
Bad Luck



03-14-2013, 06:46 PM (This post was last modified: 04-09-2013, 09:49 PM by Epiphron.)

The feeling was all too familiar. His brother had left, again, leaving Domovei utterly alone. As soon as the creature opened his eyes and saw his kin gone, he felt an awful sinking feeling in his belly, and realized at once that Dario had left him once again. Perhaps for days, or weeks, or even months -- all were likely scenarios. The male with the tattered ivory pelt had opened his eyes upon awakening, but immediately closed then opened them again in quick succession, as though blinking sleep from his eyes.

It took a long moment for him to struggle to all four paws, his limbs stiff from lack of movement. The male crept forward, paws coming in contact with the land where his brother had laid throughout the new. He swore the dirt was still warm, as though Dario had left only recently. Frustration began to well inside his hollow chest, erupting in a soft snarl bubbling up from behind parted lips. Goddamnit, he thought to himself, not again. At the realization that his brother had left him again -- there was no proof, but his gut feelings about his brother rarely betrayed him -- Domovei felt panic flood through him. The male visibly trembled, swaying on unstable feet as his nose pressed into the dirt. His brother's scent was strong, flooding his nose as he inhaled deeply. Every muscle seemed to quiver as he moved, tracing the scent with his head low to the earth. His brother would laugh if he saw him now, flying into a frenzy at waking up alone, his nose practically stuck in the frozen dirt, gaze never leaving the ground. But his determination was strong, and the mere possibility of his brother abandoning him without a care sent the male into a near panic.

Claws dug into the earth as Domovei's paws carried his small frame forward, one small step after another. He was small, an easy target, and the loss of his fierce protector nearly brought tears to the male's eyes. You're pathetic, his brother would growl, his voice accompanied by a low growl. No better than a pup. Rather than finding himself disturbed by the comments, he had grown painfully attached to his brother's relentless criticism. He would sooner have Dario snarling in his ear than be in this position, frantically traveling to find someone that surely wanted to not be found.

Vivid green eyes searched the landscape before him. Though spring had begun to settle in, the northernmost part of the land remained frozen, as though stuck in time. Before him lay a vast expansive of ice. Certainly the kind of place Dario might venture to. The snarl seemed to linger in his throat as the male continued on, each step just as shaky as the last. His gaze searched frantically before him, his green eyes a vibrant contrast to his dull coat and unimpressive size. The feeling of both irritation and anxiety bubbled up inside him, a strange combination, but it was probably the only thing that pushed the male forward onto the treacherous slopes of the glacier, his claws gripping the ice carefully as he went.


03-14-2013, 07:31 PM

?Despite the lies that you're making

Your love is mine for the taking

My love is

Just waiting

To turn your tears to roses

The world was always unforgiving. Abandonment seemed to be a past time that so many souls could relate too. Did she remember? Sometimes, like when she met the prince of blood and roses, she had remembered Fable and that her sister had left her for dead. How ironic it was. Abandoned because of her broken mind and yet she stole the world with the death of a queen. So her violet eyes peered into the depths of her soul or so she thought as she watched the male in the distance.

Her giant body lay against the cold grounds. Her velvet coat seemed to blend slightly with the cold colors of the world around her. Her violet eyes were intense as she watched him search the depths of his mind of answers. It was as if she were reliving the day that Zara had found her. She had been so confused. Was it today or was it yesterday? She could almost remember the panic that road her body. She shuddered silently at the reminder. Her memories were lingering thanks to her new master. Blood and pain always helped but there were moments when she couldn?t help but forget the day or who she was or speaking with. She?d never be cure of that but at least now she could maintain it.

He seemed at a loss and she couldn?t help but feel for him if only for a fleeting moment. She rose from the frozen grounds, her behemoth of a body stretched out as she slowly stalked after him. She knew he was lost. Broken and confused, just like she had been, but she could save him. Her moments were fluid against the slippery ice. She was made for the cold and it was her domain to dominate. Her ears twitched as she slowed her pace and called to him.

?So the key to your world has vanished?? she asked, her tone filled with curiosity while darker thoughts churned in the depths of her mind. She was in a sense a mastermind. The mad tended to be closet case geniuses after all. ?I remember when I couldn?t find my head. When I was lost to reality. I still visit my wonderland for a spell or two but now my role is more demanding. It keeps me grounded.? She paused for a moment, her voice filled with boredom. Maybe he wasn?t interested in what she had to offer. She knew he was but she feigned disinterest. Her tail flicked behind her in a dismissive manner.

?Oh but I?m sure you don?t want to find the here and now. Maybe it would be easier to be lost in your version of wonderland?? she said with a sigh, turning her head to look into the distance. Giving the illusion that she would leave just as soon as she had come. She wanted him desperate and she was certain, if the mirror rang with truth, he was just as she had been.



03-15-2013, 12:02 PM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2013, 12:02 PM by Domovei.)

The creature froze in his tracks the moment the presence of another was noticed. The scent reached his rapidly twitching nose only moments before the female began to speak. Her aroma was out of place in contrast to his brother's slowly fading scent. As though stuck in a moment in time, Domovei paused on all fours. He would've looked as though he was quite literally frozen if he was in a more sane state, but his quivering limbs broke the illusion of stillness. Had this female been following him? How else would he be noticed here, his stark white-gray silhouette impressively unimpressive against the sheets of ice that he traveled upon.

Instinct caused a low growl to begin deep in his chest, spilling out over parted lips before he even dared to search for the stranger who he knew was nearby. Slowly, the movements seeming forced and uncomfortable, the male's head swung to allow his gaze to search for the female. The female had an unreadable look in her eyes as she watched him from a distance, and she was far bigger than him. Almost the size of his brother. The growl grew louder as she spoke, as if trying to block out the sounds that escaped Newt's mouth.

"You.. you know nothing about me. Who the hell are you, futatrix?" His tones were harsh as they practically erupted from the small male, tail twitching between his hind legs. Perhaps she knew his brother? Had his brother sent someone to find him?

She drawled on, the meanings of her words lost to the creature. Nervous tongue slid from parted jaws over his white fangs, emerald eyes dancing over the strange female. What exactly did she want with him? Her voice was enticing in a strange way, though he found himself racking his brain for the purpose of her words.

She turned as though to leave, and the growl that lingered in his throat turned into a vicious snarl. How dare she approach him and turn to leave, just like that. Anger coursed through him, mixed with unsure anxiety. He would maintain his distance, his shaky snarl demanding she explain herself.


03-15-2013, 12:29 PM

Her velvet ear swivel backwards as he called out to her. She turned her head ever so slightly, just enough to keep his body in her view. Her brow rose at his question and she all but laughed at his words. Her mouth curling into a wicked smile as she spoke, ?Oh don?t I? A little lost mouse searching for the lion that protects him? I use to be that mouse once, So long ago, whimpering in the darkness of my mind and waiting for the warmth of my lion to come.? She said wistfully. As if the memory brought her joy. Then the poison seeped back into her eyes and she laughed bitterly. ?My lion never came back. She never wanted me to begin with. So I became my own lion and here I stand looking into the mirror of my past in the form of a shaking little mouse.? Her voice was dark and filled with dark promises. Her tail flicked behind her as he growled for her to stay.

?Aren?t we a touchy thing. It would do you some good to show some proper manners little mouse. If you want answers, all you need to do is ask, not throw your voice around in some false bravado.? She said with amusement. She turned around to walk back. The line had been cast and he was nibbling on her bait. All he needed to do was bite down, just once, and he would belong to her. She could feel herself wandering closer towards him. He kept the distance and she damned that distance to hell. She would be on him in moment and if he ran, oh please let him run, she would pin him and make him see the truth.

Something inside her stirred and her ears flicked with aggravation. Oh her master would have her head for this. She was certain of that and she had never thought to be the one to bring any more abominations into this world. Though, she thought not of the children that nestled deep inside her stomach, barley a whisper of what they would be, but she knew they were there. She wouldn?t allow them to be abandoned as she was. She would love them, in her strange way, but it wouldn?t be like any normal mother hood. She shook the thoughts away. He was a frail thing and she wouldn?t be risking their lives if she chose to pounce on him. Her stomach was thick and hard from her well-worked muscles.

?If you run, I promise you?ll regret it.? She said gently, yet all the violence was there in her eyes. Waiting to be unleashed. He was not her master and so she would make herself his. She could be his lion. She knew the way. She had taught herself after all. With memories of that laughing face, that face that mocked her, called her ugly, in her head she had forged her weakness as her armor and knew who she was. Did he?



03-15-2013, 02:36 PM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2013, 02:37 PM by Domovei.)
Domovei felt his heart beating rapidly in his chest, ears perked attentively as the stranger spoke. His lips remained curled, revealed stained yellow fangs, his displeasure worn on his sleeve for all the world to see. He knew that his emotions were rather easy to read -- his brother never failed to notice, and point out, when was Domovei was upset or angry -- but this female seemed to know far more than he wished she did. Somehow, she knew he was searching for something. Was it really so obvious? Amusement danced on the female's face, laughter visible in her piercing gaze. Her words began to sink into his confused head, his body shifting to keep her in his line of sight. He didn't trust her, and was unwilling to take his vivid emerald stare off her.

"Perite!" The foreign word rolled naturally off his tongue, his tones raspy and pleading. But she continued on, despite his visible desire for her to leave. The words that reached his ears entranced him, but never did his irritation leave his face, and the four limbs he stood upright on were still quivering. "Leave me be, bitch. Do you know Dario? Has my brother sent you here for me?" He prayed silent it was one of his brother's acquaintances, everything would make much more sense then. But he was fairly certain she had never met Dario before, and he certainly had never encountered her, or anyone like her

Despite the anger he portrayed in his curled lips, a low growl beginning to bubble up again from his shallow chest, his tail curled between his legs, flicking ever so slightly in annoyance.

She told him he would regret running, but not a single part of the creature wanted a thing to do with the violet female. Something in the way she watched him made him nervous, made him crave his brother's protection. He wished to be curled against him again, sleeping soundly in the larger male's embrace. The image of his brother's face gave him all the strength he needed.

He turned and kicked off with his back paws, using his small body to propel himself forward. As he went a laugh began to leave his throat, a cackle unleashed ever so quietly. The bitch was strong and big, but that often meant she was slow. Surely she couldn't catch him..


03-15-2013, 10:52 PM

Words, unknown to her, erupted from his mouth in a failed attempt to offend. She had been called every name possible so what was another new one? She blinked uncaring eyes at him as he asked her to leave him be and yet asked if she knew of his brother. Which was it? To leave him be or to answer his question. She could see the world folding around his eyes. His mind judging how far he could go. She knew the signs of a bolt in another wolf body. Saw the edges of him quiver and twitch as he thought about the best options. She waited patiently as the results of his decision played across his features for a brief moment and he was bolting away from her.

She watched him, her body filling with excitement, but she allowed him the illusion of freedom. She would toy with him a little. It was funny how so many assumed that simply because she was large and bulky meant she was slow. She began to move. Allowing the fluid motion of her limbs to stretch and pull. She curled her head to crack her neck and spine as she followed him at a slow trot for a moment. Giving him the idea that she was indeed slow. She breathed in and out with ease and allowed her claws to scratch the ice as she followed after him. She could feel the panic riding the air like a welcome morsel just waiting to be tasted.

The distance between them had grown a bit but the playing was over. She wouldn?t allow him to think he had won completely. She stretched her stride and used her weight to push her after him. The inches slowly dissolved away and soon his ivory figure came rushing closer and closer. She couldn?t help her laugh as she edged close to his rump. The ice sprayed her face as she snapped at his rump but not catching anything. She was teasing him. Making him think he still stood a chance to get away from her. She snapped again, closer this time, grazing fur as she bit at him. She allowed her laugh to fill the air. It echoed around them. Victory was soon coming and he would find himself in a world of pain. She had warned him after all.

She moved just a touch to the right of his back left thigh. Moving to give them just enough distance to hurt him if she threw her weight at him. She smiled as the smell of fear filled the air around her and she drank it. Her violet eyes glowing with a far away dominance that very rarely anyone saw from her. She was a queen now and she would need to display it more often. She pushed her weight into him. Slamming her shouldering into his thigh and using her weight to make him crash. She followed after him and snarled, grabbing at his shoulder, and pushing her weight above him to stop him from moving and pin him beneath her. She bit down hard, feeling the flesh part in her jaws, blood rushed into her mouth and she gulped it down with swift swallow.

She shook her head forcibly, but didn?t wrench her teeth to hurt his shoulder further then her bite. She growled a warning that spoke of volumes more pain if he dared to even think of moving then released his shoulder. She licked her lips and smiled above him. Not that he could see it but she couldn?t help the darkness that entered her voice. ?I warned you it wouldn?t be wise to run little mouse. I am a lion and you are just as I name you a mouse. Run away again and you?ll receive more then just a simple sprain and shoulder wound. I?ll take something far more valuable away from you.? She whispered the last against his ears as if he was her lover. She licked his face gently and laughed again. ? You left without so much as an answer to your question. We must work on these horrid manners of yours.? She said mater of fact. As if he belonged to her since the moment she had spotted him. ?I am laying my claim on you little mouse. I will be your lion, unwanted or wanted I care not all you must know is you belong to me. Your brother is gone. Left you for ashes on the wind. I wont allow this. You will come with me, belong to me, and serve me as I protect you.? She said with finality. She would have no argument from him. No protest. Or he would have more pain to feel from her hungry teeth.

Ooc: power play permission granted



03-17-2013, 08:01 PM (This post was last modified: 03-17-2013, 08:05 PM by Domovei.)
Domovei was not a normally confident male, but he was almost certain he could outrun the massive female. His paws impacted sharply with the frozen land as he sprinted away from her with all the energy he could muster. Truthfully, that wasn't saying much, for the creature wasn't particularly strong. The female had promised him that he would pay if he tried to run from her, and the threat of violence (or even death) would typically be enough of a threat for a creature to push themselves far beyond their limits. However, Domovei's will to live was clearly less strong than that of most wolves; though his pace was rapid, and he would outrun some wolves, Newt caught up to him easily. Before she did, he still felt adrenaline pumping through his veins, feeling the vessel of his heart beating rapidly in his fragile chest. If asked, he would've claimed his will to live was strong as ever, but in reality the promise of death and nothingness was more tempting than he could ever admit, even to himself.

Before he felt the female's grasp, he heard her rapid approach, a sinister laugh falling from her lips. Though the distance between them closed, she seemed to falter a bit, giving him a false sense of hope about the outcome of the chase. He felt fear wrap its cold grasp him and tighten as Newt's weight collided with his back leg. The air was nearly knocked out of him immediately as his small frame crashed roughly against the ground. There was little need to struggle, though instinct caused Domovei to twist his weight beneath his attacker. He growled as her fangs sunk into his shoulder, drawing blood almost immediately. While brimming with anger, his voice echoed with obvious pain. The growl ended in a slight whimper as he forced himself to grow silent, knowing protest would do nothing to further his cause. He knew this, and his body slackened beneath her. Admitting defeat was by far the easiest option. Pain surged through his body as Newt shook her head, his mind and judgement foggy.

Not only did her position over him signify her dominance -- his blood dripping from her jaws, signifying the obvious power she had over him -- but her words were sharp and demanding. He cringed beneath her, the frigid air bringing a stinging pain to his exposed flesh. Her voice whispered into his ear brought a chill down his spine, his body tingling as she spoke.

"Yes... I'll work on my manners, dominus..." he whimpered, as helpless as a mouse, just as she'd called him. She staked her claim on him, bringing another set of shivers down his spine. There would be no words of protest, no acts of defiance; his body law limp beneath her, unwilling to protest, 'lest he feel her fangs sinking even deeper into his flesh. "I am yours..." he admitted simply, voice small and quivering as he whimpered between parted lips.


03-17-2013, 08:28 PM

All the violence had slipped away from her body the moment he had relaxed. She had won the dominance battle and he had accepted that she was higher then him. The taste of him still lingered at the edges of her mouse. She tasted it among her pallet, savoring it, so she would remember him. He belonged to her and she would not allow the puppet master to erase that knowledge from her mind. She had learned long ago that blood and pain kept her mind at bay. Without those things her memories slipped and she would forget herself over and over. It was an embarrassing matter but since Zara had staked her claim to her she had been encountering the issue of memory loss less and less as the days passed by.

Once she heard his omission she released him. She shook her velvet gray coat back and forth as if dismissing all the negativity from her body. ?Now then little mouse, you may know me as Newt or call me what ever name you feel.? She said with a smile, as if she hadn?t just harmed him. ?I am the queen of Lentajin? she said with a smile. He would have a home now and he would have her. She would protect him just as she had promised and had he behaved himself then circumstances could have been different. He could have been a free male of the pack. Able to choose his own way so long as he pledged loyalty to her but he had run and so he would be a slave until she felt like upgrading his title.

?As for your question earlier.? She said, and then her mind went blank. What the hell had he asked again? She frowned for a moment. Allowing her thoughts to play back the scene that had only played a few moments ago. He had asked about someone hadn?t he? She eyed him for a moment as if willing the question to explode into her mind with the sheer sight of him. Oh he had asked about his lion. Well, she had named him a lion. Just as she had called Fable her lion. She shook her head and grumbled, ?Cerberus?s little black dildo, my mind simply loves to twist on me doesn?t it.? She said with an exasperated sigh. ?Ahh yes, the news about your lion or rather your brother. I am no friend to him. I know nothing of him or where he is. All I know is you are now mine and should he come for you I will deny him. If he should press, then I will kill him.? She said mater of fact. She would not allow those she claimed to be taken away. If his brother came searching for him then he could join the ranks along side him but should he try to take him away, it would be the end of him.

She waited for him to remove himself from the ground. They had some ground to cover before they returned to the pack. She could feel her stomach growling with the hunger of her unborn children. They desired food and so she would hunt. Perhaps they would find some game on the walk back. ?What is your true name little mouse? Not that I shall call you by it but none shall call you muse by me.? she said with amusement. It was her title to use for him and she would smack the shit out of anyone who decided to use it as well.



03-21-2013, 06:35 PM

He had been beyond frantic only moments ago, but the feeling of Newt pinning him to the ground had seemed to put his angry mind at ease. "Newt..." Domovei tasted the word, liking the way it fell off his tongue. The word was short and simple, just like his brother's name, but it almost sounded sweeter. She explained that she was the queen of a pack called Lentajin. He had no option to leave... she was far stronger than him, and surely was taking him to nowhere but her own pack. And once there, he knew he couldn't simply sneak off and leave. He would be enslaved until Dario came for him, or until they decided to set him free; there seemed to be no other options in sight.

The lack of freedom became obvious to him, and in many ways, he was thankful. He had no choice but to obey, to act as he always had, as an inferior. Newt had stepped off him, no longer pinning him down. He relaxed on the ground, though the throbbing pain in his shoulder had yet to cease. There was no hint of flight in his body. Rather, all of his muscles had relaxed, his eyes focused on the violent one who called herself Newt. No expression was visible on the feminine creature's muzzle as she spoke of not knowing his brother. For a moment his mind grew confused, the corners of his lips twitching uncomfortably. She didn't know Dario; she had fooled him. Only briefly did his eyes ignite with something akin to rage, but the look was extinguished almost immediately as Newt continued on. She owned him; he was hers, and she would protect and use him at her will. Such a life was not unfamiliar to him, but this female was a near stranger.

Before long Domovei shifted to pull his tired body from the ground. His eyes were pinned on Newt, as if enraptured by the huge female. "My name is Domovei," he offered in a gentle voice, his tones wobbling only slightly.


03-22-2013, 09:12 PM

She shook his violet coat and began to move away from the male at a slow pace. She was being sympathetic towards his injury, since she had inflicted it, and began to head towards her home. She wanted to start meeting some of her wolves. Her ears twitched as he called to him. ?Come along little mouse.? She said with a slight authoritative voice. Not that she felt like ordering her new slave around but she didn?t want him getting the wrong idea. Her mind was beginning to swirl and her head was becoming slightly light. She needed to start moving or least she forget where she was and who was with her.

The puppet master had been at bay for some time. She could feel its eyes moving inside her. Watching what she did. She had eluded its clutches by ignoring the past and living in the present. It was only a matter of time before she lost herself for a while. She hadn?t seen the white rabbit for quite some time after all. He would be most displeased if she continued to stay away. She shook her head to rid it of her doubt, soon enough she would be in Zara?s embrace. ?So tell me, where do you come from little mouse?? she asked, wanting to know more about her newly acquired slave.

She hoped that in the future he would come to trust her. Come to need her and when the time came she would remove his shackles and hope he would stay. Become dependent on her and desire to remain where she was as his lion. That future was far away and she would treat him as she saw fit. If he misbehaved them she would hurt him, if he did as told then she would praise him, but she would remind him often that he indeed belonged to her and if anyone dared to touch him then they would find her teeth in their neck. Not even her master would be able to lay claim to him. He was the one thing that belonged to her. Well, they will too when they come. She mused to herself.

Ooc: sorry for the small reply.



03-25-2013, 07:04 PM (This post was last modified: 03-25-2013, 07:05 PM by Domovei.)
Was this how Queens acted, or just this one? Taking others as they saw fit, bringing them home like a fresh kill? No -- he wasn't being treated at though he was nothing but meat. When he grew submissive, she had let go of him. Perhaps he had earned the fresh, stinging wound on his shoulder. With no protest, Domovei slunk after her, crouched close to the ground as though afraid she might attack again.

"Where do I come from?" He repeated with slight confusion, as though wracking his brain for answers. "Ubi bene, ibi patria..." Domovei slurred under his breath, his tones foreign and the pitch of his voice slightly deeper than when he spoke normally. "Where you feel good, there is your home..." He translated loosely, letting his green eyes flicker uncertainly to Newt. Even as he walked his gait was unstable and unsure. That damn pain refused to disappear, even though he tried to focus on anything but. A slight limp crept into his walk, but he refused to show the full extent of his suffering, lest he anger Newt.

"Nowhere in particular... I don't remember. Far from here..." His words were confused and yet strangely thoughtful, as though he was reminiscing of days long past. The male's tail remained tucked securely under his lithe form, as though permanently curled between his hind legs.


03-27-2013, 09:51 PM

Confusion was an emotion she knew how to deal with. It was ingrained in the very blueprints of her being. She forgot who she spoke with. Forgot faces as soon as she saw them and forgot places and things she had done until one moment it all overwhelmed her and brought her home. She listened carefully to what her little mouse said. His voice was lost with the question. Had he forgotten? She almost laughed at the irony. Wasn?t that who she had been and was now? His response was appropriate. He had said that wherever it was that one would feel the most content then that was what one deemed their home. well, he had said it in a smaller way but she had translated it as such in her mind.

She heard the confusion fill his voice. The unknown seeping into his mind. Where was he from? Could he even remember if he just thought about it? could she? Well, yes she knew she was born an heir. She was the daughter of a highly admired alpha. Until those eyes haunted her dreams and drove away her memories. She tried to recall who they belonged to, why she feared them so desperately, but every time she tried she would wake up hours or days or even weeks from where she started. She had stopped trying to know the who but simply remember what she could. Nothing mattered what the door to the present. The past only made her long for things and the future seemed so far away that only dreamers saw its reality.

?When a heart finds its roots in something or someone then it knows its home.? she said in response to his words. ?I have found roots, they are seeking soil and nurture but where my keeper is I am unsure.? She said sadly. Zara had been absent since the day she had stolen Sade?s life. She needed her rock but in a way the distance was finalizing who she was becoming. The madness would steal her mind more then a time or two but she would remember those she protected. Those she ruled over. They would be what mattered to her. They would be her home.

?Maybe one day, when the sun is warm and the world is happy you can find your home again.? She said with a laugh. She had meant with her but the left the words alone. She didn?t want a bride or husband. She had no desire for such things. She was growing to love the feeling of the future twirling around inside her. They would be what she needed and cared for. The future she would build for them would be unbreakable. Their minds would be as sound as she could keep them, save for one, that one would know cruelty and torture but the others would know her heart better then she could name it. ?Did your lion love you once?? she questioned, often times she had wondered the same about her own. Why had her lion abandoned her? Left her for dead? When did she stop loving her?



03-29-2013, 07:02 AM (This post was last modified: 03-29-2013, 07:04 AM by Domovei.)
It seemed as though Domovei was stuck in a perpetual cycle of confusion and chaos. Briefly he was able to rid himself of the panic that threatened to engulf his very being by focusing his vision on each paw as he stepped forward. Any hint of the desire to flee had left his body. Instead he padded along, his tail curled limply betwixt his hind legs, his head lowered towards the ever-frozen earth. He didn't remember where he was from. All he had left was faint glimpses of his childhood; had he even had parents? Why was it that all he remembered was his dear brother? For some time he'd escaped him, but the inextricable bond they shared had drawn Dario back to him. The brief reprise away from him brother was always short-lived, always left him with nausea lying heavily in his chest. He wondered now when his brother would find him; wondered of the punishment he might receive for fleeing.

This was the kind of existence he lived. Marred with guilt for crimes he did not commit -- it was his brother who had left him after all, and yet he would be punished for being stupid enough to not find him. Instead he'd gotten himself caught in this situation. Dario would not be happy to have to fight Newt for his little brother back.

Her deep voice was like music to his ears, drawing him out of his own head and allowing him to focus on the present. She spoke of her own master -- how far back did the cycle go? He was owned by Newt, she was owned by another. Did the cycle ever end? Her words suddenly seemed kind, and the sweet intention behind her words made him flinch slightly. "Perhaps, Newt..." He knew not of being happy, doubted he would ever find a place to truly call home. To Domovei, home was merely an invention, keeping him sane from one minute to the next.

Her mention of his brother seemed to irk him slightly, but the creature was keen to keep his expression docile. "What do you know of him?" Jaws parted as he tilted his head to the side to watch her uneasily as they went, their journey taking from south, apparently towards the land in which Newt ruled. He kept close to her, though was ever-aware of the way she towered over his small frame. The pulsing wound on his neck wouldn't let him forget her obvious strength, and domination she held over him. "You know nothing... the only love I know is for him, for Dario. I would never question his devotion to me." Would she try to convince him otherwise? He knew his brother had abandoned him, but dammit, he deserved it. It meant nothing. Don't... don't speak about him... you don't even know where he is, why he left me... if he left me at all...


04-03-2013, 01:51 AM

Abandonment was a pain hard to swallow. It stuck its claws into the throats of its victims. Pushed the doubt and mourning into them and reminded them that they were all worthless in the end. What she felt for the departure of her sisters guidance was nothing but pity. She had left her family behind, her twin, in order to keep what little pride she had left. What kingdom did she have to inherit? Voltaine had fallen and those that lingered from the constant change of regime. The irony of her ways of acquiring her pack and their constant change of leadership hadn?t passed her mind. She knew all to well that she was following in the path of destruction her father had once walked.

She listened as the defiance filled his voice. He had hope he would come back some day. Who was she to rip it away from him? She only knew the sting he would feel when that day never came. When his brother never showed his face or came to claim him. If that day came she would deny his request for his brothers life and if it came to it she would kill him. Even if he came back she was certain it would only be to use the male for what ever his brother had planned. They left the broken to die and only came back when the desire for things road them.

She shrugged her shoulders upright at the question he had thrown at her. Her dark voice was filled with a lost sorrow that she had buried under a mask of uncaring boredom. ?Because the lions only come back if they want something, nothing more or less.? She said softly, her thoughts lingering on fable. What would her sister do if she learned that her twin was the queen of a clan? She was certain she would come back with open arms and a sadness that would enthusiastically beg for newts pardon. She would ask that her sister allow forgiveness into her heart so they could be a family again. So she could steal her kingdom right from under her nose. She almost laughed aloud from the thought but instead a small grunt escaped her jaws.

?believe what you want. Only you know your brother.? She said simply, though she had none for the boy. Her tail flicked behind her as she moved closer, ?We must pick up the pace. I know your shoulder bothers you but we must return to the kingdom soon. I have things to care for and wolves to rally.? She said conversationally. She was done with asking for the past. Asking of who he was. He remembered less she did or he remembered more. it was all on what he was willing to ask her but for the time she was ready for a silent walk home so she could think things over. So many things to do in running a kingdom.

-Last post and Dom love <3



04-11-2013, 09:32 PM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2013, 09:36 PM by Domovei.)
As the seconds passed, the male grew calm, his mind silencing for once in his life. Emerald gaze would direct itself to Newt, his savior, his protector. Adoration suddenly gleamed in his strange gaze; his chest swelled with comfort, knowing she would keep him safe. The Queen was the light at the end of his tunnel, and how brightly she shone beside him, a picturesque example of dominance and surety. If only Domovei could recognize the madness that lurked within the depths of her mind, but from one crazy wolf to another, she seemed perfect to him. Though the beast spoke of her own master, to Domovei, she was as stable and powerful as anyone he had ever known, save for his brother.

"And is that why I am yours? What could I possibly offer to you, my lion?" His question was hardly directed at her, but instead his inquiry was nothing more than a mumble lost upon the wind. Conversation threatened to continue, but both of the wolves quenched the painful memories that had begun to bubble up. Instead, they fell even more silent than the land around them. A slight limp crept into his step as they went, but he trudged on without protest; the possibility of a comfortable place to rest kept him going, keeping up his pace to match hers. Time would drag on painfully, but before long they would cross the borders of Lentajin and his heart would lurch in his chance, anxious for what awaited them there...

-exit Dom-