
Some Kind of Wonderful


01-29-2014, 11:21 PM

It had been about a month since the bird incident with Enola. She had almost been taken away and the fact that she could have been lost forever made Faolan feel more protective of the young girl. He had made a vow to Loccian and Gerhardt that he would do everything in his young power to make sure she was safe. It was something he didn't voice to Enola out in the open, but rather showed her in his actions.
Such actions were displayed the day Faolan came to their home. He had been out and about, searching for proper herbs that Ara would appreciate, when Enola's familiar scent came to his nose. His tail started to wag and he gaily bounced towards the source. She had been wrapped around Loccian's legs and the Queen looked like she needed a nap from being with the pups all morning. He had proposed a visit of Seracia's primary territory so Enola would be more comfortable exploring. The Queen had accepted and so Faolan waited for Enola to appear from the depths of their home. In no time at all, they were walking through the nearby forest.
Faolan's eyes had lightened considerably in color. They were no longer like Silent's dark emeralds. Now, they resembled a lighter shade of lime green, brown spikes surrounding the irises. His silvery fur shined in the light as he padded through the sun-kissed bits of woodland floor. He hoped that Enola would be taking in the details of the area that he took for granted, for he wanted her to appreciate everything she had around her despite not being able to see it. "I hope you are finding this adventure worth the while, Lady Enola," he softly said, not wanting to speak too loud and hurt her ears. Her other senses were heightened more due to her blindness, so he tried to be careful with the four that still remained.




01-30-2014, 08:02 PM

She had planned on resting with momma on her day off from Queen duties, just spending some nice time together, chatting or even just napping. The pup didn't either, she just wanted to be with her mother after the storm. Faolan would show up though, asking Loccian if he could show the girl their Kingdom before going out and waiting for her to join him. Enola was happy that the boy had come for her but at the same time she was hesitant, not wanting to be outside again like they had been during that bad storm. With some reassurance from her mother however the girl would finally head out to meet her friend, and off they went.

While walking the girl would sniff the air constantly, trying to get an ID on the area they were in. Momma would sometimes bring her out on walks, teaching her daughter about distinct areas in the Kingdom she should know about. It was hard though, trying to organize the scents and put them with the descriptions her mother gave. Ears would twitch when Faolan finally spoke up, asking if she was finding this adventure worth the while, even calling her Lady.

The girl couldn't help but sigh at the way he said it, his voice soft. It wasn't long after the storm that Squall spoke to her mother, the two confirming that the child was blind... never able to see the world around her. At such a young age Enola didn't quite understand what it meant, only that she could hear, smell and feel things... unable to see what others around her could. Why did she have to be the different one?

"It would be better if I could see what you could..." She would mumble, head hanging low. The girl would come to a stop, tail hanging limp behind her body, blind gaze facing the ground. How was she suppose to have fun walking around an area she did not know of yet, wasn't able to become familiarize with. The whole time she had been walking right beside Faolan, fur brushing against each other so she wouldn't walk into something or stray away rom him and get lost.



02-06-2014, 01:53 AM

When Enola spoke of wishing to see, Faolan's ears dropped. He wished that she could realize that despite being blind, she was blessed with things others would love to have. At such a young age, he knew that the world was large and just being in the pack's territory was enough to be overwhelming. He didn't want to startle her with a rise in his voice, so he decided to let it get a bit louder than before.
Faolan stopped walking and made sure she was aware of him standing there before doing anything else. His nose found its way beneath her chin and he slowly attempted to raise her head so her blind eyes were facing in the direction of his face's warmth. "Lady Enola," he stated, stern but gentle at the same time. "I know you wish that you could see, but you not having that ability makes up who you are. It also gives you the chance to experience more sensations that are taken for granted by others who still have their eyes. They wouldn't know what to do if they lost their eyesight and would be confused and scared..."
He slowly pulled his nose out from beneath her chin and lightly nuzzled her forehead in a caring manner. "You will be more remarkable by keeping your faith in your senses and I am sure that you will become more brave and use your blindness as an advantage every day. It all depends on how you live and act each time you wake up to a new morning." His light green eyes twinkled as he watched her. "I will be here to make sure that it happens and encourage you along the way...I don't plan on going anywhere unless you dismiss me."




03-08-2014, 12:10 PM
so sorry for the wait wynn >.<

Brows would come together, feeling Faolan also come to a stop. Enola really didn't mean to be a downer, she was just... upset about her disability, unable to enjoy things around her like Faolan and her family. They got to see so many colors and interesting structures while she could only see darkness, having to imagine how things looked. Eyes would close at a gentle touch below her chin, allowing her head to be lifted, eyes slowly reopening to stare blindly into what she assumed was Faolan's gaze.

The male would go on to say how not having the ability to see is what made her who she was, giving her a chance to experience more sensations that were taken by granted by those would could still see. Those people wouldn't know what to do if it was taken away and would be confused and scared. She would feel his nose pulled out from beneath her chi, a small smile forming when he nuzzled her forehead, comforting. As he continued to speak the girl would feel a little better, her tail beginning to swing in slow rhythmic pattern.

?Thank you Faolan... I don't plan on dismissing you.? She would say with a smile, rubbing her cheek into his neck. The girl would hold head a bit higher now, her little nose working to gather scents from around them and organizing into things she was familiar with and wasn't, what seemed closest to what and which was out of place. ?Do you think we will find anything interesting on our adventure?? She asked curiously, turning towards the male with head tilted.



03-09-2014, 11:46 PM

Enola's touch made a soft shiver creep from where her cheek met his neck. His eyes closed softly and he couldn't help but smile at her words. She wouldn't dismiss him and she seemed more confident than when they first left the barn. He was silently grateful that she wanted him around, for he didn't know what he would do without spending time with her. Sure, he would make sure Silent and Bronze were okay, but they preferred alone time, too. Ah, the silver knight pondered what his life would be like if Loccian didn't have children...didn't have Enola... It was something he didn't wish to think about at all.
He watched her as her nose began to work more than it had before. Faolan's smile only widened and he stood in front of her as she asked him another question. She wondered if they would find anything on their adventure and a soft chuckle escaped his lips. "I am sure that we will, Enola. You never know what may cross your path when you are exploring." With that, he took his place by her side and started to walk in slower steps so she could keep up. Faolan's paws resembled his father's: large and padded, which was good when he wanted to be quiet for a hunt.
Faolan then started to sniff the air as well, wondering if Enola could seek out more stuff than he could. His light green eyes looked up and around at the scenery that Seracia had. He felt blessed to be where he was right then, for he wouldn't have met Enola if his parents chose to go somewhere else to live. "Seracia really is a nice place to be, Enola...Maybe we will come across something new in our travels today."




03-13-2014, 01:52 AM
time to meet the companion! :D

Faolan seemed sure that they would find something today but what the girl wanted to know was what this thing would be, maybe a small treasure or a stranger from outside of the lands. It was a bit concerning but at the same time exciting, and with the silver boy with her, Enola felt like she would be safe if something bad were to happen. He would go back to her side before continuing on, her paws beginning to move with his in a slow but steady pace. Nose would work at the air, organizing the scents and finding things she thought were familiar. Only a pawful of scents she could recognize, not very much compared to the rest, but she would soon figure out a way to learn them.

Faolan would bring up how Seracia was a nice place to be, the girl giving a nod of her head in agreement. ?I really like it here, and mama says she does too.? She would comment, her tail giving a wag as they walked. Adding onto the small conversation, the silver pelted boy would speak about possibly finding something new in their travels today, making the girl grin. The chance for such a thing would be very nice.

Enola would come to a stop however, her nose wiggling as she sniffed at the air carefully. ?Faolan... do you smell that?? Voice would become interested, have caught a scent that was very strange. She took a step forward and stopped to sniff again just as a breeze rolled over them, suddenly bringing more of the scent that the boy would be able to smell better. It was different from the terrain, odd in a way that was unpleasant, but not like a carcass or dung.



03-20-2014, 12:51 AM

The breeze that came across the two young wolves carried a pungent smell with it. It smacked Faolan in the nose, making his eyes automatically water. He coughed a bit from the sudden attack, but quickly recovered and tried to get the taste out of his mouth. "I've-I've never smelled something like that before," he coughed, trying to maintain his composure and trying to figure out what it was at the same time.
His vision became blurry from the tears that had appeared in his eyes, so he blinked them away before trying to find the source. Light green opts looked around as he figured out the line of scent that had been offered to them. It seemed to come from a bush that was not too far from where they stood. He lowered his head to meet the ground level with the roots and two little eyes peeked back at him. Faolan snapped his head back and looked over to Enola. "Whatever it is, it's hiding beneath this bush." He knew Enola could sense the shrub, for the scent of the leaves and moist soil at its roots stood out like sore thumbs.
