
A chance for change


03-09-2014, 10:55 PM

Russet bodice moved within the shadows of her first home with easy silence. She had not returned her for many months and it seemed as though nothing had changed. Of course the scent of pack had vanished, rogues having come and claimed the land, but the land itself had not changed one bit. She had slipped from the make shift den early in the morning, which was surprisingly cool and overcast, but she was sure that sun would burn it away.

Creams limbs stretched, carrying her deeper into the place she had called home, nostrils quivering, taking in the scents. Part of her was saddened by her current state. She had no place to call home. Her brother had vanished once more. She had isolated herself from the island. Even Aeron had been scarce.

A sigh slipped from between creamy lips. She had such higher expectations for her life when she had first come here, and now, she had nothing. She was desperate for a change, for anything. Powerful muscles coiled beneath her russet pelt as she moved along the familiar terrain. A bubble of silence surrounded her, leaving her seemingly alone. She could break into an easy lope, altering her direction to head for the volcano. Hind limbs would flex, pushing her up the mountain, claws digging into the earth, pulling her higher and higher.

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10 Years
03-09-2014, 11:10 PM

Valhalla's atmosphere had become serene and quiet once more, something that Odette was not used to yet. She missed the bustle of her pack life; since it seemed that it wouldn't be busy for another week or two, she wanted a change of scenery. After bidding a quick farewell to Chrysanthe, she set out once again into the unknown. Paws carried her across landscapes that were still blanketed by the night sky. She didn't intend to leave when the sun was up. Summer was her birth season, but she despised the heat with a vengeance.
Mount Volkan came into her sight before she realized where she was. Red and blue eyes twinkled in merriment from the surprise she got from it popping up. Eagerly, she wondered if there would be anyone living there now. Since Taurig had left the setup for a safer place, she knew that it had been empty of life. Upon reaching the faded borders, she slowly stepped over the outer lines and then increased her pace as the woods swallowed her.
Odette broke through the last line of trees and was welcomed by an empty landscape. Her heart was saddened by the sight, but she knew that it could have life again if certain wolves chose it to do so. Curiosity led her to the base of the volcano, where the ground was cool from the mountain not being recently active. As her gaze moved up to look at the vast piece of nature, a few rocks slid down one of the sides. She raised an eyebrow and saw that something was making it happen. A russet-furred form was trying to fight gravity and Odette wondered if she would be okay. So, with a gentle bark, she hoped that the form would turn and see if she was there. If the female turned out to be an enemy, she would either fight or run for her life. Odette was open-minded and open to opportunities as well.

"You" Think


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03-09-2014, 11:18 PM

It would be no easy task fighting gravity to reach the top of the mountain. But the burn of her muscles was well worth it. Little rocks and dirt slid out from under her paws but her balance remained decent. She had been so absorbed in her task that she didn't realize she had company until a light bark invaded her senses. She would come to a halt, claws digging in to hold her in place. She would turn, looking over her shoulder to see a tricolored fae watching her.

If the woman was an enemy she would have attacked already. Slowly she would make her way back down, not having gotten very far up. "Hello." She would offer a greeting when she was within a few feet of the woman. Audits stood at attention, russet and creamy jaws parted in a pant, an attempt to catch her breath. "Is everything alright?"

She wasn't sure why the girl had called out to her, perhaps she needed help? Crown would tilt slightly as she waited for an answer. She couldn't remember the last time she had met a stranger or even talked to one. She had spent so much time alone lately, she nearly forgot how to be social. A small smile would tug at her lips, tail swaying gently at her hocks.

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10 Years
03-09-2014, 11:27 PM

The woman had stopped in the middle of her volcano climbing, turning her attention back to Odette. It made the yearling's eyes widen in surprise as the female decided to stop what she was doing and return to the base. Concern was etched in how the stranger talked to her, inquiring if she was all right and such. It made Odette feel bad for a second. She hadn't wanted to stop the female from climbing, for it seemed like she was enjoying it.
"Hello," she said, returning the greeting with a wag of her tail. As Sibelle took the required steps to be near her, she took a respectful step or two back herself before answering. "Yes ma'am, everything is okay. I just wanted to know what it was you were doing, even if it is rude of me to ask." An ear twitched in another direction as she let a bit of sadness peak in her eyes. "I apologize for interrupting what you were doing. I just hadn't seen something like that done by a wolf before."



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03-09-2014, 11:44 PM

It seemed to have upset the girl that she stopped her climbing to come and talk to her. A dark ear fell back and sadness crept into her bi colored eyes. A short bark of laughter slipped from her jaws, amusement glittering in her features. She appreciated the girls concern, but there was no need for it. Her tail would wag slowly, trying to sooth the girls worries.

"Oh thats nonsense! You are not interrupting anything. I'm Sibelle." She hoped that girl would not feel guilty. "Mountains are the best way to stay in fighting shape." A wry grin would twist her russet features.

Nostrils flared, taking in the girls scent. She was from a pack, but not one she was familiar with. It was a relief to know that she was at least not from Glaciem. Tired muscles slowly lost their burn, tomorrow they would be healed and stronger.

ooc- crappy post DX

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10 Years
03-09-2014, 11:55 PM

The stranger gave a relaxed chuckle and reassured Odette that she hadn't interrupted anything. Odette's eyes lost their sadness and she felt a smile appear on her face. "Well, thank goodness for that!" she voiced. At least she wouldn't get reprimanded for disturbing the woman as she practiced her volcano climbing.
It was when the woman said that climbing was a good way to develop muscles that Odette's attention became more focused. Although her eyes had the same happy shine, determination was starting to become evident in her facial features. " is?" Her voice dropped to an amazed whisper and she slowly broke her gaze to look up at the large mountain. It stretched for what seemed like forever and she blinked once as her head craned itself to adjust to the height. "I wouldn't mind joining you in trying to reach the top, then!" Being a warrior and learning everything she could while being young was something Odette wanted more than anything.
Before she attempted to race past Sibelle and climb the mountain, she realized the stranger had introduced herself. "It's nice to meet your acquaintance, Sibelle. My name is Odette...Odette Adravendi." She smiled widely, tail continuing to sway behind her in anticipation. "I really didn't think I would find anyone out here, since it's been left for more than a year."

"You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


03-10-2014, 12:08 AM

Much to her amusement the girl was fascinated. Her voice dropped to a whisper as though it were a secret that only they knew. With barely contained amusement she would answer the girl. "It is. You build muscle fighting gravity, and you must have balance because if you don't you could fall." She explained to the girl, who seemed as though she may just be learning to fight and defend herself. Eagerly the girl offered the join her, wanting to race to the top.

A chuckle would rumble in her chest as she nodded agreeing the girls request. But first, the girl would introduce herself, an Adravendi. It was a name that was familiar to her, but only through her brother. "My brother, Taurig, used to rule this land. This is the first time i've been back." She allowed her verdant gaze to shift to the mountain, memories flooding her mind briefly.

"Shall we begin?" Mischief glittered in her eyes, her tail wagging eagerly. With a new found competitor the russet queen would turn, hind legs propelling her forward. Legs would stretch to grip the ground, claws digging into the pull herself upward. She listened carefully for the girl, not wanting her to get hurt. She could carefully pace herself, knowing she would need stamina to reach the top.

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03-10-2014, 12:51 AM

From her brittle glimmer of existence upon the Battlefield Isardis had begun to grow obsessed; lured by a child he had sworn to abandon as his own, piercing hooks cast deep within his jowls, wounded by barbs of desperation and reeled by the very bait she beckoned him with. But his mind was more sure this time than it had been all that time ago, today he hungered her presence with a keen lust for her burgundy vision, craved to see the sway of her diseased existence. She rattled in his mind like something more-or-less out of place, a tiny something-or-rather that did not quite know it belonged amongst the tightly-packed shelves. And so eager his ticking hoarder was; searching so desperately to discover her purpose within his life, a purpose so long ago lost.

But she had company, a woman of exquisite difference, of enticing wonder; however within the presence of Sibelle, she was no more than another babe within reach. ?Shall I wait for you here or polish your path, russet princess?? his words were of low taunt, lips twitching with mild amusement as his compulsive rubies captured her form as it made suit for the inclination; weaving out from beneath the cover of a deceased tree skeleton.



10 Years
03-10-2014, 10:29 PM

They were about to start the climb, competition evident in the way Sibelle acted, when an unsuspecting figure appeared. White tresses that covered pink skin flowed in the breeze, coral pink eyes watching the russet-furred figure that clung to the side of the mountain. Odette took a step or two away from him, for she knew what the Glaciem looked like even in mental images and rumors. She didn't like his presence, but she made sure her face remained neutral.
It was obvious that he was there to see Sibelle, for he spoke only to her. With ears flattened against her head, Odette gently said, "I suppose we should climb volcanos another time, Sibelle. I must go check and see how my siblings are doing." She nodded her head to the female and set off in the opposite direction of Isardis, making sure to hit the familiar creeks and streams so her scent trail would not be easy to follow.

-EXIT Odette-

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03-10-2014, 10:39 PM

His voice invaded her skull, his taunting manner scratching at her ears. Immediately her body went rigid, lips curling back with distaste. She would turn, facing the pale bastard, she would approach, only to put herself between Odette and her father. "Go home." She commanded the girl as she spoke, her words easily echoing over her. She would remain rigid and silent until she was certain that Odette was out of harms way and on her way home.

"You've been keeping tabs on me. What could you possibly want?" Her crown lifted to stare eye to eye at the man who sired her. Muscles coiled beneath her russet pelt, her posture stiff. Ears fell back loosely against her skull, hackles threatening to lift.

She did not care to be in presence one bit. Twice he had forced himself into her life. First the battlefield and now here. He had made it clear once that he had wanted nothing to do with her. So what had changed. She stood watching the man closely, her face void of any true emotion. The albino King only ever sought was could benefit him, but she had nothing of value to offer him. The man was growing old, that much she could see, but he was long past any chance of changing her mind about him.

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3 Years
03-11-2014, 07:17 AM
He would follow her scent, no longer worried about her wound but still he managed to worry about her. The young male had not seen her since they met up on the ship, and he would find himself hoping, praying, that she had not forgotten him. That she was not gone the way that Silana was - was he to blame for becoming somewhat scarce? He had taken time to idly pace the north for his missing kin, only to turn up short. Aeron supposed he should try to move on - the two of them had functioned this way when they were younger - rarely in each other's company but they seemed to take nothing for granted when they were together.

He would trail her up the mountain, not noticing - or perhaps not caring - that he was not the only one heading in the same direction. The smaller brute would not pass up the albino, but when he finally laid eyes on his pinkish figure, he would say nothing, barely glance in his direction before he saw Sibelle. Her words would hit the air, and another girl would go home - seemingly in some sort of hurry. Mismatched gaze would watch the tri colored female leave, and then realize with Sibelle's words, that this man had been watching her. His ears would perk, and the monochrome brute would slide over to Sibelle's side, blankly gazing at the albino. His figure remained in a neutral position, his tail hung limply behind him, and his fur smooth along his neck. The only thing truly offputting was Sibelle's reaction to this male.

Still, annoyance bubbled underneath his skin despite it not being on display the way it was on the russet female. Her hackles were raised, her ears pressed to her skull - defensive, annoyed, fearful, what did this man want from her? Aeron could only wait and see...

ooc: hope you don't mind if I throw Aeron in c:



03-13-2014, 11:34 PM

As if he bore some screaming suggestion of the power that writhed his muscles, the unfamiliar woman would contort her bodice in coarseness spoiled by her haste. Lips twitched with pleasure, ruby gaze hovering with empty intent atop her curved haunches as they disappeared down athwart the valleys of her intentions. As if almost careless within her presence his rosy gape would find it?s magnetism upon the burgundy structures of a daughter that waded amongst her unknown misery; so shallowly bridging an emotional gap between them as her suddenly closer proximities sent a tremble of thrill down his rigid spine. He had forgotten her, but perhaps only for a minute; for since his stumble upon her on the battlefield she had plagued his senses endlessly.

His stomach rolled with a hunger that defied his recent meal, elbows shifting in a momentary flash of polished jewellery as his smirk would fade ever so slightly; aware now of another man?s approach. Alas her question distracted him, and oh wasn?t it a great question! ?If I knew what I wanted, I would have it by now,? cherry velvets flickered with a moment of pleasure, honesty woven beneath each syllable he drooled. In fact, all he wanted to do in that moment was stare at her and mull over how fabulous his genetics truly were; her lithe body holding a feminine strength that enticed him despite their relations. Tail would shift to rest against his right side, casting a curtain of delicate silver curls against the harsh volcanic rock.

The boy stood by her side now, and though the instinctual desire to pry him from the girls vicinity was strong, Isardis would attempt to appear void within the fact. ?Perhaps I have come to punish myself? It is sad to see a woman of such calibre completely and utterly wasted. A being that could be so much, having woven her veins so deep into the rotted soil she has already begun to decompose,? and so quickly his harmonic air would sink to that of a seething distaste, a potential hatred, and yet he was not sure if he could ever truly hate her. Which was a downright shame, of course, for if he could destroy her then his mind would surely be at ease?


03-14-2014, 12:07 PM

A familiar scent mingled with her fathers, one she had hoped would never cross paths with the pallid brute. Aeron. He had found her, unknowingly stumbling upon the threat that was Glaciems King as well. Her verdant gaze would not leave the man, even as the monochromed brute came up beside her. He was close enough that she could feel his heat, but far enough that she couldn't touch him without moving. The russet queen kept her resolve, anchoring herself to where she stood, piercing the albino with her gaze.

"When has not knowing every stopped you before?" It was part of her nature to remain cool, collected when she spoke, whoever it was. A relationship had never been formed between the two, she had grown to know nothing but distaste for the man. She still couldn't understand how her mother could care for such a being. Did she not know of the destruction that he left in his wake?

Aeron was, surprisingly, not even acknowledged by the man as he spoke again. Perhaps I have come to punish myself? A low chuckle would spew from her jaws, her crown shaking slowly. "Has your old age made you foolish? I am no waste, merely patient, just waiting for the perfect moment." Ever since she had come to this land, she knew what she wanted. She wanted the title of Queen, she wanted to rule a pack of her own. She wanted a family, a place to call her own, a place that she created.

"I thought you would have known better, power runs through my blood, and I will have it one day. Even if it means that I steal it from you." Amusement would weave in and out of her tones, a second bit of laughter rolling off her tongue. She didn't know if she meant it or not, she was merely playing her fathers game. He had come here for something and she wanted to find out what.

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03-16-2014, 05:03 AM

Alas, his hope for her would begin to fade; to fizzle and waver behind the dulling glaze of her emerald stare. Her intelligence he was unaware of, convinced that where his blood reigned supreme there would always be hope to make the wrong right. However Taurig had become far more of the brainwasher than he had allowed himself to realise, and the fragile woman that now stood before him would only melt weakly beneath the dwindling mental capacity her brother had forced upon her. He frowned slightly at her words, ?There is no such thing as the perfect moment,? perhaps the words far too wise for the gradual distaste that would begin to brew beneath his ruby gape. ?The world will pass a wolf by if she simply watches time, breakable and afraid against the sidelines of a usurpers world,? tongue flicked at coral lips within but a moment of ponder.

But he was not yet done, and in the same way nor was she. And the duo, although so different in appearances suddenly began to show similar qualities; bubbling suggestions of pride and relentlessness. The difference? The babe had nothing to show for herself. He would sway then, light on his toes as if prepared for either one of them to assault; simultaneously blissful as his features would change from a crawling disappointment to a flutter of hopeful pleasure. His ruby lanterns igniting with a buoyant suggestion of the youth that still caressed his mind, ?Then why not take it now?? Because you know you are incapable, little girl. Towers flickered as a dry rumble chuckled beneath his jugular, distantly molesting her youth with a twisted rolling of his salmon tongue.


03-17-2014, 10:55 AM

He always spoke in riddles, speaking in such vague ways. But she paid no mind. For once, perhaps, he had something wise to say. The russet queen was still in her prime, the world was far from passing her by. She had years of life before her, she had strength and determination to pursue. Her dear brother had vanished, disappearing from the island, leaving her alone to do as she pleased.

In a brief moment, she couldn't help but realize how similar she was to the albino King. A challenge. His own laughter would mix with her own. Russet audits would relax enough to slide forward, standing at attention. "All in due time, father. Unless you can offer something better." Creamy limbs would stretch, pulling her forward and away from Aerons side. She would slide past her father, close enough for the tips of their pelts brush.

If it was games and challenges he wanted, then she would deliver, happily. Aside from the power and pride that slide though her veins, there was the power of manipulation. She would not fall victim to the albino's ways, she would create her own path, and whether they would cross again, would be up to him. There was no doubt in her mind that Aeron would leave with her, he had no reason to stay, much like herself. Unless, of course, her father changed his mind.

-exit Sibelle unless stopped-

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03-18-2014, 02:40 AM

In the same way Isardis held a brittle attempt at remaining somewhat elusive; Sibelle would show signs of comparable desires. The similarity between them was almost unnerving, almost as if it made the man ponder momentarily his judgement of her weakness. Did she have the power to flay him? Alas, the thought would be quickly turned away, not allowing his mind to show such signs of weaknesses. Her coolness surprised him, the levelness of her brain confusing all he had known of her past; told to be a firecracker of writhing energy and over reactions. However she was proving to be all the more interesting, and all the more enticing, her denial of his presence would only leave him more dangerously thirsty to know.

And as she made her hazardous leave, daring to prickle her russet coat against the silken bodies of his own on-end strands, he would strive to repulse her with the rotation of his skull; salmon tongue falling loose in the last moment of their contact as he attempted to drag it down her moving side. If she wanted closeness then he would give her closeness, ?I look forward to our union, daughter,? the relation-title cracked whips through eerie still air, shattering the tension with a terrifying acknowledgement of reality; he had reclaimed her as his own, and god forbid what possibilities and obsessions lay ahead.

-- Exit after Sibelle, unless she reacts to him of course. :P


3 Years
03-25-2014, 12:42 AM
He had an inkling that he knew who this man was - Sibelle had told him of her father before - of the dislike that she harbored for him. Yet it seemed that had changed if this was the brute in question. He would watch their meeting, confused, but without a hint as to what his opinion of it was. When the albino left, he would follow after Sibelle, and he couldn't shake the feeling of being annoyed at how close she had gotten to the cherry eyed stranger. She had brushed against his side before, lingered when others didn't, and he found that he absolutely did not like when she did the same to others. He would associate this male with the feeling, and decided to avoid him in the future if he could. He would trail after the russet woman, questions and feelings swirling in his head - but he would wait to speak with her until they were well out of the pink brute's vicinity.
exit Aeron w/ Sibelle