
Sashimi on the Rocks



5 Years
02-01-2014, 01:26 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

After a soothing drink in the crystalline waters, D?gmar rested comfortably in the sunshine next to the bank of a braided river that flowed into the Kamui river. The sun was shining bright, warming her fur and aching muscles. The grass was plush and soft and the femme found herself particularly contented. The wounds from her spars were healing well and mostly hidden by her fur. Amenti rested in the back of her mind but she wouldn't worry about it now. Rolling onto her stomach she yawned.

It was time to find something to eat. Wading out in the delta she set about fishing. The water here was shallow and she could see the fins of fish hat had come to spawn, they scattered as soon as she appeared and she dove, fangs snapping. It took several tries but soon she managed to scoop one up. It flopped and flailed in her mouth but it was a good catch about a foot and a half long.

Striding back to shore she shook her coat and started to eat it alive, wolfing down as much as she could at once, yet careful to avoid the larger bones. Ears flicked back and she growled lightly at the approach of company. She had no desire to share this catch.

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]



5 Years
02-01-2014, 01:43 PM

Raisa's stomach growled at an annoyingly high volume. She grumbled in return, rolling onto her back and trying to ignore it's persistence. She had sent Koros out to scout for good places to hunt, and while she was loath to leave their meeting space, she hardly enjoyed languishing in discomfort. The rustling of branches behind the dark fae had her rolling and surging to her feet, preparing for an unlucky encounter, but instead it was the vulpe in question. Her body drooped and her eyes fell into a glare. Instead of admitting he'd startled her, she sighed. "You're awfully loud for such a small creature, you know that?" Her tone was abrasive. "What did you find?" The insult rolled off of the fox as if it had never been voiced. "Nothing on land," he said cryptically. She raised a brow, silently commanding him to continue. He rolled his eyes and did so. "There is a delta nearby, and it has attracted the attention of a fishing wolf. I watched for some time as she worked at it." Raisa frowned. She did know how to fish... and it was well below the dignity of a queen to ask for help! And yet her stomach growled on, caring little for her dignity. She muttered a curse and flicked a paw at her steward. "Lead the way then, I guess." He did. They walked through the trees for some time before coming to the water's edge and sure enough, there a dark fae stood. It would seem as though she was already aware of their presence, too. Raisa walked forward slowly, tail raised in an air of confidence. "What is it you do there?" she asked, her voice brokering no questions. It may have been a question, but it carried the air of a command.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!



5 Years
02-02-2014, 10:59 AM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

D?gmar rose sensuously to her feet with the grace of a lion as she turned to the femme that had so rudely interrupted her reverie. The fae was large and carried herself with confidence and presence, clearly a wolf used to bossing others around, hence why her comment sounded far to much like a command for D?gmar's taste. If the femme were a respected superior in the pack then it would've been different. But as far as she knew this rogue was merely a rogue, intent on ordering her about. Or she was perhaps a scavenger. Come to steal D?gmar's hard-earned catch. That sounded right. The odd-eyed faes gurgling stomach had not escaped D?g's velveteen audits.

A cruel smile spread across her face as her voice dripped in sarcasm. "Gee? what could I be doing? I'm eating, twit. Maybe I'll make a snack out of your pet next." The fox hadn't gone beyond her notice and while it was curious to see one lingering so close to a wolf, her eyes remained on Raisa, fur and hackles already raised.

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]



5 Years
02-02-2014, 12:15 PM

Holy water cannot help you now

A Thousand armies couldn't keep me out

Raisa watched as the fae rose, a cold aura filling the air. A sense of tension wormed it's way into her bones and she felt this encounter turning sour quite rapidly. Raisa's muscles tensed on reflex and her ivory fangs ground together within her maw. As the stranger spoke, their fate was sealed. It took her a moment to process the insult and then the threat, uncertain that she had heard correctly. The insult kindled nothing with the ex-Queen, she had been called far worse, but the insinuation that she would harm Koros push Riasa immediately off the precipice of sanity. Her body acted without her accord, as simple as flicking a switch. Pure, burning rage gushed into her veins, turning her blood to acid and fire, and the ex-Queen felt her heart turned to ice. She would broker no threat to the one piece of safety and security that remained of her homeland. She and Koros were all that remained! And here this up-jumped, mangy little bitch proposed so calmly to steal it all away. The Ebony Queen had killed for far less. "Oh will you, mongrel pest? I'd like to see you try." Her fire and ice eyes burned with a familiar, terrible rage.

Raisa braced herself, each paw placed carefully, flat and steady against the terrain. Her eyes were narrowed in a threatening glare, chin tucked in and tail erect for balance. Her hackles were raised, giving the woman a fiercely demonic appearance. She pulled her lips back and a low, guttural snarl filled the all-too-quiet air. It felt as if the world around them had slowed to a stop, apprehensive bystanders to this face off. Even the wind seemed to nervously skitter across the ground, clearing from their path. The dark fae's vision tunneled, filling her world with nothing more than this ratty fae. "You have three heartbeats to clear yourself from my path, you wretched cur. I'm of a mind to tear you to pieces..." She snarled and snapped her jaws, eager to lock them around the woman's throat.


ROUND 0 of 3


(Edit: Permission from Luns to change from Round 1 to 0)

"Talk" Think "You"
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!



5 Years
02-02-2014, 01:25 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

D?gmar's grin widened. Her first insult didn't faze the odd-eyed female but oh boy it seemed she'd struck a nerve when threatening the femme's scrappy little pet. The emerald-eyed vixen took great pleasure in watching the other's mental temperature sky rocket. The other tensed, rage bubbling up to the surface of her body, muscles rippling in her tension, a show of dominance. How glorious. D?gmar licked her lips. Did the opposing fae know how sexy she was when she was angry?

"Oh will you, mongrel pest? I'd like to see you try."

"Oohhh dangerous words. I was just kidding but now you've dangled such an alluring lure before me. I like a challenge." D?gmar followed suit as the other fae set her defenses. Languid muscles tensed and coiled as powerful shoulders rolled forward, her graceful neck slinking back, head angled down and jaws agape. Mottled gray fur stood on end as hackles raised as her brow knitted in a snarl at Raisa's words. D?gmar's stance widened as her body lowered. Ears pinned to her head as her tail streamed out behind her, parallel with her back. Her toes spread as claws gripped the earth. She wasn't quite sure how serious this fae was about her threat. It was time to find out.

You have three heartbeats to clear yourself from my path, you wretched cur. I'm of a mind to tear you to pieces?

"Hehehe, I love it when they talk dirty. Go ahead, wretch. Let's see you put me in my place."

D?gmar vs Raisa


Round: 0 of 3


Defenses: Fur and Hackles raised | shoulders rolled forward | neck scrunched | ears pinned | stance widened | legs bent and coiled | tail parallel with body | brows furrowed | toes splayed, claws gripping dirt

Injuries: n/a.

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]



5 Years
02-02-2014, 01:48 PM

Holy water cannot help you now

A Thousand armies couldn't keep me out

The woman's result was practically sultry, but this did nothing to lessen the ebony Queen's rage. It was too late now, mistake or no, to calm the storm within her. Blood would certainly pay for her careless words, and she was more than willing to put this arrogant bitch in her place. Don't say I didn't warn you, Raisa's thoughts hissed. It was time to put her languid body to the test, and she faced her dark opposition head on. Raisa's muscles sang sweetly and she lunged into a feint. She plunged forwards is if aiming left, but dug her claws in and sprung for the fae's right side at the last moment. If she was lucky the woman would have shifted her weight to brace the wrong side, making it all the easier for Raisa to bowl her over. Raisa attempted to crash into her shoulder, claws digging for flesh and teeth snapping at whatever they may catch, perhaps dragging her down. Even if she failed, perhaps her ivory fangs and dark claws would fend off any counter-strikes. Her tail streamed out behind her, ready to lash whichever way in order to maintain balance. Her chin stayed tucked to protect her neck, just as her ears were pinned flat and eyes pinned to slits. All she saw was the fae before her, as the blood pounded in her ears. Her back leg's remained coiled with tension, toes splayed, ready to land in a braced position if the fae reared to push her away. She tried to anticipate her every move, as she had been taught to do.


ROUND 1 of 3

DEFENSES: Claws and teeth bared to catch any counter-strikes, tail erect for balance, chin tucked to protect throat, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, back legs braced to land, toes splayed.

ATTACKS: A feint attack at Daegmar's right side, attempting either push her to the ground with paws or catch Daeg in her jaws and drag her down.


NOTES: None!

"Talk" Think "You"
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!



5 Years
02-06-2014, 07:35 PM
ooc: Fox and I have both decided there will be no defaulting in this spar. :)

Poison dripping off my fangs...

D?gmar waited, breath baited to see if the odd-eyed femme would hold true to her threat and D?gmar was not disappointed. The femme charged. Keeping her body low, D?gmar leapt forward as well to close the distance. Raisa shifted first to D?gmar's left then suddenly to her right. D?gmar's kept her weight balanced across her limbs and as she noticed Raisa's upper body begin to raise she ducked hers low, elbows bending further, her weight shifting forward. She was nearly head on with her opponent though more so to the left, as her body arced and angled in toward's Raisa's underbelly. Back legs uncoiled propelling D?gmar forward, jaws agape to seize a mouth of fur and flesh just behind the femmes ribs and in front of her right haunch. Her goal was for a hold and to cut flesh.

As she moved forward she felt fangs tear across her upper right shoulder, just along the shoulder blade and down her back in a slashing bite that cut about a quarter inch deep and 3 inches long. Her downward motion saved her from a hold and the brunt of a push as she felt Raisa's front limbs skid across her back, claws just breaking the surface of her skin. The wound on her shoulder stung bitterly but D?gmar was still to full of adrenaline to pay the wound much heed in that moment in her desire to slip under her opponent.

Tail parallel, fur and hackles still raised, D?gmar rolled her shoulders forward, ears pinned, stance still wide with her weight shifted to her front legs, tail billowing out behind her for balance. Her front limbs were bent, back legs uncoiling as her claws dug into the earth, toes splayed and brow furrowed with her jaws agape for her target.

D?gmar vs Raisa


Round: 0 of 3

Attack:Attacking at an angle to the left (D?gmars), body low aiming to seize Raisa's underbelly behind the ribs and in front of her right haunch.

Defenses: Fur and Hackles raised | shoulders rolled forward | ears pinned | stance widened | legs bent and coiled | tail parallel with body | brows furrowed | toes splayed, claws gripping dirt

Injuries: 3 inch long gash starting on upper right shoulder blade and continuing down back. Superficial cuts down back at an angle from Raisa's claws.

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]



5 Years
02-13-2014, 01:50 PM

Holy water cannot help you now

A Thousand armies couldn't keep me out

The fae seemed somewhat surprised by the feint and fell for the ploy. To Raisa's disgruntlement, however, she reacted well. While the ebony royal made sweet contact on her foe's back and shoulder, she felt the disturbance near her underbelly a fraction too late. Teeth punctured the skin between her thigh and ribcage, sending white hot pain lancing through her flank. With a growl of stubborn determination, Raisa refused to allow the bite to break her focus. Instead of pulling away, Raisa locked the placement of her legs over the woman's back and tightened her grip in the hopes of holding her in place. With a savage forward kick from her hind right leg, she hoped to either dislodge the woman or at least land a stunning blow to the nose or eye. Topside, the royal lunged forward with her maw, ivory fangs gleaming with strands of saliva and tinged pink with blood. She snapped at the mangy whore's neck and back. One lunge aimed for the base of her neck and another aimed farther back towards her shoulder blades, teeth ready to dig into the supple flesh, to taste the mongrel's blood.

With the woman's head below the mass of Raisa's body, the queen would be impressed to see her pull up or dodge this one. She was so close to the precious jugular, just a few more snaps... But she kept her mind straight, knowing that a grievous injury could be earned through carelessness. She kept her ears pinned and eyes narrowed all the while, never mind her doubts of retaliation on that end. The bite had tightened her core muscles and Raisa ensured that they stayed that way, less she need move quickly and be unable. Her tail lashed behind her, in a constant fight to maintain her balance, and firmly planted paws aided her in this battle. Her claws dug into the soft soil and steadied her stance. Her knees remained spry with an easy balance, ready to spring away. She kept her chest pushed as upwards as it would go, prepared to guard her neck. She felt the fight turning in her favor, with her dominant position. She would not give it up easily.


ROUND 2 of 3

DEFENSES: Legs locked over Daegmar's back to control her movement, teeth bared, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, core tightened, tail waiving for balance, paws planted firmly, claws dug into soil, knees bent, neck guarded by chest.

ATTACKS: A knee aimed towards Daegmar's snout/eyes/face area, a bite aimed at the base of her neck, and another at her shoulder blade.

INJURIES: Mild bite behind her rib cage

NOTES: None!

"Talk" Think "You"
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!



5 Years
02-20-2014, 09:03 PM
ooc: previous post was supposed to be Rd. 1 sorry for the confusion

Poison dripping off my fangs...

Blood stained D?gmar's mouth as she seized hold of the fae's side. A little digging and she'd tear into Raisa's flesh to taste her sweet innards? of course it was clear her opponent would have no intention of giving her the opportunity. She felt paws shift along her back and D?gmar tensed, mentally preparing herself for the others onslaught though she had no intension of staying put and just taking it like a bitch. A kick slammed into D?gmar's upper right leg, just below the bicep, as she had rolled her shoulders forward earlier in setting her defenses.

D?gmar's weight shifted suddenly forward over her front limbs as her powerful back legs uncoiled pushing her forward as she pivoted slightly on her front paws in an attempt to slam her left shoulder in and up into the lower part of Raisa's side, as Raisa was lifted partly up with her front limbs across D?gmar's back. D?gmar's target was near the floating ribs.. Her goal was to cause bruising, maybe even a crack as well as to shift her opponent off balance and off of her.

Fangs snagged her scruff, seizing fur and nicking flesh, and between her shoulder blades leaving two quarter inch cuts about two inches long, but Dagemar was already in motion. She was flush with the excitement of spilling more of her opponents blood and making up for the wealth of injuries she seemed to be collecting. Fur and hackles still raised, ears still flattened and neck scrunched. Her brow furrowed, tail twisting to the right to help her keep balance. Her stance was still widened, front claws digging into the dirt with her weight balanced over her front limbs.

D?gmar vs Raisa


Round: 2 of 3

Attack:Digging teeth into current hold for more damage. Weight shifted suddenly forward over front limbs as back legs pushed forward propelling her left shoulder in and up in an attempt for Raisa's floating ribs with intent to bruise or crack the ribs and throw off Raisa's balance.

Defenses: Fur and Hackles raised | shoulders rolled forward | neck scrunched | ears pinned | brows furrowed | front toes spread | stance slightly widened | tail sweeping to right for balance.


Rd. 1: 3 inch long gash starting on upper right shoulder blade and continuing down back. Superficial cuts down back at an angle from Raisa's claws.

Rd. 2: Bruising to right upper forearm below bicep. Superficial cuts to scruff, mostly loss of fur. Wounds between shoulder blades about a quarter inch deep and 2 inches long.

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]



5 Years
03-22-2014, 05:10 PM

Holy water cannot help you now

A Thousand armies couldn't keep me out

The pain in Raisa's side was muted by her coursing anger and adrenaline. What before was a searing rage had cooled some, becoming cold calculation instead. As the bitch's teeth dug into her flank, the sooty fae felt her muscles twitch and spasm in response. Raisa's swift kick connected, but was quickly retaliated for with a brutal blow to the lower abdomen. A growl leaked from the royal's maw and her jaws tensed in reflex. For a moment she was dazed, fighting to keep steady though the wind was gone from her body. But no, she had the greater position, she would not relinquish it now! Raisa made certain her stance was still intact, that her legs were wide for balance, her tail swung out behind her, a sweeping rudder. The sooty woman's toes dug into the ground for grip, so that she might not be bowled over backwards.

Just as her jaws had clenched, so too her eyes had squinted shut and her ears pinned; instincts proving her greatest ally. Instead of battling her traitorous muscles, the reflexes that seemed so keen to prove her downfall, the ex-queen would work with them. She kept her hind legs loose, prepared to spring away. Her limbs craved collapse, and so that was what she did. Suddenly, just as the mongrel's balance had rocked forward, Raisa dropped her full weight atop the woman's back. She fought to keep her position secure, muscles tensed in preparation for retaliation, and hoping to deepen her hold on the woman's scruff. Raisa hastily worked to readjust her grip so that she would hopefully maintain some control should the poxy mongrel go down. With fangs snapping at the nape of her neck, the top of her shoulder blades, and Raisa's weight pressing down atop her, perhaps if Raisa was lucky Daegmar would find herself pinned. With the hot magma of her ire fled now, Raisa knew that she would spare the woman's life, only hoping that she had taught her some courtesy instead.

"Talk" Think "You"

Round 3 of 3

ATTACKS: Dropping her weight atop Daegmar in effort to pin, attempt to intensify her hold on the woman's scruff/neck.

DEFENSES: Legs widened, tail sweeping for balance, toes gripping the ground, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, muscles tensed, legs braced

INJURIES: Minor wound to her hind leg, moderate bruising to her lower ribs

OTHER: Good luck, luns! <3

[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!



5 Years
03-26-2014, 08:24 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

D?gmar's blow landed in Raisa's lower abdomen as her teeth sank farther into Raisa's flank, drawing more of the sweet red liquid into her mouth. Alas, though, she had not toppled the woman. D?gmar maintained her slightly widened stance as she felt the other woman's weight increase on her. It would have been arousing if she weren't in such a sour mood from having her meal interrupted. Suddenly though the weight dropped, causing a pain-filled groan to leak from D?gmar's maw. Her limbs twitched as she struggled to hold up the weight of her opponent.

Raisa's fangs seized her scruff, just breaking the skin as fangs grasped the raised, knotted fur, and D?gmar knew she could not spring away so easily. D?gmar's tail flowed out behind her, legs coiling? burning under the other's weight as her toes splayed. She was already somewhat low to the ground as her front legs were still bent from stooping for Raisa's thigh. So fine, miss princess wanted to roll in the dirt, they'd roll in the dirt.

D?gmar's limbs bent sharply dropping her belly to the ground, each limb coiled under her like a cat. At the same time she relinquished her hold on Raisa's thigh and her head twisted to the left, jaws seeking Raisa's lower left side right in front of her thigh. She hoped a violent attack on her opponents guts would get her off of D?gmar.

Tucked limbs coiled underneath her and toes splayed, ready to spring if given the chance. So low to the ground her weight was already spread evenly across her limbs. D?gmar's ears flattened as her brow furrowed. Her fur and hackles remained erect as her tail streamed out behind her, lightly touching the ground.

D?gmar vs Raisa


Round: 3 of 3

Attack:Dropping weight suddenly to ground as limbs coil underneath her, head shifting to the left to attack Raisa's lower left side right in front of the thigh. Tail out behind her.

Defenses: Limbs coiled, toes splayed, weight distributed evenly over her limbs, ears flattened, brow furrowed, fur and hackles raised.


Rd. 1: 3 inch long gash starting on upper right shoulder blade and continuing down back. Superficial cuts down back at an angle from Raisa's claws.

Rd. 2: Bruising to right upper forearm below bicep. Superficial cuts to scruff, mostly loss of fur. Wounds between shoulder blades about a quarter inch deep and 2 inches long.

Rd. 3: Light injury to scruff, fangs just breaking the skin. Mild stress to the muscles in her limbs from Raisa's sudden weight shift.

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]

The Judge


04-11-2014, 03:37 PM

Daegmar v Raisa for Spar

Round 1

6 for clarity- Lack of detail on attacks eg- where was she trying to claw? .

10 for powerplaying.

8 for defenses. +1 for each stated.

4 for attack.

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Raisa's Total: 38/50


8 for clarity-

10 for powerplaying. None seen

10 for defenses. Full pints given

4 for attack. bite to front leg/ribcage

8 for injuries.First round

Round one Daegmar's Total: 40/50

Round 2


5 for clarity- Lack of detail within movement, minor confusion.

10 for powerplaying. None found

10 for defenses. full points!

6 for attack.Multiple attacks given

8 for injuries. minor injuries

Round two Raisa's Total: 39/50


8 for clarity- -2 which side did she attempt to slam Raisa?

10 for powerplaying. None found.

6 for defenses. +1 for each i saw.

5 for attack. trying to worsen hold- extra point.

8 for injuries. Minor

Round two Daegmar's Total: 37/50

Round 3

7 for clarity- Minor mistakes, little confusion.

10 for powerplaying. None detected.

7 for defenses. Notes

7 for attack. +3 for bite +1 for attempting to worsen previous attack +3 for attempting to control wolf into a pin

7 for injuries.

Round three Raisa Total: 38/50


8 for clarity- minor mistakes

10 for powerplaying. none found.

6 for defenses. +1 for each

4 for attack. Violant attack at Raisas thigh

8 for injuries. minor

Round three Daegmar Total: 36/50


Raisa: 115/150

Daegmar: 113/150

And the winner is...

Raisa! Daegmar must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Raisa- Wound on leg will take 2 ooc weeks to heal, bruising will heal after a matter of days.

Daegmar- Bruising will heal after a matter of days, Scruff will take 2 ooc days to heal, minor wounds will take 1 ooc week to heal.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Fox
You would have done better with clarity, try adding more complex attacks and try thinking about more simple movements, at times i thought she had a bit to much movement! You did really well overall

For Lunarcat7
I thought you did really well in this fight! I i have nothing to note, you where close overall

- By [Luisiana]

Edited! Error on judging, fixed. Sorry about that guys!