
A new era


02-25-2014, 06:34 PM

She had been searching for her daughter for sometime, the girl, along with her sister had ventured off, finally old enough to fend for themselves and had no returned. The woman didn't mind, her children were free to do as they pleased, but she would always protect them if anyone tried to harm them. But so far, their lives seemed quiet, mundane even.

The only one who's scent could be located was Zaria. Nostrils quivered, pinpointing the dark girls scent, following it closely. Her daughter would have no idea what was about to happening, the plans that herself and Basilisk had been making. She would undoubtedly be surprised by being named heir to a new throne. The girl wasn't in competition with any of her siblings since Sora had left and Senka had vanished. The temptress, however, made a note to track them down.

Finally, her search would be rewarded, her daughters growing building coming into view. "Zaria, I'm glad to see you are doing well." She didn't worry about startling the girl, it was almost certain that she would be aware of her mothers approach. She would close to the distance between them, stopping only a few feet away before offering the girl a smile and gentle bump to the shoulder. "We have much to discuss."

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02-25-2014, 06:40 PM

It had been months since she had last seen her mother, or any of her family for that matter. They had all gone their separate ways as soon as they were old enough and not one looked back. She had taken to traveling to many lands, but there was always one she returned to regularly. It wasn't the place of her birth for a pack had claimed it, but rather it was the home of a boy. Caeto. She had not seen him in weeks, and found herself missing his presence.

She had been making her way to the field the pack called home when a familiar scent filled her nostrils. Audits shifted to attention, her mother was close. She would stop, pools of ice searching her fathers old pack lands. A voice filled her ears, bring a grin to her face as she turned to face her mother.

They would meet half way, the dark girl returning her mothers brief sign of affection a nudge of her own. There was something different when her mother spoke again. It sounded urgent, her mother sounded excited. Both rare for the silver temptress. Brows would lift curiously. "What's going on?" Her crown would tilt slightly, tones growing excited with ever syllable, if her mother was excited, then something big had to be going on.

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02-25-2014, 06:49 PM

Zaria had always been quick to know when something was going on. She had become more like herself than any of her children. Brief affections had been shared and now it was onto business. The woman would seat herself, taking in the familiar land that Taurig had once called home. Any scent of a pack was now gone, this was rogue territory now. Her attention would turn to her daughter, as she got comfortable before speaking.

"Basilisk and I are going to start a pack. But we need followers. If you so choose, you will become Heir to the throne. She was never one to beat around the bush, preferring to get straight to the point. She would allow the information to settle before continue. "That boy you've been visiting, if he so chooses, he may join as well, so long as he is capable of pulling his own weight." A knowing grin cracked her dark lips. Her daughter thought that just because she wasn't around meant she could get away with anything.

The woman would fall silent, waiting for her daughters answer, her expression expectant. She doubted that her daughter would turn away the offer, a shot at power, a future as Queen. The thought had a grin tugging faintly at her lips.

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02-25-2014, 06:57 PM
OOC: Caeto can post now:)

Eyes widened in surprise as her mother began to speak. The girl remembered Basilisk, though he wasn't always involved in her childhood, he had been around. However, she thought that he would have been long gone by now, never had she expected him to stay around, she thought he would had fought for his freedom already. For a moment she was silent, processing the information. Then her mother mentioned Caeto. A mischievous grin curled her lips, a soft bubble of laughter forming at her lips.

"I would be honored to take my place as heir. And I'll have to talk to Caeto, see what he wants." To be honest, she had no idea if Caeto would leave his family and join her. Part of her wanted to believe that he was bored with his current life, and that was why he was always so wiling to spend so much time with her. But another part of her didn't want to get her hopes up.

"Tell me more of this pack." She craved information. Where would their home be? Did they have many followers yet? What rules would she had to follow, if any? Questions clouded her thoughts as she gazed expectantly at her mother. Excitement bubbled in her chest. They would have a home, power, control, everything she ever wanted.

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6 Years
02-27-2014, 08:38 PM

His family had let him go just like that and the young man hadn't spared a glance back. Perhaps they had made a mistake by allowing young Caeto to venture off on his own had they known who he was going to seek out, but it was much too late now. His parents had relinquished their hold on him and even though they were his parents, he didn't really have to take orders from them. Anything they told him from this moment on would be taken as a friendly suggestion; nothing more. Part of him felt at odds with himself; he had known nothing but the safety of his family's home. But things were different now. He was going to be able to do whatever he wanted, form his own family, his own pack if he wanted! But right now his only concern was locating Zaria. He had to tell her of his new found freedom and he had to know if she what her plans were. He would follow the girl anywhere.

Her scent had become stale at the borders of his old pack and so the russet man had taken to the nearby lands, hunting for her scent until he caught a fresh trail of it. Adrenaline would spike through his veins as his powerful legs drove him towards the origin of her scent. He would pass through strange territories that he had never been in before, catching whiffs of other pack scents, but Caeto would pay them no mind. He was here to find Zaria and he was nearly to her. His abdomen would clench as his heart jumped started in his chest, azure gaze falling on her familiar silvery blue/grey figure. He would notice her standing beside a larger silver woman with a blazing coral gaze and Caeto would immediately bring his barreling gallop into a steady trot, russet plume level with his spine, body posture neutral. There was air about the older woman that said she wasn't to be trifled with and the young man would be smart to heed it. he would bring himself to a stop several yards away, quietly watching the pair, wondering if Zaria would notice his arrival.

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02-27-2014, 09:11 PM

A grin broke across her features as her daughter accepted, becoming the heir to a new throne. "Basilisk will rule beside me as Secondary, and my brother Demyan as Beta." She gave her a brief run down, there was no need to clarify the rules of this pack, her daughter would know already, from personal experience that she would not tolerate the weak.

The sound of thundering paws would invade her ears, turning her attention the approach of a russet boy, about the same age as her daughter. Brows would lift, but he would remain silent, waiting to be acknowledged. It was assumed that this must be the boy she spoke of Caeto, if not, then he had just forfeited his freedom.

"Who are you" She would bark out the command, demanding an instant answer. He had stopped a respectable distance, but she would turn away from her daughter and approach the boy, her posture screaming dominance and power. Audits would stand at attention, eyes drilling into the boy, her steps would slow and lazy, shoulders rolling fluidly.

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02-27-2014, 09:18 PM

She could tell that she pleased her mother with her acceptance, and she was pleased herself. Her mother would go to explain that Basilisk would rule at her side, Demyan, her uncle, would be second in command and then herself as heir. There was no doubt in her mind that her mother would rule a power pack, and she would tolerate very little from those within its ranks.

Her thoughts blocked out the sound of another approach. It wasn't until her mothers attention was averted that the dark girl would turn. Pools of ice settled on a familiar russet form, lips parting in a smile. She would approach, walking beside her mother.

"This is Caeto, mother." She would move to stand beside the boy, bumping her shoulder into his. Her frame would quiver with barely contained excitement as she waited for Caeto to say something. Her mother already extended the offer to him, all that was to be done, was for him to be told about it and him to accept.

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6 Years
02-27-2014, 09:35 PM (This post was last modified: 02-27-2014, 09:36 PM by Caeto.)

He had expected Zaria to be the first one to notice him, but much to his surprise the elder silver female would be the one who would catch his approach first. He would catch a part of their conversation, hearing names that held absolutely no significance to him, but in time would come to. The woman would turn away from Zaria, dominance and power oozing from her larger frame in waves as she moved towards him, her stride lazy yet fluid. She was a confident woman and he could clearly why. Who are you. Her tone was demanding, wanting an answer from his instantly. Caeto would remain calm in her presence, his face revealing no emotion as she stared him down. He would've answered in the next moment but it was then that Zaria decided to realize that he had shown up, strutting over towards them.

She would give his shoulder a light bump and without hesitatino Caeto would return the affection, all the while keeping eye contact with who he now discovered to be the mother of Zaria. She would introduce him and the man would bow his head towards the dame, respectful and mindful not to raise his skull higher than her own. He didn't want to provoke the dangerous woman in front of him. Forgive me for intruding, I was searching for Zaria. I wasn't aware she was with family. Smooth baritones would fall from his russet lips, hoping that her mother wouldn't take offense to his presence and want to chase him off.

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02-27-2014, 09:41 PM

The pair would exchange a small sign of affection, though the boy never broke eye contact with her. He was bold, yet respectively so. Already she had taken a liking to the boy. Her daughter would introduce him and quickly the boy would answering, intending on staying on her good side. A good idea for him. He would greet her with a dip of his head, careful to keep himself neutral in her presence.

A smirk would tug at her features as she remained silent for a moment. T"Well Caeto, she has much to share with you." Whimsical laughter would bubble in her throat as she turned from the pair. An invitation had been extended already to the boy, Zaria just had to inform him.

"You will come when I call." She would leave the young pair to themselves, leaving only a brief demand with them. Her bodice would slide from the scene, her steps silent until she was all but vanished from their presence.

-exit cat-

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02-27-2014, 09:54 PM

For a moment anxiety would flare in her chest. She had no idea what her mother would do to Caeto for intruding. Her mother had always been unpredictable. But much to her relief, her mother excepted him, whether or not he knew it. Her mother would force the topic upon them, leaving her no room to back out. It was clear that her mother wanted the russet boy to join them. There would be no escape for him now.

"Of course." Easy tones would follow her mother before she turned her attention to Caeto. She looked him over a for moment, tail swishing behind her. "I'm glad you came." Her tail would wag with a little more force before quieting again.

"My mother is creating a pack, I am to be Heir to the throne." A pause would cut her explanation short. "She has extended a rank within the pack to you." She had no idea if he would take it, he had a family of his own, a pack. Would he leave them, to be with her? To join forces with her mother. Her crown would tilt as she watched him, stepping back to evaluate his reaction, bracing herself for any answer. Mostly for rejection.

She didn't know why, but he had captured a spot within her heart, and while she was still ever bit capable of being cruel, she felt the need to show kindness to the boy as well. There was no explanation for it, but she stood watching and waiting, her face remaining free of any anxiety.

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