
stuck in colder weather


03-21-2014, 12:37 PM

She would call them, one and all, in a simple melodic chorus of notes that they should all recognize. As Queen of Glaciem it was time for her to determine whom remained loyal to the ice wraith King and whom lingered atop the metaphorical fence that stood between Glaciem and the outside world. Wavering loyalty was not something she wanted among their ranks, and she would rather purge them now than see the Kingdom rotted because of them. Her heart ached for him, but she knew he needed his time - knew he needed his space. Eyes of bold green streaked in every direction as her howl tapered off, waiting for them to arrive - eager to see them all. A fire had been built in her ever since his declaration of love, and as each one arrived she knew they would only serve to stoke the fire. Glaciem needed order, needed structure - and they would have it. Tail flickered behind her as she perched precariously - but entirely confidently - upon a limb strung up four foot in the air. It would give her enough elevation to see them coming, and to address them all at once.

OOC // this is a pack meeting, yes you should attend, yes it has a deadline: Friday April 4th at 7:00PM Alacritis Time.



03-21-2014, 12:45 PM

Etern had been trying hard enough to get the bloods into action, the youths didn't seem too enthusiastic since the lack of their presence at his last training session. No matter how small he was still a bit disappointed, but held no real authority to do anything but scold by word of mouth those who did not show up. He wished to speak to his sister about that, it seemed being a knight was not enough, and his longing to keep the pack afloat and kicking was growing. As the rippled male made way through the lands, it would appear that he was the first to arrive. Out of all wolves in Glaciem. But regardless it didn't matter who showed up first, it was who showed up at all.

Etern sat near the front, and greeted his sister with a dip of his head. He would wait to speak his turn though, pressing on anything was never the answer to go. Tail curled around the blue boy, green emerald eyes showing no emotion as it stood. Wouldn't this meeting be an adventure, if he could meet more members that had been hiding. His loyalty struck strong with the pack so far.



6 Years
03-21-2014, 12:49 PM

The scarred boy made his way to the call as quickly as possible. He would not delay in his arrival, despite not yet being a year of age he was still eager to serve Glaciem in its current standing. He had been with Etern a lot if nothing at all, the one eyed boy getting used to learning how to fight, hunt and other skills with a mere one eye. His uncle sat close to the front, however the boy kept a reasonable distance from his aunt and queen but still within clear earshot and eyesight of the woman. He didn't smile, dipping his head, he kept a civil appearance.
It seemed ever since he was young, he had learned many things. Respect, dignity, his pride over all as well. He was growing stronger every-day, while he may not have been as strong or a large build as other wolves, he was getting smart this one. Vereux stood by for orders like a good boy, in the hopes one day he'd be able to create something of his own, if not just simply help where he stood. Regardless he was excited, but the bubbling excitement did not show as he remained calm.



03-21-2014, 01:03 PM

Audits would fall forward as her queens call rung out across the kingdom, bring her to her feet like a well trained hound. Though she and the queen did not have the best liking for each other she would yield to her summons. Despite the aches that gnawed at her muscles she would stride across the territory, her sickly sweet perfume alerting the others of her presence like a beacon. Luckily there were few males in the pack, so she did not have to worry about luring the unwanted with her heat. The only man she felt concerned about was Isardis, and she would happily invite him into her abode should he chose to dine on her body's offering. As she approached the others she would note that she had been the third to arrive, two males and Sendoa standing before her. She would look up to her queen and nod a halfhearted greeting before taking her seat at the front of the crowd with the others. An uneasy feeling would wash over her as she placed herself beside an unknown male (etern), and she would curl her tail around her body and over her paws. She did not know how strongly he could smell her heat, but she would straighten her posture and peer upward at her queen as if mother nature was not plaguing her.




4 Years
03-21-2014, 11:52 PM

She had been back within the pack lands for a few days now, any old scent she might have not washed off was gone, covered only back over by Glaciem. The woman had been looking for her children, an idea already forming in her head. She wanted to talk to them before things got to far, they had the right to know what she was thinking? but they had not sought her out and seemed almost to be avoiding her, not that she could blame them. The call rang out over the pack lands and she turned herself towards it.
The landscape melted away to be replaced with a forest? one all too familiar and her scar burned hotter than it usually did as she reluctantly entered the site of her accident. Sendoa and a few other Glaciem wolves rose up before her and she slowly approached the blue queen. ?My Queen,? She began giving the Armada a slight bow, ?May I speak with you afterwards??


03-22-2014, 12:23 AM

The lithe healer heard the summons the Queen. Her tawny head poked out from her den where she had been sorting through some of the recent herbs she had gathered, albeit lazily. Squeezing from the opening, she loped off towards the sound of the queen, wondering what was going on. She wasn't the first to arrive, rather the fifth. Her golden eyes landed on the form of Vereux, the lady known as Liberty- someone she hadn't personally met, Narhsa and a strange colored male she did not know. She moved to the front of the crowd, offering a polite greeting to the Queen. Queen Sendoa." She'd acknowledge warmly, her tail waving gently behind her. She'd settle, wondering who else would show up at the meeting and what would take place. Her tail would wrap about her body, as she glanced around. She wondered why the pale king hadn't called them. Surely she'd know if something had happened. Her eyes burned with curiosity as she waited.



03-22-2014, 05:59 AM (This post was last modified: 03-24-2014, 08:56 AM by Pepper.)

The peppered woman would emerge from the shade of her den to answer the call of the queen. She may not do much else within the pack but showing up to all of the meatigs was one of the things she never failed to do. She hadn't lost interest in Isardis yet and until she did her loyalties would remain with him.

She was not fond of anyone there, the king himself seemed to be absent at the moment so she would not bother to make her way to the front of the group to waist her heath on the wench that called the albino's pack forth. She would dimly nod a treating from the back of the pack and take a seat away from the others but still close enough to be heard.




2 Years
03-22-2014, 09:43 AM (This post was last modified: 03-22-2014, 09:46 AM by Drashiel.)
Drashiel Armada

Drashiel was out patrolling the borders when he heard the alphess call. His ears flicked forward, head turning gracefully in the direction of the gathering. Muscles rippled softly beneath a charcoal gray coat as he headed of in that direction to figure out what was going on. While he wasn't sure he needed to be patrolling the borders Drashiel was anxious to make himself useful to the pack. Every day he was growing more and more impatient. Soon he would be a yearling. The excitement of Artemis' challenge had energized him but all too quickly Glaciem had descended into it's sluggish routine and his father was becoming even more distant. Drashiel imagined it had something to do with Artemis' sudden disappearance. Drashiel stepped into the meeting, head dipping in respect to Sendoa who had made the call. No sign of Isardis. "Lady Sendoa."



2 Years
03-22-2014, 11:40 AM

A call would ring at her lobes, nudging her awake from her deep slumber. She wasnt out and about these past few months, and found herself in the company of just her own voice. S'alkrie spent little time in going to the call, her long legs tapping against the floor in the efforts of getting towards the meeting. It didnt take long, and the youth found herself by the small group. Where was everyone? The thought would soon drift from her mind, and she'd think about how she was almost old enough to carry her own duty. Her tail would lick at her heels, glancing towards the queen before sneakily going over towards Drashiel, pushing his side softly in greeting, it had been to long since talking to him, ever since trying to eat that penguin about 2 months ago. Patiently the girl would wait and listen, wondering where Isardis and all the other members where. The last time she was at the meeting Glaciem was filled with them.

image by Emily, Permission to use



03-27-2014, 07:55 AM (This post was last modified: 03-27-2014, 07:56 AM by Isardis.)

There was nothing that angered him more than having to present himself wounded and unclean to his people; a writhing monster appearing upon a skeleton horizon, with no audience but his own shuddering pride. Broken skin screamed of bloodied victories upon his towering limbs, a veteran limping upon toes of brittle pain and yet his features were void, perhaps far too exhausted to express any ounce of emotion that coiled beneath his pale skin. They would see little of their King for perhaps a short time, the pallid beast threatening his health even through his presentation in that moment. Rest was all that could cure his injuries, but he needed to show them he was still there; show them that no matter how broken and torn his skin seemed, his mind and body would prevail against even the most youthful and trained of foes.

He was a King, and what was a King that was easily felled? If but for a few moments he loitered beneath Sendoa?s perch, proud of her ability to fill in where he may sometimes lack. A disappointed glance would be cast to the several there, a frown heavy upon his dial as the lame monster would brew thoughts of misery, ?Such a meagre effort, to attend the call of one?s queen,? it was clear now, that in his tired voice he was not satisfied with the poor show of numbers. ?Those present will have their efforts appreciated,? his skull craned to gaze upon Sendoa for a moment, ?Liberty and Eris, Sendoa; reward them for their labours,? and he knew she would understand. ?Glaciem stands unbreakable,? it was a suggestion of his victory, his voice faltering with the pain of his lungs, and he would turn then, to slink earthward; seeking a domain to heal his wounds, a safehouse to recover.

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]



6 Years
03-27-2014, 11:46 AM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2015, 09:22 PM by Kyung.)

The call would reach the boy, and he would hesitate. There was much on him mind least of which was the location of the gathering he had been summoned too. It was in that blasted forest, and he was less than eager to return there, all that the forest did was bring back bad memories. Still he owed it to his father and the pack to be there, to hear what needed to said.

With a sigh he rose to his paws and left the den he had made for himself and trotted off towards the call as he drew towards the edge of the pines and the woods right before him he hesitated. Taking a deep breath he stepping into the forest. He approached the gathered wolves, black gaze flitting around to see who was gathered, he quickly passed both his mother who was before his aunt Sendoa and his father who seemed to be leaving .

He quickly found a seat near the middle of the gathered group, avoiding looking at his mother.

Talk like this

[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png][Image: Seli%20siggy%20image_zpscw0kd72m.png]



3 Years
03-31-2014, 02:28 AM

This was to be Talvi's first meeting. As the call sounded the girl listened and paused in her wanderings, unsure as to whether or not it actually applied to her. She was a member of course, but a child. She was certainly growing from the tiny pup that had arrived with her siblings, though pack politics were still taking some getting used to. Eventually she realised it was better to attend and be sent away than not go at all when she ought to be there. The new event in her life was rather strange though, she wasn't sure quite what to expect, would it be another lesson of sorts?

She arrived at the gathering in time to see the form of Isardis moving away. Blue eyes watched him for a moment, certainly shocked by his condition. It had been quite some time since Talvi had seen the King, though he had been far healthier and his appearance rather pristine then. She would certainly feel a little concerned for the man, those injuries after all looked rather painful, especially to the child, fortunate enough to have avoided wounds so far in her life.

Realising she was staring, she tore her gaze away and looked at the gathering, to her disappointment there was no sign of her mother or full siblings. There were of course others that she recognised, such as Vereux and Kyung though rather than join them, she lingered at the back, hoping that perhaps her family would soon arrive and join her.


03-31-2014, 05:25 PM
ooc; screw the deadline, it's been like a week and a half. :#

Wolves came, several she knew, others she only vaguely recognized. She breathed a sigh, preparing herself for their reactions to the words she had prepared. She would tell them all that she was now in charge, just while Isardis collected himself, and that things would be changing. She would not let them sit around thinking they were worth something when they weren't. She would not let them raise themselves onto a pedestal that had no foundation. She was tired and oh so frustrated with the lack of morale and the overwhelming feeling of pride that had no real substance in the hearts of each one of them. It was time Glaciem stop behaving as if they were owed anything - it was time they learned to earn things. She breathed another sigh as Isardis came into view - sickly and weary. He seemed irked by the numbers, and in truth she was too. She let him say his piece with naught a word. He hinted to her that she ought to reward Eris and Liberty. The latter burned like bile in her throat but she choked it down and nodded. It was time. As she took one last fleeting glance at him, she breathed in once more - slowly. ?Welcome, Glaciem. Or rather... part of Glaciem. I speak to you with primary authority given to me by Isardis until further notice. Some have left our ranks, and we are better without them, others were too lazy to show up, and others still sit and stand before me - nameless and faceless. It is to you I speak first. It has come to my attention that many of you feel entitled to a certain amount of attention, affection, and that you hold in your chest a pride that has no foundation. Each of you who harbor this in your hearts are living a lie, and I strongly urge you to search your souls and do one of three things. The first would be to leave now, take the easy road and leave with your pride and your entitlement intact. We will not chase after you. The second is to remove these thoughts and start anew, begin to work hard and earn the entitlement you already boast. The third is to continue as you are, continue being parasites with foolish pride that has no basis. I advise you choose quickly and wisely, for if you make the wrong choice you can and will be removed by force.? She glanced to each of them in turn, meeting their eyes with a serious emerald glare. Then she would turn her attention Eris. ?Eris, it is my pleasure to name you Overseer of Glaciem - I've no doubt you will do us proud.? Then the green-eyed gaze would shift to Liberty. ?And with a remarkable jump from Hunter to Overseer, I hereby promote Liberty.? She nodded to each of them, hoping and praying they'd do the rank justice. If she knew anything, it was the struggles of leadership. ?To the rest of you, whom I know must be itching for advancement, I encourage each of you to either step up your game or continue making Glaciem proud. I also offer a warning - Glaciem no longer will tolerate layabouts. I realize most of our numbers come from children, but each of you needs to find a purpose and train hard to reach it. I will be watching each and every one of you, and your achievements will not go unnoticed.? Eyes fell upon the women, the Broods without much purpose now that Isardis was out of his element. ?Should anyone feel they are sitting idle or being held back, I assure you we can find something for you to do - you need only ask.? Her mind whirred with the possibilities, with the unimaginable future that Glaciem had in store for it. ?Any of you whom wish an audience, speak now or forever hold your peace.?


Ooc; if you're gunning to get out of Glaciem, now's your chance. Also, this is an OOC warning to go with Sen's IC warning - I'm tired of seeing inactive members of Glaciem. Meet and greet, go hunting, do something to prove your activity or risk being demoted or kicked from the pack altogether. Contact me if you need a private thread with Sen, but if you can deal with it in here I'd be most grateful.



6 Years
03-31-2014, 07:47 PM

Things had definitely changed since he was first born. For a moment in his life he had thought everything would stay the same. He was a prince, he was the son of the king and queen, but then his mother had to leave for someone else. Vereux held a deep grudge for her in part of his heart, and his siblings were gone because of it. Leaving him alone with a small pit of emptiness if not for his strength in wanting to impress his father. His father had been nothing but kind to him, and Sendoa he hadn't met much but he knew she would have done the same in any situation. He only wished Sendoa was his mother and not Argent. The one eyed boy shut it for a moment, Etern was standing by him as well someone who had grown closer to. While he was fitted to be fighting, he found himself yearning to help in a different matter. At this point he didn't give a crap what everyone else thought of him as long as Sendoa, Etern, and Isardis accepted him.
The lengthy boy stood to his feet, ears perked as he took in a deep breath. "Sendoa, I would like to request to be changed to a healer. I'd like to train under Eris, she has served the pack well and I wish to do that, plenty of the others are excellent fighters but I'd rather assist in a different way." His eye glided across the small audience. "But to be clear I won't let anybody step over me for making this decision. I've already had my heart trampled by those I thought were family in the first place. I have high respect for you Sendoa, and the King. This is how I wish to better myself and serve Glaciem." He stood himself strong and tall, after giving out a strong shivering sigh.




6 Years
Dragon Mod
03-31-2014, 08:35 PM

He had been listening, lurking at the sidelines within the shadows on the left side of the pack. He was not far from where Sendoa stood, and he even witnessed his failing old fool of a sire slither from his den to join them however briefly. Sin had never missed a meeting, and he would not start now. Though he didn't really feel inclined to, for not much would change anyhow. He had done a lot since coming to the pack, and yet his father would continue to ignore him due to his fear of the sinister child. Isardis was threatened, and Sin only reveled and laughed about it. He would watch as Sendoa speak, the male listening intently. So, there were many leaving? How fitting. The once superior empire was crumbling like ice in summer. Not even those who claimed to be "loyal" to the failing king wanted to remain in a place that was falling apart. But would Sin leave? No, not yet. Not until his own plans came into fruition, and that time was nearing. He would make a note to meet with Sendoa later, perhaps even begin training once more for the young children. After all, they sat idly and with no purpose. And he could give them that purpose, he could give them the will and desire to become better...And get the lazy spawn off their asses. He thought with annoyance. He heard the plea of a young male, blind in one eye, acting as if he were high and mighty by requesting others not to bully him. Weak. That was all he thought. One must be lacking confidence to request such a thing. To each their own, if a male wanted to be a brood then he could be one, though it would be a very wasted effort.


You Wear a Crown but You're No King by Blessthefall on Grooveshark


04-02-2014, 04:34 PM

The female had been lingering on the very edges of the meeting as well, coming up behind Sin as if she was his shadow. She would listen to their queen, nervousness building within her. If she was forcibly moved from Glaciem it would save Sin the trouble of moving her later, or if the female would simply allow her to leave, as she stated then would that not be something better to do? The russet female would shift on her paws, moving up just a bit so she could whisper to Sin.

Her light blue gaze would look to him questioningly, searching for answers on his face even before she would utter her question. "Sin... should I ask to leave? To be moved from this place?" Her fate belonged to him, and she to him, and in return he gave her companionship, as well as protecting her, and, when the time was right, training her in skills that would be necessary. But would that be here? Would he move her back to the island or somewhere new?

Speech, Thought



4 Years
04-07-2014, 05:00 PM

Isardis would approach and Narsha would retreat into the group of already gathered wolves, and wait. Her son arrived and she glanced away, he seemed to ignore her and her stomach tightened. But then Sendoa was talking, her voice echoing over the gathering. At the words about leaving she pulled her ears back and averted her gaze. She couldn't help the guilt that rose up in her, the last thing she wanted to do was abandon her pack, especially the one that had given her her sons.
Finally as Sendoa drew quiet she rose to her paws and approached. Keeping her gaze on the blue woman, unable to look at anyone else she spoke.
"In that case. I wish to make my retreat from Glaciem. Not out of any sense of pride, only because I am not certain I can heal the way I need to here... I will pay any price needed and my boys... Will do what they will." Her voice was strong but she did her best to hide her scarring from the queen.




6 Years
Dragon Mod
04-07-2014, 05:06 PM

She would come up beside him, her presence had not gone unnoticed. The blood stained male glanced down at the claimed fae, amber gaze boring into her own eyes as a question seemed to linger within their depths. He had an idea of what she might want to know, and so he waited for her to ask him before he gave any indication. And just as he thought, she asked him about leaving. He would nod curtly, gaze never wavering as he made her decision. "You are of no use to them here. Request to leave." He would tell her, and already a plan within his mind would form of what her next fate would be.



04-08-2014, 01:37 PM

Vereux came, speaking words of wanting to be a healer under Eris. A smile grew upon her features, he was a good lad. There was a certainty in his tone that she could not - and would not deny. ?Request granted, Vereux.? She nodded to him, affirming his choice, and then addressed those in attendance. ?If any older Bloods wish to follow his fine example and choose a path, I request you do so now or in the very near future. It is time you all learn a task.? Narsha came then, requesting to leave. Sendoa knew that would hurt Isardis, but what was done had to be done. ?Go in peace,? the Queen spoke. The woman would not be followed, or chased down for retreating. If she came back repentant she might even be accepted back into the fold - but Sendoa doubted that would happen anytime soon. ?Does anyone else have a matter to be discussed with me??



04-11-2014, 01:20 PM

Other members would arrive shortly after she had, but the charcoal mistress would pay them no mind as her azure gaze locked on her kings pallid frame. Her eyes would grow wide as they rolled across his battered body, illness radiating off him in waves. So that's why the almighty king has bee absent? Sickness? She would almost leap to her feet at the sight of him turning away, but she would refrain, a longing stare following his figure until it vanished from her view. So badly she wanted to follow him, but she could not, as she was needed here in the meeting. Plus she still hadn't heard what Sendoa had to say. She would speak shortly after his departure, and the woman would absorb her queens words eagerly. It was promising to finally see some activity expected within the pack. When Eris was promoted she would glace toward the healer with a warm congratulatory smile. Her eyes would glue back onto Sendoa as she began to speak again, and they would widen as her name left the queens lips. Her? Overseer? Had this really just happened? She would dip her skull respectfully to her queen as she barley managed to contain the swell of pride and excitement brewing within her core. "Thank you my queen." She would respond softly before falling silent so that other members could speak. Once she had listened to them all and the meeting was ajurned she would be one of the last to leave, as she was now a higher ranking member and felt like she should attend the entire meeting.
