
You Were My Conscience...

Gargoyle I


03-25-2013, 04:10 PM


Gargoyle chuckled. Truly and really chuckled - not just a muted sort of rumble. His muzzle twisted into a rare smile and his yellow eyes lit up. He was in the prime of his life, he had his mate at his side, and a young deer just within reach of his claws. It was enough to make even a stoic like him happy. The big northern drake put on a display of speed and energy and sprinted towards the deer. He leapt through the air, his huge hind legs leading him right onto the deer's back. It bawled and twisted as soon as it felt the first signs of the great wolf's weight, but there was no escape. A second later Gargoyle had sunk his fangs into the creatures neck.

Over they went in a tangle of fur and fangs and hooves.

If Gargoyle didn't break it's neck then the tumble through the tundra did, for the deer never rose again. Gargoyle, a bit dizy, picked himself up and shook his head. "Ocena?" Gargoyle called in a low growl. "Remind me not to tackle deer when there isn't enough snow on the ground."

It was a bit strange. The white world was going dark. In place of snow now was a damp collection of tundra grass, moss and rock willows. Especially here on the southern most tip - or rather, what was really the no man's land outside of Glaciem territory.

The big Chief was fine though and shot a wink in his mate's direction to tell her so. He'd have a few more bruises under his fur tonight, but what was the point of being in peak condition if you couldn't get get banged around now and again.

Gargoyle looked lovingly at the little black and white huntress who he'd invited to come share in his hunt. Ocena was so lovely, so elegant, so sweet. The sort of she-wolf Gargoyle wouldn't have pictured himself with in a thousand years. And yet she was perfect for him. She'd seen glimpses of his past. She knew more about it than any other soul in Glaciem - excluding the mink - and yet she loved him despite of it.

(ooc: tag to Ocena first please :3, then everyone else is free to pop in when they please )


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~


03-25-2013, 04:49 PM

Glaciem's favorite huntress (okay, that was probably a bit of a stretch, but the newfound confidence that Ocena was finding in herself was a nice thing, to say the least) padded along contentedly behind Gargoyle, plumy tail wagging as she glanced around. Her head swung a little as her gaze wandered, the smooth movements of her marbled head a clear hint to which way she was looking.

When they spotted the deer, Ocena was content to let her mate go for the kill, a smile pulling itself across her features as she watched Gargoyle launch himself after his chosen prey. It was only when they went rolling that a hint of worry appeared on her features, and Ocena took a few nervous steps after the massive wolf, relaxing visibly when Gargoyle rose to his paws. A happy laugh escaped the female when he spoke, her tail wagging happily as she bounded a few steps closer, "I'll remind you, but it's on you if you don't listen," There was a friendly happiness to the female's voice as she spoke, tail wagging happily.

It was amazing how much things had changed since she had joined Glaciem. The intimidating wolf who had stood at her side, seeking entrance to a pack that she knew nothing of had become her mate, and she carried something of his inside of her. Well, hopefully somethings, but it was a little early to tell. Though the changes had upended her world, they weren't necessarily bad things. Their old home had been abandoned, but these new lands were gorgeous. Though they weren't exactly in their home.

With a smile, she padded down towards Gargoyle, each pawstep a little more careful than one might think necessary. One blue eye scanned the countryside as Ocena drew closer, padding up to Gargoyle and moving to lick his cheek. It took a lot of stretching to reach up for his cheek, but she aimed for it all the same. "Next time, I wouldn't advise tackling deer this far south." She teased lightly, inhaling his scent happily. This was amazing, she had to admit.



03-25-2013, 05:26 PM
Iniko, it's time to go out." Her voice was soft, motherly. A snout dipped down and nudged the pup gently on the cheek, her breaths coming out as small clouds. She had to go find them something to eat, the shewolf was thin, skin on bones. Whatever she found Speare mostly gave to her pups. Pups. The blonde wolf closed her eyes and turned her head to the side, gritting her teeth. She did have two but had lost Seraphiel after running into a not so friendly wolf. She had looked for days but without much luck, she couldn't find her baby. She quickly shook her head, they would find her. Just needed to refuel before heading out. That's why they were here in the north.

With that said, that's why she was waking up Iniko. If something happened, he would be right there and wouldn't be separated from her. This time instead of running away, she would stand her ground. "Wake up hun, we need to get going or else we will lose Seraphiel's trail." She nudged the male once more before moving away, walking over to the cave entrance and peeking out. She took in a long deep breath, ears swiveling and blue eyes searching the surrounding land. Nothing. That was good, hopefully they wouldn't run into anything or anyone that would be a danger.

Once he was up and ready she motioned him to follow right behind her, reminding him to keep his guard up and stay close. Paws moved quickly over the ground, eyes constantly focusing on something new, ears swiveling. Snow had melted but there were still patches here and there, causing the shewolf to be more careful when near them. She was scenting the air, searching for a small prey animal or a carcass a predator had left after eating its fill. Nothing, mouse. "Iniko." She motioned her head towards the small animal, it wasn't much but it was better than nothing for the youngster. She waited for him to catch the prey, she had tried teaching him but her knowledge was very limited but he should be able to catch small stuff.

Off they were again, she tried staying at a steady pace. Not too fast and not too slow, scanning the land around them for her daughter and food. After a few minutes they had caught a few more mice but the mother finally came to a stop. Blood was in the air, fresh blood. Quickly she looked to her son, a look she had given him before. Be careful, if something happens then run as fast as you can and don't look back. They would wait till the predator left before going in but she wanted him to know in case something happened. There she went, crouching low, moving forward a few feet to where she could now see two wolves standing over a freshly killed deer.

Ooc: sorry if crappy, typed on phone.



03-25-2013, 07:27 PM
The boy snored soundly his small chest rising and falling as he dreamed of running through the snow chasing a snow shoe hare. Legs twitched every now and then and eyelids would flutter. His dream was interrupted by a familiar voice calling out to him. He stirred and lifted his head to look at his mother's tan and black form. Blue eyes met hers and he wagged his tail groggily. They had to find his sister. He remembered! But he was tired. Why couldn't they just rest for a bit longer?

"Okay Mama. I'm up."

His voice still told her that he was sleepy. He got up anyways and stretched his weary limbs. His stomach rumbled softly and his head turned to give it a look that said "I didn't ask for your opinion." He turned back to look at his mother and wagged his tail softly. When would they get to eat?

Iniko obeyed his mother for once and followed closely behind her. Every once in a while he would stop to sniff at a bug, or grab a stick and toss it a few times before catching up to his family once more. Finally they stopped. He watched as she sniffed the air. He did the same and only smelled mouse, nothing more. He waited for her to chase it, but instead she said his name. Ears pricked forward as she motioned for him to catch it. Ears drooped miserably. He was already tired. He didn't wanna catch it. He hadn't seen his mother eat anything either. Most of the food she caught went to the kids. Shouldn't she eat?

Regardless Iniko stalked forward like she had shown him and eventually managed to pounce on it after a little bit of stalking it. Small jaws snapped it's neck and he devoured it hungrily. He would have liked to share it with his Mom but she would have declined it and told him to eat it. He was still hungry too.

Licking his lips they left again at a pace that was a bit too fast for his liking. He didn't complain though. They even managed to catch a few more mice, not enough to keep him full, but enough to tide him over for the time being.

They came to a stop again and Iniko sniffed the air again. What he smelled was something he hadn't smelled in ages. His tail wagged and blue eyes widened in excitement. He ignored the look his mother gave him. Like the mischievous pup he was, he rushed forward as fast as his pup legs could handle all the while his tail wagged furiously.

"Food!" He exclaimed excitedly.

He was unaware that wolves weren't very inclined to share their meals. He wasn't aware of the dangers that most other possessed. He was just interested in the meal they had caught. He also wanted to investigate and see who they were. Maybe he could be friends with them?!

He rushed up to them his tail wagging so hard that his rear end moved with it. Ears laid back against his skull as the black and brown marked pup wiggled his way over to the two wolves.


He shouted happily his body still swinging with his tail. They looked interesting and the male was so huge! His tongue lolled from his mouth as it widened into a toothy grin.

"My name's Iniko!"

Gargoyle I


03-26-2013, 09:25 AM


Gargoyle started tearing at the warm carcuss. Rather than just dig in, when he was with Ocena, his first thought was to rip back to the tough hide so that she wouldn't have to - and so they could dig into the meat together. It was no easy job either! But Gargoyle had the neck muscles of a bull moose. He yanked and tore at the hide on the deer's side till the tender flesh and meat was revealed beneath. A portion of the rawhide came off in his jaws and he lost his balance - flopping back and skidding on his hind quarters.

He spit out the deer fluff and fur as he came back to his paws. It was then that he heard Ocena's remark. No hunting deer in the south? Gargoyle gave a subtle gasp of disappointment and shock. But then his shoulders adopted a playful, prowling sort of hunch and his eyes zeroed in on his mate. "Well maybe I'll just have to go for something...smaller."

But the moment was more or less shattered by a sudden high pitched shout of hello.

Gargoyle halted his prowling advance and raised his head, looking down at the little newcomer. What an brave little thing. Stupid too, but his adorableness rather made up for it. For a second the northern drake just stood there staring. The relaxed mood he was in made it possible for emotions to glimmer through - and now his brows arched slightly, showing an amused confusion. "Well Well. Iniko? My name is Gargoyle, and this is my lovely wife Ocena," he gestured with a loving paw towards the she-wolf. It was hard not to carry through with formalities when the little pup was so ready to offer his own name. No doubt the critter had an interest in the fresh killed food - but there was still traces of milk scent on him. A weanling, then? Certainly his mother had to be about somewhere.

But such questions would be comforting coming from a female. Gargoyle glanced towards Ocena. The two of them were a bit more insinc now and Gargoyle felt that Ocena would know what to say - at least more than he would.

Meanwhile his ears had perked. He was searching for traces of the mother. There was a scent - but the wind was against him and he couldn't place it. Probably the fae would be out of her mind with worry - and fear as soon as she saw what was going on - her son approaching two strange wolves at a kill of their own. Having a mind on this, Gargoyle first sat, then lay down sphinx like beside his mate and his kill. It brought him more to the pup's level and made his great size far less intimidating.


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~


03-29-2013, 08:18 AM

Ears flicking, for the moment she tuned out her mate as he tore at the deer, ripping skin, and then almost going sprawling. She swung her head back to face him, a startled laugh escaping her as he stood up again, "Smooth," She teased him lightly, tail wagging as dipped into a crouch, ready to launch herself at Gargoyle and engage in a playful tussle.

She was trying to gauge how far she should leap when her ears twitched, and the female straightened up, turning to face the pup as it spoke a squeaky hello. "Hello, Iniko!" Ocena greated the pup with a smile, glancing at Gargoyle as the male introduced her. Lovely. Just hearing him say that made her tail wag a little, but she tried not to get too distracted. The female had to pause for a moment to bask in that, but after that, she was all business, glancing at the youngster again.

Lowering her head a little, Ocena flicked her tail, "Is there anyone else with you, Iniko?" She asked the youngster gently, nostrils flaring slightly as she sniffed the air. He was young, young enough that there was hopefully a mother around. And indeed, there was a faint trace of another wolf in the air. But that could mean nothing; perhaps it was only a loner passing by, or he had found himself alone only recently. There were any number of explanations for this trace of a scent.

The female lowered herself to the ground as Gargoyle did so, examining the youngster absently. There was a good portion of their meal that had already had the skin torn off, leaving it for easy pickings. And surely there was plenty, enough to share, right? So Ocena eyed Iniko again, "Are you hungry?" She asked the youngster with a tilt of her head, examining the pup with a twitch of her ears. He was rather adorable.



03-29-2013, 08:51 AM
She watched the wolves closely, noting a large and small one. As she stood there crouching she realized that these two would probably finish the deer so it would be smart to move on to find something she had a chance of scavenging. Sperare was about to turn to her son and let him know they were going to move on but he suddenly ran towards the wolves. Fear and panic immediately rushed through her body as she watched him move closer to the wolves, did she not tell him enough about the dangers of other wolves? The danger of running up on them after they just killed an animal. It was crazy to do so and expect them to kindly share, you had to be tough in order to survive and that meant scaring others away from your kill and possibly killing them.

She wanted to run to him, yell at him. Wanted to snatch him up and run off as fast as possible, but when Iniko got within a couple feet of them, neither one of the wolves tried to scare him off or attack him. A heavy sigh of relief came from Sperare as she pushed herself up but there was still fear within her and anger for him just running up to them like that. The large wolf lay down and the smaller was talking to her son. Not wanting to just continue standing there she quickly moved, going at a run towards her son and the wolves.

"Iniko!" Her bark was full of worry, anger and relief. Running up behind her son, she quickly put herself betwee n him and the wolves, forcing him to have to take a few steps back or fall over. "I apologise for him running up to you like that, thank you for sparing him." She lowered her head to the wolves, her blue orange eyes not meeting theirs. As she stood there she slowly was moving away from them, forcing her son to do the same. Her head turned to him, her eyes meeting his, showing she was upset with iniko and better do as she told him or else he would be punished.

Gargoyle I


04-03-2013, 08:28 AM


Gargoyle looked up, rather more in relief than surprise when the mother wolf came barreling in; So worried and grateful, and probably furious with her pup - who she quickly tried to herd away. Gargoyle looked over at Ocena, sending her a knowing glance. "We're helping them." it said clearly, or at least clearly to her. As Gargoyle's eyes lingered on his mate, his ears took in the words of the mother. She was obviously living the dangerous life of a loner - probably a single mother. Gargoyle intended to open up Glaciem's borders to them. He'd be happy to give them a safe haven, after all that was what Crusade founded the pack to be.

But then Gargoyle turned, and he got a good look at her.

It couldn't be...

She seemed to appear straight from out of the memories he'd tried so hard to stash away and forget. The compound where the mob lived and killed and argued - the division set apart for him and the wolves under his command - the slaves... So many of them had passed under his notice, but this fae had markings like none other. How many other wolves could there be with yellow fur and intricate black leg swirls? So often he'd caught her master raging at her. Once or twice he'd drawn the male away with orders.

But back then Gargoyle hadn't had a heart. He hadn't really cared. Didn't even know her name. She was just one of the weak.

But when he'd turned she'd become one the faces, one of the many, many faces that haunted his every waking moment. For so long...

Even now it was like seeing something come to life out of a dream. It wasn't possible.... He stared at her in silence, dreading the moment when her eyes would rise and he'd find out if he was right or wrong.

"It can't be..."


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~


04-05-2013, 04:19 PM

The panicked bark of a mother had Ocena relaxing slightly. It seemed that this wolf had a parent after all. She would have worried if the pup had been alone. For the moment, however, it seemed that this mother was doing enough worrying for the both of them. Still, hopefully she and Gargoyle wouldn't appear to be that much of a threat. They weren't making any moves for the pup and she had actually offered the youngster a bite to eat. He had seemed a little scrawny, after all. Maybe they could both benefit from a meal... Though Ocena knew that not all wolves took kindly to that kind of offering. Some of them felt insulted.

They were helping these wolves, however. She met Gargoyle's gaze with a slight smile, a twitch of her tail and a slight inclination of her head her only reaction to the look that he tossed her. There were more important matters at hand. Well. She didn't want this mother to worry any more than was necessary. She hated it when anyone worried.

With that thought, Ocena turned to the female, "Greetings," She began in a friendly tone, only to hesitate, ears twitching towards Gargoyle as his voice echoed in the air. "It can't be..." the way his voice trailed off, the shock that was hinted at it in his expressionless tones. They all made her worry just a little, her head swinging to focus on the male. "Gargie?" The nickname had never been the most comfortable of things, but it came almost automatically to her maw as the female gazed at her mate.

Padding a few steps closer to the massive male, Ocena tilted her head upwards to gaze at the larger creature, worried about what was going through his head. For the moment, all else was forgotten. The mother and her youngster could wait. If Ocena were totally honest with herself, then Gargoyle and his pups were her first priority. And the other two were not in immediate danger. She worried about Gargoyle in all honesty, however. So the female looked at him, tilting her head slightly as she gazed at him.

((OKAY i'm sorry this is crappy but i'm about to watch a movie ;n; and I wanted to get you guys a post since you've been waiting yes))



04-06-2013, 10:23 AM

He would be getting it later, Sperare always warned him of the dangers of just strolling up to a wolf. Most of them were vicious, out to hurt you, yeah there were some who were actually nice and would help but those were rare. Luckily for Iniko these wolves were one of those nice ones, how could she tell? Easy, they didn't attack him. They had the chance and instead of ending his life they spared it, seemed to offer some of their kill. That was very grateful for that, if she had lost her only son after just losing her daughter, she would have been devastated.

The female had greeted her and the small shewolf would have to but the larger male caused her to raise her head, blue eyes locking onto him, a new look washing over her face as if she had seen a ghost. That huge wolf, the one from the lands she had escaped. There was no mistaking him, those markings on his body. Immediately her gaze fell upon the small female beside him, a look of worry and anger in her eyes. So, you found a new victim. What, did you run off to start your own disgusting pack?! She snapped, a growl rumbling from the back of her throat as she glared up at the male. She had tried to run from that, tried to block the memories but the longer she stared at him the more they came back. The males, beating on the females and impregnating them. Being traded like objects. Yes he had stopped Crohn a few times but that was only when he felt like it, he didn't do it because he cared. She had to admit though, she was grateful for him those few times. If Crohn had continued on, she probably would have been killed back there...

ooc: Sorry for the shortness, but there isn't much she can do. lol



04-06-2013, 10:03 PM

Iniko's excitement at finding other wolves had overrode any warning his mother had ever given him. She'd scolded him time and time again and had lectured him. She constantly reminded him that you avoided pack wolves and strangers, especially if they have a kill. They hadn't seen any other wolves in so long though. It was painful and he found his mother boring and over protective at times. He just wanted to have fun. It eventually got boring just by himself. What was wrong with meeting new wolves? Especially when these seem so friendly.

They had reacted to him in a friendly way. At first they seemed surprised, and then they introduced themselves. His tail wagged furiously and only increased when the female, Ocena, asked if he was hungry. Ears pinned backwards against his skull as his mother's voice rang out as she drew near. Tail tucked inwards towards his stomach and he cowered in his place turning back to look at his mother that he'd just forgotten about.

He began to move away from them taking note of her stare that she was giving him. This time it wasn't worth getting in trouble. This time. They stopped though as the male known as Gargoyle began to speak. His head picked up from it's dejected state and ears pricked forward with interest. His head cocked sideways then whipped up towards his mother as she growled and began to speak. What was going on?

"Momma. Who are they? Do ya know em? What's goin' on?"

Questions flew from his mouth as soon as he could think them. He was more than curios and he hadn't quite learned that curiosity killed the cat. He probably would never learned it either. He was curious by nature and had a yearning for knowledge and had no problem pestering others with question after question. His head whipped around again as he looked at Gargoyle.

"Are ya an Alpha mister?"


Gargoyle I


04-07-2013, 05:35 AM


Gargoyle didn't even glance back at Ocena. He barely heard her. His attention was on the eyes of the strange fae. To her, recognition came back quicker. He watched her face twitch and contort in a mixture of fear and anger. It just... didn't seem possible. And yet it was. The fae's voice proved it was. So strange. She'd never really spoken to him. She'd just been a face in the shadows, a worm crawling to serve her master or earn his beatings. Now she had a voice. An anger. A pup to protect.

And a snide tongue fueled, no doubt, by all three.

But it irked something within him. Something old and dark. His last memory of her was still as a slave. And as a slave - how dare she talk to him to like that! How dare she forget all he was and all he could do! Words such as that would've gotten her tongue cut! And perhaps a few teeth on the side! Once she, like the other slaves, had known what it was to have a healthy fear of her superiors. Seemed freedom had made her forgetful.

And from within the darker corners of his heart, he was urged to remind her. To claim the submission that was owed him. Gargoyle rose to his paws - reaching his full height - which was enough to rival a tiger's. His yellow eyes, usually so blank and so calm, came alight with a foreign fire - a flame that Ocena would no doubt recognize.

But it was then that the boy spoke, Gargoyle's head swiveled and trained in his direction. He saw it now. Crohn... could this boy be the offspring of such a creature? To his first babble of questions Gargoyle paid no mind. But his last...

Yes. Yes he was Alpha of Glaciem wasn't he? And no Glaciem Chief would ever entertain such thoughts as he had. A breath like a dragon's hot vapor, escaped his muzzle - an inner demon that froze in the frigid air and rose up in a cloud. Gargoyle seated himself, wishing to be able to brush at least some of his hip fur against his mate. He needed to stay anchored to the present? and to the future he?d already worked so hard to build.

Only then could he face this specter of his past with a proper frame of mind. "..You will not believe me..." he warned in his quiet rumble. "But I ran off because I no longer wished to be a part of that life." He blinked. "I am not the monster I once was." His ears twisted back. "But I do not expect you to believe it. You were hurt too deeply by me and my kind... The only proof I can offer is my mercy at not gutting your son or yourself on sight - which is something I would've done years ago." His muzzle dipped and he stared grimly down at the she-wolf. "You know that well."

Gargoyle sighed and blinked, for a moment his gaze was pained. The memories came back. Suddenly he was weary. He lay down once more, though his gaze was still heavy and his shoulders were still stiff. Though he appeared the king, he sat in judgement of his past.

As for Ocena, the northern drake could only imagine how painful this was for her to hear. Yet it was nothing she hadn't known of before... at least in part. And ever she had amazed him with her strength of character and her belief in him. He knew her too well to need to fear, but he loved too much to not feel a worse wolf for putting her through this.


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~


04-11-2013, 07:26 PM

Ocena stepped daintily closer to Gargoyle, ears pricking slightly as she glanced at the sharp tongued female. A new victim? No, one couldn't much further from a victim than the loving partner of the Chief of Glaciem. She had chosen the path that she followed, and the one that she trod at this male's side was one that she would have chosen again and again if she had been given another choice. This was the life that she wanted. It was a life at his side, after all.

Gargoyle rose to his paws, a slow movement that distracted her from her more sappy thoughts, and her multicolored gaze focused on the massive wolf before her. The look in his eyes was a familiar one, one that she had seen in the large wolf when she had found him in the forest with a strange female. But then the tiny pup spoke, his voice high and clear in the cool air, and a breath escaped Gargoyle, allowing him to return to normal. Almost in unison with his breath, Ocena exhaled slightly as well, relief washing through her small form as she turned and padded to stand beside Gargoyle, pressing her petite form against his.

When her serene gaze moved to focus on the mother before them, she spoke in the moments after Gargoyle's strong words had filled the air. "He speaks the truth. He is no monster. And as for me, I am far from a victim." Here, Ocena leaned a little against the male beside her, taking comfort in his presence and hoping he would as well.

When Gargoyle lowered himself to the ground, Ocena sat back on her haunches instead of laying like he had. The marbled female glanced at the two wolves before her, and then let her gaze flick back to Gargoyle, a hint of curiosity in her eyes. She could surmise the base of their story; Sperare had known him in the time before she had, when he had been the 'monster.' Or that was what he had called himself at least. But Ocena had trouble believing that he had been a monster when she looked at the gentle giant beside her.

But it made her wonder. His past was not a thing that he had been particularly open about, but it was something that she wanted to know more about. When he wanted to tell her, of course. But that didn't mean that she wasn't curious. And it didn't mean that she didn't want to offer both wolves support. It hurt her to see both of them upset, this female who was so protective of her child around Gargoyle, and Gargoyle, with the way that his shoulders almost seemed to droop, like the weight of the world was on them. She wanted to tell them both that it would be okay. She wanted to tell Gargoyle that he was far from a monster, and this female that her pup faced no threat from the two of them.

For the moment, however, it seemed wiser to stay quiet, though the words hesitated on the tip of her tongue, longing to be spoken.



04-25-2013, 01:20 PM

Her son?s voice caused the shewolf to turn her head from the male, looking down at the mini Crohn. He looked just like his father, but that didn?t mean she would mistreat him He was precious, the most important thing ot her now. No mother, no brothers. He was everything and it pained her when he asked who these wolves were, if she knew them and what was going on. Still though the look or anger, worry, fear raged through her entire body from nose to tail. Her blue orbs narrowing once again on the larger male, Gargoyle his name was, when her son looked to him and asked if he was an alpha.

He had rose to his paws, but the anger did not flee her one bit. He towered over her but still her ears reminded pinned back, lips raised high above her fangs and growl rumbling. Suddenly his gaze broke away from Sperare and fell upon her son, and not even a second later she had jumped in front of Iniko, flames dancing in her eyes as her tail lashed behind her. If he dared harm a hair on his head for her actions, she would use everything in her to attack him, to do as much damage possible. She would not care if she died in the process, as long as Iniko was alive, it didn?t matter.

He did not attack the pup however, he instead took a seat with a deep breath before speaking. He told her that she would not believe him with what he was about to say, of course, why should she? He went on, explaining that he had left the group because he didn?t want to be a part of it anymore. Pfft, yeah right. Eyes narrowed further, ears swivling around to face him, taking in his words. He was no longer the monster he once was, which was clear because he would have gutted her and her chilled the moment she spoke at him the way she did. That was true.

She could only stare at him now, let his words sink in and set her gears spinning. Why should she believe him, could she? The only thing she knew was that he was not as bad as when they last met, if he was then her and Iniko woud be laying dead at this very moment. She blew air through her nose as as the small shewolf besides him began to speak, Sperare?s gaze falling upon her. She said that Gargoyle spoke the truth, he was no monster and she was far from a victim. That caused her to snort. Before he came to these lands you would be a victim, his slave, his property that obeys and has no freedom. She held her head high, lips still pulled back and growl rumbling, just lightly now. But shewas starting to realize that maybe this male wasn't as much of the monster as she thought, but because of this a new snarl errupted from her as she took a step toward him.

You say your no monster anymore but... Her head lowered, ears pulling back to lay against her head and her tone saddened. If you weren't then you would have taken some of us with you! She suddenly yelled, tearful eyes glaring at him, lips and legs trembling. Your f... you fucking coward! Saving your ass and leaving the rest of us behind. Letting the rest of us continue to be beaten, continued to be raped! Having scars and children we didn't even want! Her head had tucked between her forelegs by now, tears flowing as emotions rushed over her, remembering the pain and suffering of herself and all those poor females left behind. This male wasn't physically a monster but he by him leaving them all she considered him to still be one, who else would just leave without at least trying to take a few of them?



04-25-2013, 02:45 PM

Ears were constantly flicked forward trying to catch every word they said. His tiny brain was having issues comprehending everything that was said. He was unaware of most things. Being a child gave him a blissful ignorance to most situations. It also gave him an annoying attitude and there wasn't really much he feared. Something that would get him into heaps of trouble one day.

The male sat down, and what seemed to be his wife, stepped forward and spoke. Iniko's head couldn't move fast enough. Finally he looked up at his mother and stared at her as she spoke. He remained silent up until her very last words. She didn't want him? Was that why his siblings were gone? Would she get rid of him too?

"Do ya not want me Mama? Have I done something wrong?

Ears pinned against his head and he gave her a doleful look, curiosity, yet sadness in his bright blue eyes. He was completely, and utterly confused by the whole situation. Eyes shifted to the food they had offered to him before hand. Despite his curiosity he was still hungry. He couldn't ignore the pangs in his stomach, but it could wait. Eyes shifted back to his mother after flicking over to the brute and his mate. What was going on?


Gargoyle I


05-01-2013, 07:42 PM

[Image: gargie_recokoning_by_kidrylm_writer-d63xnxj.png]


(ooc: language warning)

Ocena's words comforted him some. His trust in her was not misplaced. He remained laying down, trying to let his anger and guilt seep away into the soil, trying to let his fur take root so he would not be tempted to arise and do something he would regret. Within him raged a war - demons of his own contorted self pulled him in so many directions.

The one that seemed pulling at his temper flared when the ex-slave made her remarks to Ocena. His jaw clenched til blood threatened to be drawn from his gums. Damn it all. Her words were truth. Within him was the ability to be a ravenous, bloodlusting monster, motivated by every disgusting desire for power. He'd worked so hard to run away from it, but Sperare's very presence was bringing all the memories back to him. All the faces. All the blood. All the feelings he'd tried so hard to drown in the depths of Glaciem's snow.

A low warning growl trickled from his maw. How dare she try to bring his wife into this? She was to leave her the hell alone. The thought of what could've happened to Ocena had she entered his life earlier... He couldn't think about it! He couldn't! This was a completely different side of himself - a different world - a different life. It wasn't meant to touch his old one!

Again the hateful woman spilled out her venomn. And again Gargoyle's patience was tested to it's utmost limits. If any other creature had dared to use such language to his face - they would no longer have a face of their own! His eyes snapped open - and his jaws dropped to reveal the pink of his gums.

Yet again, it seemed it was the son who saved the mother. Gargoyle heard his pitiful words clearly. "Do you not want me mama? Have I done something wrong?"

Gargoyle's growl faded. His voice was still stern and rough, but not on the edge of murder. "There, Look what you have done." he spat. "Do not waste your hate on me, she-wolf. I. Don't. Care. I can't care. Any connection to my old life would be dangerous to my new one." His gaze was hard, but the light of sweet violence had faded. The yellow moons glowed now, pale and lifeless. The tone of his voice took up the same pattern. "If you attempt to inspire hate or guilt within me, it'll be the death of you." He sent of snort of hot air out his nostrils, like the huff of a coiled dragon. And really! Compared to others that had fallen into the clutches of the mob. What in hellfire did this fae have to complain about? She was breathing. Her body had not been disabled. She'd even gained a loving child out of it. A child, which was like to become less loving if continued carrying on in this way.

"The only way I've come thus far is by burying myself in family; Surrounding myself with those who needed me and thought well of me, even when I had given up hope for my soul. Family is what grounds us, and if you spend your time crying over the past, you'll loose what family you do have." He flicked his tattered ear in the direction of the whelp.



05-03-2013, 07:34 PM

Ocena listened to the female's words without comment, waiting until the other was finished before she spoke once more. Her response was a soft one, hesitant, almost, "Maybe that's true. But I didn't meet him before he came to Glaciem. I know him here and now, and it would seem that the wolf that sits beside me is different from the wolf that you remember." Though she could tell that irritation was building in this stoic creature that lay beside her, Ocena knew above all that Gargoyle was not the wolf that this other wolf remembered. He had changed so much. The male was a gentle giant; one that she loved with all of her heart, and she understood that if the timing of their meeting had been just a little bit off, her life would be very different right then. But it hadn't. The universe had come together for them. And things had worked out, for the most part.

So far, at least. Though the female seemed determined to ruin this. Her anger was understandable - she had clearly lived through hell and come back stronger for it. But that didn't mean that Ocena wanted to hear her anger directed at Gargoyle. For the first time, she felt a stirring of irritation in her heart, an emotion that was all but unheard of in the dainty female. This was unnecessary. The female's words were upsetting not only Gargoyle, but the pup as well. The youngster's words brought a frown to Ocena's face, and she pressed closer to Gargoyle's side at his soft words.

She was saddened more than she let on by this, saddened that all of these wolves were upset. Why couldn't they all be happy? Gargoyle had moved past that dark time. Why did it have to be dragged up again? Of course, Ocena understood that not everything was rainbows and butterflies, but she wanted nothing more than for the complicated creature that was Gargoyle to be happy. She wanted everyone to be happy, but as of late, it was Gargoyle that had mattered most to her. Which was understandable considering he was her mate.

Turning her attention towards the pup, Ocena spoke softly, "Little one, why don't you go and get a little snack? If your mother wouldn't mind?" Glancing towards the other female, Ocena hoped that she would understand that Ocena was only trying to keep him from being anymore upset by what was going on. Now, however, the ball was in his mother's court. She could do what she would. Ocena had done her best.

When Gargoyle spoke, she was relieved to note an almost imperceptible softening to it. Well, not so much softening as . . . a lessening of the violence in it. There. That was better. It didn't sound soft, but he seemed less likely to tear this female into shreds. Though at the rate this female was going, it wouldn't be long before Gargoyle was on the verge of that once more. "A family is never something to squander." Ocena murmured, flicking her ears, "No matter what has happened to you, a family will always love you. You are lucky to have that in your son." A pause came as Ocena struggled to figure out how to word what she was saying next properly. "All I am trying to say is that Gargoyle has changed. And I hope that you can accept that. I am sure that you have suffered, but the wolf that you knew and the wolf that I know are very different." Ocena hoped that that would communicate her intentions well enough. Perhaps it would be enough, even, to begin to defuse the situation.



05-06-2013, 06:50 PM

The moment the pup's voice reached her ears the shewolf froze, her body went completely still. How could she say such a thing with him here? How could she say it at all. Sure he was not an expected birth but still, he was her son, and she loved him very much no matter who the father was. She was foolish, and that was clearly shown on her face as her ears folded back and she stared at Iniko with wide eyes and mouth open in shock. Everything around her had vanished, only her and her on stood there staring at each other. Lips moved but they could not form words.

She was only able to snap out of it when Gargoyle spoke, the shewolf taking a step back as he unleashed his voice upon her. Everything soaking into her brain, but she could not respond, just stare up at him and try to learn something. Family is what saved him... she should do the same. All she had though was little Iniko, her brothers, they were dead and her mother back with that mob of wolves.

The black and white shewolf spoke up now, talking the same thing as the male had. All Sperare could do now was stand there, staring down at the ground. They were right. She needed to move on, forget the past before she became lost in it, try to start a new happy life. But how, she had nowhere to go and she was already thin just being with herself and Iniko. Life was difficult when you barely knew how to hunt or fight. You are right... I... I am sorry, to the both of you... Her tail had tucked between her legs and her head was held low, unable to look up at them. Life has just been... difficult for the both of us. I am just really stressed, it's not easy taking care of children when you can barely provide for yourself...

Gargoyle I


05-10-2013, 07:47 AM

[Image: gargie_windswept1_by_kidrylm_writer-d64r02p.png]


The tone of the meeting had changed when the pup spoke up. The fae from his past grew quiet and frankly Gargoyle believed it was about time. He still disliked her very presence, was irked by every word she had dared to say, and yet what could he do, but endure? He could not admit in any part of his mind that he -deserved- it, for he had to believe he was a different person. It was the only way that his world made sense. In his heart, he believed it. But this did not mean he enjoyed having to justify himself before anyone. No, whatever faults he might have fixed, he still had his pride. And he'd sacrificed that enough already.

But, as it always did, his mate's voice had a calming effect on him. They were such an odd couple in some ways, yet they complemented eachother so well. Gargoyle loved so one in the world so much as Ocena. Without her, it's unlikely he would've completely pulled through the change. He'd still be dangling somewhere in the half light of his desires, hating more sides of himself.

Soon, however, his attention was turning from the darker fae to the lighter one. The she-wolf who's name he still had never bothered to know or ask, was speaking. Apologizing. She seemed to have understood something of the truth in either Gargoyle's words or Ocena's... and of her pups. It is the young who always seem to have the most direct routes to the hearts of their elders.

"-It's not easy taking care of children when you can barely provide for yourself..."

Gargoyle swallowed, but he was speaking before he let his mind talk him out of it. "Would you accept my help?" There. He'd said it. And as the words left his lips and drifted off on the wind, his voice grew quieter. "I am an Alpha now. Chief of the Glaciem pack, whose purpose is to guard and shelter those who cannot do so themselves." He didn't know if she would accept. He didn't even know if she would believe him. But the truth was, she was in a desperate way. Everything about her spoke of it - not only her words, but her state of grooming, her situation, and the fact that she was mad enough to stand up to him when she knew full well the terrors he could inflict; the suffering he once would've squeezed out of her.

But the truth was, if she were to accept his offer, it would be just as much a risk for him as it was for her. She knew everything about his past life. Horrible, soul-shuddering things that didn't deserve to be uttered by the light of day. She knew how slowly he'd killed... Except that that wasn't him. She'd be an ungrateful fool if she accepted and then spoke of his past. Gargoyle was not about to stand trial for things that he'd done in another age, in another life. Still, a risk it was? and yet he was willing to take it. For the sake of the child.



05-11-2013, 07:56 AM
ooc: Since Ocena said she could be skipped in her absene thread I'm posting, she doesn't have much to do here and Shrap is busy too, I would like to finally wrap this up. XD lol

She expected the male to lash out at her once more, calling her an idiot or fool, thinking she could come up and speak to him like she did and expect him to feel bad for her. In all honesty she did want him to feel bad but she also knew he was not the one who caused her to experience such pain. No, not him at all. He was one of the kindest wolves in that pack, having put Crohn in his place a few times, saving her from a beating every now and then. She should not have reacted the way she had with him, and she needed to let him know that. Not now though, no, she would wait until things calmed down between them.

Sperare was waiting, waiting for the word to leave Gargoyle's lips. Leave us, don't come back! Something along those lines, she deserved it. What he had said though caught her off guard, was a total surprise. He asked her, if she would accept his help. Her ears flicked forward, her head lifting, an expression on her face showing she was surprised by what he had just said. He wasn't done though, he went on saying he was an Alpha know, Chief of the Gaciem pack, whose purpose was to guard and shelter whose who couldn't do it themselves.

All she could do was stand there staring at him, she couldn't believe what she had just heard. Even with her behavior, he was still offering her help, offering her a place in his pack where they could help her and her pup. You... you would really? She asked, a look of hope sparked in her eyes as she rose from the ground, tail coming out from between her legs and wagging slightly behind her. If he was serious then she would take his offer, his help. And in return she would hold her tongue, forget his role in her past. Try to move on.