



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-26-2014, 02:50 PM (This post was last modified: 02-26-2014, 03:01 PM by Erani.)

Erani padded through the territory, surveying what was Valhalla?s. Today was a relaxed, late summer day, sunny, but with a welcome view of thunderclouds far off on the horizon. They would bring rain, welcome nourishment to the starving, parched land. It would hold off, however, long after she was done with her business of the day. She had Four Epsilons, young wolves who needed a vocation. Out of the four, Tyr and Lyric were the eldest. Guinevere and Odette were yearlings.

As she meandered through the forested area of the territory, making her way toward her den, she considered the for young wolves. Odette, she knew, was showing promise as a fighter, and according to Surreal, the blood descendant of Gargoyle and Ocena, and adoptive daughter of Chrysanthe, showed interest in the other two vocations as well. That would fit in well with what Erani had in mind for the pack. Guinevere, too, showed promise. The daughter of Collision and Soleil. She wondered, absently, where Solaine had gone, as well as the girls? parents themselves. With Soleil missing, they were down an Eta, and a very good one as well. Without Collision, they were without a fine warrior.

Her mind wandered as she scaled a small hill, returning to her business. Lyric? It was so good to have her youngest child back home. It filled a portion of the emptiness that she?d been trying to ignore for ages. If Lyric had come back, maybe the rest would follow. As for Lyric?s skills, Erani would have to talk to her daughter and see what she knew after being gone for so long. To reconnect. She smiled. Tyr, who was also a new member, was the only male of the Epsilons. He was also crippled, a fact she would have to accept that she would be unable to heal this pain, only give him plants to ease the pain, and add to his appetite. The two year old male was painfully thin, and needed to get a great deal of food in him to fill him out and add a layer of protective fat over his frame. She had a feeling that he might be a good healer.

Her tail flicked as she came to a stop in the Meeting clearing, settling on her haunches at the base of the large flat boulder that was the seat of the high ranking wolves during meetings. Today, she was taking the casual route. Her head tilted back, sending out a summons to the four wolves she would be meeting with today. Tyr, Lyric, Odette and Guinevere. She let the summons draw out, then lowered her head, ears perking slightly as she waited for them to come.



10 Years
02-27-2014, 05:13 AM

Odette Adravendi

Ever since Erani had brought Valhalla back to the Plains, Odette had been more protective of the land and her mother. She remained with Chrysanthe until she felt that smothering was the appropriate word for what she was doing, giving the russet-faced female alone time until later. Odette decided to scout the edges of the Plains that hadn't been looked at as much as the entrance and she was glad she did. Hunger had taken over the female's actions and with a growling stomach, Odette pursued the many underbrush of the surrounding forests.
If dust had been something that could collect in Ala, that would be what was swept into the air by Odette's movements. Since she was six months old, she had been keen on learning how to hunt. After all, when one was alone and starvation looked you right in the face, what else could you do?! With swift paws, Odette silently raced through the forest, nose sniffing and waggling for any scents of prey. When she caught the fresh trail of a nearby pheasant, she eagerly followed it until coming to its nest. However, at the sight of the little chicks in the nest, she couldn't bring herself to slay their mother. Instead, she walked past them and bounded after a male rabbit. Men were overrated, anyway. Leave the world to the women!
After eating her meal and enjoying the satisfaction of a full stomach, she padded to a nearby stream and gratefully lowered herself into the water. Fully consumed, she swam a few feet downstream, letting the current take her wherever it chose to go. When she rose her head above the surface, she heard the sound of her adopted grandmother's howl. It seemed important and with no delay, Odette pulled herself to the bank with strong front legs. The lean muscles rippled beneath her coat as she shook all over and proceeded to regain footing before shooting off through the woods.
The scenery was nothing but a blur on either side of Odette as she raced through the wide and narrow trees. Her eyes were focused on the unseen path in front of her while the rest of her made sure she didn't tumble or twist a paw on a random root. The body she had inherited from Ocena worked like a well tuned machine, ensuring the energy she needed to keep up her pace. In no time at all, she had reached the edge of the forest and saw the white idol with the sapphire blue eyes. Odette's own bi-colored gems sparkled as she quietly walked towards Erani from the right side of her peripheral vision.
"Grandmother," she said tenderly, tail wagging behind her in evidence of being pleased to see her. She unabashedly approached the elegant woman, giving her a gentle nuzzle with her cold nose before pulling back to meet her gaze. "I hope you're doing all right...and that I'm not late." A teasing tone was obvious from the young lady and she took a few steps back to recline on her dark haunches.

I speak


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Lyric I


4 Years
02-27-2014, 09:13 AM
So Chrysanthe had lost the pack, and her mother had created it again. Lyric was piecing things together that she had missed during her absence, and it was only a little difficult because it was so much! Still, the female didn't mind getting pulled along for the ride and did her best to stay on top of things enough to not have too many questions to ask. She wanted to meet up with her mother and siblings, but they were all so busy getting reacquainted with their homes she hadn't found the chance to speak with them yet. A part of her worried that her mother wouldn't be pleased with her for disappearing for so long - but she felt that she had to when she left. For a while she actually thought that she had the chance of finding her missing brothers, but she had come back empty handed.

Hopefully it was alright that she came back at all.

There had been no harsh words or cold looks though, so Lyric would not worry too much. She only hoped that she could serve as some use to this pack, she wasn't the most skilled hunter and definitely wasn't much of a fighter - but she had always had an interest in healing. Erani made it look so elegant, so easy, to be able to speed up the healing process when someone was hurt. She wanted to save lives and sooth lives and being a healer would allow her to do those things. All she had to do now was propose the idea.

With thoughts of her old life now renewed zipping about her head, she would be pulled out away from them at the sound of her mother's call. She hoped that she would be able to speak with Erani a bit more personally today - but after her voice faded from the air it became apparent that the call was not for she alone. And so she would obey, attempting to fall into the mindset of a proper pack member.

As she approached the meeting place, she would blink at the girl that had already come. She wasn't sure who she was, but she was a member of Valhalla and... did she just call her mother grandmother? Her eyes widened - did Surreal have kids?! "I have a more nieces!?" Her voice was gentle, but surprised to say the least - in a good way of course. It took quite a bit of effort not to voice more of her inquiries. She would offer the other girl a smile, before blinking toward Erani, trying to hold back a cheesy little grin at being able to be in her mother's presence again. She had missed her family - but she had left in an attempt to bring them back together a little more whole. It was a shame her father and brothers seemed to be gone for good - but she could relish somewhat in the fact that here in Valhalla she was not alone. Her mother, sisters, and uncle were here - and she was glad to be able to be there for them.



03-02-2014, 12:35 PM

Guin had been feeling rather empty as of late. She was bored to, which didnt make it any easier. By the day it felt as though her parents where drifting away from her, further and further until one day- they may never be within her precense again. The whole thought made the youth sink, drown in doubt and craving the attention of family. The call of Erani would dawn upon her, stopping her from doing absolutely nothing. With a few moments of just standing there, Guinevere would begin to walk towards the call; knowing that the alphess was close by. It was kinda strange, to be under a different rule. And still, the girl didnt know who to prefer. They both had different qualities, but she never really dwelled further within it. She'd put a fake smile upon her face, her tail licking at her heels. " Erani, hey! Whats going on?" She'd murmur before standing be herself. Guinevere was also stuck whether to follow in her mother or fathers footsteps, perhaps today she'll find out.

OOC: Sorry if theres any mistakes, have to rush out



3 Years
03-06-2014, 10:16 AM

Uphill struggle, blood sweat and tears
Tyr had been keeping to himself as much as possible in the short time since he'd accepted Erani's surprise offer to join her pack. The elder wolf's kindness still filled him with a certain wariness, but as time passed and no one appeared to chase him out or bully him, he was beginning to think she had been in earnest.

A howl rose over the land, a summons to draw him forth. His breath caught in a panicked gasp even as his body obeyed the command and set out at a limping run. It was Erani's voice - had she changed her mind? Was she kicking him out already? Was he in trouble for something? Was she going to... His good sense finally managed to override the involuntary panic response. She hadn't called just for him - there had been more to it than just that, though as soon as he'd heard himself summoned he'd tuned out the rest of it.

Even at a run the crippled wolf was slower than most, so as he approached the place Erani had called him from, he scented other wolves as well. His thin patchwork pelt prickled fearfully, ears and tail dropping as he slunk forward, lurking silently behind the three females who had gathered around Erani.

Nothing to gain, everything to fear



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-08-2014, 02:54 PM (This post was last modified: 03-08-2014, 02:55 PM by Erani.)

Erani watched a pair of larks dance in the sky, listening to their song as it rolled and trilled on the breeze, until they changed direction and flew away, still singing their merry summer song, until they dwindled from hearing range, further and further away, until the only sounds remaining were the drone of cicadas and the chirping of crickets and grasshoppers. She closed her eyes, letting the peaceful sounds wash over her mind, until the steady tread of paws heralded Odette?s arrival. Deep blue pools opened, a gentle smile pulling on her muzzle as the yearling approached and greeted her.

Returning the nuzzle, Erani chuckled at the young wolf?s words. ?I am well, and you are most certainly not tardy.? Lyric?s arrival brought a warm smile to her face. Rising she stepped forward and embraced her youngest born with a tight hug, chin pressing into the shoulders of her daughter. Her tail waved gladly as she stepped back, giving her youngest a warm lick across one cheek, just like when Lyric had been a pup. ?You have one niece. This is Odette, Chrysanthe?s adopted daughter. As for Epiphron and Maverick, I?ve heard they have already had a second litter. We should go see them sometime in the near future.? Her velvet tones were happy, warm, and fully welcoming.

Guinevere was next to arrive, and Erani immediately noted the lack of feeling in the girl?s smile. ?Guinevere. How are you, today?? She greeted the young Adravendi warmly, while wondering where her sisters and brother were. Soleon, Solaine, and Azalea. Her parents, too, were missing. Erani would need to track them down at some point. Collision and Soleil were both key parts of Valhalla. A fine warrior, and a fine healer who had been in the pack almost as long as herself. And the children? They were just as special. Gael had made a fine impression in the time he?d been home after his long disappearance. He?d been a fine heir while Chrysanthe was Alpha, quickly and efficiently reprimanding Vahva for her actions on the Battlefield. For now, Erani had placed him as a Gamma once more, but perhaps he would rise again to Heir, and take her place. He was a good fighter, having won against the wolf Canttina in the Siege.

Her thoughts returned to Guinevere. What path would she choose? Hunter, Healer, or a Fighter like her brother and father? Either path she took, she would be well versed in all three. Furtive movements heralded Tyr?s arrival, and Erani gave him a gentle smile, encouraging him to approach and mingle. The fearful young male had a long path to recovery and a lot of mental healing to do, and she would make sure he learned that he wasn?t a useless sack of flesh. Perhaps he would find his use as a healer today. ?Tyr. Welcome young one. This is Lyric, my youngest born Daughter, Odette, my Granddaughter, and Guinevere. Girls, this is Tyr, one of our newest members. Treat him well, help him stand strong.? Her introductions were given with a gentle smile, and a tilt of her head to each in turn as she named them.

Straightening, she sat down upon her haunches with a smile, and addressed them as a crowd. ?Today, I have called you all here to learn what you want to do in Valhalla. Will you be a warrior? A hunter? A healer? Now, no matter what main Vocation you choose, you will still train evenly in all three skill sets. I want you four to tell me what you?d like to do, and what you think would suit each of you the most.? Her eyes passed to each wolf, a warm spark of pleasure twinkling in the deep blue pools. ?In the next meeting, your choices will be announced, and celebrated among the pack, and I will assign each of you to a teacher for each skill set.? She finished speaking with a smile, then lifted her ears as a sign for them to give it some thought, and then to speak.



10 Years
03-09-2014, 04:24 AM

She happily trembled under the warming attention that Erani gave her. One thing Odette loved was enjoying her time with family, both young and old. Her twinkling eyes fell upon the white female that appeared, who voiced an inquiry about having more nieces. Odette couldn't help but giggle at the way it was asked and she gently nodded. "Yes, Chrysanthe is my mother! She adopted me a long ways back and we've been joined at the hip ever since." The statement was a bit exaggerated, considering how restless paws carried her away from home almost everyday when the island was still their refuge.
Two more wolves appeared, both young in age and appearing to have their thoughts elsewhere. One was a girl who had the similar markings of the Adravendis in the face. It didn't take long for Odette's curiosity to be resolved, for Erani introduced each of the Epsilons. After that, her attention turned to the white female as she started to explain why they were meeting.
In general, they were all there to tell Erani what they wanted to train in. Training would be evenly distributed for all three areas and she wanted to know what they figured their strengths would be. Automatically, Odette thought of sparring. She wanted to be a fighter, become strong and was determined to show what she could do! Her hind legs were bouncing against the ground in excitement, but she silenced her quivering muscles as she waited for her grandmother to finish speaking.
Patiently, she waited to see if anyone else would speak. When no one else did and a minute or two of silence passed, she spoke up. "Since we are going to be training evenly for all three, I won't hesitate that I want to immediately begin warrior lessons." Her leg muscles in all four limbs tightened at the idea of chest bones clashing, teeth gnashing, and growling snarls breaking the silence of the battlefield's atmosphere. "I feel more comfortable being able to do something for Valhalla rather than be defenseless and not knowing how to stand my ground." God, if Gargoyle could only see her now!



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Lyric I


4 Years
03-09-2014, 03:49 PM (This post was last modified: 03-09-2014, 03:49 PM by Lyric I.)
Erani's attention, although brief, was warm enough to elicit a smile from her youngest. The lupine's tail would wag, and she would listen to her explanation as to who Odette was. Apparently her sister had adopted a child - she had never seen Chrysanthe as the motherly type, but she figured it was hard to see any of your siblings with children - even the older ones. Odette seemed to be proud of her mother as well, which she could understand - it was probably childish, but she wanted to be more like Erani as she grew. It would be nice if she could attach to her the way Odette did her own mother. The female would perk somewhat at the thought of going to visit Epiphron and her children. She had missed her family while she was gone, this was exactly what she had come back for. "I would love to visit!" She would say cheerfully, before settling down to wait for other wolves to show up, and to see what her mother had to say.

Two more would show - Guinivere, who she couldn't believe had gotten so big! And Tyr, a boy that Erani would introduce them to herself. Lyric would smile at the patchy looking brute, tipping her head in a friendly greeting. "It's nice to meet you Tyr!" She would look out for him as per request in earnest. He seemed to be nervous - she hoped that he would see that he was among friends - pack mates that wouldn't abuse him even if they were threatened to. "Welcome to Valhalla." Maybe they could get to know each other better after this meeting was over.

With introductions out of the way, Lyric would listen to Erani's words, and when she realized what her mother wanted of them, she would try and hide her excitement. She had known what she wanted to be for almost a year now! She had watched her mother when she was young, and knew a few tips and tricks when it came to healing - but this was her chance to become great at it! "I want to be a healer - and I would love it if you could teach me." She wanted to know everything that Erani knew - and it didn't strike her as brash to request for her own mother to teach her more about her craft... but Erani was an alpha now. There was always the chance that she wouldn't have the time to direct her all of the time. Lyric had hope though that this wouldn't be the case.



03-15-2014, 01:44 PM

For the time being guinevere would remain silent and think about what she wanted to do with her life, and for now her mind was siding with healing. She had watched her mother do a few healing tricks and was curious to learn more, though the youth would love to learn in the battle, her other siblings have already covered the area, and it was time for the adravendi to be a healer, so then she can mend the wounds of all of her loved ones. " I think healing would be interesting, i saw my mother do it a few times and id love to learn." She would look once to everyone, keen to learn with everyone who decided to go in the path she did, perhaps she could make a close friend.



3 Years
03-18-2014, 01:58 PM

Uphill struggle, blood sweat and tears
Tyr froze as Erani spoke, bringing the attention of the other three females on him. She introduced them to him, two being closely related to her, then admonished them to treat him well. Tyr flicked his ears back uncertainly as one of them - Lyric, Erani's daughter - greeted him cheerfully and welcomed him to the pack. "Th-thank you," he made himself say, not wanting to be rude but not really knowing how to respond.

Erani began to speak once again, going on to speak of vocations. Tyr was interested despite his lingering doubts, pricking his ears forward and angling himself so he could decipher her words easily despite his deafness. This was what she had been speaking of when she invited him to the pack, then. The chance to do something, to be someone worthwhile. But at the same time her words made his brow furrow in worry. Choose what to do? He'd never gotten to choose in his life - running away after Hroovitnir's death, and the events since, were the only true life choices he'd made.

But was it really a choice at all? His body was not equipped for fighting, never would be, and really he had no desire to go into battle. The idea of learning to hunt was appealing, but other than learning to fish he'd had little to no success at it. But healing... could he really make a good healer? He lowered his ears and his gaze, considering it as the other young wolves gave their answers. Suddenly he realized that the others had fallen silent and the attention was on him to make his decision known.

"Uh, I.. uhm. I th-think," he stammered, not making a very good start. He drooped, embarrassed. Did he have to decide in front of them? He took a deep breath and started again. "I think healing's probably the only thing I have a chance of actually being good at." And he did want to be good at something. To actually be a support for the pack instead of a drag on it's resources.

Nothing to gain, everything to fear



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-18-2014, 05:33 PM

And so Erani would listen to the choices of the four young wolves. She smiled at Odette?s choice, not having any trouble imagining the young wolf being a terror on the field of battle. Gamma in training it was then. Lyric was next to speak, and Erani felt a swell of pride that her youngest born was interested in learning healing. Even more that she wanted to learn from herself. ?Of course.? The words were soft, as well as her eyes.

Guinevere was next, choosing healing. Erani nodded, and each of them had turned to Tyr, awaiting his answer. His stammer and droop of embarrassment made her want to reach out and stand him up, but he gathered himself, and spoke. Another healer. Erani nodded, smiling. She had a few ideas of who all would train them. So she spoke. ?Very well. You will all find out your mentors at the first meeting. In the meantime, why don?t you four get to know one another better? Especially Tyr, Lyric and Guinevere, as you will be working together someday. The Healers Circle works best when everyone is close to one another.? She spoke from experience. Rising, she gave each a soft lick on the forehead, and turned. ?I?ve some business to attend to. Get to know each other better while you?re gathered here, Aye? Lyric, I would love to talk soon. There?s so much to catch up on.? She offered a smile to her youngest, then padded away, leaving the four young wolves to better acquaint themselves with each other.

-Exit Erani-

Go ahead and continue this thread between the four of you. <33

Lyric I


4 Years
03-24-2014, 10:05 PM
There would be more waiting to know who she would be mentored by in hunting and fighting, but she as happy to know that her mother would train her. She would look at her with kindness in her visage, and Lyric returned the expression, feeling surprisingly happy in that moment. She had missed her mother's kind words and warm presence, if only she had more time to dote on her youngest - but Lyric knew that Erani had a pack to attend to. This was the best way for her to spend time with the woman but not be wasting that time either. "Of course mother!" She would respond quickly to Erani's mention of catching up, her tail giving a good thump as her smile pulled into a toothless grin.

After she left, she would look back at the other wolves that were gathered here, two were family, and the third was going to be healer with her. They were the next generation of Valhalla's future ranks, she hoped that they could be closer. "I can't wait to work with you all." She would say with a smile, and oh how she wished that she could learn about all of them at once at once. Guinivere had grown so quickly! But she didn't want to embarrass her niece(?) so she would keep the comment to herself and save it for a more private meeting. Perhaps she could track the girl down to speak with her later. "We can meet up sometimes and compare notes?" It was hard to break the ice, but Lyric didn't mind trying. They were pack mates after all. Her current company didn't seem to be very outgoing, herself somewhat included, but she would give being friendly a shot by any means. "I think you'll be a wonderful healer Tyr." The male seemed to be a little nervous, and she knew what that was like - maybe a kind word would help him come out of his shell later.



10 Years
03-26-2014, 02:53 AM

Odette listened with interested ears as her Alpha Primary spoke. Basically, Odette was to find out who her mentors would be at the next meeting and until then, she would have the chance to get to know her fellow yearlings. A gentle nod was given to her grandmother before the ivory woman departed from their small meeting.
After Erani left, Odette turned from where she sat so she was facing the other three. She looked at each one in turn and happily mirrored Lyric's hopes. "Same here, Lyric." She knew that by adoption, Lyric had the title of 'aunt', but Odette thought it would make it awkward. They were both the same age and any type of discomfort wouldn't be welcomed anyway.
Red and blue eyes sparkled as she leaned in a little and softly said, "I may sound like a newborn pup, but I don't know that much about herbs and where they can be found. I hope that when you all have encyclopedias of plants in your minds, that you wouldn't mind helping me along the way." She didn't know what all to say other than that, but she knew that they would be working together in the far, that was the plan.
As Lyric complimented Tyr, Odette looked over to Guinevere. "I can't wait to start training, Guinevere! I don't know who we will have as teachers, but I bet they will be great. Who do you think you will have as your mentor?" Odette secretly hoped that her mother would be her fighting instructor, for it seemed like their quality time together was always shortened.

Talk like this


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



04-18-2014, 03:57 PM

OOC: sorry this took so long!

As Erani would leave guin couldnt help but feel trapped, and well- this is supposed to be a social way of them all trying to get along. Her throat would tighten, feeling extremely awkward before she heard a question directed at her. She would look towards odette, smiling slightly before thinking of a way to answer. " My mother used to be a great healer here, its a shame i didnt get a chance to learn anything." Of course, she must be disappointed. "Um... im not gonna lie but, i havent really gotten to know anyone in Valhalla, i know no one who heals." She'd look towards them all, cringing inside. In the efforts to keep the conversation going she would force herself to speak again. " Perhaps when we get over run with learning about herbs we could all Spar! After all we need to know the basics." That way, Guin could take on her fathers skills and hope she could atleast make him proud, if he ever returns.