
Wild Stony Wonder



10 Years
03-06-2014, 11:23 PM

She was far from home, but then again, when did that bother her? It didn't pester her mind as she padded past the safety of the borders and out into the unknown. Odette was all right with going away for a day, but she always made sure to be back within the appropriate timeframe. For that early morning trip, the miniature version of Gargoyle was heading towards a part of the continent she hadn't touched. It was exciting and bad at the same time.
When she arrived at the ruins, she was astounded. The structures were certainly interesting, for she had never seen human-made buildings before. As she stood at the edge of the territory, she wondered how others had lived in such weird foundations. Caves and dens were enough to keep her happy. Such an observation propelled her to walk into the unfamiliar lands and closer to the main building.
A wrinkle in time had caused a ripple effect for how the stones now stood. Rather than being high and mighty like two hundred years before, it had crumbled in on different sides and angles. The pretty building that was now in ruins fascinated Odette. As she walked closer to it, she tried to imagine how it looked. Unfortunately, with a yearling mind and an imagination that didn't stretch very far, she couldn't see it. Without crumbling from defeat, she carried on.
Where a door would have stood was now an empty frame. Crumbled stones and extra rubble were behind it as she walked through the large square. Glass bottles, broken and now in tiny shards, glistened in the summer light as she walked by. Sidestepping any potential hazards to herself, Odette crawled under a large column that was sturdily resting between two large boulders. When she got beneath the structure, she found herself facing a room that had colorful tile floors. The room was pretty much two walls that still stood, while the other two had fallen in on themselves, but the air about it was still...pretty. It had Odette mesmerized.
What Odette didn't count on, as she padded across the pretty floor, was another presence. Immediately, her hackles rose and defenses were set. Her nose worked as she tried to figure out who else was there. An unfamiliar scent was hiding behind one of the large boulders and she slowly stalked the way she had come. Without warning, she pounced as she turned the corner, lips remaining curled and ears flattened against her dark head. The pair rolled and she didn't know how long it would be before they stopped.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


03-07-2014, 11:32 PM
"The Lord said "go to the devil"

So I ran to the devil

Crouching behind the boulder, Angelus quietly watched the intruder. He moved as she moved, first peering at her from behind one side of the rock and then moving to the other when it offered a better vantage point. Until the intrusion, his day had been uneventful. For the most part he'd just laid around, occasionally getting up to wander around and attempt to contemplate things he couldn't even begin to understand. Time, eternity, the past, the present and the future. More specifically, his future. He couldn't fathom it. Not one single possible life presented itself to him. This emptiness concerned him a little. Was he made of nothing?

While not quite what most would consider a home, by Angel's standards these ruins were his, if only for the time being. He wasn't sure how to feel about this intrusion and would have been content to simply watch had the fae not taken it upon herself start something.

He watched her turn to leave and once the bolder blocked his view of her, the brute moved to peer from the other side, and it was then that she chose to pounce. His face was barely around the corner when she was flying at it and he let out a startled yelp, too stunned to react defensively as she ran into him. They rolled and when the opportunity came, Angel kicked his way free, scrambling to his paws.

Shocked, he squared off with her, still stunned to the point of stupidity. As far as defenses went, he set none intentionally, although instinctively his ears flattened, his hackles raised and his tail hung low; the banner curving behind him like a startled cat's. "The hell is your problem?" He bared his teeth at her, the gesture more anxious than aggressive. His face and ears flushed; a reaction that further embarrassed him. And yes, he was embarrassed although the reason for his discomfort in that respect was beyond him. Later, when he had time to play the encounter over, it would be heavily scrutinized.

He was waiting'Angelus



10 Years
03-27-2014, 07:12 PM

They had rolled for about ten seconds before the male pushed himself free. Odette continued to roll until she was able to regain footing on all four paws. Red and blue eyes were ablaze as she saw the stranger all huffed up from being tackled. His words weren't the most friendly either, but considering what she had done, it was appropriate.
A low growl escaped her lips as they curled back into a snarl. Teeth were bared as she felt her hackles rise in defense. Then, just as quickly as her defenses had risen, they were released and she let out a large snort. "My problem? MY problem?! I'll tell you what it is -- I don't appreciate being watched, that's what!" She huffed, voice filled with a mixture of anger and aggravation. "The least you could have done is let me know who you were. I wouldn't have been so keen to try and throw you to the ground!"
Even though she was still infuriated by the encounter, the Ocena part of her came out. Slowly, she took a couple of steps forward and her tones went from aggravated to concerned. "You're not hurt, are you?" It was then that she noticed the blush that had spread across his face like wildfire and she knew that she had embarrassed him.

"You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


03-29-2014, 11:04 AM
"The Lord said "go to the devil"

So I ran to the devil

Indignation kept him from accepting her reasoning, even though it was sound enough. He had been spying and he should have announced his presence, but for now he was hung up on her pouncing on him. "Why should I have to announce my presence in my own home? You're the one who should have said something!" It was only polite, right? His counter was flawed, because really he had no lasting claim on the ruins, but what separated his claim from the claims of legitimate alphas? He wanted this space, so it was his, was that not what pack wolves did?

She dropped her defensive posture, but Angel held his. If she was unpredictable enough to jump on him once then she was unpredictable enough to do it again. This time he would not be so easily caught off guard. That, and he wasn't sure what to make of her. Who just jumped on someone they hadn't even seen? He could have been a freakin' giant with rabies for all she'd known and she jumped on him anyway! Who did that?

Her next question confused him further and deepened his blush. What? With as much heat as his skin was producing, Angel's fur was likely to burst into flame. "What?" Dumbfounded by her sudden change, his ears flicked back and his stance slowly became less defensive and more baseline. "No, I'm fine." He paused, unsure of her motive. Was she teasing him? 'Aw, poor, poor baby, did I hurt you?' He didn't know, but manners instilled in him since birth compelled him to ask his next question. "...are you okay?"

He was waiting'Angelus