
New Day in a New Land


03-25-2014, 07:23 PM
Lani stepped warily over the terrain. She was in a strange place and unsure of where she was going. Hell, she didn't even know far she had gone. There was a lot of travelling involved and part of it had included water, but she hardly remembered anything. It was as if she had been on autopilot. Going through the motions but no one was home. She was tired. Physically and mentally. She wasn't going anywhere near the emotionally part.

Sighing, she turned her tired eyes to the land around her. She wasn't even sure where to go. Hell, she didn't even know what she was going to do. Why the hell did you leave? She silenced the thought, and continued on. Finally it was too much. She needed a rest. Moving to the base of a small tree, she flopped onto the ground, panting. The heat was unbearable. The sun was high and beat down on her black coat relentlessly, causing to gleam blue under its rays. Maybe she could just spend the day resting. It would be insane to continue to travel during the day, when it was hottest. She would have to start moving during the night. She sighed in relief, letting her toes relax and her sore feet rest. Her muscles melted to the ground as she stretched out on her side. A little rest wouldn't hurt anyone.


4 Years
03-25-2014, 07:57 PM
She hadn't been able to sleep for quite some time now. It was hard for her to tell when she was tired and when she wasn't, because when her eyelids opened all she saw was darkness. The only indication that it was day time was the heavy sun beating against her back as she walked through the new territories. Luckily, as of yet, she had not run into any unwelcome territories that she found herself getting chased out of. The Hervok had enough sense though and didn't mind moving away from pack lands. She did not wish for them to see her as intruding on their land, when really all she was going was trying to find a place to rest.

She was relieved when her back was covered in the shade, by either a tree or cloud, she didn't know...she was just grateful that nature had been kind to her and sheltered her from the terrorizing elements of the sun. Her tail flicked behind her slightly and the unseeing wolfess inhaled deeply, stopping in her tracks when she scented the presence of an unknown wolf. Unsure if the wolf was near her or not, the silver woman scraped one of her paws gently against the gravely ground, hoping that if another wolf was around, they would be alert enough to sense that she was near. Perhaps some company and allies in a new place wouldn't be too bad.


03-26-2014, 09:33 PM (This post was last modified: 03-27-2014, 08:41 AM by Lalani.)
Lani had just begun to relax, letting her muscles unclench and felt herself melting against the ground, well a smell permeated the stagnant air. Her muscles complained as she swung her head up, looking for the source. She watched as a brown wolf approached. She seemed unknowing even though Lani was in clear view. As the wolf approached, Lani bared her teeth, warning the wolf not to come too close, but she dint stop. Not until she seemed to catch Lani's scent. Then she stopped, her ears twitching, searching for a sound. She pawed the ground cautiously, but still seemed unable to see the dark wolf in front of her. It wasn't until then that Lani realized that the earthy female in front of her was blind.

The pawing was obviously to get Lani's attention. She wasn't sure what to make of the girl standing in front of her. All Lani wanted was a little rest, but she wasn't about to deny this girl the same thing. Sitting up so that she laid on her stomach, Lani eyed the stranger warily before speaking. "Why are you out and wondering about?"


4 Years
03-28-2014, 06:42 PM
Silence was what greeted her for the longest time. Her ears finally catching small movement from another figure. Turning her head towards the sound, she set her unseeing eyes towards where the other wolf was. Even though she knew the general location of the wolf, she was not greeted by any noise and because of this, Audrey also remained silent. Eventually, the other wolf, a woman spoke, and Audrey's head moved more towards her then, pleased that she knew a more accurate location of the female whose voice she had heard. Lifting her head slightly now that she was more sure of herself, her cloudy blue eyes narrowed slightly, not pleased with the question that was being asked. Did she not look like she could take care of herself?

Snorting softly under her breath, the woman finally parted her jaws to speak, "I'm new to these lands. I found these lands interesting and decided to stick around for awhile...and you?" More confident than she had been before, the woman stepped towards the other wolf that had previously been silent. She listened carefully for any movement that the other woman would make and carefully placed her paws in front of her as she moved forward. Stopping at what she was sure a respectable distance away from the woman, Audrey tilted her head slightly, awaiting the answer that she wished to come.


03-28-2014, 08:09 PM
She watched as the girl waited. She seemed to be listening, and as soon as Lani spoke, the blind girl was able to zero in on where she was. Of course. If she couldn't see, then she would rely heavily on her other senses. She steadily approached Lani, she watched warily as the girl came closer, but then she stopped, staying a fair enough distance away. Lalani wasn't sure what to make of this stranger. She couldn't see who or what she was talking too, she had no idea who Lani was or whether it was even safe to come near. Yet she did so anyway. Lani didn't know whether this made her brave or stupid.

In response to Lani's question, the blind girl responded with one of her own. She considered before answering. "I'm not quite sure hat I'm doing yet. Just travelling for the most part. Didn't fit in where I was, maybe I'll find somewhere here." Being a normally quiet person, it would be hard for the brown female to keep any sort of exact location on Lani's location unless she happened to be speaking. The dark girl found herself making accommodations for the other girl's disability. She lightly brushed her tail back and forth over the earth, creating a small sound, jus enough to let the girl know exactly where she was.

The heat made the air thick and it was stifling. Even in he shade of the tree they were under, thy couldn't escape it. Lani's black pelt quickly absorbed the heat around her. They needed to find somewhere cooler. "I think I saw a tunnel around here somewhere. It'll be cooler underground, if you'd like to talk there."


4 Years
03-29-2014, 04:50 PM
The woman waited patiently for a response, her ears flicking toward when she heard what the other woman had to say to her. Nodding her head in understanding, the blue-eyed woman narrowed her eyes slightly in the direction of Lalani, her lips pursing in displeasure. She wasn't certain if the woman was doing the noise with her tail on purpose, but Audrey could only think that this was the case. Huffing softly under her breath, she flicked her tail behind her in irritation, focusing on the sound of the other woman's breath, now that she was close enough to hear it. When the girl mentioned moving from their location and into a cave, where Audrey would certainly have no advantages, she narrowed her eyes, suspicious as to if this other woman would have any reason to do something horrible to her.

Not finding any reason as to why she wouldn't be able to go with the woman and find her way around, the woman mentally shook her head before giving the other woman consent with a simple nod. Clearing her throat, she spoke, "Very well then...lead the way. I am Audrey Hervok, by the way, it's a pleasure to meet you..." She let her voice fade off at the end, not knowing what to address this other woman as and left it there. Pricking her ears towards, she listened expectantly for the other girl to move towards where she had indicated.


04-01-2014, 01:56 PM (This post was last modified: 04-06-2014, 05:40 PM by Lalani.)
Lani waited, wondering if the blind female would actually take her up on the invitation. After all, she didn't know what Lani intended. The stranger seemed slightly displeased about something though Lani wouldn't have been able to tell you why. Personally, Lani didn't care if the female chose to go or not. She would go anyway, but she wouldn't have minded the company, not to mention she didn't like the idea of leaving this female alone to fend for herself.

In response to Lani's question, she nodded, giving her consent before speaking. "Very well then...lead the way. I am Audrey Hervok, by the way, it's a pleasure to meet you..." So now she had a name to match with the face. "I'm Lalani Callahan." She carefully stood, her exhausted body protesting, before heading in the direction she saw the tunnel. It didn't take long to reach the area. Lani threw a glance behind her before heading in. The tunnel was fairly large, able to fit several wolves standing abreast and she didn't have to duck as she walked. She traveled a few yards into the tunnel before settling against one of the walls. It was much cooler in here than it had been above ground.