
Pawprints in the Foreign Soil



03-19-2013, 01:09 PM


"Come along Mahniya," Crusade called gently. "Best we stay together now that we're getting close."

The she wolf that tread so delicately across the fertile spring feilds was not a young, slender creature. It was hard to credit that her voice, a low, calm, almost motherly calling had come from such a figure. Her markings were pretty enough - a creamy underbelly fading into ivory and marbled with copper etchings -but the figure was too muscled to be called feminine, too fluffy to be called sleek, and too scarred to be called lovely. The most prominent of such scars, was the patch of mottled pink skin where her right eye had once been. And yet the balanced, prowling way she moved gave her fighter's elegance, and the remaining eye of gold and emerald made up for the loss of the other.

Crusade wasn't the conventional sort of beauty. But she was strong, she was solid, and she was caring. In former days she might've added that she was a warrior, but her fighting days were mostly past. It was easily enough to see from the silver at her nose and the stiffness in her right fore that she was no longer in her prime. A conservative estimate might've put her at seven or eight, but truth was she was nine.

Nine long years of travel and homemaking, of love and loss, and war and peace. They'd taught her plenty - amongst which the value of goodwill and communication. That was why she, the founder and ex-Alpha of Glaciem Pack was now stepping closer to the borders of Seracia. For company she had another, slightly smaller she-wolf. The red-eyed healer known as Mahniya, whom Gargoyle had told her to take. Crusade would've preferred to go alone, "A lone wolf is less threatening than a pair - and I've no qualms about getting myself into danger - but another packmate? Gargoyle, should worst come to worst, the loss of one old fae isn't going to start a war, but the harming or capture of two?" Crusade had had plenty of life under her belt, and while she was determined to make the most of what she had left - death had no fear for her. She and death had come face or face plenty of times and were old friends now. But putting her with another of her packmates? That meant she had to be careful, be protective.

And yet for as much as Crusade had argued against it, she'd come to be thankful for Mahniya's company, and even taken a liking for the girl herself. An odd duck was Mahniya, but a more willing and respectful soul she'd never met. Crusade could depend on her not to start anything, and frankly, even the two of them together didn't look like much of an invasion force.

Crusade came calmly to the edge of the border. "Here goes," she said quietly to the younger fae, and then back her head went and off went a long, low croon. The sing-song howl wafted over the fertile plains, hopefully to settle on the ears of the high ranking within.

"Remember what I told you," Crusade added softly as the howl went echoing off among the green hills. "We know precious little about this new pack. Be ready to steel your heart against intimation, or open it towards courtesy."


~Because .G.i.v.i.n.g. U.p. was something I never learned to do~


03-19-2013, 01:35 PM
The ruby eyed dame had followed behind her charge. Gargoyle had given her the simple task of keeping Crusade safe... Mahniya had seen the elder fight, she doubted she needed much aide. If push came to shove Mahniya could not take on an army, perhaps distract them long enough for Crusade to get away? Her face smoothed over into expressionless glass. That made a great deal of sense, she was here in case the worst should happen, Crusade would be able to escape to return home. It was a strangely peaceful notion, knowing she might die this day, at least it would be for the good of Glaciem no?

The two toned dame drew closer to Crusade at her command, her footfalls easily mimicking that of her superior. "As always I am at your command." Her voice was soft, barely audible as the two galloped forward. She was not a creature of many words if any, but her loyalty and dedication were unwavering she had proven that from the moment she had pledged herself to Glaciem, she did not so much as catch a rabbit without permission.

She understood the severity of this task. It would determine a potential ally or enemy with her maste-... no Chief. This concept of freewill and logic was so baffling to her. She wondered vaguely if he would ever be successful in his endeavors to teach her. She didn't think so, but she had sworn an oath to try and so try she shall. Her audits swiveled forward, alert and ready. For now she need not think of such things. She a had a single, easy task. Protect Crusade no matter what the cost. A warrior, Mahniya could be.

Crusade called out to the alpha and Mahniya readied herself. Her tail hung between her legs, unmoving but her posture remained relaxed, Her left ear swiveled to the right as Crusade spoke to her and she inclined her head in a short dip, signaling that she understood. "You needn't worry. I am here only to aid you in any way I can. I will do nothing to threaten the potential for a treaty unless they aim first. I will allow no harm to come to you." Her voice was as smooth as a newborn, rumbling up from her chest in the softest of murmurs.


03-19-2013, 01:52 PM

Regal head would raise to the heavens to announce his impending arrival. The King was on his way, but as he was clear on the other side of Seracia, it would take a moment or two. He was soaking wet, having been taking a swim in the ocean at the time of the call. Padding onto the warm sand, Gerhardt shook his pelt abruptly and rather violently, trying to dry himself as best as possible. He shook once more before setting off at a decently paced lope, one that would bring him to the opposite border in a few minutes' time. The idea that this might be a future member of Seracia set the King's heart into a jubilant rythm, but the man would not get ahead of himself. It very well could be a representative of another pack, or even a challenger. He hoped that it would not be the latter. His family was finally getting settled, he didn't need any abrupt challenges uprooting their one sense of a firm foundation.

The warm spring air would serve a purpose on this day. Thanks to his high velocity, the King's pelt was nearly dry as he slowed to a trot and arrived on scene. A placid smile graced his features as his tail wagged back and forth slowly in greeting. He dipped his head kindly and allowed his violet eyes to sweep over the pair. Both female, they appeared to not be an imminent threat, and so his posture relaxed ever so slightly, though his tail did flag upward to display his status here. Baritone notes would resound. Good day, ladies. My name is Gerhardt Mathias. What is it that brings two travelers to my borders? The tri-colored man would remain standing for courtesy's sake, eyes bordering between curiosity and slight suspicion. It was only natural for a King to question the motives of wolves standing at his borders. One could never be too careful. The King turned his head to note the boy approaching the scene, his son, Maverick. Might I introduce my son, Maverick, crowned Prince of these lands. It would be the first time he uttered these words to anyone else but himself and his wife. They had discussed it and it seemed Maverick was most fitting for the job. The boy would be formally appointed at a later date.



03-19-2013, 01:57 PM

Maverick had heard the call, but had not exactly hastened to arrive. His father was there well before him, but it didn't bother him in the least. His father was King, he had to show up to things like this. Maverick had only come out of absolute boredom, and a bit of curiosity. As he came upon the scene, he found his father facing two females. One female was older, age clearly marked on her features and demeanor, while the other was younger. Maverick wondered if they were coming to join, or if perhaps they were just passing through and father had intercepted them before they could make the mistake of trespassing. But that couldn't be the case, they had howled for Seracia, had they not? The boy approached, brushing his side against his father supportively and lovingly. The words that came out of the King's mouth were not expected, but were highly anticipated all the same. Crowned Prince. It had finally happened. Though this wasn't the formal introduction of his title, Maverick was officially Prince. A smile crossed his features as he tried to remain formal like his father, turning his head to the women and offering a simple nod and a greeting. "Hello." His father could handle the rest, now they just needed to wait.




03-19-2013, 02:35 PM


Mahniya received a meaningful, grateful glance from the ex-Alphess. Hopefully it wouldn't come to any such thing. Hopefully they'd be able to look back on Mahniya's words as unneccisary, but there was no telling now. And Crusade offered no other words. After a period of silent waiting she brushed the green grass stems with her tail and allowed her old bones a seat. This was the far south in the middle of spring and to a Glaciem it was downright hot. But Crusade had originally come from such places as this and the scent of the southern flowers and the many leaved trees.... they brought back such memories.

But memories were quickly replaced by thoughts of the present as the sounds and then the sight of a new wolf came into play. He was a tall, dashing sort of male. No older than four or five, Crusade would guess. He had the posture of a leader, and his amethyst gaze, not to mention his words backed that up. He was simple and curetous. To his question, Crusade was about to give an answer, when a young'un showed up and the male, Gerhardt, spoke again.

So they were meeting not only with the King, but with the Crowned Prince.

Crusade couldn't ask for a better start to things. Polite, formal, non-threatening. The King of these lands was being downright friendly by wolf terms. And here Crusade was being given a glimspe into the family life of the pack. Perhaps it was silly sentiment, but she was a motherly sort and it touched her heart. To the see the young pup approaching, Crusade had to turn her head, but as her good eye fixed on him it sparkled. It was clear he was pleased with the title he was introduced by and Crusade, being a relaxed sort by nature was tempted to share his grin and even chuckle at his attempt to prove himself worthy of so formal a greeting.

As it was a small, pleasant smile was played upon her muzzle as she focused her gaze once more on Gerhardt. "A pleasure, Sir- pardon me, sirs," she added with a nod also to the prince. "My own name is Crusade and my companion here is Mahniya. We are both members of the Northern pack known as Glaciem. Once the Alpha of that pack, I now have the honor of introducing myself as it's dignitary in foreign affairs." Crusade paused for a moment's breadth. It was quite a bit to process. She wanted the Alhpa's features calmly, making sure, meanwhile, to keep her own posture as calm and curt as possible. "As for what brings us here, put simply, it is the desire to know our neighbors - At best, in the hopes of making a new friend and learning of the culture of a different pack, - at worst, to at least be aware of that which makes up our surroundings." Crusade, still seated as she was, perked her ears forward, a question lingering in her remaining eye. "How does our mission strike you, Sir Gerdhardt?"

(as posting order is quite is allowed to be loose on Ala, and I'd like to keep this thread going, I'd prefer for us to just post as the muse hits :) )


~Because .G.i.v.i.n.g. U.p. was something I never learned to do~


03-19-2013, 05:31 PM
The crimson boy walked aimlessly across the land known as Seracia. This was his home, but in his mind, it was a prison. He hated it here, he hated life in general. He sought to cover up suicidal thoughts with simple distractions, but as of late nothing seemed to be working. The words screaming in his mind were getting louder and louder, so loud he could almost never drown them out. He often found himself curled up in a ball hidden in a small cavern of some sort, tucking himself away from the mortal world. His dreams were always about his mother and father dying a painful death while he was spared to live his miserable life. He needed a distraction, something to bring him out of his insane thoughts. He lifted his dusty muzzle to the air, inhaling the scents that wafted across the territory. Two unfamiliar smells caught his attention; two females at the border. Then his step-father, and his oh so powerful brother, Maverick. Why had he been nominated heir? Why not Valkis? He was the biggest of the trio, standing the same towering height his father had stood, weighing the same as the man who had provided his mother with his life had. He was not yet full grown, but the heavy muscle build and tall stature was already beginning to show.

The yearling followed the scent, hoping maybe this little encounter would take his mind off suicide. He had still wished the bitch back in the battlefields would have just killed him, but with his luck she didn't. She protested the thought, thinking she knew his life. She didn't. Thoughts crawled back to the depths of his mind as he came onto the scene. Crimson and emerald eyes danced back and forth as he looked over each wolf, starting with the strangers, and ending with his brother. He said no words, usually he was mute, so this shouldn't have been a surprise to Gerhardt and Maverick.


03-19-2013, 09:51 PM
Blood colored eyes dipped an almost imperceptible nod at the look Crusade shot her. Its meaning was lost to her. This was commanded of her and she had agreed. She was here because a superior had commanded it. So why...why did they act like she was doing them a favor? The older dame sat back upon her haunches, awaiting the King of these lands no doubt. Mahniya, before joining Glaciem, had never met a king, and now she was potentially gearing herself to attack one. That was borne with great difficulty upon her shoulders, but her loyalties had been chosen. Mahniya remained standing, waiting, ready. A slave need only obey one master.

She absorbed the wolves as they arrived, one by one, her eyes drinking in everything about them. She made no noise not even the softest of hellos. She stood silent and still, her posture mildly relaxed, nowhere near hostile but ready. It was not her place to speak and so she didn't. Her eyes drifted between the two prestigious wolves as they spoke, listening intently to their words. Crusade presented nothing but the truth, a noble deed, one not usually employed back home.

Even after the dame was finished voicing her opinion Mahniya did not move. She was close enough to the she wolf to block any oncoming attack and that was enough for her.


03-20-2013, 09:19 AM

Head would tilt ever so slightly as he gave his full attention to the older she-wolf, one who had announced herself as Crusade. She seemed to be the diplomatic voice in this situation, and the other girl was her companion. Gerhardt would not disregard her, however, as the name Mahniya was given. More words were said, furthering her biography of them both to being that their home pack was the northern pack Glaciem. Gerhardt nodded, his interest piquing almost at once. He'd heard very little of Glaciem, only just passing whispers from others. It was always nice to learn a little more about a vastly unknown pack. Ah, and this woman was a previous Alpha of said pack. Gerhardt dipped his head respectfully to the retired Alphess, pleased to be in the presence of another past leader. So often he spoke to pack wolves who were a bit too arrogant, and they weren't even leaders.

She would pause, allowing him to take in her information and store it. His eagerness only increased as he wondered the business of this encounter. Was she seeking alliance? Asylum perhaps? The possibilities were endless. But she spoke on that note next, emphasizing her wish to make friends. Gerhardt would give a diplomatic nod and a smile. Now the ball was in his court. Your mission strikes me as wise and well regarded, Lady Crusade. I can tell you I already hold you in very high esteem just by your manner alone. It's not every day I meet a diplomatic representative as well versed as you. This was absolutely true. He would tilt his head to note the presence of his second son, Valkis on the scene. When had he slipped in? The father would offer his son a brief smile before introducing him. Might I introduce my other son, Valkis. He would turn then, to the Prince, eager to get his boy involved in these affairs. This would be an excellent learning experience for him. Maverick, have you any thoughts on this? He would also glance at Valkis. Son, would you care to say anything? Then finally, he would turn to the Lady Crusade. Forgive me, this is a bit of a learning experience for my boys, I hope you will oblige us just a bit. A gentle swing of his tail was given, wondering what his sons would make of this. They hadn't had much formal training, but there was no better time to start than now.



03-20-2013, 09:30 AM

The Prince would remain standing at three fourths his adult size, but steadily growing. Plush fur of fox and appaloosa coloring wrinkled in a light salty wind blowing in from the sea. It brought with it warmth and comfort to the lad as he stood betwixt his brother and father. A slight glance was given to Valkis, followed by a hidden roll of his eye. While he loved his brother very much, Valkis was nearly useless in social situations. His mute-by-choice brother would merely be a mannequin unless by some miracle he decided to speak. The older she-wolf would speak up next, mentioning her name and her companion's name. Crusade and Mahniya. He would file those away for future use, though something told him he would really only need to know Crusade's. Next came their pack of origin, one Maverick had scarcely even heard of. Glaciem. She spoke on to reveal she was once Alpha of the pack, and had since either been dethroned or stepped down. He assumed the latter, being that she was now in charge of their diplomatic affairs.

A silence would fall upon the gathering, lingering there until Crusade spoke up once more. When she was through, his father would reply, but left his answer a bit vague and frankly unfinished. Then his attention was turned to Valkis, and finally on himself. The Prince gulped slightly. He didn't really know how this situation worked, but had a feeling he was about to have to figure it out. A side glance was given to his father before he spoke up, a bit tentatively at first. You mentioned learning of our pack's culture. Maverick paused, wondering if he ought to offer their information first, or wait for her to share hers. Against his better judgement and suspicion, the young prince would speak on. Our pack is based off of a monarchial system. My father is the King, my mother the Queen. Ranks tier down from there, much the same as they would in any other pack. We thrive and prosper on courtesy and chivalry, and we all work toward the good of the Kingdom - whatever that may be in our own personal situations. He hoped his wording was eloquent enough, and even though a time or two his voice had raised or lowered unnecessarily, he felt as if he had done a decent job. Can you tell us about the nature of Glaciem? He would inquire with a tilt of his head, obviously both curious and interested in how other packs handled their own affairs.




03-21-2013, 04:54 AM


Her words were favorable accepted. It seemed all was turning out quite well. Perhaps Crusade shouldn't have been surprised - and indeed she might not have been she'd known prior to her coming that it was a breed of noble creatures who ran the south - but then her first and last dabble into the line of a representative, had been years and years back - and it had been to Raptoral, a dark and dangerous clan that hid itself in a bowel of rocky mountains. Out of her scouting party, it had been she who'd kept her head and behaved admirably enough to gain a longer audience with the Alpha. But success or no, that episode had taught her what a danger it could be to touch any border.

Of course, danger was only around to make things a bit more fun, wasn't it?

Crusade almost chuckled at the thought. She was too old to be thinking like that. And yet, aged or not, she still would do her part in furthering the security of her pack. To which end, establishing good relations with the surrounding packs,was a must.

So far, that seemed to be exactly what was going on here. It was too early to make any great leaps or assumptions, but gut told the old Timber wolf that he was a wolf she could do business with. She dipped her head courteously when the Alpha saw fit to compliment her, and far from be annoyance with his proceeding to bring his sons in, she thought it a marvelous gesture. Here was a king who was also invested in the future of his pack.

But as the first boy, Maverick, began to speak, Crusade's attention flitted over to him and his lime colored eyes. The boy was no prattling pup. He might be new to these sort of councils, but he seemed already to grasp the trading of information. Crusade listened attentively, for, indeed, she liked what she heard. Seracia, apparently, was no rabble or mob. It was an organized realm with Alphas who had strong sway - and who had already backed up with dynasty with children. "-courtesy and chivalry-" the boy said. From Crusade's brief excursion here, that seemed the absolute truth. Seemed she'd stumbled onto a pack as light in soul as Glaciem.

"A worthy question, Prince Maverick," Crusade said, addressing the youth in the same tone she'd given his father. ,"And I should be happy to oblige: Glaciem, is a pack that draws a firm line in it's morals. We are a close knit group - many related by blood and adoption - and indeed, when coming to our new home, we chose a cave for a camp rather than having individual dens. Such closeness seems strange to some packs, but we need it. We depend on one another to get through the beards and the blizzards and the long, hard winters. We seek strength, but only so that it can be used in the defense of those who have none.When it comes to ranking, we are a bit more relaxed than others - in a family discipline can be given without coldness -. Our Alphas are commonly referred to as "Chief" rather than King, and infeuding is not tolerated." There, that was enough. Truth be told, she'd outlined the essence of Glaciem so many times to so many newcomers and loners that it was a simple task. Beyond that, Glaciem was her baby, a lasting mark that she was proud to have left on the world. Hopefully, it wasn't too prideful to say that she'd be happy to spend all day talking about her pack.

Crusade, still seated, straightened up her shoulders to show that her answer was done, and even glanced at the other youth, Valkos, to see if he would offer his voice to the table.


~Because .G.i.v.i.n.g. U.p. was something I never learned to do~


03-22-2013, 05:33 PM

The King would recline and sit quietly as his son spoke up. The meeting was going over swimmingly. The Lady Crusade and her companion Mahniya were both kind and considerate, and Crusade seemed to be extremely well versed. That was something Gerhardt took great note of, and would not soon forget. As his son asked her to speak about Glaciem, he gave a smile, happy that Maverick was picking up his new role as Prince so quickly. As Crusade told her story, the King would listen intently, taking in every word she said and weighing it in his mind. Glaciem didn't seem all that different from Seracia, except for a few things. Seracia seemed to put more emphasis on pleasantries while Glaciem focused primarily on the close-knit family lifestyle. Neither was better than the other. It seems as if your pack is very similar to one in my old home. The Hannick pack - where I originally hail from, was allies with the other. He gave a slight pause. Would I be totally off base in suggesting such an alliance between our families, Lady Crusade? He truly hoped not, for he was sure that he could use as many allies in this land as he could get. Violet eyes danced to his son, but figured that the boy had done enough for now. Should you accept my offer, I would think that some formal gesture would also need to be set in place, to strengthen our ties to one another. Ideas flitted through his head, but he would let her decide upon those terms, should she choose to enter into alliance with the Kingdom. Tail would sweep the earth near his rump as he waited patiently, a placid gleam on his mask. His second son chose to remain quiet, but this did not cause the King any alarm. Valkis almost always was quiet, at least around him. Gerhardt had begun to wonder if the boy resented him for some reason, but what possible reason could that be? Gerhardt had saved his life, and the lives of his siblings.




03-22-2013, 10:07 PM

[Image: one_eyed_crusade_by_kidrylm_writer-d5yxnla.png]


"Far from off base," Crusade assured him. "In fact I believe we are on the same page." That was an understatement. A younger, giddier Crusade might've danced in place. Who knew making formal friends could be done without the great huffing and puffing and posturing that Crusade was so accustomed to seeing? It seemed to be a matter of foundations. As both the leaders in the conversation had already noted, there were many similarities between Glaciem and Seracia. Perhaps it was simply a matter of "clicking". And yet prudence stepped in. These were only words, and few of them at that. No matter how swimmingly things might be going there was a still a great deal that both sides needed to know about each other.

And so Crusade proceeded with one of the ideas she'd had mulling about in her head for some time. "Your offer is a generous one, Lord Gerhardt, and one that, had you not offered, I hoped to, in time, be able to do so myself. But in either case, such so binding a pact as an alliance, must be carefully planned and thought out. Your motion towards a gesture I deem as most wise. But I think one should be made before we align our packs."

The lady wolf rose to her feet, letting her tail sway loosely behind her. What she was about to speak of was something she and Gargoyle had already talked over. It required a level of trust on both parts, but, seeing how well things were going, Crusade believed it would be worth the saying. Here was what would no doubt be a pivotal moment in the conversation, but it was delivered as frankly and calmly as had been all her other words. "Consider this proposal: For a period of time -perhaps a week?- My companion and I be allowed to remain inside your borders - escorted by yourself or your wolves at all times, certainly, and in this way we can come to know the ways of Sercia and it's Alpha." Her single orb glittered as she inclined her head ever so slightly. She seemed to be attempting to read his thoughts as she spoke. For what she was suggesting was that the male take two foreign strangers into his packland, a bold move by any standards - meanwhile on the other hand, Crusade was putting her safety and that of Mahniya into the paws of a pack she barely new. But of course, nothing ventured, nothing gained. "In return, when the week is up, yourself and any accompaniment you wish then travel back with us to Glaciem for the same period of time. You'll be able to see how we live in the North, perhaps go caribou hunting - for it'll be their migration time - and most importantly you'll be able to meet with my brother the Chief. At the end of the week, if all is satisfactory you and Gargoyle can settle on an agreement." What would Gargoyle think of this example of a King? No doubt he'd think quite well of him, if Crusade knew anything about her brother.

Now, however, Crusade had said her piece and she waited calmly for the King's reaction. Having no right eye to glance with, Crusade's right ear flicked back towards Mahniya. Had Gargoyle mentioned this political vacation as a possible outcome of their travel together? Even if not, Crusade trusted the she-wolf to come along flexibly, prepared for any sort of change in pace. Besides, with how well things were going, there was a good chance this could prove fun.



03-23-2013, 12:49 AM
Mahniya relaxed, her posture falling and not quite so rigid as peace seemed to settle with ease between the two imposing figures. She maintained the silence, as did the King's companions, they all seemed to understand that this was neither there place, nor time to speak. Both had spoken introductions and Mahniya was not next in line to take the throne. She was here for protection and protection alone. Soon enough, she would return to Glaciem and fade back into the pack once again. She had no rhyme nor reason to become important. Despite the fact that she was chosen for such a task meant little and she knew that. Mahniya would never be good for anyone or anything. She was a slave, she knew her place, accepted it.

Blood colored eyes, flickered between the two, watching, waiting, listening. She anticipated their speech, saw that peace was fast becoming achievable. Apparently she had not been needed here at all, a pretty decoration and nothing more. She remained ready, waiting for a strike that more than likely would not come. The conversation continued and the tension grew less and less with every word uttered. Mahniya remained motionless, calculating silently. The King of Seracia offered a treaty before even Crusade could, it seemed both leaders functioned on the same page, how convenient.

Crusade paused only a moment before answering, her suggestion surprising the ex-slave greatly. Blood colored orbs widened considerably, shock flickering on their depths before she quickly regained her composure, mask unreadable once more and smoothed over into glass. Inside she panicked, her heart thundering away across her ribs. Why in God's name was she chosen for this? No doubt Crusade would confer with her, ask her opinion. There was no one else around for her to speak too. They could have sent anyone, anything and they would be of a better help than her. Mahniya did not have opinions, free thought, logic, will. She was to be commanded and nothing more. She shifted her weight only a fraction of an inch, she almost hoped he would decline her request.


03-23-2013, 10:39 AM

His sons would remain silent, something Gerhardt was thankful for. They were still learning, and while he was certain that they couldn't botch such a good meeting like this, he still did not want to give them too much free reign. Boys could be easily.. distracted. Lady Crusade would speak up, letting him know that she had had very much the same intentions. Perfect, their first alliance was already in motion. The King could not be more pleased. He was grateful for her - more than she could probably imagine and more than he could possibly convey, and so violet eyes merely sparkled in response. She would speak in response to his gesture, mentioning that she believed it ought to be completed before an alliance was officially made. It was a novel idea, and the King's curiosity was piqued. As the woman stood to her feet, the King followed suit, never feeling comfortable being reclined when another was erect.

A proposal was made, one that resulted in his brow being raised. Tail would cease it's flicking as he pondered these things. Two wolves he had scarcely met, living within his borders for a week. Any other wolf might have snorted at the very idea of this, but Gerhardt found it exciting somehow. He was awfully proud when it came to his home, why should he not wish to show it off. But who would escort them? They would need to be watched. Even though he already felt as if he could trust these two, a King could never be too careful. His knights would be good watchmen, but a little birdy had told him that they were both enamored over the Lady Ghost - something else he'd have to settle soon enough. Perhaps the children would be an alternative. The three yearlings could certainly use something productive to do around the Kingdom. And so, in his mind it was settled, but after he'd pondered these things she spoke up again.

Of course, their part of the bargain. Gerhardt would be free to travel to the North, stay for a week, and then speak with their Chief and discuss the alliance. The King was perplexed by this. On one hand he wanted desperately to go and visit Glaciem, but on the other hand he wasn't certain he could leave his pack for a week's time and feel comfortable doing so. "Your offer intrigues me greatly, Lady Crusade." He paused, going over the details in his head. "I would like nothing more than to play host to you and your companion for the next week." He went on with another long pause. "As for me coming to Glaciem, I will certainly think it over and determine whether my absence can be permitted for a week's time. My wife will have to be notified, of course." Perhaps Adette and Maverick could hold down the fort in his absence, along with Gideon and the rest of Seracia. But who would he bring with him? He would need to leave both Adette and Gideon here, just in case. Perhaps Octavian could accompany him, or even Segar. He would think over all of that in the next week to come.




03-26-2013, 08:24 AM

[Image: one_eyed_crusade_by_kidrylm_writer-d5yxnla.png]


Crusade listened attentively - pleased when the male agreed to the first part of her idea and thoughtful when there seemed difficulties to the second part. "Ah, well, if travel is not possible for you I'm sure something else can be arranged." Perhaps he could said a trusted representative in his place. Or perhaps Gargoyle and Collision would continue with their idea of visiting Seracia together. If plans had to be switched or new ideas brought to the table, Crusade could always send Mahniya out as a messenger - assuming the she-wolf would trust Crusade enough to leave her in the unknown packland alone.

Crusade let her forepaws slip together and her tail trail down relaxed. Yet despite her outward appearances, she was most excited about the adventure before. Getting to travel through another pack's terra, meeting new wolves, even just the thought of spending time in the south again made her eye light up. She looked at the three Seracia wolves before her. The two boys had turned into spectators as the King and the once Queen talked together, and she was curious as to what they were thinking. Now though, Crusade would be getting a whole week to get to know them.

The old Timber fae flicked her tail. An almost summery breeze picked up from within the packland and brought all the scents of the south. Crusade grinned. "As for the start of this week Lord Gerhardt, I await your whim." she flicked her ears inward to the territory, but would not dare to take a step across the border until the King was ready to lead the way. "And please, do inform me of any rules or codes you would like me to follow during my stay." Would they prefer her to stay about the dens? Or could she ramble about so long as she had an escort? Were there any special protocols she ought to employ? Would she be allowed to join in any hunts? Such questions buzzed through her head, but she didn't want to appear overwhelming. Crusade chuckled mentally, for a nine year old she still had alot of life in her.



03-26-2013, 01:45 PM

The King was most pleased with the circumstances. Though it had not been a meeting in which he would add two permanent new members to his pack, it was perhaps an even more important introduction. This - should things pan out accordingly - could lead to one of the best decisions he could ever make as a King. Alliances were the life blood of a pack, no matter how strong one may be on it's own, packs could always use friends and assistance. She commented on his uncertainty of his end of the bargain, and he merely nodded. All of that could be arranged later in the week, for now he would play host to two members of Glaciem, although he wasn't sure how willing the second guest Mahniya might be. She seemed uneasy about staying here, as if she had some reason to fear a foreign pack. In all reality she did, but that prospect was laughable in the King's eyes. These two would be treated as nothing less than royalty in their week here, and perhaps even just a little bit better. Amethyst eyes would set upon the diplomat as she set the ball in his court. Here it was, the pivotal moment. He would stand and pivot to his side, ready to turn and walk into his Kingdom with her at his side. "Please, do enter my Kingdom. You are my welcome guests," She spoke up again, inquiring of any codes of conduct he wished for her to follow during her stay. He had not thought much on this, but perhaps he should. The King would ponder these things, glancing to his sons who were startlingly quiet, but still very present. "Boys, would you go and inform your mother of our guests, and anyone else you should run into? I want to be certain that they will be treated with the upmost courtesy and kindness." He had no reason to believe that members of Seracia would act any other way toward them, but sometimes it was best to get the word out ahead of time. His subjects deserved a fair warning.

He would then wait for Crusade to cross the threshold, pondering on any guidelines he might need to impose upon her. "Our upmost rule is respect, but I doubt I would ever need to remind you of that. I would say for your own safety it would be best to travel with an escort. My sons, daughter, wife, and I are all at your service should you wish to explore. Escorts can be burdensome, but I feel that if members miss the message of your presence you might be greeted with hostility. We don't take well to trespassers." He hoped she would understand, as he was only doing this for her own safety. He did not feel as if she truly needed a babysitter, but someone to escort her on longer walks would be beneficial, not to mention informational. He intended to spend as much time with the two of them as he was allowed, but there would be times when his duty would call, and the job of escorting would fall to one of his other family members. He trusted his children, particularly Maverick and Kamala, for Valkis might be too reserved to be of any real use. His wife would certainly be a culture shock compared to himself, but he had faith in her as well. Altogether, the King was at ease about the week to come. "As for any boundaries, you'll find I'm not offended by your presence at any official business that should occur. If a meeting arises you are welcome, the same for a hunt or anything else that you should wish to partake in." In fact, if she did attend any meetings or hunts, or anything of that sort, it would only serve to benefit her - and would not hinder him in the slightest. "Is there anything in particular you wish to do first during your visit here?" If she were hungry he could take her to their hunting grounds, or to the delta for a fishing expedition. If she was interested in seeing the landscape he could show her that too, everything between here and the southern ocean, and perhaps even the reef he'd discovered if she was a capable enough swimmer. There were endless possibilities.




03-27-2013, 11:23 AM

[Image: one_eyed_crusade_by_kidrylm_writer-d5yxnla.png]


Crusade had to twist her head somewhat, but she glanced back with Mahniya's direction. The she-wolf seemed to be holding up just fine - but then she'd always been a strange one - sweet and always ready to be helpful, but hard to read. Crusade through her an encouraging look and then turned and padded up alongside the southern king. Staying respectfully at his shoulder, she fell into step. Her gaze flitted back and forth from the surroundings to their owner, but her attention was Gerhardt's alone.

Until that is, he mentioned the sending off of his youngsters. Crusade called out to them politely. "It was a pleasure meeting you Prince Maverick - and you too little one." The red one -Valko? Valkos?- he'd staid offly quiet. She hadn't scared him or anything, had she? The old she-wolf certainly hoped not.

Now well across the border, Crusade took in the Alpha's words on what she might expect within the terra. She understood his intentions perfectly, and thought him to be a most gracious host. His welcoming words about allowing her to join in hunts and such sparked an interest. She'd like nothing better than to make some use of herself with food gathering while she was here.

"Is there anything in particular you wish to do first during your visit here?" came the male's final question. Crusade's tail gave a lazy sort of wag. "I look forward to getting to meet the rest of your family,-" was Crusade's prompt answer, "-But, if it's all the same to you, do you think we could see the ocean first? I haven't seen sand and surf in ages." She'd heard that Seracia had more than it's share of ocean vistas, and whether it was her imagination or not - she almost thought she could smell the salt from here. Such an old thrill it gave her. She'd always loved the sea - despite that little hiccup of a memory when she almost been drowned in it.

It had been ages since she'd had any vacation at all. And, come to think of it, the last one had ended with her loosing her eye. Not that she had been much put off by it. Her opponent had lost his whole head.

Hopefully this southward venture would prove a little less... dangerous.




03-27-2013, 12:17 PM

His father would give him an order, and the prince set off at once, not caring if his brother chose to tag along or get lost in his own messed up head. He tossed a goodbye over his shoulder. "Good to meet you both." Maverick sought out his mother first, but would tell anyone he could find that they had visitors.

Exit Maverick.



03-27-2013, 12:26 PM

He watched his son go, wondering if Valkis would even bother to listen to his order, much less follow it. Valkis was the black sheep of the family, he was different and consistently sullen about it. Gerhardt wished this was not so, but he could do little to change it. Turning away from the boys as Maverick gave his leave, Gerhardt pricked his ears to Lady Crusade's words, giving a chuckle. "Certainly, to the beach it is! I will point out a few key areas on our way there as well." He offered her a grin before setting off, wondering if her companion Mahniya would join them or not. She seemed put off by this whole ordeal, but Gerhardt did not blame her for that. It was a strange situation. He made a beeline for the beach, intending to arrive on one side and then skirt around the surf to the other. He would take her to the reef if she wished to swim, but it wasn't necessary if she was tired or sore from her journey.




03-27-2013, 12:32 PM
Mahniya followed uneasily behind the two alphas, she wasn't given a command to follow, but she had no where else to go. She couldn't stand at the border for a week. She stayed several feet behind them, unable to hear their conversation but close enough to not be considered wandering. The scent of the ocean reached her nostrils and she exhaled softly. She hated assuming things. They usually got her beat.

-exit Mahniya-