
Lights will Guide you Home

Gargoyle I


03-25-2013, 01:00 PM


Carefully judging his steps, Gargoyle walked alongside the wounded medic. Now and then he offered a shoulder for her to lean on. In truth, he probably could've carried her if she'd wanted, but every wolf had their pride and Gargie understood that.

What he didn't understand was how this little healer who'd been hurt so many times could once more leave the pack land without a guard. Crusade had suggested warrior accompaniment for Asheni, but the marbled girl hadn't listened. Well Gargoyle would have to insist. As the party of wolves crossed the slowly thawing border into Glaciem, Gargoyle raised his low, rumbling voice. "We're home, Asheni, and for your safety and the safety of future medics, I'm going to insist that from now on, no healer leaves Glaciem with a warrior at their side."

He lowered his head neath the shadows of his hulking shoulders, seeking to match his yellow eyes with her blue ones. She needed to understand this.

But after a moment, the northern drake raised his skull and looked over the she-wolf to where a male who more than matched him in size and breath was walking along with them. Gargoyle still hadn't caught his name, but in a way it didn't matter. This black stranger with his odd eyes, had saved Asheni from a frozen, watery grave, and had since shown himself to be a civil, agreeable sort. Gargoyle had already said that he was in the male's debt and he meant it.

What's more he'd be happy to pay that debt by offering the male a place inside Glaciem's borders. Such a wolf as this would make a wonderful addition to the ranks, but of course, this was all speculation. For now all Gargoyle gave was a gracious nod of the head. "Thank you for coming along, stranger. You are welcome in our borders for a time. I've a mind to take Asheni to the pack's densite, but then you're welcome to rest yourself and partake of a hunt." It was the least the Chief could offer for the saving of one of his family members.


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~



04-06-2013, 06:54 PM

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The male followed the pair walking beside them at their pace. He'd decided to follow them basically escorting them home to ensure that the female got home safely. After she'd fallen into the icy river he couldn't help but speculate that the female might be a bit accident prone, especially after noticing the burn marks and scars on her tiny marbled body. The other large brute didn't seem to mind either. In fact, he seemed to enjoy his company to an extent, even if it was only because he was grateful he'd saved his member's life.

The party finally came to their home (which he assumed because of the smell of it being marked) and he slowed, coming to a halt behind the others. He may have come along for the journey, but it didn't mean he believed that he had rights to cross into their home. That was wrong. He wasn't gonna be foolish enough to believe that just because he'd saved Asheni's life that he'd be welcome.

Ears pricked forward as the mottled male began to speak and Armageddon couldn't help but chuckle. Yeah, she must be accident prone, or else she wouldn't have been getting scolded at a level. It was odd that she would have to have an escort every time she left. Surely that would have to irk her. Armageddon was a nomad by choice, much like his older brother, but he wasn't against settling down at all. He happened to move around a lot less is a place took his interest.

Red and blue eyes traveled across the territory, scanning it quickly. When they'd reached the north he'd been somewhat surprised. Most wolves didn't choose to live in the north unless they were the arctic type. Even then it wasn't the most ideal place to live. Starvation and freezing to death were both very high risk. He was lucky. He had a decent coat and the body mass to keep him warm. Other wolves weren't so lucky, especially if they were from the far south.

His head went back to Gargoyle and ears pricked forward to listen to the male's words. Se they were indeed the friendly sort. That was interesting. He certainly wouldn't complain. A small rest and perhaps discovering more about their territory didn't seem like a bad idea.

[b]"THank you for having me along. Company is always appreciated. I accept your offer with much thanks. It's been a while since I've been around a pack. By the way, my name is Armageddon Rowe. Call me what you will. I'm not picky."



04-15-2013, 12:57 AM

(((OOC: To all my special friends who make threads without telling me... SEND ME A PM Y'all are lucky I stumbled upon this >.>)))

Asheni was a little unsteady, but she wasn't dying. She was scraped up and bruised but the little healer had taken more damage than most warriors, she wasn't dying, just...very very clumsy and had a weird pension for getting into trouble. She felt like a scolded little kid, and she imagined she looked it too, squished between wolves far larger than she could ever dream of being... she sighed softly as they approached the Glaciem border, perhaps they would stop babying her.

"Thank you, for what you did back there, I'm not any more than a stranger and you didn't have to stick your neck out for me, but I highly appreciate it all the same. If there's ever anything I can do for you... please do not hesitate to ask. I believe I owe you my life." Her words were soft, gentle, full of gratitude. Kindness and respect were two things the tiny healer had an abundance of, and she would honor her debt to this stranger, no matter what it was he wished of her.

She winced slightly at Gargie's words, he did not yell, but she knew that her dismissal of Crusades warning would not affect the rest of the pack. Why did she always manage to find herself in such sticky situations? If she wasn't so damn clumsy all the time... "No... Gargie, please, don't trouble our warriors with the meaningless task of following us to fetch herbs. It doesn't take long for such things to expire, they would never get a moments rest. I don't want to be a bother..." She murmured the last part, knowing full well that's what she was becoming. "I just... I'll stop leaving Glaciem aside from gathering herbs." She murmured softly, she felt like such a screw up...again. She looked down and away from his gaze, feeling the failure yet again.


Gargoyle I


05-01-2013, 09:47 AM


(ooc: so sorry Eve! I thought I?d told you a while ago and must?ve forgotten to XP my bad! )

Asheni tried to object but Gargoyle?s stance was firm. ?I?m afraid my mind is made up, and I expect you to respect this,? he rumbled warningly. He had no wish to make her feel worse than she already might, but resistance on her part would not be tolerated. And should there be any outright deviations from laws that he put down? heaven help the wolf. Yes, yes, this pack was his family, but if discipline was called for, he would not hesitate to give it.

As things stood now, however, he was more in a mood to care and protect. Asheni had been through quite a lot and it was time he get her home. Gargoyle continued leading the way through the hills and towards the roots of the east most mountain where the great cave of the pack stood.

And as they went, the third wolf of the company spoke.

Armageddon. Rather an ominous name, but fitting too for such a formidable looking creature. It was rare for Gargoyle to stumble across a wolf that matched him in size, let alone surpassed him. It had been a long time since he?d gotten a chance to brawl with a creature so large. Perhaps, as the male had agreed to stay a bit, Gargoyle could induce him to match fangs. Sparring wouldn?t exactly be the right word, for Gargoyle didn?t ?spar?. He didn?t hold back when he fought, for his training had been done among killers who were as happy to chew off your nose as teach you a new technique.

?A pleasure to make your accquaintence Armageddon.? Gargoyle murmured with a stately dip of the head. ?When we reach the pack cave, you must allow me to introduce you to my sister, Crusade, the prior Alphess of Glaciem. She considers herself a sister to Asheni as well, and will be happy to meet with anyone who has done such a service to her as you have.?

The Chief was most sincere in his words, yet he also knew that the dealings and thanks of family were not comfortable for every roving male. Up to this point, Armageddon had presented himself as a laid back, polite creature, but Gargoyle too could only take so much social pleasantry before his paws itched to do something. He was a wolf of action after all, and he had more than a bit of a male?s competitive streak. Afterwards, Armageddon, I wonder if you would care for a bit a caribou hunting? I?m always looking for someone who can manage keep up with me.? He glanced the brute over. Yes he?d probably have no trouble with that.


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~