
I jumped and dropped my bat


04-01-2014, 01:07 AM

Vahva had hit a rock bottom if anything rummaging around the lake like a grumpy cat. Back arched her eyes narrowed, she felt disturbingly in the need of attention if anything but at the same time she didn't want to the attention at all. Perfectly well she knew what was going on, she had children before and this wasn't her first time in heat. Her tail cocked slightly to one side she decided to sit and look at her reflection in the water. She gave a emotional frown before starting to sob a bit. Why didn't anyone like her, all she did was yell at a bastard, why were they so pissed? Was it her mane, she touched the edge of it with her front paw. "Does it make me ugly and unattractive." she whimpered slightly out loud.
Her tail made slight thumps against the dirt in the middle of the day. She nearly placed her face in the water. "Why are you such a pathetic wimp, this is the reason why no one like you." she complained to herself. "You could have just listened to mother but noooo you have to stupidly make yourself a ticking time bomb." Vahva said pacing back and forth again. She growled to herself, "Moron!" she stated hitting her head into the dirt though the sudden pain made her whimper and regret doing so.




04-01-2014, 02:31 AM

The noon day sun bore down, Summer was ending soon and he could sense it. The Digamma had lived long enough to tell when the seasons would change, and this followed the same pattern as every year. The scents of summer surrounded him, dragonflies flitted over the waters surface, the wildflowers grew here and there along the shore, the scents of the flowers mingling with the summer air, and...something else? Caerul stopped in his tracks. Was that a female? He had scented it many times before with his younger sister and the other wolves of the pack, though he as a gentleman, always remained composed and calm about it. It was a natural phenomenon for a woman during her season, and so he had learned to keep composed and controlled around it.

He would appear from the bushes, his steps carrying him towards the scent that he soon recognized to be one of his pack mates, Vahva. The woman had been in turmoil lately, ever since her outburst upon the battlefield during the challenge. Caerul had said nothing, however, for he understood why she had done so. Though it had done nothing but earned her reprimand and a nasty scar from the prideful king, he knew the bastard would get what was coming to him someday. Ears perked forward as he heard what the woman was saying, though it seemed to be towards herself for there was no one else around. With a quiet sigh, he approached. Green eyes calm and understanding as he stepped to her left side and sat downm gazing at the water. "You are only as weak as you let others believe you to be." He turned towards her, his green gaze contained no judgment for her choices. He knew only too well how she felt, he too was in a similar boat and had things to face all his own. Loneliness, the thought of never finding someone, who would want him? He was aging, and yet as good as he tried to be, his was still alone.



04-01-2014, 12:37 PM

Vahva nearly was startled when she heard his voice. The ex digamma was being presented with the still and current one. Her tail gave a subsequent wag the wolf nearly broke down into tears. She crawled over to him, tempted to cover him in affectionate licks as she looked nearly sad but extremely happy at the same time at him. "Does that mean you like me?" she said nearly weeping. She hated acting like this, well at least she was not forced to shut her mouth. Being a slave hadn't been very fun this time of year.
Vahva rolled to her side, splaying on the ground. "It's not like I can force them to believe different. But....I don't know, it just seemed so easy for my mother and now I'm at the bottom again." her paws tucked forward on her. "Being a slave was tough, but this, this is emotionally draining." she complained.
