
Reminisce old memories



03-23-2014, 11:07 PM

[Image: kastiel-header.png]

Quote:The push of the wind was strong, curling against the bottom of ebony paws and rising against the bulk of his fur, pushing, edging and encouraging the old wolf on. The sun was dipping long against the canvas of colours that made up the late afternoon sky as the ceaseless urging of the wind drove him up the rough pathway. Higher and higher he rose until he felt he must look like a dark silhouette against the auburn colours of the sky. It wasn't long before he stood at the cliff's edge, looking out at the great expanse of land laid out never-ending before him. His heart clenched inside him and his eyes grew mistiness with his inner sadness. It had been a cliff much like this one, in the fading of the day that he had come across Illaria for the very first time. He couldn't seem to fight off the memories that often threatened to envelop him as he sat by the cliffs edge and listened to the soothing motions of the wind that stroked soothingly against his coat.

Kastiel was old now, he had lived the prime of his live in different lands, had made his life in them and now they where lost to him. With age it was difficult to image starting a new one here in these foreign lands and clung onto the commitment he had once made when he was but a pup starting out in the world. The one where he would travel, walk the lands and speak of Mother Nature to the wolves that roamed them. He had made a name for himself and spread her word to the wolves of the Strangerian community, and most of all he had spoken them from his heart to the wolf who owned it. He could never forget her, nor the things he had never fully accomplished, nor his children that he could not find and teach. He would spend a long time looking out at the darkening lands and bringing forth the will to start everything over once more, to begin again despite the life he had already lived and lost.



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03-25-2014, 09:13 PM

"Please don't jump..." Her tones were soft, sweet, concerned for the wolf sitting just a few feet in front of her. Koi had been wandering around the area, just exploring and looking for something to munch on before finding a temporary den to rest in for the night, when she saw this man near the cliff's edge. At first she thought nothing of it, but when she continued on she noticed the wolf hadn't moved from his spot, so worry took over, and the next thought that had formed was that this person was thinking about killing themself.

Head was held level with her shoulders, amber gaze usually filled with joy and playfulness now replaced with concern for this person she didn't know. Did something bad happen to him? Gave up on life and was considering ending it all? She hoped not, the girl really hoping he was thinking of nice things, nothing depressing, that was never fun, that's why she always tried looking on the bright side of things. "Your too big for me to carry to a nice spot to bury..." She didn't mean anything negative about it, the small girl would just have a very difficult time bringing him to a suitable spot to bury should he actually jump.

Ears would lay back against her skull as she took a step forward, tail hanging limp behind her body that gave off warmth, a caring and loveable girl.


Awesome table by Lunarcat <3



03-26-2014, 03:48 PM

[Image: kastiel-header.png]

Quote:The words of a wolf sounded behind him, before their scent drifted to him on the shifting winds. He wondered at that, that Mother Nature had not deemed it nessacery to bring first their scent, to tell him of her approach. He had turned to Koi at her words and took in the white-grey wolf before him. The sudden words that had jumped out at him brought another heartache, and he hated himself for turning to her and being disapointed in finding This white-grey wolf and not the yellow stained coat of the one his heart ached for. If he closed his eyes he could almost hear her words as they drifted off the cliff top, and spirled down to blanket the earth below
"Shadow Walker Kastiel, what are you? You are here and I can still hear the music."

He knew he was taking too long to answer when her next words sounded in the air between them. He let go of the past, released his strand of memory and let the present envelop him. He gave a deep chuckle now as he looked into the concerned eyes of this gentle fae.
?You have nothing to fear, I don't seek to give you a work out today. Besides, the Wind would not let me give up so easily?

He turned his gaze once more, to look out across the great open expance before him and felt the wind that grasped against his coat, swirled around his form in a gentle, loving embrace.
?Do you hear the wind my friend??
His voice was soft and gently, like one speaking of family or a closest friend.
?Do you hear its song of life??


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03-26-2014, 06:03 PM

Koi would observe the man with concern when he turned towards her, waiting for a response, hoping that her assumption in him being here to kill himself was wrong. The stranger's silence didn't exactly help either, further worrying the young she wolf. When he suddenly chuckled though it would make her jump, confusion mixing into the concern, beginning to wonder if something was actually just wrong with his mental state. Paw would lift off the ground, hesitant in moving away and continuing on with her activities, but quickly would set it back down when the man spoke.

What he told her would bring a sigh of relief from the girl, ears perking up to catch everything he said. He wouldn't give her a work out today, and the wind wouldn't let him give up so easily. Did he talk to the wind? Head would cock to the side as she watched him turn back to the view below, but quickly stood straight up when he spoke again, this time asking if she heard the wind, if she could hear its song of life. Brows would come together as she moved towards him, steps careful and demeanor friendly.

She would take a seat beside him and look out at the lands below them, brows together as she thought about his questions. She could hear the wind, the gentle howling it dd through trees, whistling as it weaved into the branches and made leaves rustle. But song of life...? "Does the wind speak to you?" She asked curiously, a bit lost. Koi would look to him with head tilted, wondering how he was able to hear the wind speak and why she wasn't able to.


Awesome table by Lunarcat <3



03-27-2014, 03:06 PM

[Image: kastiel-header.png]

Quote:He twitched an ear as the rose and came to sit beside him. He enjoyed the feel of companionship after so long of treading the land with nothing but the wind to keep him company. He looked out across the cliff?s view once more and thought to himself how the threads of the past where hard to shake lose. This wolf beside him voiced her question he let loose a warm, and soft chuckle. She had not been the first to ask that question, and again he was struck by the similarities of the present and the past, he remembered Illaria who once had asked this also. ?Does she talk to you, Kastiel??

Despite all that had happened to him since and all the changed in his life, there was one unmoving constant, one thing that could never change for him. It was for this reason that his answer was similar to the one had had once given upon a cliff many years ago.
?The wind is not a single voice my dear, in that regards I do not hear the voice of the wind. I hear instead the one of Mother Nature?
He smiled now; his head tilted slightly to the side and true warmth was on his face now, like one who spoke of an old friend.

?She doesn?t speak... but I can still understand her words. Feel the wind, Illaira?

?Before you judge my sanity let me finish...?
He chuckled gently again, there were no words in his head but his own, that was not the nature of the Wind he followed. He raised his head ever so slightly to feel the brush of wind against his face. To taste the scents and life that carried on its back.
?Feel the wind... and tell me you cannot hear her voice. If you listen there is life everywhere and the wind is her path to connect these voices together. Hear the noses of the forest? Even the faint rustle of the bushes, the scents of deer and scent and song of birds; that is her voice. We become her voice for we are her life. There would be no Mother Nature if there was no living creatures. A mixed union of voices become her words... so yes, she talks to me, she talks to all and I forever listen?
He spoke softly now, knowing that his beliefs where alien in these lands, and a simple slip of words could seem his sanity was in question rather than showing the free wolf the wind had made him.


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04-01-2014, 07:38 PM

She would listen close to the man, not quite understanding how he could hear mother nature. Was she all over the place? Speaking all at once which made him have to decipher and organize it all? When he told her to not judge his sanity and let him finish, the girl would almost blush, shy away from him, feeling a bit bad even if he chuckled.

And so the man would explain. Slowly her eyes would close, breathing slowing down and ears up, trying to listen to these voices and sounds around her. She calmed her body down, opening her ears and mind to the world around her, the man's voice almost dreamy, low as he spoke. First he would ask if she heard the sounds from the forest, faint rustling of bushes, scents of deer and the singing of birds. All of it, that was her voice, Mother Nature. Tuning into this world, the corners of Koi's lips would pull up in a small smile, giving a nod of her head. "I hear them." Sweet voiced hummed, holding her head high with pride.

Eyes opened and looked over to the man as he continued, explaining that they were also part of her, that there would be no Mother Nature without living creatures. "We are... connected." She whispered with a grin, head tilting down, gaze looking to her paws as she began to understand. "Did you listen to her when you were a pup?" She would asked curiously looking back to the man with that warm smile of hers.


Awesome table by Lunarcat <3



04-02-2014, 12:08 AM

[Image: kastiel-header.png]

Quote:Kastiel's aged gaze, and older warmth looked at this fae as she seemed to flinch the slightest bit from him, a blush ever so gently smoothing across her feathures as though he had guessed right that she would wonder at his sanity. He felt that now age-old tang of sadness, like a weakness in his limbs, an old pain that often flared and grieved him. The pain was memory, it was what was lost, it was Illaria and all she had been to him, and how she had seen him for who he was in the span of a heart beat, even as Koi's eyes helf uncertainty.

He was not so lost in his history that he would miss her gentle breathing, he saw it and he watched her with gently appraising eyes as she took her breaths and closed her eyes, calming herself, opening her heart and her eyes to a different tune. A rumble of warmth would amit from his throat, he could almost hear the song of her heart, but she was not there yet, she did not find freedom as easily others, but easier then some.

Her eyes would blink back to the moment and her eyes would click to his, the expression he held for her was warmth, as he noded his head in her direction ?I see that you do understand, at least in part. Yes, I have always listened to the voice of Mother Nature, respected and followed here. There had been a Shadow Walker that had passed through our home and he had spoken of her, and I had listened? his voice was a soft breath and he had risen to his paws, looking out across the endless expanse before them ?There is something gentle, and intellegent about the wind and the way it connects everything. Without it we could not here or scent and would be blind to so much of the world without these scenes? He said softly
> "Words"


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04-10-2014, 12:03 AM

Koi indeed could feel a part of what the man told her, but just due to her mindset, she couldn't fully understand it just like that, it would take time of practice to be able to hear and feel it all around her. The man would go on to answer her question, telling her that he had always listened to the voice of Mother Nature, respected and followed her. The girl would find this very interesting, to think that he had heard and followed her since he was a child, it was amazing. Shadow Walker, what was that, what did they do? Passed on the wisdom of Mother Nature? Slowly she would begin to get confused, trying to make sense of this new term the man had given her. And then he moved onto talking about how the wind connected just about everything... "It's starting to hurt my brain." She would mutter softly, she knew he would be able to hear her due to sitting next to each other. A light sigh escaping her lips. "Oh yes!" She suddenly would yip with a smile and wag of her tail. "I'm Koi!"


Awesome table by Lunarcat <3



04-10-2014, 04:06 PM

[Image: kastiel-header.png]

Quote:His heart would hurt for her, for Illaria. It was a constant pang now; so long hammering in his chest he barely even noticed its ache. It never let up, nor eased the grip it held over him. It didn?t get lighter with the passing days, it simply got more familiar and he learned with time how to cope with the hole it hammered away in his heart. Torn from his reverie he almost laughed at the words that slipped from the others maw, how all his words where jumbling and hurting her head. He supposed it could be a lot to take it, but he had never found it as such. ?Koi, eh? Well it?s nice to meet you? He would respond, turning his gaze off the cliffs view and back to her again with a smile. ?I?m Kastiel, the resident Shadow-Walker I suppose? he would sigh. He was old now, and he had always assumed somehow that he would have had kids, or a youngster to pass on his knowledge to by now. It seemed to years had slipped him by, and this was just another thing he had somehow managed to fail at. He would cast his eyes back to the cliff, his gaze immeasurably sad.

Oh Mother Nature, where did I go wrong?


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04-12-2014, 11:52 AM

Head quickly nodded upon the man saying her name and saying it was nice to meet her. "It's nice to meet you too mister." She grinned, tail wagging behind her. "Mr Kastiel." She added with a small satisfied nod when he gave his name, but curiosity formed once again when he mentioned Shadow-Walker once more. What was it? Before she could ask however, it seemed the older man would look off over the cliffs once more, but the look in his eyes didn't seem too happy. So silently she would shift how she sat, slowly and carefully inching towards him, pausing after a scoot or two before continuing. The young girl would then stop once their sides were nearly touching, a few of their airs brushing against each other. And then she would lean into him, first just some of her side and shoulder, and then head head would lay against his shoulder. Words didn't have to be spoken on why she did this, just a small smile would be shown up at him and a twinkle in her eyes.


Awesome table by Lunarcat <3