
banana mint shoes


03-14-2014, 03:06 PM

The obsidian temptress awoke, her sickness having been overcome by her own strength of will. Dust covered her, stuck to her magnificent ebony coat by a film of sweat that had formed while in the throes of sickness. Shakily would she get to her feet, slinking over to a pool of dank water to regard her features within it's mirrored surface. She had lost the mass she had gained while pregnant, yet looked a little more gaunt than usual. No matter, it would be easy to regain her previous, sumptuous frame. Trotting about the mines, she called out to her mate and children. Their scents were stale, faint. A growl rose in her throat as realization struck her that Ryu had taken the children and abandoned her while she was ill. Dual toned optics flashed with rage, and the petite wisp of shadow raised her hackles. Turning to face the trail left behind, she hurtled after the fading scent of her children and her beloved.
A massive river presented itself before her, but the one track mind if the irate femme simply forced her through it, her tea cupped paws slashing through the churning water. On the other side of the river, she shook the frigid aqua from her ebony derma and continued to canter after her babes. Ryu would not be getting out of this unharmed, if the petite demoness got her paws on her. The trail led through the island of Alacritia, taking her to the plains of Vericona. Why had Ryu taken the children here? Oh yes, Vahva. I knew she liked the crimson eyed woman better, and I dared to let her convince me otherwise. She snarled internally, glaring out into the plains in search of her pups.
A loud, resounding howl escaped the maw of the jet furred bitch, calling her children to her. She was taking them away, and she would care for them on her own. She didn't need Ryu, and her children didn't need the eternal grinner to care for them. Somewhere deep in the heart of the angered wolfess, there was sorrow for the betrayal of her mate and the sudden abandonment of the giantess. Pacing the borders, long tail would whip back and forth as tea cupped paws struck the terra angrily. She wanted her children, she needed the comfort of their tiny bodies all around her so that she could feel at home. She would not let these little ones have a life like she did- losing a mother and being provided a foster family that was not as perfect as it seemed. She watched the world around her, waiting impatiently for someone to bring her children to her.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-14-2014, 03:57 PM

The loud and rather rude howl on the borders of Valhalla, made her ears twitch with mild irritation. Slowly her head raised, the rest of her body following as she mentally shook the vapors of her nap away from her mind. Shaking out her snowy pelt, dislodging dust and flecks of stone from her fur, she headed off at a limber trot, giving a low bark to Surreal and Cormalin. The hostility she felt on the border would need addressing.

Her daughter and brother fell into step at either side of her flanks, Surreal throwing out a quick howl to the pack; a be on guard warning. As of this moment, Erani didn?t know who was at the border, but as the trio came into viewing distance, she had a suspicion. The female pacing angrily to and fro upon the borders was small and black, with bicolored eyes, as the giantess who had brought five young pups to Valhalla had described. A low grumble from Surreal, and a twitch of recognition from Cormalin made her pause and look at the two.

A raised brow point was given to her brother. His look in return was a clearly gestured ?later?. She nodded and approached the female. ?Calm yourself. Your children are free for you to take, as per the terms of your mate.? Calmly civil were the tones of her voice, before she turned her head and sang a summons for Vahva, the caretaker of the five pups.



5 Years
Extra large
03-15-2014, 06:51 PM
I'm stuck here in the middle

at war with good and evil

"Raven!" Laufey took off running once the inky fae's form came into view. He skidded to a halt before her, rump grazing the ground with the force of his slide. He sat before her with his legs splayed out in front of him and his tail wagging furiously, the picture of careless abandon. "Have you come to join our pack?"

He was so happy to see her! Where was his mom, had she come back too? He had so much to show them! There was a little pond with frogs in it and lots of mud at the bottom so he could turn himself all brown whenever he wanted. Now he didn't have to be scared anymore either, 'cause he could take Raven with him everywhere and she wasn't scared of anyone.

Laufey peered around Raven, first looking over her left shoulder and then her right for the giantess. "Did momma come too?" Not seeing her behind Raven -really, if she were behind Raven there would have been no need to look around her - the pup spun around in a quick circle, hoping to have missed her giant form in his excitement.

She wasn't there, wasn't anywhere, and his tail drooped as her absence registered. His mood was only downcast for a moment as another thought lifted his spirits. Maybe she was waiting somewhere!


I can hear you talkingLaufey

This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.



03-18-2014, 11:46 AM

Orochi heard Raven from far away as he pulled himself up to go and follow his brother. The pup made his way on clumsy legs to the borders where he saw Raven. A smile erupting on his face though she didn't look very happy he didn't care. By Laufey's reaction, he could partly tell his mother was not here though, where had she gone? Why had she left them here in this strange world of wolves. The little pup stopped and wagged his tail. "RAVEN!" had she come to take them back. Well he didn't want to go, Raven wasn't his mother, and he liked his new life here where people starred at his lovely fur and size constantly.
"Raven Raven! It's great here, I learned lots of new things from new wolfies." He exclaimed happily. If his mother wasn't here he could boast out to his mothers friend. That was how he saw her after all, she may also been a second mother but not his true mother. The silver eyed pup closed his eyes with a smile, wondering what would happen to them now.


03-18-2014, 11:55 AM

Vahva did not wait to answer the call, it was about the pups she had been fostering. While still confused as to why Ryu would leave them here on short notice, she seemed bothered by something when she left. So as soon as she saw Raven her hackles bristled with the realization that she'd be pissed at Vahva. Oh boy. And when thing were going so well, specially with her new found love. Tail flicking she approached. "Raven, is ryouta with you?" That was the first question she asked, looking to see if the beast was around. She was hoping Ryouta had returned to her mate's side upon going to fetch their children, but by the looks of it she had not making a pit of worry form in her stomach. "I can see she's not....but yes, the children are yours." They needed their mothers at this moment anyway.
"But I must tell you, the way Ryouta looked and sounded when she left, she wasn't happy, she wasn't quiet angry either she was more over fighting with herself over leaving you and your pups. She did not leave for nothing, something's up so I'd keep your head perked." Raven would probably snap at her, but she didn't mind. At this point she was used to being judged so harshly. Paws digging into the ground, she waited for Raven to speak, ready to defend her alphess as well from the womans rage if that became a problem.



03-20-2014, 04:59 PM

A pale femme would appear; her movements graceful and self assured- those of a queen. The dark eyes of the leader were like an ocean, familiar to her, slightly similar to those of the woman who had left her for dead. The woman was much taller than the obsidian temptress, but she didn't care about that, she wanted those whom had been taken from her. The queen was calm in her speech, summoning the children to them with a single resonant call. The long banner of the jet furred bitch would lash in aggravation as she awaited the arrival of her babes.

A familiar form would bound into view, little Laufey with a smile on his face. The pounding heart of the dark lady would be quelled, and a small hiccupping sigh would leave the onyx lips of the shadow. His little tail was wagging a mile a minute, and he was the picture of careless joy and abandon. "Oh Laufey, my dear sweet child, look how you've grown.." She would murmur with a relieved smile playing at her dainty features. "No dear, I'm here to take you home with me. Do not fret, you may visit whenever you wish if it pleases you." Sultry tones would purr as she brought her tongue to caress the top of his head. It would not be long before he was bigger than her, but that was okay, she would love her little ones nonetheless. His oceanic gaze dragged up to look over each of her petite shoulder in turn, and a soft inquiry would leave his lips. A frown furrowed the brow of the wispy shadow, and she fixed her son with a long, hard look. "Dear, your mother has left us." She told him, her voice brittle and cold as she spoke. She didn't want to hurt the little one, but she wanted Laufey to understand the gravity of the situation.

It was then sweet Orochi arrived, his pale plume wiggling with just as much strength as that of his brother. She would smile even more now, placing a gentle kiss upon his head. "Why Orochi, how could you have gotten so big in such little time? You are becoming a very handsome young man, my sweet." She would purr, grinning at him with such pride. Dark tail would sweep contentedly across her heels as she began to calm in the presence of her children, who were not truly hers. When the young boy spoke, she chuckled, the corners of her lips drawing upwards in an even happier grimace of joy. "Have you now, my sweet? You'll have to tell me all about it!" She would exclaim, lowering her haunches to the terra and resting her plush banner alongside her. Her dual toned gaze sparkled with glee as she focused it upon the babes, glad she had found them without a doubt.

A familiar scent brought a bristling to her hackles, the electric blue maned woman approaching in the distance with the rest of her babes in tow. The bitch would slowly raise herself to her tea cupped paws, lips lifting angrily as Vahva came closer. The rest of her lovely children would remain at the healer's side, and the petite black femme would growl angrily as the maned wolfess inquired after Ryouta. "I knew she fancied you more, of course she would leave the children with you." The silvertongued lady would snap, her tail beginning to lash at her hocks once more. The woman would continue to speak of the eternal grinner, and the dark fur along Raven's spine would raise in irritation. "She could have told me, but instead she left me behind, ill and on the brink of death, and handed our children over to you. In my books, that's reason to be angry." The obsidian she wolf would snarl, voice dripping with venom and sarcasm as her plume flicked irritably behind her. "I'll be taking the children now." She would growl, talons flexing and digging into the dried out earth as she waited for a response and her babes to be handed over. Raven was done here, she wanted to be with her little ones and bring them home to take care of them.




03-20-2014, 05:14 PM

Orochi tensed a bit, she was making fun of Vahva wasn't she. It made him grumpy, he stood in front of the blue maned woman with a small ghastly frown. Listening to what Raven said, mommy wouldn't leave them. Not without reason anyway. Orochi felt that he knew that perfectly well. "Momma loves you raven, she couldn't love someone else even if she tried." he said with a bit of a whimper. He pulled himself down looking up at her. She couldn't just accuse his mother of such things. He stood up and puffed out his chest, "I don't wanna leave, not when your being a big meany."
Orochi wasn't sure what was going on, but he was proud, and he was sad but he'd be importantly so like this. He gave a short hmph and backed into Vahva landing on his back as he blinked and smiled sheepishly. None of the adults here, they didn't look like they were having much fun did they?


03-20-2014, 05:20 PM

Vahva raised an eyebrow to the woman, she was mad at her? Excuse her but she wasn't the one who chose a beast of a mate. And that one had a few screws loose but she definitely didn't fancy Vahva. Not after the countless barrages of creepiness she got from her. And besides right now she was with Allen, there wasn't anyone else for her. "Excuse me but Ryouta loved you a lot, that was why she thought the children would be too much for you to handle. She was thinking of YOU the entire time. But, I can't judge so hate me as you will. I helped you and your mate because I felt like it, not like I wanted anything out of it." Vahva shrugged. She then sighed, "I'm sorry Raven I really am, I certainly hope your mate comes back to clear out this mess whatever it is." Orochi then started to speak, and backed into her. Vahva looked at the boy.

She gave a soft smile to him, "No, Raven isn't being mean. She's just worried about you little one." She picked him up by the scruff and set him in front of Raven. "Go with her, she's your family, not me. Plus your brothers and sisters need you." She gave him a small nudge. Vahva looked up at Raven for a small bit, her red eyes reflecting until she turned away. "I do hope you the best, if you ever need help I'm here." She flicked her tail. Dipping her head, "Sorry if it seemed like I was being rude." she then started to walk back to her den.
