
ready, aim, fire!


03-24-2014, 08:41 PM

an empire's fall
The ashen woods were devoid of any plant life, which was perhaps what had drawn Altavro towards them more than anything. Given that his most recent attempts to gather herbs had ended with him lost in a desert, Altavro was pretty much done with herb collecting, at least for a little while. Until he had a den in which he could actually store, most likely. Which wasn't seeming like it was going to happen any time soon, considering that Altavro displayed a stunning ability to irritate every Alpha that he ran across. Perhaps he should have stayed with the Nomads.

Sulking wasn't a particularly attractive look on anyone, Altavro included. Still, there was something about the gray that dominated everything around here and settled in his fur that made it hard to be particularly joyous or happy. With the heat and the gray ash and everything else, Altavro was in a particularly bad mood, but he was currently appreciating the silence. To be on his own was a strange sensation for Altavro, but he rather enjoyed it, for the most part. Since he was old enough to take care of himself and all that jazz, he was quite content on his own, for the most part. It was only the impending winter that he was even remotely worried about, and that was a long ways off. He had plenty of time to find a pack, should that prove to be necessary, before then.

The late summer air was stifling, but Altavro padded along anyways, his aimless paws carrying him across the soft ground, no particular goal in mind. There was nothing better to do than wander, at any rate. The breeze stirred just lightly, lifting the ash and also his fur, causing Altavro to breathe a light sigh of relief. This was nice. A rare thought coming from the crotchety wolf, but truthful. There was little better than a cool breeze on a hot day.

in just one day



5 Years
03-25-2014, 09:44 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

She had gone too far. She had only intended to wander a little away from the pack lands, to get her bearings on the places that bordered the claimed territory of Ebony. For a while she had been okay. Everything had been green and fertile and promising, and she had let her nose guide her along following the scents of the plants that littered the places. It had been fun knowing that she could take what she found and return with them to a location where she could store them properly, with knowledgeable individuals who could help her make good use of what she found. So far nothing had been picked up yet but she had memorized places of where she would return, not wanting to get ahead of herself before she had to return.

But this was not the sort of place that was going to be helpful to her whatsoever. There was nothing living in the vicinity. No plants. No animals. No life. The young girl's tread fell to a stop as she glanced around, noting the ash, the burnt trees, the emptiness. There was no sense continuing to walk through here. She turned, ready to leave the empty place behind her, but spotted someone there that she had not intended to see. Who could have been drawn to this place of all places? Normally, she was not inclined to speak to anyone, let alone someone that she had no reason to speak with, but after joining Ebony and once again becoming reacquainted to the healing craft that she enjoyed so much, her mood had brightened enough for her to step a little, just a little, outside of her normal bounds. She directed her course toward him, bringing herself nearer, though instead of posing a greeting, she merely stated, "There's better places to be than this."


03-26-2014, 08:13 PM

an empire's fall
The appearance of another wolf went unnoticed at first - she almost blended in with the ashen landscape around her. But the light voice of a younger female reached Altavro's ears and he lifted his blue gaze from the dusty ground. His eyes focused upon an unfamiliar form; a gray and white youngster (he seemed to be running into a lot of them lately). Nothing too impressive one way or another, though she seemed a little on the young side to be wandering on her own. She didn't smell much of a pack, like the desert one had. Was she on her own? Altavro didn't usually care, but she was young, as he had observed previously. Not that it was really any of his business, at any rate.

Twitching his ears, Altavro listened to her comment impassively, then shrugged slightly, shoulders rolling beneath his thick fur. "I've noticed," Altavro commented with a snort, "But you're here too." He pointed that out with a hint of amusement to his words, though he wondered absently if she would explain what had brought her to these empty lands. The wolf inhaled, half preparing to sigh, only to sneeze violently as ash was drawn up his nose by the breath. Ugh. Maybe he should be on his way out.

Curiosity tinged his thoughts, but still the wolf remained quiet, head cocked slightly in the younger female's direction. He wasn't sure how she would react, but after angering Erani as much as he had with his callous comments, Altavro was on his best behavior. For the moment, at least. He wasn't sure how much longer it would last, and he had to admit that it was rather difficult to bite his tongue on scathing comments when wolves quite clearly deserved it. Especially when they did stupid things. Though it was possible that the wolves of these lands were more intelligent than the wolves the Nomads had stumbled across during their travels. Or maybe that was just because he had only run across injured wolves during his wanderings with his healer family. Ah well. Nothing to be done now, was there?

in just one day



5 Years
03-28-2014, 09:01 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Blue met blue as the girl angled her eyes level with the male's, her grey legs slowing their gait to a more leisurely stroll as she neared. He seemed not entirely concerned with her comment, merely shrugging it off with a simple remark, and a quiet breath left her. Well, at least she knew he was not blind, though it was still uncertain whether he was of the friendly sort, not that it really mattered to her. If he was uninterested in making friends that was all the better for Callisto as she had never been the type to place too much value upon them. Interactions for her were based around necessity, and unless this male had something to offer her she doubted she would stick around very long. She had plants to gather and take back to Ebony to be evaluated by the healers there.

"And I'm leaving," she answered, though rather than continue on right past the male she paused, noting something about him up close that she had failed to see clearly from afar. Upon his brow sat a peculiar shaped marking, unnatural she assumed, and stained a color that stood out from his light colored fur. Silvery blue eyes narrowed a bit as she peered at it, her head giving the slightest of tilts. Not a marking after all, as she had assumed, but a scar, given its own peculiar color for significance. But of what? "What's that?" she asked bluntly, not unkindly but directly without any regard to the male's feelings if he was sensitive about it or not. The sensitivity of others had never been much of a concern of hers; she only hoped that she might get an answer before she offended him and ruined her chances of learning it.


03-29-2014, 08:47 PM

an empire's fall
The other wolf's short response to Altavro's comment was a refreshing change of pace from the usual anger that seemed to be the wolves of Alacritia's go to reaction when Altavro spoke. He stepped aside cordially to allow the other wolf to pass, admiration glinting in his gaze as she strode forward. It was only when she came to a stop that Altavro felt even a flicker of confusion, though the question that fell from her maw ought to be one that he was used to. The mark of the Nomads was not one that wolves who had not come into contact with his wandering family would be familiar with, and while it wasn't a question that Altavro had gotten before, he wasn't altogether surprised by it.

Twitching his ears idly, Altavro took a moment to answer. "It's the mark of the Nomads - my family." Altavro stated in a matter of fact tone, "I received it when I completed my healer training." With that, he shrugged a little, entirely unbothered by the question. If she had more questions, well, the male would be happy enough to answer. Maybe. Well, he wouldn't be unduly cranky about it, which was generally the best that the male could do. He wasn't exactly the most happy wolves in the best situation. But questions about his Nomad family were a fine topic, even if they did make him feel vaguely homesick.

Of course, by now, there wouldn't be much to go back to, would there? He was already starting to like the lands that he had crisscrossed so much in his short time living there, and the packs seemed pleasant enough. Maybe he could stay here for a little while. It certainly didn't seem like a bad fate. Though that had little to do with the matter at hand, and Altavro made a concentrated effort to turn his thoughts once more towards the female who stood before him, vaguely curious to see if she would ask anything else about the scar that adorned his forehead, and the dyed flesh that marked it.

in just one day



5 Years
04-04-2014, 06:33 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Well, at least he was not shy about it. Though she would not have cared either way if she had somehow managed to offend him with her inquiry, it would have prevented her from getting an answer, and now that she had finally taken notice of the curious mark she rather did wish to know its purpose. The male wolf offered it, simply enough, claiming it to be a signifier of his family. Nomads... Nope, she had never heard of them, but then again her travels had been few and her interactions even fewer. For all she knew she could have slipped past many more of them and never been the wiser about it. At least now she had her curiosity sated.

Until he continued to speak. It resurfaced in full force with the uttering of his final phrase and likely her sudden new interest was visible as it swept through her and across her face. "Healer?" Callisto repeated, as if to check and make sure she had heard him correctly. Her silvery blue gaze traveled back up to the mark upon his brow and for a second she cursed herself for taking so little notice of the other wanderers that she had passed during her travels. Had any of them had this marking? Had she possibly passed up many other opportunities for learning because of her tendency to find solace in isolation? "You're a healer?"


04-11-2014, 02:30 PM

an empire's fall
Really? That was all she'd gotten from his statement? Nothing about the Nomads was important to her? What were they teaching pups nowadays? Altavro was less than impressed, but he supposed it wasn't really his business what her parents were telling her about the world outside of these lands. "Yes, I'm a healer." Altavro grumped, "Didn't I just say that?" Well, he was in a worse mood than normal, to say the least. But it wasn't necessarily the youngster's fault. He was just a crotchety creature, and easily irritated by the kids these days. They just weren't up to par with what he'd been taught.

Well, he didn't have kids of his own, which meant he was lucky in more ways than one. Kids were way more trouble than they're worth. "I suppose you're probably curious about healing, huh?" Though he was a little cranky sounding still, Altavro sounded less irritable than he had moments ago. The golden wolf twitched his ears as he examined the pup curiously. Perhaps she had potential as a healer, though he didn't know her anywhere near enough to decide that. Hmm. Why was it that his status as a healer had interested her so much? This was the kind of thing that Altavro got curious about. Maybe he could pass on a smidge of the Nomad legacy - and actually teach this little wolf something important. Which her parents clearly had skimped on doing if she didn't know of the Nomads.

in just one day



5 Years
04-23-2014, 04:19 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Well what a chipper man this wolf was. Her question had been one of clarification, but it appeared to have been the right sort of button to press in order to finally receive a bit of Altavro's irritation, of which he had no problems making known. Normally for Callisto it was she who tired of her company before they became irritable with her, and being on the receiving end of it was something entirely different than dishing it out. Her brow furrowed into an unimpressed scowl, not at all amused that she had been spoken to so. It did not matter that she was the same; she did not want to be treated like some aggravating child.

The black and grey girl half expected him to gruffly excuse himself and leave her alone there within the smokey ruins of the forest, but he surprised her. His tone was less annoyed as he went on, questioning her sudden interest that he had probably noticed about his healing knowledge. A little she was tempted to play dumb or to goad him further for the tone he had used, but if she did, if he was possibly considering sharing anything he knew... She could not risk losing out in that new information, not when she had so much yet to learn. "Maybe," she answered challengingly, not quite as ready to play nice as she knew she ought to be to get the results she wanted."Not sure you want me asking anymore questions though."


04-24-2014, 09:08 AM

an empire's fall

Hmm. She had spunk, he had to give her that much at least. "As long as they're not stupid questions, ask away." He had faith in her ability to ask questions that weren't stupid, but if she was being stupid, he certainly would inform her. She wouldn't have to worry about that much, at least. Ears twitching, Altavro cocked his head a little as he examined the younger wolf. She looked old enough that if she had been a Nomad, she would have begun her training already, which meant, in turn, that she was old enough for Altavro to answer whatever questions she had. As long as they weren't stupid, which was a necessary clarification on his part. He wasn't sure what her questions would be that were stupid, but he was sure that he would know when he heard them.

Altavro settled into a slightly more comfortable position, ready to spend some time in this place, despite its rather unpleasant appearance. "Have you had any sort of healer training?" It would help, he thought, to establish a baseline of sorts. Even if this was the only time that they met, even if she never actually learned anything from him, he could at least answer a few questions. She would ask intelligent questions, Altavro hoped, or at least intelligent enough questions that he could answer them without feeling like he was talking to a two day old pup. That wouldn't be too difficult, would it?

in just one day