
I Listen To What You See


03-13-2014, 03:03 AM

The heat was unbearable, but why she didn't know. She had not been to these parts before, and yet she continued forward to investigate and explore. It was who she was, to surge forth into the face of danger and never shy away. Yet lately...there was something she had begun to fear. Her vision hadn't been the best lately, and without her mother around to explain to her what was happening, she had been on her own. Every once in a while, her vision seemed to flicker like a light constantly being subdued by shadows. It wasn't permanent, so far. But it frightened her. And so far, it was just in her right eye...the left seemed to be fine, the right side, however, seemed to be suffering.

She climbed higher and higher, paws slipping occasionally on rocks and pebbles as she climbed steadily upwards. Hoping her sight would behave today, though it was a hopeless case. Although it happened randomly, she hoped with all her might that her vision would not dull today. There was so much she wanted to see! And yet, due to her lack of understanding the one day she might potentially go blind, the young girl figured she must be sick. Like a cold, or a cough, and that one day it would go away. As she neared the top, it began to grow warmer and warmer, and she was curious as to what was at the end of her trek. The air began to smell different the farther up she went, thicker even. She stopped near a cluster of rocks, trying to catch her breath as her right eye began to flicker again. She groaned, it was happening...the scenery began to flicker in shadow once more. Had she been born with a curse?

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4 Years
03-17-2014, 11:48 AM

Keiki should not have been this far from her parents, especially not this high up the mountain; they would be worried once they realized she was gone. The girl had managed to slip away, an amazing feat for someone who didn?t know how much noise she was making. She wanted to explore, and so explore she did! The heat had taken some time to adjust too but now she felt just as at home on the volcano as she had on the island. Still she did notice it getting somewhat warmer the higher she climbed, paying it little mind though as she drew in the sight of another figure.
Letting loose a loud yip she picked up her pace to race towards the stranger. It didn?t take long to realize that the figure was another pup and she let go another loud bark and ran up towards the red and white pup. ?Hi! Hi!? She exclaimed, too loud and somewhat awkwardly.

[Image: VAzkBpg.png]