattering insects and the firefly's that were just beginning to gather, sending them skittering into the sky like startled stars. It would help keep mosquitos at bay as well. Paddling back to the shore Baldur left the water and shook the remainder from his snow white pelt.

He settled down on a near by log and began to lick at his fur, pausing as a sigh slipped from his lips. It had seemed like ages since he'd seen Baldur or even Weth. He hoped the were doing alright. In the mean time he'd been keeping to himself and trying to decide just what it was he wanted to do with his life but he was getting so sick of always asking that. Plans, plans plans, thinking, thinking, thinking. Stars alive he needed a break. Even the battlefield which offered ample opportunity to cut loose didn't seem to ease his restlessness.



5 Years
02-21-2014, 04:58 PM

Raisa could not bear this turmoil. Her mind screamed one thing, her heart another, and in the middle her sanity remained tattered and frayed. How could she fall in love at a time like this. Did she even know what love is? Virgil was so far away, and she had so many responsibilities. The full moon was nearly upon them, and Virgil had not yet appeared, as she had promised. Raisa's heart felt tender and abused. Her stubborn streak was pacing within her, urging the woman to return to her wild, heedless ways. If she wants you, she can come get you, it screamed at her. Are you her property, that you may only act when she sees fit? You are your own wolf! Raisa shook her head viciously. Was she? All that had seemed so certain before had now been cast about like a singular grain of sand on a beach. Raisa could no longer find the wolf she had once been. Belatedly, Raisa realized she was not alone. Another wolf, male by his scent, had wandered onto her lands. She sighed, just about done with these trespassers, but without the energy to confront him. "Every time I turn around there's someone at my doorstep," she grumbled to herself before setting off to find the stranger. His form, when she came upon him, was pleasing. He seemed of good health a little threat so she approached, every line in her body weary. With a sigh she lay down a few feet away and eyed him levelly. By way of greeting, all she could muster was, "Hey."

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[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
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4 Years
02-21-2014, 05:16 PM

Satisfied with his grooming Baldur rested his head on his paws, mind still churning like the surface of the sea after a storm. He wanted to sleep and rest but lately he'd been plagued by nightmares. They came creeping into his mind with grins and bared fangs with their incessant teasing, twisting and prodding him always letting him know they knew something he didn't. It was maddening.

"Every time I turn around there's someone at my doorstep,"

Baldur's head whipped to the side to see a lovely odd-eyed femme staring at him. His brow furrowed? her doorstep? What was she-? Then it hit him as he took a deep breath. In his absent mindedness and desire to escape the heat of the summer he had walked right into a packs territory. He stumbled to his paws as she got closer. "Shit, ma'am! I'm so sorry! I was? chasing thoughts and failing rather badly. I've had better luck stalking down rutting moose than my fate it seems." She didn't seem particularly perturbed just? tired, very tired and she moved to lay down next to him. "Baldur Hr??vitnisson. Sorry, again?"



5 Years
02-21-2014, 05:57 PM

The man's apology was rushed, sincere, and of little interest to the Queen. She merely shrugged and sighed. The surface of the lake seemed tranquil and blessedly cool, yet she was in no mood for a swim. All she really wanted to do was sit in her misery and wallow, like any self-respecting authority figure would do. She looked him over under a distantly amused gaze and raised a brow. "Fate, huh?" She disregarded his apology entirely. "Well Baldur, in my experience fate is a bitch." She sighed once more and turned her gaze away. She didn't want to wait, dammit! She'd tasted a hint of love, and gods be damned, she wanted it all or nothing. Virgil was cruel for making her wait, never mind that Raisa had not only brought it up, but agreed to it. All she wanted was some tender love and care to sooth the woes of keeping a half dozen or so odd wolves in line day in and day out. Was that too much to ask?

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!



4 Years
02-21-2014, 06:15 PM

Baldur smirked and nodded. Truer words were never spoken, the fates were sure having a fine time spinning webs webs for their victims to fall and twist and scream through. Muscular chest expanding as he took a deep breath Baldur closed his eyes for a moment. Even after a refreshing dip the heat of the evening was still pressing down on him. Baldur flopped over on his side, eyes glittering as he gazed at the femme. "So tell me? what does a wolf have to do to be graced with the name of a lady such as yourself?"

He threw his mind to the winds, knowing he was in the company of a kindred spirit at least in their shared exhaustion and discontent. He wanted to do something, play a game, hunt, fight, swim anything?. whenever his mind overwhelmed him it was time to get his body in action. Baldur knew there was probably something wrong with that. How did it come to him trying to outrun his own mind. Rolling over onto his back his legs coiled in tight against his snowy frame, tail flipping up between them. He was, after all, a gentleman...



5 Years
02-22-2014, 08:54 PM

The man had manners, she could give him that much. She cracked a small grin, allowing a modicum of mirth to glimmer in her bi-colored eyes. He seemed so polite for a trespasser that Raisa officially decided she liked his company. "My name is Raisa Xanilov," she said, leaving out her title. It was nice speaking to the man wolf-to-wolf, without status in-between. It was almost worth laughter, that before she had actually earned her position, rank had meant so much to her. Now, with people always deferring and bowing and 'Your Grace'ing her, the deviation was refreshing. She looked out over the lake, and realized that she'd probably never see this wolf again, in such a vast land. "Question for you," she said, sudden-like. "Say there was someone you said you'd wait on, but it feels like you're selling youself short. There's so much in life you want, need to do, but all you want is to let go once in a while. What would you do?" She didn't know if she expected profound wisdom from the man, or reaffirmation of her own suspicions, or nothing at all. In reality, the queen was simply tired of living in her own head and no where else. She wanted to live here and now.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!



4 Years
02-23-2014, 12:36 PM (This post was last modified: 02-23-2014, 12:37 PM by Baldur.)

The aire of regality seemed to emanate from the woman and Baldur half wondered at her rank. She was surely fairly high-ranking to carry such a presence. While a prince himself, he supposed, his aire had mellowed out quite a bit though as he'd matured his formerly klutzy nature was taking on more and more grace as he aged. And despite his uncertain in the future there was a deliberateness to the way the man moved.

Clear, blue eyes, like a winter sky lingered on the femme, drinking in her strong and regal form and her beauty that marked her like a storm. Fierce and stunning. She introduced herself as Raisa Xanilov. Baldur smiled and nodded in thanks that she had so willingly gifted her name. It was a lovely name, exotic and yet also familiar. Perhaps she'd also come from an area similar to the one he was raised?

Baldur's snow-kissed ears flicked forward as Raisa asked him her question. It was clear that this was a weight on her mind though Baldur was no sage he'd try his best to answer her. "I guess it depends on who you're waiting for." He rolled back onto his stomach, sitting elegantly like a sphynx as he turned to face her. He mulled over her question a few moments more before speaking again. "But? and this may just be me speaking. Life is not a waiting game and you have as much a right to live your life. As for letting go? Honey, if you don't let go once in awhile you'll drive yourself crazy. I've seen it? it ain't pretty. And you absolutely gorgeous." The words slipped from his maw like rain before he could lap the words back up. But rather than feeling embarrassed he just looked to meet her eyes. His words were sincere and if she wanted to push them back at him that was fine. Baldur was tired of always worrying about the impression he'd make. That wasn't his style anyway.



5 Years
02-24-2014, 11:11 AM

His words did little to satisfy the woman, even if his compliment made her gut flutter. She was a woman after all, and the charms of a good looking man might still affect her. She thought briefly of the golden fae supposedly awaiting her across the realm, and felt a bitter seed take root deep within her gullet. Virgil was out roaming about, conquering her dreams, making memories, blah blah blah. In a way, she had forbade Raisa to do the same. The sooty fae could not, would not, move on in her life without the closure. She was not one to sit upon the edge of a precipice and wander what awaited her below. In the instant, Raisa decided to leap. She looked at the man, bi-colored optics glowing with mercurial intent. One part desperation, one part fascination, and one part spite. "Baldur, you may just be on to something there," she said in a low, sanguine voice. She cocked her head to the side, speculating the possibilities, gauging her quarry. I'm in the mood to play a little game, she thought to herself. She took in a deep breath and released it as a breathy chuckle. She was queen of this land, was she not? And before her this impressive brute lay, a trespasser. She smiled, thinking of a tax she might impose upon him... "So what are your plans for the night, handsome?" She let her eyes travel over him once more, and decided that she rather liked what awaited her.

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[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!



4 Years
02-25-2014, 07:49 PM

Hmm? he wasn't sure if his answer brought her any sort of solace but there was only so much he could do. Baldur was still young and hoped his effort in giving her some sort of answer was appreciated. If she truely sought wisdom then an elder sage would be of more assistance than a young rogue with a closet full of skeletons and just as much self doubt. Ice blue eyes gazed out at the lake that was now blanketed in the star-like glow of lightning bugs. The sun was disappearing in a violet haze as the moon rose hot and fiery on the horizon. Baldur could feel himself stirring and half wondered if he should take his leave but then she spoke again and he wondered if she thought him a fool after all.

Baldur, you may just be on to something there

Baldur's brow raised as he turned to gaze upon the lady once more. He was? He sensed the change in her intent more than he heard it but he was so entranced by her he couldn't quite bring himself to move. In the hot summer hum of insects and the throbbing glow of the rising moon he was suddenly very aware of her. Raisa's languid form seemed so close to him and her scent was slowly beginning to twine it's way into the recesses of his mind. The dip in the sinewy flesh of her hips, the elegance and strength in her legs. When had his breathing gotten so shallow?

Baldur was aware of her mismatched eyes roaming his form and it only served to rile him up more. She eyed him like prey but at this point he really didn't care. That stupid, precious idea of "manliness" that his father held onto meant nothing to him. And after all, had his eyes not preyed upon her but a moment before? Drinking in her form with an alarming thirst? He could hear her breath, her husky chuckle.

"So what are your plans for the night, handsome?"

"Hmmm? funny, after resting my eyes on you, I seem to have forgotten any of my plans. Have you any plans fair lady to save us from the dull torment of a restless summer night?"



5 Years
02-26-2014, 01:15 PM

The man's frank speech thrilled Raisa, deep in the pit of her stomach. She felt her fur begin to heat as a haze filled her mind. You are a queen, the demon on her shoulder hissed. You wait for no one... Raisa shuddered in pleasure and pain, knowing what she proposed was wrong, a betrayal even, but oh how right it felt. Her body felt tight as a coiled spring, and it occurred to her that Baldur was all too far away. With a lithe, graceful motion Raisa rose onto her paws and stalked forward, selfish glints of light flashing her bi-colored eyes. Tonight, he would be hers and hers alone. He was tangible and here, before her, in the flesh. At that moment in time, his flesh was intensely interesting. She crouched, just beside his form, and relished in the heat of his body. "I might," she purred, her sanguine voice dripping with suggestion and thinly veiled intent. "However, it requires a certain degree of... cooperation." A breathy chuckle accompanied her closing statement. Baldur struck her as no fool, and more than capable of making the logical leap. Raisa wanted him and she wanted him now. This is your land, the demon whispered once more. All you see, all you can touch and smell and hear, belongs to you. Including him... It was time to collect her due.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!



4 Years
02-26-2014, 06:59 PM

Somewhere in the back of his head was a warning. Somewhere a little voice was trying to tell him not to let his body start calling the shots. Somewhere the yearning of his loins devoured that little voice and Baldur's mind fell all consumed to every shift in Raisa's breath, every muscle twitch of her alluring form. Even so he would wait for her to make the first move. His scent would shift and curl around and send all the signals he needed to say and if she was truly interested in joining flesh and flesh he would not deny her.

Baldur's heart lifted to his throat as she rose to her paws, his tail shifting elegantly behind him, glowing white in the tempid light of the full moon that had finally broken free of the horizon. Raisa's dark pelt began to give itself to the shadows leaving her eyes to shine like stars from her form. Every paw step that brought her closer sent a soft shudder purring down his spine and when she crouched near him their combined heat was almost more than he could stand. This burning was unlike anything the noon summer sun could deal him. Unlike anything he'd ever felt before.

"However, it requires a certain degree of... cooperation."

A seductive chuckle rolled from Baldur's maw. He understood the indirect question and met it with an indirect answer. "My Lady Raisa, as an accidental trespasser I think it is in my best interest to cooperate with anything milady suggests?"

He couldn't stand it any longer, this distance between them, this bewitching anticipation that had him internally coiling and writhing. Slowly, his legs uncoiled pushing him sensuously to his feet, maw parting ever so slightly as his tongue wet his lips. Ice blue eyes remained fixed on her, every scent-filled inch of her. He moved forward to press his body against her's as his tongue moved to like her neck, just at the corner of her jaw.



5 Years
02-26-2014, 07:56 PM

The man's tone had turned smoldering, and it set something afire within the sooty fae. She wondered if perhaps the auburn patches of her fur might grow with her heat, and that surely the patches of snow would melt away. The woman of ash and fire and snow and ice was overwhelmed by the urges her body presented. Her control slipped away, bit by bit, until she was sure to snap. She lay herself beside the man, letting his scent fill her nose, letting his fur brush hers. She pressed her form to his, reveling in the hard muscle beneath, and shuddering ever so slightly in anticipation. The night was heady with the sounds and smells of life, and all around them the small glowing bugs came to life. Raisa felt something within her chest begin to swell with want, in something deep in her gut begin to tingle. I am queen here, she purred to herself. And all I lay my eyes on is mine... And oh, how her eyes were upon him. She realized a bit belatedly that his form was larger than the average male, his build impressive, his fur lush and his face handsome. The thought of heirs crossed her mind, but only briefly. Tonight was not about that... She savored the feel of this man against her, this man that was hardly more than a stranger, but for now he was the most important wolf in her world. Raisa placed her muzzle at his ear and whispered, ever so softly, "Well handsome, I'm ready when you are..."

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!



4 Years
02-26-2014, 08:16 PM

By now the full moon was racing to it's apex in the sky, time seemed to both stand still and speed up. Every inch of skin and fur drank in the curves of her body. She fit so sweetly into him. Every ripple of muscle, every curve of her sensuous, undulating form. Baldur had since abandoned the realm of the mind for that of the flesh. Heart pulsing with desire he continued his ministrations, his body rubbing against hers.

"Well handsome, I'm ready when you are?"

Gently his lips would raise to her ear his voice dripping in seductive delight. "As you wish, milady." His body would twist, tongue seeking to trail down her body as he positioned himself. Baldur lunged forward to embrace her, fangs seeking to nestle sweetly in her scruff, forelimbs to embrace her shoulders. Serenaded by the stars on a sweltering summer night the pair twisted and shifted, bodies melting together.

-fade to black-