
Hauntings of the Unknown



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
03-18-2014, 01:15 AM

Head on her paws, she let out a sigh. Avalon had been in the cove for a couple days now, wondering if anyone would return to find her here. It had been a year now, she had disappeared when she was one year of age and now she was two this season...and in heat, although she didn't know what it was. She just knew that she was feeling icky and strange, frustrated among other feelings. She had not run into anyone along the way here, luckily for her. If she had run into unkind males, she was sure to have had something bad happen to her...but as it was, she had no idea what was going on nor that she was in heat. She just didn't like that she was feeling irritable among a range of other mixed feelings. Today, she just felt depressed...after all, she was alone. Her family was gone, and she had no idea where to start looking for them or if they were even still in the lands.

The sun shone weakly through the clouds that had gathered over the beach. The summer heat had created humidity, and it made her feel even worse, thus furthering her irritability.



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03-18-2014, 02:00 AM

[Image: rave1.png]

Quote: Paws that throbbed with an ache of one who had walked endless miles for more days then he cared to remember still continued to rise and fall under him as he found his way into the lands of Alacritis. His journey had been a long one and the weight of exhaustion that threatened to envelop him was almost unbearably heavy. It was not the chore of walking that pressed down upon him, nor the bite of hunger that clawed within his stomach. It was the remembrance of his past that skidded in the corners of his mind refusing to let him slip free of its accusations.

He remembered his father, who he had thought he hated but grown to love and care for the wisdom he had brought him. He remembered his mother, who's strength was an unbreakable force that left its wake upon the world around her. Under her guidance he had gained his consideration, his love and his strength. He knew beyond a doubt that he had lost them now, he was of their second litter and they where the oldest wolves he had ever known. Know, the biggest memory to harass him was that of his older sister Crusade and his litter mate Gargoyle. They where his family in this world, the last of the life he had loved and left behind. Crusade, who had ruled Glacium before him with the pride and strength of their mother, the wisdom of their father.

He no longer paid heed to where his paws took him, lost in his memories as he was, remembering the images of his siblings, tasting the familiar scent of them upon his tongue, it was tangible thing almost real as he breathed in the freshness of the cove he tread to. He breathed again, the memory of Gargoyle fulling his sensors, the strength and saltiness of his tang and the erotic undertones of heat that wafted... Wait, what.

Rogue pulled up short in his tracts, a light puff of sand settling against his paws as a perplexed expression crossed his dark features. He realised with a sharp twist of his stomach that it was not his memories that he had felt, it was the true scent that carried to him across the wind. Yes, it was there but it was not as he remembered it it was sweeter almost richly so, like cane sugar, with the under tones of a female wolf in heat. No this was definitely not his brother, but there was no denying the similarities to her scent that marked her as family.

With a sense of excitement, mostly created by the thought of seeing family again after so long, and shadowed ever so slightly with what the scent of a woman in heat did to a male's emotions, it effected him but not nearly as much as it would to one that did not have the same blood as her running in his veins. He pushed aside the rising emotions, pulling himself under control as he followed the scent in the air until he found her. She was a large thing, she could see Gargie in the shape of her muscles, the colour of her coat as well as the height that built her. He breathed out heavily as he stood there, a pain constricting against his chest as he watched her, seeing in her his brother and bleeding from the memory of what he had lost.
?My Lady.. Do you know me??
It was a strange question to ask, but he did not want to alarm her by approaching, she was in heat, she would be weary of any male that came near her, no, he would explain who he was before without startling her.

[Image: rave3.png]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
05-08-2014, 04:34 AM
Her head would fall onto her paws, breath coming out in a sigh as the winds tugged at her fur. The nearby ocean rocked back and forth, the sand beneath her bodice clinging to her fur. She was tired, tired of waiting, tired of being alone, tired of feelng lost. Where the hell was her family? Galileo? Odette? Oracle? Orica? Galahad...? Had they all disappeared like her mother and father had out of nowhere? Had they decided to move on without her? The thoughts nearly brought tears to her eyes, though she shut them away before she could cry. She couldn't cry anymore, she wasn't sure if it was right to do so. After all, why care for those who seemed to abandon her? Nobody had gone looking for her, nobody had tried to rescue her. She was alone in a world so cruel and cold...wasn't she?

?My Lady.. Do you know me??A voice unfamiliar broke her thoughts, causing her to jerk onto her feet and sending sand flying every which way. Fiery amber eyes focused on the other wolf as her hackles rose, lip curling slightly as her ears flattened halfway to her skull. Who was this male? Watching him warily, she studied him. His question echoing in her mind. Was she supposed to know him? It had been so long since she had seen anyone, since she had seen her family. By the way he had asked his question, he seemed to know her...but how could she be sure? "I...don't think so...who are you?"


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!