
Little Mistress



03-05-2014, 09:35 PM
Orochi hummed near the den of his and his family. Things were ever so relaxing here, if not for him enjoying life with his beautiful coat anyway. He grinned at the thought, what so ever could a prince like him do to pass the time? Vahva was baby sitting them while Ryu was out, since Raven was sick right now and wasn't joining them he was rather bored. Flicking his tail, the creamy male was already a big pup since of his size when he'd be an adult. That time was only slowly approaching him, making him bored. Stiff, even with being protected from the heat in their little haven. Specially with the caves that they claimed as there's to explore. Little animals liked to run about in them, and there was a lake nearby. It was the most amazing place to play as long as you didn't fall in and have to be saved.
Orochi hummed more swinging his head back and forth, if anyone dared bother him they'd have hell to pay. Specially when he was in such a good mood. He loved his family to death. But honestly they needed to learn they weren't always the spotlight. Of course he enjoyed it as much as them, but the pup simply enjoyed his fabulous attention. It made him giggle and press a paw against his chest. Of course, it was wonderful.



5 Years
Extra large
03-09-2014, 04:05 PM (This post was last modified: 03-09-2014, 04:12 PM by Laufey.)
I'm stuck here in the middle

at war with good and evil

Hunched over the water, Laufey stood very still. He was up to his belly in mud, and reeds towered over him, blocking his view of everything except the sun and the lake. It was blistering hot, but that wasn't his reason for standing on the shore. No, he was there for something else. Something A challenge, even. Not a challenge imposed upon him by one of his siblings, but by himself. He just wanted to see if he could do it.

Frogs and toads were everywhere, absolutely everywhere. They clung to the trees, jumped in front of him while he walked, and one had even jumped on his back once. Just for the hell of it he was going to catch one.

There! Out of the corner of his eye, the pup spied movement and his eyes swiveled to investigate. He searched the murk, trying to pick out the telltale movements that would give away his prey's exact location. A cloud of raised mud drifted towards him and Laufey's heart rate sped up. He was so close! Now, where was it hiding? Surely it had to come up for air, right?

Laufey stood still for so long that he began to marvel at the frog's lung strength. When at last he began to become disheartened and was considering going back to the den, more movement locked him in place. The young pup trembled with excitement as a brownish amphibian swam towards him and he resisted the urge to dive at it until it was close enough that he could see the bumps on it back clearly.

3...2...1...go, go, GO!

Laufey dove for the frog, his mouth wide open. His whole head went under and his teeth snapped closed on...wait...nothing? It was getting away! Blinded by the water, the pup frantically started snapping around. His mouth filled with mud and decaying leaves, but he kept at it, chasing what he hoped was the frog.

When his mouth closed around something that moved, Laufey jerked his head out of the water and ran towards the shore. Shouting through the mass in his mouth, Laufey plowed through the reeds. "OH-ROHSSH-EEE! LOO-K WHAHT AH CAH-HAAUT!" The pup's vision was blurry and he blinked rapidly as water poured from his eyes. He was running blind in the direction he thought the other boy was in, reeds smacking him in the face as he went.

When at last he reached dry ground, Laufey found himself pointing in the wrong direction. He spun, searching the higher ground for the way back. There! The pup took off running again and it wasn't long before he stood before the other boy completely wet, covered in mud and dripping with green slime. He lifted his muzzle up so the other boy could get a good look at what poked out of his mouth. He was quite proud of the glob of -also dripping - sticks, slimy leaves and twitching frog legs. Hopefully Orochi shared his excitement. "Ah goht ah fwrahg."


I can hear you talkingLaufey

This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.