
For Family

Rune I


5 Years
03-24-2014, 01:37 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

It was strange to be back - how long exactly had he been away? Months? A year? Longer? It felt like ages to the still young wolf, but even after all that time he could remember how his departure had come about, the events that had led up to Tortuga's disbandment. He had been so convinced that Morphine was going to be the one to bring the pack back to greatness after it had been tarnished by the rogue band from the north. She had seemed so determined, so full of ideas, that he had fallen right in, even offered himself up to assist with the running of it in any meager way he could. But it had not been enough. She had lost it still, letting the borders become near invisible until there was nothing more to the last fragments of his home that he had been clinging to, no place that he could hope his missing family members might be able to return to. And for that, for misplaced trust, he had been lost.

In some way, he had always promised himself that he would return to the volcanic mountain that he had grown up on. At first, it had been as a way to reclaim Tortuga's honor as a pack, a means to keep together the band that he thought held a rightful claim to the territory and name. It had seemed valiant at the time, giving him direction when he had none and nowhere to go, but that had changed when he became reacquainted with Alamea. It was a wonder she had taken a liking to him, though for him it had been easy; she was gorgeous with her unusual pink eyes and her downy white coat, not to mention her quick wit. For a time, even after meeting her, the grey and black wolf had clung to his plans of retaking his old home, but when their relationship had progressed to the point there was no turning back, when the chance of children came about, he had abandoned those wishes in order to care for what was soon to become his family.

And now he was here, with them, not as a ruler, not as a conqueror, but as a rogue resident, claiming a little piece of the mountain for him and his. As if it was his own, he ensured a clearly marked border was in place not only to contain his excitable children but to ward against intruders. So far it had proven successful; the kids and his wary mate were adjusting well. They were all presently behind him, safe beside their den that was near his own from childhood - use of it had been impossible upon realizing it had caved in - while he cut across the border he had created and trailed through the woods upon the mountainside just beyond his boundary. He kept his frosty blue eyes shifting about and his ears keenly listening, intending to intercept any unwanted intruders before they got too close to his family. Things had been so quiet thus far, but with three pups there was too much at stake to allow himself to become complacent.


03-25-2014, 10:36 PM

When she was young she had felt like she had known everything, that her whole life had been planned out and paved with no alterations. The goddess had shown them the way and that was that. She would have been happy to spend the rest of her days appeasing her and living at her brothers side. But now everything had changed. The goddess had disappeared in the floods, she had joined a pack in a forigen land only to be chased out of those lands by a volcanic explosion. And now there was another new land, one full of family she had only ever viewed from a distance before. But somehow they had made it all back together. And now there were more Sovari's. Her brother had had children, her eldest half brother and even she had somehow managed to pop out some children. It was probably the worst decision she had ever made in her life but in the long run hopefully it would all turn out for the better. Children were mouldable, blank canvas's that were her's to do with as she pleased. Though her current plans were getting in the way with her plans to train her children soon she would get everything back on track. Soon maybe she could return to the mountain she had hated and loved so much for a great deal of her life. The mountain itself had changed paws so many times, having only be freed when Taurig had passed the pack over to his father in return for the release of his love. She couldn't blame him and though she couldn't see herself doing the same she did respect him for it. Plus that left this land open for claiming.

It had taken her almost a year to get used to this stupid place with its high elevations and thinner air but eventually it had happened and then she had been forced to leave. Well not so much forced but had decided to go at the same time as her pack and her brother. This place had memories, bodies and deaths. Secret was buried here and though she had brought Vixe back to the Red Forest to give him his last resting place she still felt like she could visit his spirit here. So long limbs would stretch and thin frame would follow them as she made her way further and further up. This place had smelt unclaimed but as she moved further up a scent hit her. An all too familiar scent that brought an easy smile to her lips. Rune? Seemed like he was on a different face of the mountain though? A frown would crease her brow and immediately she would turn, heading downwards from her path and back towards the tree line. Finding him wasn't hard and she couldn't help the smile that touched her lips at the sight of the boy who was well on his way to becoming a man. She let out a bark, as if he hadn't already heard her paws smacking against the ground and breaking twigs. It was probably the happiest she had been in quite some time and that much was obvious from her tail waving easily above her back.

"Rune! Is that you?!?!" She called out, hopping up to his side in an attempt to swing her hip against his playfully. Last time she had seen him was when Taurig had originally taken over Tortuga and they had sparred briefly. That felt like a lifetime ago, was it a year? Longer? He was full grown now, a real man and she couldn't help but smile at him, lantern eyes glittering playfully. "Where have you been dear nephew? How have you been? I'm so glad to see you alive and well?" Her voice trailed off, gaze casting to the ground as her thoughts drifted to the last time she had seen Vixe. He was dead now. And where was Maia? Was she alive? There was so much to speak about, so much to discuss. She knew she still showed signs of motherhood, tests swollen with milk as it had been little less then a month since she had given birth. Though her stomach was beginning to lean out and tighten from her constant exercise in preparation for her impending challenge. But though some of her story could be told from her body there was little she could tell from his other then good health.

Table by Azil

Rune I


5 Years
03-30-2014, 12:05 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The portion of the mountain that Rune had staked out for his family seemed quiet this day, which was all the better for him. As much as he wished to think himself a capable adversary for anyone who might wish his family harm there was no telling what sort of dangerous beings could be lurking out there ready to stumble upon them at any moment, especially considering the darker types who had once claimed the entirety of this mountain as home. Most every scent that he had caught thus far during his searches and patrols had been random and infrequent but family was too precious for him to get complacent. Their stability could change at any moment, and he wished to be prepared for anything.

He never would have anticipated a welcome visitor. The sound of steps grew increasingly louder, drawing the lean of his ear in their direction though he merely slowed his step as he wandered, unsure at first if he was simply hearing the scurrying of a creature trying to get to safety, but they grew nearer and were eventually joined by a bark, a voice that was familiar and drew him up short at the shock of it. Aunt Vi?!

Sure enough, as he turned to look toward the approaching wolf, he immediately recognized the reddened coat and the bright eyes staring back at him, a smile upon his aunt's face. Tail beginning to wag, the wolf felt much like the boy he had been when they had last departed as a grin stretched across his muzzle, frosty blue eyes warming at the sight of family that he had been beginning to think gone. "Aunt Vi," he greeted, ceasing his movements along his scented border as the woman padded over and bumped against his side. "I'm glad to see you too. It's been forever," he answered, a chuckle audible within his voice as he noted the few changes that he could close up about his relative. "I've been great. I've been...busy, raising a family." The last phrase was spoken with pride that was visible in the straightening to his frame, the curve of his smile. They might have been a small bunch, but they were his and therefore the most important things in his life for it.