
What a picture that is to be saved for us



5 Years
03-06-2014, 10:26 AM

The excitement of the newest members of the family hadn't left Novella just yet. Her new nieces and nephews certainly took up a lot of her attention, ensuring that they and her sisters were doing ok, hunting for them when she could and others hadn't already taken care of the job. Her time had mostly been split between them or spent alone in her own den or hunting for herself with the exception of lessons. It was in fact the recent self defence lesson that she had suddenly recalled her meeting with her estranged cousin and realised she had yet to speak anyone about it.

Whilst the meeting had of course given them the knowledge of where Myth was now living, something she wished to share with the rest of her family it was Iorwerth that stuck in her mind. From what she could gather, for some reason or another he had never really been all that close to the family, something that she found positively strange. Family was of course incredibly important to her and though she didn't know the details or even really anything much about Iorwerth's personality it still struck her as odd that he was such a stranger to them all.

The best person to talk to about all of this in her opinion was Satu. At the very least she deserved to know where her brother was, perhaps she would want to see him? Finding and getting to know Song had certainly been a wonderful moment in her own life, and though the circumstances with Satu and her brother were not the same, surely they should still be pleased to see each other? She really wasn't sure but she wanted to speak with her cousin all the same and so she found herself now outside Satu's den, hoping that she was either inside or not too far off so that she could track her easily.



6 Years
03-07-2014, 08:46 AM

Just imagine it!
With the nasty heatwave that had swept over Alacratia, Satu hadn't been doing much exploring. Plus with Song and Symphony and Viridiana all nursing new litters - though she was still at a loss as to whether her cousin Symphony was actually part of the pack, or had just given birth in the pack and was leaving again - she'd been doing a lot of solo hunting to try and help out. It wasn't so bad though, she needed the practice and being by herself there was no one around to mind if her mind started to drift a bit into her imagination. And she was kind of hoping that if she made herself useful as a hunter, no one would tap her for babysitting duty once the pups were old enough for their moms to leave for a little while...

With that said, Satu was actually stretched out in her den - though not asleep - when she heard the rustle announcing someone outside. She poked her nose out enough to see her visitor, then came scrambling out like a shot from a cannon. "Novella!" she grinned, tail wagging as she bounded over to her cousin. "I'm surprised you aren't with your sisters and the pups. What brings you here, cousin?"

She hadn't been offended by the new pups taking up so much of her cousins' attention - far from it, she may not really understand the appeal of pups but she had absolutely no problem with the fact that everyone else in the world wanted to fawn all over them. And they could be kind of cute with their chubby cuddly little bodies, before they got older and weren't so loud and smelly and whiny. And it being so much easier to avoid any attention on her was pretty nice, actually, though she was glad Novella had stopped by now.

There's a whole world to explore



5 Years
03-07-2014, 01:50 PM

Novella didn't have to wait long to find out if Satu was around, she hadn't even reached the entrance when suddenly the familiar form of her cousin cheerily burst out of the den, greeting her as warmly as ever. "Novella! I'm surprised you aren't with your sisters and the pups. What brings you here, cousin?" Though the topic lingering upon her mind wasn't quite the usual light-hearted conversation they typically had, although not quite as enthusiastic as normal, a smile still managed to find it's way onto her muzzle, tail wagging as she greeted her cousin in return. "I've left them to rest for now. Thought that I would come and see you."

She did feel a little guilty for the way she had cast aside the other members of her family temporarily, though the newest additions were certainly rather exciting. It was the neglect of Anthem that she would feel the worst about not that she had ever been his main carer and knew that others would still be helping him out. Still it was something else that she would have to correct, though here she was starting with her cousin and the news she should have told her the moment she arrived back in Ludicael. Of course Symphony and then Song had quickly taken priority then and everything else had rather swiftly been pushed to one side.

"To be honest I need to talk to you about something." She admitted, there was no use beating around the bush, Satu would probably soon work out for herself that there was something upon Novella's mind. "I had been exploring quite a bit, I wanted to try and find Myth." She began with her explanation, the entire story would be told rather than simply the main point that she wished to bring up with Satu, after all it had only been through her attempts to find Myth than she had located Iorwerth. "Well I found her, or at least where she is living now. She's apparently joined Seracia. Iorwerth told me, he's there too." She paused now, allowing the information to sink in and not really entirely sure what else to say upon the matter until she had seen her cousin's reaction to the news.



6 Years
03-09-2014, 05:30 PM

To be honest, Satu wasn't great at reading people, so she was a bit clueless about Novella's feelings. She could tell she was a little less enthusiastic, a little quieter, but either didn't think about why or subconsciously dismissed it as having spent all her energy on new puppies. So it wasn't until she said she had something to tell her that Satu was in any way clued in to something being up. She cocked her head to the side. "Are you all right, Novella?"

But Novella had already continued on, explaining that she'd been off exploring a lot (nothing at all wrong with that, in Satu's mind) and looking for Myth (completely understandable) and that she'd found her, and in doing so found... Iorwerth?

Satu stared at her blankly for a moment. Not because she didn't recognize the name - he was, despite everything, her own brother - but because she hadn't been expecting it at all. "Wait, Iorwerth is here?" she finally exclaimed. "I mean, here as in Alacratia, not Ludicael. I mean... really?"

Some seriously mixed feelings were roiling in her gut at that moment. On the one hand, he was her brother, and she had always idolized him. But on the other hand, he wasn't at all the wolf that she'd expected, and the disappointment of that still tainted her thoughts of him.

"So, he's in Seracia?" she asked, striving for a casual tone even as her over-active imagination tantalized her with possible scenarios involving her showing up at Seracia and having a happy reunion with a joyful brother who was ecstatic to see her... even she had to admit that was very unlikely.




5 Years
03-09-2014, 05:42 PM

"Are you all right, Novella?" Novella didn't answer the question, she was alright really, there was nothing wrong with her health wise and the news didn't really affect her in anyway. She had never known her cousin, it was a fact that didn't look like it would be as easy to change as getting to know her sister. With the majority of her family here though, she certainly wasn't going to throw that away to rush to Seracia to possibly learn more about this mysterious family member. Perhaps she was a little worried though that Satu would do that.

The brown girl said nothing for a moment, her expression gave nothing away really and Novella wasn't sure if she ought to say anything else or let the silence continue for a little longer. Wait, Iorwerth is here?" Came a statement at last, it was a fact that Satu found hard to believe then she guessed. Knowing even less about the man than Satu she didn't know whether it would be considered odd or not that he was here though it apparently seemed to be a little shocking to her cousin. "I mean, here as in Alacratia, not Ludicael. I mean... really?"

Novella simply gave a small nod of her head, letting the fact settle for a moment longer, still not entirely sure how to go on with the statement herself. "So, he's in Seracia?" "Yes." Novella confirmed simply. A part of her wondered if Satu would visit him, though she kept her mouth shut for now, allowing Satu to speak if she had any more to say.



6 Years
03-19-2014, 09:28 AM

Novella stayed pretty quiet, only answering her question with a single "yes". Satu eyed her hopefully. "I don't suppose you know if Cirala's there?" She was pretty sure her cousin would have thought to tell her if she did know, but it didn't hurt to ask. But that still begged the question, now that she knew where Iorwerth was... what was she going to do about it? She was pretty sure that he didn't really care for his sisters much, judging by how fast he'd left again after he came back from their father's pack, but maybe that had changed? "Novella... do you think I should go find them myself?" she asked her cousin, a bit anxiously. Novella had gone out of her way to go find Myth, which is how she'd found out about Iorwerth to begin with, so shouldn't Satu do the same? She was torn between doing her duty to her littermates, and doing her duty to the pack, and she wasn't sure if one would interfere with the other. Surely Novella would know? It didn't even occur to her that it might be strange to be asking advice from someone younger and possibly less experienced than her - possibly, though unlikely - friends were friends, it didn't matter how old they were.




5 Years
03-19-2014, 10:09 AM

"I don't suppose you know if Cirala's there?" Novella probably would have been far more cheery to have spotted Cirala. She wasn't quite so close to her really, but all the same it would have been good news to have located her. Novella had no idea where she was though, in fact though Satu had seen her once in Alacritia, for all Novella knew she hadn't even left their bith pack. She shook her head in response. "I didn't even know she'd left Ahlon." The young Destruction girl responded. "If she is there, he didn't mention it." She wasn't sure whether he would have thought to tell her to be honest, after all she'd had to make him stop in order to ask how Myth was.

She'd had a powerful urge to stay in Ludicael and get to know her sister, the only difficult part had been officially saying goodbye to Ahlon for there was no way she could have still called that her pack and spent so much time with her family here in Alacritia. Satu at least didn't have to leave Ludicael to go and visit Iorwerth if she wished, sure it was a bit of a journey but nothing compared to the one they had taken to all get here. Iorwerth and Song were entirely different though, Song was more welcoming and friendly than her cousin and however much she loved her family and keeping them all connected, even Novella wasn't sure what ought to be done about this knowledge.

"Novella... do you think I should go find them myself?" She'd hoped Satu would be able to answer that one for herself, Novella really wasn't sure. She paused for a moment, mind ticking away as she wondered what on earth she would respond with. "It's up to you." She responded. With Cirala she would have certainly encouraged her to visit, though not knowing where she was they were only left with Iorwerth and Novella really wasn't sure what to make of him.