
Suck me down, it's time to rock n' roll! [Open]



03-24-2013, 09:50 AM
[ooc- I wanted to show off my new sexy table o.o]

Black nose pressed to the ground in earnest as the girl sniffed the boat that had been plunged in ice. Faint traces of the creatures still remained but weather and erosion had ripped away any scents of them. All that was left was what they had built. It was an impressive piece of artwork. Very impressive.

The dame was a beautiful creature. Gray and silver fur covered a thin and wiry frame. She was tiny for the majority of her race. Her build held elegance and grace. Amethyst eyes were contrasted nicely by black eyeliner. She had a creepy air to her though. The lines that continued up from her gums made it appear as though she had a permanent grin. It offset the beauty. Only one as wicked as she could truly appreciate everything about the gal, including her insanity.

Slender legs pulled her up onto the S.S. Antinox as she began to examine it from hull to port side. The structure was intricate and intriguing. Whatever had built it had used what smelled like trees, but why did they build it? She saw no purpose in it being here, other than the fact that it provided a nice shelter from the climate outside.

She began to wander inside and shivered in excitement. Her body quivered in anticipation as she moved farther into the darkness sniffing at things periodically. The stale scent of rat lingered here from where they had munched on whatever food had been left behind. There was nothing appetizing her for her to eat, besides the fact that she wasn't hungry. She was perfectly capable of chasing down fresh prey.

Black lined ears flicked back and forth as floorboards creak. Her grinned widened as she cackled to herself. Amethyst colored eyes roamed the area around her. She knew for a fact she wasn't alone.

"Oh yessssss. Tali thinksssss that whomevvverrrrrr isssss Lurkingggggg sssshould come out and playyyyyyy with herrrrrr."

Her words came out as a maniacal hiss as she exploded into laughter. Most would avoid her, but there were a few who dared near her presence. Once they did they became her entertainment. Question was, who would be her entertainment today?

"Come out oouuuuuutttttt" She sang. "Whether you beee a wolfyyyyy, mouseeee, or tiny little rat. I promissssssse. I won't biiiiite."



03-24-2013, 04:33 PM
Once again she was out and about, leaving the borders of Tortuga behind her. Today she had followed her nose to a rather strange looking object that she had never seen before. It appeared to be forever frozen along the coast. The salty air assaulted her nostrils in an unfavorable way causing her to wrinkle her nose. Climbing about emerald and amethyst eyes surveyed her surroundings. The wood caressed her paws in a foreign way as she walked, creaking beneath her weight.

A lush gray pelt stood out against the old wood, not that she really cared if anyone saw her. Exploring first the deck of the boat she found nothing that interested her, only providing her with a view over the land. On her was below, lyrics reached her ears, followed by a crazed laugh. So she wasn't alone. And whoever was here didn't seem to be all that sane.

"Gotta come find me first." her words taunted the other being that was hidden somewhere within the vessel. Audits twitched in every direction, listening carefully to try to pinpoint the source of the laughter. Her steps became softer, weight more evenly distributed to keep the wood from creaking as much as possible. Her scent would give her away without a doubt, but why not have a little fun until this wolf caught up with her.


03-24-2013, 06:26 PM
running to explore everywhere possible he has come to the border of the north travelled far from the warmth Roman has come to the coldest part of alacritis he's never ventured this far but it was his first time on his own and now he certianly enjoyed it.

the place was cold. cold beyond anything he imagined and he soon stepped on something squishy and frosty and he realized that one thing it was SNOW! -YAY! SNOW! i have never seen it but some much as feel it now!- flipping out with excitment hey played and ran in the snow and just played while enjoying this his ears picked up the sound of voices? there are others here? so then he decided to follow the voices and see what are they up to? and so he rushed off to the sound of the voices.

rushing and rushing to the voices they got louder and louder the fact that he couldn't see he could hear foot steps creaking floor and acoustic sounds coming from the voices as if it was wood in this place. he thought to him self wood? what would wood be doing here in this frozen land? so he ran towards the direction of the acoustic sounds he just kept running and running and ran him self into something solid his head hit pretty hard against the large solid thing in the ice and made a loud thud!
-OW! what the hell?!?- he screamed and laid down and held his head? -God who left this in the middle of the ice- now just sitting in frustration thinking what just happend he realized the voices are here! and decided to yell out to see who's here or guide to the entrance or just find it him self. he yelled out -HELLO?!?! I CAN HEAR YOU OUT HERE? IS ANYONE IN THERE I JUST RAN INTO THIS? WHATEVER THIS IS? WORST OF ALL MY HEAD HURTS NOW!-



03-27-2013, 07:49 AM

"Gotta come find me first."

"Sssssoooooo. It'ssss a game we shallllllll playyyyyyy." She cackled hysterically, clearly excited that the other wolf wanted to play a game of hide and seek. "Veryyyyy welllll. I will look for youuuuu."

Boards stopped creaking save for one or two here and there. Even then it was hard to tell exactly where she was. It was unfair though! She could smell her easily. It certainly wouldn't take long to find that other Tortugan at this rate. The game was entertaining and Taliere was one for games.

She began to run through the dark and luminous tunnels that made up the ship. Wherever that wolf was she would find her! Oh she would find her and then the games would begin!

An ear flicked backwards at the sound of a thud and a voice bellowing out into the air outside. Paws moved in front of her skidding across the wooden floor as she forced herself into a halt. What new toy had presented itself to her?

Amethyst colored eyes roved the darkness in search of her new prey. A grin once again encompassed her visage as soft laughter filled the air.

"Come on in a play with us love!" She called out to the wolf outside. "We won't bite.... too badly. She said in a softer voice. Oh how she amused herself!



03-27-2013, 09:32 PM

The laughter of the wolf filled her ears once more, bringing a twisted grin to her face. She always enjoyed a good game. She pranced alone, trying to pin point where the wolf was. But their game was interrupted by a third. A loud thud announced him along with his bellowing cries. She rolled her eyes, pausing for a moment, curious as to whether or not the Tortugan wolf would pursue her or investigate this newcomer.

Deciding to ignore the newcomer, she resumed her hunt. Nostrils flaring to pick up her scent. Paws carried her lightly through the tunnels of the ship. Keen eyes watching for any sign of the other. She couldn't help her own soft laughter from bouncing off the walls as the dame called out of the last wolf to come play. This was about to get interesting.

"Come play." she purred, encouraging this newcomer to join their game. A sneer tugged at the corners of her mouth, her masked eyes narrowing. Oh the fun was only beginning.

Walk "Talk" Think


03-28-2013, 12:44 PM
Still down and holding his head a little from the hit earlier he heard the twi other voices reply -a game? i like games! what are we playing?- his rose up with joy and tail wagging happily that the two other voices invited him to there game.the only thing that pondered in his mind was who were these strangers one of them sounded odd like a snake? and the other completely normal and he couldnt tell where he was since the snow to him was like pudding and couldn't "see" a thing.

so he stood up on his two hind legs and put his front paws onto the huge item where he hit his head on and felt that this was cold and giant as if it were a ship a ship that had sank long before he was born. the cold metallic exterior was compromised and rusted and seemed to be falling apart but while he couldnt find the entrance he thought if he couldnt find one he should make one. so he retreated a little after looking for a weak spot and once he retreated far enough he rushed at the ship and tried to bash a new entry into the boat but since the combonation of ice and metal made it strong it failed *THUD!* -OW! GOD! ok not my greatest idea ever- holding his head again due to him coming up with the dumbest idea ever he almost realized he couldve killed himself -damn i should really just think this through-

he stood up once more after ramming his head at his failed attempt and stood up against the ship to locate an entrance and focused and listened to the direction of the sounds of the voices and seek the entry way.he closed his eyes listend and saw beyond the exterior and found the entry way! but other than that he sensed two other wolves here the voices that told him to join there game was those two onboard -whoa two here in the cold? oh well they said game so let's play!- he rushed to the location of the voices and went to where the ships old loading steps were and climbed on and set foot aboard and heard,felt and sensed the old decaying wood of the ship and soon the game was on -okay! im on deck! what game are we playing!?!? and who are you two strangers!- but after climbing on he sensed there danger on this old ship and didn't know what could happen next?