
That Place in Your Heart



10 Years
03-26-2014, 04:10 AM

Memories plagued Odette the day she chose to return to the Cove. After reuniting with her siblings, she had pondered what she meant to do in life. She had been adopted by Chrysanthe and was now a rising Gamma in the ranks. Her Adravendi family was the best that she could ever ask for, but she felt a piece of her missing. That missing puzzle piece was what brought her back to the Cove. She needed her blood family, too.
Simply being brought back to her littermates wasn't enough. Odette would have loved to scoop up her brother and sister and take them with her back to Valhalla. However, something seemed to keep her from doing it because they had seemed to establish a life with their Rogue band. Then, there was the wild cousin she had met a season or two ago and that hadn't boded over well. Odette knew she had been a stick in the mud upon meeting Taske, but it wasn't like she was used to her. Perhaps, if they ran into each other again, it would be different.
Her mind was filled with 'If' situations, but they did her no good. She tried to halt the never ending thoughts that ran through her head as she stood on top of a tall grass dune that rose higher than the surrounding beach. Her gaze looked out to the ocean and for the first time in a long time, she saw her father and mother. They were only mental pictures, but that didn't stop her from feeling the familiar ache in her chest. "Mama...Papa..." The words were soft and dripped from her mouth like the tears that leaked from her bright bi-colored orbs.
The yearling remained standing as she raised her head in a sad howl. It was a cry meant for no one, just for her to release the tension and pain that was curled around her heart. The alto notes that rang through the air didn't travel far, she was sure, and finally, they faded into silence. Odette lowered her head and wiped the tears from her face with a forepaw. She sniffed and shook her head, making the wet fur stand on end. Mama and Papa -- and now Chrysanthe -- would not want her to weep. Even though she craved the family she couldn't have from her puppyhood, she knew the one she had now was just as precious and important.

"You" Think


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03-26-2014, 09:00 PM

[Image: rave1.png]

Quote: For a long time his paws moved him destination-less across the territory. The tireless pacing of his paws was a constant drumming in his mind that lulled him into thoughts and memories. It had been a long time since Raven has last belonged somewhere or to someone and the weight of the past was a hard burden to carry alone. Without even knowing the destination his paws had carried him to the cove, and the scent that hit him brought him back to the present as equally as it brought the past image of his brother. He was astonished, could it be true? After all this time had he finally found Gargie again? Excitement coursed through his veins as effectively as adrenaline as he bunched his powerful hind legs and leaped forward, picking up his pass and turning it into a dash across the uneven surface of the sand, kicking up a cloud of dust behind him that obscured his race along the shore.

The cry that echoed out across the cove stilled his movements yet again, stopping in a cloud of dust that obscured his vision and caused a fit of coughing to rack his body. He was confused, and he tilted his head in confusion as he looked forward. He could catch sight of her now, he was close enough and he realised that in his glee he had missed the underlined scent of female that made up the core of this scent. This was not Gargie, There was no way it was possible. Yet, he looked at her and all he could see was his brother, she looked so like him that it broke his heart.

He recognised the lonely pain in her howl and he moved forward at a slower pace now, no more of that neck-breaking that h had been spurred by the scent of someone he had lost. He approached more cautiously, this stranger who bore all the resemblance to Gargoyle yet was not him. He stopped only when he was a few paces away, close enough to speak to her without calling out, close enough to see all her markings and draw in the fresh touch of her scent.
?Excuse me, Miss. I?m sorry to disturb you, only... I believe you know my brother, Gargoyle?
He cleared his throat, he was sure he knew who this was even if he had never met her, even if he had never even known Gargie had had children, he had no doubt that this was his daughter.

[Image: rave3.png]



10 Years
03-27-2014, 01:37 AM (This post was last modified: 03-27-2014, 01:58 AM by Aures.)

After the howl had disappeared and she had wiped the tears from her cheeks, Odette had looked out at the ocean. She became lost in thought of how the water always returned to the shore, even though it had no control what it did between visits. To have the ability to be pulled back to where it first met the beach was something Odette shared with the ocean. She would always be drawn back to the Cove, even if no one of her family would appear at her presence.
This time, however, would be different. As the sun was lowering itself into the late afternoon sky, she saw a cloud of sand and dust rise in her peripheral vision. Her attention became lost to the ocean and slowly her head turned to her right. A fit of coughing escaped from the cloud before a wolf made itself known. He had dark fur that greatly resembled the blackness of raven feathers when they were in flight. As he approached her chosen spot on the beach, his gaze moved up to meet hers. She noticed how his nose slightly twitched and she assumed he was taking in her scent. Silently, she wondered why.
Her question was answered when the male began to speak. His answer was an assumption that made her heart beat fast. This man knew her was this possible? The only wolves that had known her father were all mainly in Valhalla...was he another missing puzzle piece? There was only one way to find out.
She slowly descended from her perch atop the grassy dune. Once she reached the beach, her paws caressed the sand beneath them as she slowly approached him. Her nose began to work as well, taking in the scent that was familiar, but also foreign. "Yes sir, I do," she replied softly. "Gargoyle is my papa, but I haven't seen him for nearly a year." The fact broke her heart, but she didn't let it show. "But wait a're his brother? So that means..." Her eyes widened and she took another step forward. "You are my uncle? I didn't know my father had any other family than the Adravendi! Please, tell me, what is your name?" Her voice had moved from excitement to soft awe, for she was definitely interested in knowing more about him.

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03-27-2014, 02:06 AM

[Image: rave1.png]

Quote: He looked at this resemblance of his brother, looked at her closly and noticed all the differences that marked her as her own creature. At first he thought he was searching her for all the things that made her Gargole's blood, but realised that really he was after what made her her. She was family, he had no doubt about that, and if their blood ran true she would hold every bit the independence of Gargie, Crusade, of their parents, this womans grandparents. He was right, this wolf was not a minature copy of the wolf he so dearly loved and missed, but it didn't matter he had already found room in his heart for her and every fibre of his being begged to know what made her herself.

She had come down from her dune-tower and approched him after his words. Her voice was so polite, and friendly that again he felt that little ache in his heart that missed the family he had lost. But here, in front of him, was a chance of knowing other family that had been lose before he even knew existed.
He sat down before her and listened carefully to what she had to say. It hurt to know that even his daughter had not seen him for the better part of a year, and even more so he was afraid for what fate might have meet his head-strong kin.

He watched her expressions as she realised that the brute before him was her family, and he could hear her interest in her tones. Adravendi he did not reconise that name and wondered if perhaps that was this wolf's mother. He left it for the moment and instead took a breath and told her of the family she did not know
?Yes, i'm your uncle, I was raised with Garogyle and Crusade, in the pack that came before the one that was ruled first by Crusade, then me, until finally it found its way to Gargie. Your grandparents where called Drake and Clash, did you know that? They where very strong wolves, and raised us well. You probably know of Gargie's strength and tendancie to run head-first into trouble.?
His voice was whistful, but also loving and warm. He loved every bit of his family and missed them in every fibre of his being.
?I never knew he would settle, have you siblings? What was the name of the wolf that finally captured his wild heart??
He asked gently, making it clear he was more then happy to tell her everything she wanted to know, all he wanted to know in return was a piece of Gargie that he had not had a chance to see.

[Image: rave3.png]



10 Years
03-27-2014, 07:01 PM

The stranger, who was now identified as her uncle, began telling her information about Gargoyle. She had never known anything about his life before she was in it, so anything that could be told was worth keeping. Her uncle had been raised with Gargoyle and Crusade (she assumed Crusade was their sister) and her grandparents' names were Drake and Clash. "I didn't know any of this until you just told me," she freely admitted, tones indicating awe and surprise. It was all so much to take in, but she did like a champ.
Then, he asked her about who finally caught her siblings. Her own beating organ increased in its pace before she reclined on the grass without it skipping a beat. "I have five siblings, three older than me and two born in the same litter with me." Odette had a look of thought on her face as she tried to remember the names of her older siblings. "My older sisters and brother are named Galileo, Orica, and Avalon..." At the mention of the last name, she felt a pang of guilt for not trying to save the only one that stayed around the longest. "Then I have my littermates, Oracle and Galahad. We were separated when Mama and Papa disappeared...but we reunited recently!" A smile broke out across her face and she felt her tail thumping in the sand next to her right hind leg.
She then realized that she hadn't answered her uncle's love question. A happy sigh escaped the girl as she spoke her mother's name. "Ocena...A very small and pretty wolf took Papa's heart." Memories of seeing her mother each morning from the small height she had as a pup made her want to whimper. "She was very pretty. Her pelt was black and white and she had bicolored eyes. I think that's where I got mine from." Odette then blinked for effect, showing off her red and blue diamonds. "I'm happy to be their daughter, even though they have disappeared, I still claim them."

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03-27-2014, 10:39 PM

[Image: rave1.png]

Quote: Raven?s eyes where solemn as he took in the younger wolf before him. He was amazed that she knew nothing of her heritage, although he could not bring himself to admit that. Instead he ensured he was settled in for a long talk, for now that he found family he would not give them up again so easily. He listened in silence for a long moment to let her speak, to hear that she was not even the first litter of his brother. There was clearly so much that he did not know, and his heart was aching with every moment of it. ? Galileo, Oracle, and Avalon?
He murmured softly, committing the names to memory. These where his brothers children, they were his own blood even if he had not known they existed, and he loved them despite everything.

He took everything in, as Odette moved on to her own litter mates now ?Oracle and Galahad? He murmured next, every name was another little soul with a piece of Gargie and a piece of himself. Then, realising what the other had said a warm smile lit across the older brute?s face.
?You mean there here, there not lost us??
He asked gently, hardly daring to believe he could have gone from without any of his blood to a whole litter full of family.

She spoke now of his brothers mate, and he ached to have met her, to have seen them both happy together. He looked into this wolf?s odd eyes and knew that this, at least, was not a piece of Gargie but rather the woman he had loved.
?And you have every right to be proud, I don?t know what they?ve gone now and I might not have known your mother, but your father was a wolf to have been proud of? he promised Odette in soft, warm tones. A happy sigh escaping his maw. ?I?m just glad to have found family after all this time? he admitted.

[Image: rave3.png]



10 Years
04-01-2014, 12:13 AM

She watched him as he kept up with what she was telling him. The looks of wonder and surprise on his face made her grin and she felt like what she shared with him was worth seeing those expressions. Her uncle remembered the names of her siblings and she gave a nod to his inquiry. "Yes, my littermates are living in the Snowfalls right now, which is where Papa's old pack used to live." She was only in Ocena's belly when the move had happened, so she had no idea what was going on.
Corvus spoke of Gargoyle and how great of a wolf he was. Odette's heart fluttered in response and she felt her eyes brighten in color. "Was he really, Uncle Corvus?" She asked in an excited whisper. "I only knew him for the first month or so of my life, so I didn't get to know more about him after that." If she wasn't reclined on her haunches yet, she lowered herself to the sandy ground and softly blinked. "I miss what little I got to know."

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04-02-2014, 02:23 PM

[Image: rave1.png]

Quote:The older wolf followed Odette?s movements as she settled herself against the earth. It was hard not to feel a wave of sadness, to take in her familiarities, to see her as family and know that even from this life Gargie had left. It had been so long since he had seen his siblings, to know their parents where gone from this world and the family he had left may well have joined them. He looked at Odette, the future generation and the legacy of his family. He had never had children himself, and he was glad that Gargie had shared their name even if she did not know as much of her history as Raven would have liked.

?Yes, he was one of the best, as was our sister Crusade. Our parents had strong personalities and it was unavoidable that some of that would wash off on us? He chuckled softly and settled into the sand beside his niece ?This is probably very forward of me, but I want to be a part of your life now that I?ve found you. I know I will never be to you what Gargie was, but you are my family? He paused then, realising something that she had said, his royal blue eyes darting to meet her own, as puzzlement and worry seemed to war for a place against his expression ?Old pack use to be? Glacium was brought here? Does it exist still?? he asked in wonderment.

[Image: rave3.png]



10 Years
04-02-2014, 08:05 PM

She continued to listen as he spoke of her papa and an aunt she had never met. Corvus seemed very proud of his siblings and she knew that if she lost connections with her littermates, she would still be proud of them. Shortly afterward, Corvus said he wanted to be a part of her life and she gently nodded. "I think I would like that, Uncle Corvus. I don't have any pieces of my biological family except for my brother and sisters, so having you around will be a positive for me...I don't want to give up the people who helped me exist in the first place." She gently swept her tail across the sand as she thought about it.
He then asked of Glaciem and she shook her head. "Sadly, from the stories I have been told, a little minion battled Papa for the Glaciem rights and won. She then gave the pack over to another male, one that didn't deserve the title, if you ask me." A slight huff was given as she thought about it all and she growled a bit behind pursed lips.
"Glaciem was a home for wolves that wanted to find comfort in having a family-based setting and it was taken by someone who didn't have the same values."
She sighed softly and blinked again. "Mama was pregnant with me and my littermates when this happened, so we were born shortly after leaving the Snowfalls."



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04-02-2014, 08:43 PM

[Image: rave1.png]

Quote:His eyes where intent upon her now, an odd urgency seemed to kindle a fire against his eyes. There was more life to him, less sadness and age, and more life It was the mention of Glacium that had kindled that flame, but it her words now that told him she wanted him in her life that set it to fire. His expression was still gentle as he looked at her. ?Then I?ll try join your pack if I can? he decided warmly, his expression neutral as he fell back to silence and she spoke again. The neutrality of it was hard built as his insides fell with her words. Glaciem, gentle, strong, loving Glaciem was no longer in the paws of his family. Worse than that, the ones that claimed it now did not boost a single integrity that it had once stood for. The shock and shame of it rendered him mute for the longest moments.

He was surprised that this younger wolf had known something of Glaciem?s values, and the little puff of pride that came with knowing this was drowned by an anger that burned in his eyes. ?Glaciem was to be your legacy, it was born to this family and should have stayed within its paws. I don?t know what fate led Gargie to abandon it at its time of need but... I am not so certain that I can stand by and let it be. I helped rule Glaciem once, helped form and nurture it.? His voice was almost a whisper of intensity, he did not speak of his rage but it was there for the world to see, burning blue flames that dances across his orbs.

[Image: rave3.png]



10 Years
04-03-2014, 01:12 AM

Odette Adravendi

He spoke of possibly joining her pack and the fire in his eyes was obvious. She knew that what she was telling him was information that broke his heart, even if she didn't mean for it to be that way. Odette wondered if Erani would consider letting her uncle join Valhalla. She had already brought Baldur to the pack borders, and unintentionally brought Thor as a tagalong. Secretly, Odette knew that family was important to Erani, so maybe it was a 'yes' in the older Alpha's book.
Corvus then spoke of Glaciem being her legacy and she felt a sense of betrayal seep through her bones. If Eos hadn't taken the title and the pack rights, Odette would have grown up in the snow and become familiar with surviving in the harsher climate of Alacritis. She would have had the family surrounding her everyday, stories would have been shared, and snuggle times would have been an everyday thing with Gargoyle. Her ears softly pulled back at the news and she felt her eyes burn with desire. "Leadership is something I want in the future, Uncle Corvus. Power and the desire to use it wisely are two things I have craved since I was little. While I am still in Valhalla, I promised myself I would prove my worth to the pack and keep my head held high. Even though Glaciem's power has been placed in the wrong paws, I will do my best to make my family proud -- both the Adravendi clan...and you." Aside from her littermates, Corvus was the only member of her blood family she had met. She didn't know what happened to Avalon, her older sister that she terribly missed. One could only hope her sibling was still alive and healthy.

I speak


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04-03-2014, 05:22 PM

[Image: rave1.png]

Quote: Raven felt the flood of determination in his veins before he even knew exactly what path it would be directed. He didn?t the full history of Glaciem or the fate of Gargie but he could hardly believe his brother would abandon the pack their sister had created, lightly. He looked at the little wolf before him and knew that from this point onwards their future would be connected. He looked at the daughter of his brother, at the new determination and life that took hold of her and her words that spoke of all the traits Crusade had believed in.

?Thank you, for sharing your history with me Odette, and allowing me into your life. Would you be willing to take a walk now so that I might see the pack you reside in?? He asked gently, even as he moved his head forward and placed a loving lick against her forehead, proud for this wolf that was only partly raised to this family and still boosted its morals and passions. He wondered if one day they would be a part of a pack run by family again with that thought came a sorrow for all he had lost and the family he wondered if he would ever see again.

[Image: rave3.png]



10 Years
04-06-2014, 02:48 AM

Odette watched with determination in her eyes as Corvus inquired about her pack. She had been bringing more strays to Valhalla lately and it was weird because the newcomers were unintentionally sticking to her hip. Nothing about it was annoying, to be sure, for she was happy to be introducing more wolves to the life Valhalla promised. Erani ran it beautifully and she adored her grandmother as both a politician and the wolf that she was. Those two positive thoughts were what Odette hoped Corvus would see in her Alpha.
The answer Odette gave her uncle was simple and pleasing to the ears. "Yes sir, you are more than welcome to walk with me back to my pack. I am sure that my Alpha will be eager to know who you are and what you could bring to the table." She rose from her haunches and turned to walk back the way she had arrived. "It is only half a day's travel, but if we start now, I think we can make it by sundown." Looking over her shoulder, tail wagging lazily, she smiled at her newly found uncle. "I know you must be tired from journeying so far from home...Valhalla gives food and drink to those who are weary from long trips." From what she had seen Erani do, Odette spoke the truth and intended to live by the words. "Valhalla itself is like a fresh drink of water after a long day's adventure...I hope you will agree."

"You" Think


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