
Meinx Vs Neios



2 Years
03-31-2014, 11:39 AM

Since no other had chosen her political rank, and no one seemed interested in being some sort of assassin, Neios and meinx would be paired together. To practise there skills and to prove they have enough ability to carry their role. She knew very little of the man, infact- she only knew of his name. She would wait for him, knowing very well he would join her straight after the meeting. Her defenses would roll in place, ready for the fight to begin. " You may start when you're ready." She'd speak, hoping that not only that she will do well, but he also. Even though she had won her previous battle, there was no denying she needed to improve. But today provided just that, and meinx had no intention to let it go to waste. Her size may help be in her favor, but what most underestimate is her speed.

ROUND- 0/3?

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



3 Years
Extra large
04-02-2014, 12:21 PM

As soon as the meeting had come to a close he had locked his sights on the brunette wench he would need to defeat in order to gain his desired rank. He would slink toward the earth like a ghoul as he weaved through the mist a few yards behind her, and he would pursue her trail until they had reached a decent enough clearing to battle in. He would emerge from the treeline, his frigid amethyst eyes glaring at the harlot, his belly only inches from the earth as he slithered around her like a snake. He would keep a six foot distance between them, which was enough space to easily initiate their duel when he decided to spring. He would come from her left side, winding around her as he came up to her right before coming to stand straight before her. " You may start when you're ready." A bemused cackle would bubble from the boys lips, and his eyes would narrow as his lips curled back into an eerie sneer. "Are you ready?"

His defenses had already fallen into place by this point, all flagged to assist in deflecting damage his foe may attempt to inflict. His head was dropped to align with his spine, his ears were folded, his eyes were narrowed, his muzzle was scrunched, his lips were curled to fully unsheathe his fangs, and his chin was tucked. His shoulders were rolled forward, his hackles were raised along his nape and spine, his knees were bent, his weight was evenly distributed throughout his limbs, and his tail was raised to aligned with his spine to be used as a rudder when turning. Claws would grip the earth as toes splayed and flexed, giving him a stable grip on the soil. His abdomen and bodily muscles tensed beneath his hefty weight, ready to spring at any moment.

He would suddenly charge forward, his body still crouched toward the earth as he aimed to quickly close their six foot gap from head on. When standing straight up he was an astonishing forty two inches, but crouched down the way he was now he was roughly thirty, meaning his body was lower than hers at this point. The feet would quickly become inches, and upon impact he would attempt to use his forward momentum to slam his left shoulder into her right, all while raising his body upward with the strength he had coiled within his powerful limbs. He would attempt to not only slam his left shoulder into her right, but use his skull as a weapon in sync with his skyward movement. He would swing his head upward and toward his right, aiming to slam it straight into her bottom jaw, all while rising to his full height fueled by the strength in his limbs. Not only were his attacks meant to cause immense pain and bruising, and possibly break some teeth or her jaw, but his goal was to knock this bitch on her ass and cause her to momentarily expose her throat. If he manages to smash his skull into her bottom jaw, he would then attempt to immediately snake his snout beneath her jawline, his jaws unhinging as he would aim to ensnare a lethal grasp around her jugular and windpipe.

-:Fight Stats:-

Round: 1/2


Defenses: In the second paragraph
Attacks: Charging from a six foot distance head on, his body low and in a stalking position. | He would aim to slam his left shoulder into her right upon impact, aiming to slam his skull straight into her bottom jaw, aiming to cause immense pain/possibly break teeth/injure her jaw/daze her/get her to expose her throat momentarily, all while raising upward to stand to his full height. | He will aim to snake his snout beneath her jawline, his jaws gaping open to grasp her throat while she is dazed from his skull slam. All attacks aim to be moving in sync with one another.
Injuries: First round

OoC Notes: Six foot gap approved by Luis before he attacks.


04-02-2014, 01:09 PM
ooc: just creeping ^^

She was interested in seeing how the two yearlings out face off. They were both that same age, but drastically different. Neios towered over the girl, he even towered over the Queen. Coral pools would drift over the pair, Meinx giving Neios the first move. He was a peculiar one, almost moving with his belly low to the ground, slinking along like a snake. He was cackle before striking, closing the distance between them. He would use his weight to his advance, aiming to slam into the girl with force. A slow smile work curl her lips as she watched.



2 Years
04-02-2014, 01:32 PM (This post was last modified: 04-02-2014, 01:55 PM by Meinx.)

He would come almost instantly, approaching her side on before becoming head to head. There was only 6 feet distance between him, and she would be no fool. Afterall, it was she who said he may start and Meinx had no intention of becoming so close. Her defenses where already set. Eyes slit, ears back, chin tucked, hackles raised, stance balanced, toes digging into the ground to secure balance, tail tucked, Teeth bared, neck slightly strong for less access of scruff and legs slightly bent to ensure she can move left to right more quickly. As they where rather close for her liking, she would be sure to keep herself moving back to make the distance between them greater, atleast a further 2 or 3 more meters away. Her eyes focused upon him and before long he would make his move. As soon as she sees him shift, aiming to hit his left shoulder into her right she would be sure to not let such a painful thing happen. As he'd lunge Meinx would quickly pivot 90 degrees to her right to become in a T like position [now facing Neios's left side]. Though, she would not totally get away with it. After he tried making contact with her shoulder he graise her chest slightly, he would also instantly jolt his head up, and meinx wasn't quite quick enough to miss it completely. His head would clip the side of her jaw, causing a surge of pain to cross her and for a moment she thought something had broke. Though, as she was in the moment, she was numb to the pain and she would surely feel it afterwards. She knew it'd be extremely painful. His aim for her neck would be of no use, for she was in a new position. His teeth would snap down upon air.

Meinx was now facing his left side. She had every intention of taking every advantage of it and would aim to puncture her teeth into the center of his side, as deep as she could to potentially stun him [ perhaps an inch or 2]. If she was successful, she would have taken a big chunk from his side, which- with ought special treatment could become infected, she would angle her head in attempt to get a greater chunk. While doing this, Meinx would then attempt to attack at his front, left leg. Her body would lower slightly, and lunge to attempt to get her right shoulder to collide with the limb, to knock him of balance, to try and make it more successful, she would extend to her full height once attempting, to hopefully stun him enough to get a further attack.


Defenses- Eyes slit, ears back, chin tucked, hackles raised, stance balanced, toes digging into the ground to secure balance, tail tucked and legs slightly bent to ensure she can move left to right more quickly. Teeth bared and neck scrunched

Attacks- Once getting into a T position, Meinx would attempt to quickly snap down onto his side, to rip an inch or so away, once doing so, she would immediatly lower her body, and then attempt to collide herself into his front left leg to throw him of balance. To try and become more successful when impacting, She would raise to her full height to try to further off his balance.

Injuries- Side of her jaw will be seriously bruised or worse, and she may ache when trying to eat for a few days. Slight bruising on chest

NOTES- if any of this confuses you Ais, feel free to pm me!

Permission to edit
Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



3 Years
Extra large
04-07-2014, 12:54 PM

His impeccable defenses remain intact, all flagged to assist in deflecting any critical damage. His head was dropped to align with his spine, his ears were folded, his eyes were narrowed, his muzzle was scrunched, his lips were curled to fully unsheathe his fangs, and his chin was tucked to protect his vitals. His shoulders were rolled forward, his hackles were raised along his nape and spine, his knees were bent, his weight was evenly distributed throughout his limbs, and his tail was raised to aligned with his spine to be used as a rudder when turning. His unsheathed claws gripped the earth as toes splayed and flexed, giving him a stable grip on the soil. His abdomen tensed, and his bodily muscles stiffened, morphing his massive frame into an impeccable wall.

Though his attacks had not gone the way he had initially planned the woman would not escape unscathed. As soon as he had charged forward she would bound toward her right, his left shoulder skimming across her chest, his skull clipping the side of her jaw, and his jaws snapping bitterly around empty air. His eyesight would momentarily blur as black dots shot across his vision due to the sudden blow to his skull, and it would begin to ache and throb- but he would disregard the pain and allow the adrenaline course through his veins. A snarl would bubble from his gaping maw, saliva dripping like foam from the corners of his lips as the bitch began to leave his peripheral vision- something he did not intend on allowing.

As soon as the wench had left his peripheral vision he would respond, his massive hind end swinging toward his right as he began to reposition himself to face her again. He would turn his hind end outward and his front end inward and toward her, a snarl bubbling from within his core as fangs pierced the flesh along his left side. He was not quick enough to counter her first attack, and as her neck recoils she manages to cleave a half inch deep wound into his left side. Mostly fur and flesh had been ripped away as she had only managed to graze the muscle that lay beneath his rugged exterior, leaving him with a seeping flesh wound.

As she recoils entirely she lowers herself toward the earth and into a lunging position before attempting what he assumed was her second attack- only by this time he had successfully turned himself to face her, and they were now face to face. (movement diagram shown here) As she lunges forward he aims to crane his neck downward, his jaws unhinged and fully agape as he attempts to grasp a lethal bite around the woman's scruff in sync with her body slam. Should he reign successful he does not aim to cleave and release as she did; but instead he aims to lock his powerful jaws around whatever he manages to grasp, and vigorously jerk his head upward and toward his right as he aims to literally lift her off the earth by her scruff and toss her to the side like a rag doll. He aims to not only gain some distance, but intends to toss her violently to strain her neck, and hopes her landing will bruise whichever part of her body smacks against the earth. Her weight suddenly is thrown against his chest, and she manages to push his hind paws deeper into the soil, a snarl spilling over as his toes flexed to grip the earth and keep himself from completely tumbling over. He does not know she plans on immediately raising upward, but it should assist him in his attempt to lift and toss her since she is already rising.

-:Fight Stats:-

Round: 2/2


Defenses: 1st para
Attacks: As she lowers herself and lunges to slam him he aims to grab her scruff in sync with her slam | He aims to literally lift her off the earth and toss her violently toward his right with his brute strength, a counter to her second attack/attempt to knock him over. He aims to also strain her neck and hopes her landing will bruise her body and create some distance. Her upward raising should only assist in his attempt to lift her up and toss her.
Injuries: Throbbing head that will result in bruising on forehead. | Half inch deep bite wound to center left side. Moderate flesh wound. | Slam to chest that will result in bruising. | PENDING DAMAGE FROM HER RISING DUE TO HIS COUNTER

OoC Notes: Thanks for not defaulting me luis! And thanks for the fight, it was fun! any questions just pm me <3



2 Years
04-09-2014, 12:10 PM

The fight as far as she could tell, seems like it'll get messy. Everything was happening so fast; and the pain caused seemed to be numbed down by the adrenaline. When she made her sharp turn, Her jaws met the target, clasping half an inch of his flesh from his side. Though, as she did so he would swivel round so that they where head on. Her eyes would remain slit, ears pinned and lips peeled back. Her tail would curl in slightly and before she knew it her lunge results in Neios's fangs to clasp the top of her scruff. She could feel him trying to throw her to the side, and meinx was not going to let it happen. Also, he may be intimidatingly taller but she weighed alot, which would actually make it harder to lift. As he tried to swing her across, Meinx would anchor herself towards the ground , bending her legs slightly for balance, she'd spread her legs to balance herself out further. when pulling down it'd cause her scruff to tear even further, almost completely. [ he clasped around 2/3 inches.] She would need to get a healer after the fight, that was for sure. Though, as she anchored herself down to prevent herself being lifted Meinx would stamp her right front paw down in an attempt to brake his left front paws toes. While doing this, meinx would aim to grasp just slightly above his right leg with her teeth, hoping to get a firm clasp to cause him a lot of pain. Her muscles would tense, even if she doesnt become the victor of this fight, it was definitely interesting.

Meinx vs Neios Round- 2/2

Defenses- Eyes slit, ears pinned, tail tucked, muscles tensed, legs equally splayed, knees slightly bent. Lips peels back, fangs bared.

Attacks- When Neios tried throwing her to the side, Meinx would attempt to stamp her right paw down in the hopes of braking some of his small bones in his left foot. While doing that she'd then attempt to clasp her jaws just above his right leg, to cause him a lot of pain,

injuries- Bruised chest, sore side of her jaw, tear in scruff

Thanks for only having 2 rounds! this fight was fun:3

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.

The Judge


04-12-2014, 10:39 AM

Neios vs. Meinx for Rank

Round 1

4 for clarity- -4, what part of her jaw is he attempting to slam his skull into? What part of his skull is he attempting to slam into her jaw? -2 how is he attempting to bite her throat? (is he twisting his head? If so to what side?)

0 for powerplaying. -3 ?He would keep a six foot distance between them? You need an attempt here, because otherwise you?re powerplaying and assuming 1. That Meinx wouldn?t see Neios and 2. That she would let him get that close to her. -3 ? He would come from her left side, winding around her as he came up to her right before coming to stand straight before her. ? same deduction as before. -4 ?When standing straight up he was an astonishing forty two inches, but crouched down the way he was now he was roughly thirty? Honestly, it would not really be possible for him to crouch this much without his movements being deterred. Also, don?t assume his body is already lower than hers, because Meinx could easily crouch down. You need an attempt to say that they?re at the same level. -3 ?The feet would quickly become inches? once again, don?t assume he?s able to close this distance. -4 ?upon impact? don?t assume he was able to make impact. -3 ?If he manages to smash his skull into her bottom jaw? conditional. Conditionals are unfair to the opponent as they assume a reaction, and often make the fight unnecessarily confusing. Try to avoid ones like this. Ones like ?if he manages to get a grip then he will attempt to bite down? are fine, but anything other than that tends to be too confusing. -3 In general, you need to wait for Meinx?s reaction before attempting to have Neios do any further attacks with his head, as he?s already used it once.

10 for defenses. head lowered to align with spine, ears folded, eyes narrowed, lips scrunched, chin tucked, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, knees bent, weight evenly distributed, tail, claws, toes, tensed muscles

5 for attack. +1 attempting to slam his left shoulder into her right and lift up (this would likely damage him just as much as it would damage her) +2 for head butt (once again, likely to hurt Neios just as much. Extra point for a maim attempt), +2 for attempted throat bite (full points not awarded due to power play issue, extra point given for maim attempt)

10 for injuries.First round

Round Two Neios Total: 29/50


0 for clarity- -2 ?neck slightly strong for less access of scruff? this doesn?t really make sense. Being strong isn?t a defense, nor would it give less access to her scruff. -2 what damage is done to her chest? You need to specify. -2 same for the damage to her jaw. You need to specify what damage has occurred. -4 ?center of his side? isn?t really specific enough. How high up his side? How is she attempting to bite his side? -2 ?she would angle her head in attempt to get a greater chunk.? How is she angling her head? -4 Where is she attempting to collide on his leg? His upper leg? Lower leg?

0 for powerplaying. -3 ?she would be sure to keep herself moving back to make the distance between them greater, atleast a further 2 or 3 more meters away? you need to make this an attempt, especially since Neios is seeking to close the distance between them. -7 ? As he'd lunge Meinx would quickly pivot 90 degrees to her right to become in a T like position [now facing Neios's left side].? Two things; one that?s a lot of movement to make in a second, and it?s not really likely she?d be able to move that fast. Two, you need to attempt this movement, as otherwise it?s a powerplay to assume that Meinx would be able to align herself like that with Neios. -3 ?Meinx was now facing his left side? see previous note, should be phrased as an attempt or a hopefully. -5 ?If she was successful, she would have taken a big chunk from his side? don?t assume what would happen. This is up to Aislyn to decide, not you. You can state it could potentially do something, but can?t definitively say that a chunk would be taken.

9 for defenses. eyes slit, ears pinned back, chin tucked, hackles raised, balanced stance, toes digging into ground, tail, teeth bared, legs bent

1 for attack. +1 attempting to bite his side (points deducted for lack of realism (she?d have to reach her neck awful far, as in a T position her head would be closest to Neios?s head. Turning her head away from him like that would also make her exceedingly vulnerable to his attack. Extra point awarded for maim attempt) +0 attempting to collide her right shoulder with Neios?s left limb (not possible due to their positioning, would hurt her as much as it would hurt Neios. Also, given that he is much taller than her, it?s not likely that her raising up to her full height would have much effect)

10 for injuries. first round. Slight bruising to chest, unspecified damage to jaw

Round One Meinx Total: 20/50

Round 2


2 for clarity- -2 ?His unsheathed claws gripped the earth? Wolf claws don?t unsheathe. They?re always unsheathed. -2 please elaborate on the damage done to his skull as a result of the impact. -4 how is he attempting to bite her scruff? Where on her scruff is he attempting to bite?

0 for powerplaying. -2 even if it?s minor, you should assume that his shoulder would bruise from hitting Meinx. Shoulders are incredibly easy to bruise, and thus they?re likely to bruise almost every time they?re used in an attack. -3 you need to have an attempt for him to face her. -3 it?s a bit too much movement to have him completely turn to face her and be ready to counter her body slam like that. -3 ?Should he reign successful? conditional, -3 similar note, only more it?s a worse offense as you?re saying Meinx?s attack hit as intended but did no damage

10 for defenses. head aligned with spine, ears folded back, eyes narrowed, lips scrunched, chin tucked, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, knees bent, weight evenly distributed, tail, claws gripping earth, toes spread, muscles tensed

3 for attack. +2 attempting to bite her scruff (deductions given because it would really expose his throat to her) +1 for additional attempt to shake her

3 for injuries. -2 for pain to skull, -1 for minor bruising to shoulder (assessed by judge) -3 deep wound to side -1 for moderate bruising to chest (assessed by judge)

Round Two Neios Total: 18/50


3 for clarity--2 specify what damage occurred to her scruff -5 ?aim to grasp just slightly above his right leg? how is she attempting to bite? Can you specify more what you mean by attempting to bite above his leg? Do you mean his shoulder?

5 for powerplaying. -5 even with her attempted counter, there should be some mention of her being thrown even slightly off balance or her neck being sprained.

4 for defenses. eyes slit, ears pinned back, teeth barred/lips peeled, tail, legs bent, limbs spread, muscles tense. -3 for not readjusting weight after she lifts her leg up

4 for attack. +4 for stomping down on toes (extra point awarded for maim attempt) +0 for bite above leg (if she?s lowering down biting above his leg wouldn?t really be possible, also it would be kind of awkward and would make her sort of vulnerable as her neck would be across his chest and Neios could easily push forwards and damage her neck.

4 for injuries. -3 severe damage to scruff -3 sprained neck (assessed by judge)

Round Two Meinx Total: 20/50


Neios: 47/100

Meinx: 40/100

And the winner is...

Neios! Meinx must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Neios- Deep wound to side. Will take 2 ooc weeks to heal, and will scar permanently..

Meinx- Deep wound to scruff/sprained neck. Will take 3 ooc weeks to heal, scruff will permanently scar. Damage to mouth will take 3 ooc weeks to heal.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)
For both of you, you need to be more specific. This fight was a fun read, and I certainly enjoyed the creativity, but you need to be more specific and more realistic.

For Aislyn
Be careful about assuming where Neios is in relation to his opponent. Even before the fight begins, use attempt phrases such as ?attempting to close the distance to 6 feet, attempting to circle around her? otherwise it?s a powerplay. Also keep in mind about specifying how an attack is made, and where it?s made. If you?re attacking somebody?s left leg, for instance, say that you?re attempting to twist your head to your right and bite in the middle of the upper left leg. It?s a much clearer picture than just trying to bite a leg. In general, I applaud you for being realistic about damage and attacks, as well as for using Neios?s size to his advantage!

For Luisiana
Similar to Aislyn, but also perhaps read over your posts a few times. There were a few phrases that threw me off that I couldn?t understand. Also, when a smaller character is fighting a larger one, it?s important that more attacks are included. In the future when Meinx is fighting larger characters, try to aim for about 3 attacks in one post. Your attacks need a lot more specificity, as I mentioned in my notes. In general I do applaud your creativity, especially in your counters. I loved the last bit where you used her defenses and her weight effectively, but keep in mind that it is rare that you?ll find a counter that works perfectly.

Good fight you guys!

- By [MUSE]


04-14-2014, 11:42 AM

Coral pools watched the titans collide, each trying to best the others. They were both skills fighters, each tearing into each other. However, it became increasingly clear who would reign victorious. The Queen would rise, moving steadily towards the pair. "Enough!" Her demanding voice would echo around them, waiting for the fighting to cease before she continued.

"I am quite impressed by the both of you, you are excellent fighters. You will both receive your desired ranks, however Neios will reign victor in this spar." Coral pools slide towards the behemoth boy. She would step towards him, muzzle lifting to rest beside his ear, speaking words only he could hear. "You will be rewarded my dear." She would step away from, a smirk tugging at her lips. Her gaze would return to Meinx, waiting only a moment to see if they had any questions before she turned to leave them.

-exit cat-



3 Years
Extra large
04-14-2014, 04:23 PM

"Enough!" His monarchs demand almost went unheard beneath their snarls, vicious snaps, and the symphony of battle. Though once he had heard her he would immediately release the wench upon command, his massive frame reeling backwards as he back peddled away from her, attempting to leave her striking range. He would watch as she fell toward the earth, her body falling limp in submission as Cataleya announced the winner and congratulated them both. Lips would crease into an unrealistically long smirk, his piercing gaze glaring at the bitch beneath him as pride practically oozed from his pores. "Better luck next time." A wicked cackle would seep through his toothy sneer, his tail raising proudly above his hind end as he asserted his dominance. Cataleya would come to him, slithering beside him to coo sweet words into his ears, an enticed chill rolling down his spine as she tore herself away. The queen would seem to wait for a moment, and Neios would turn his frigid gaze upon the brunette harlot, wondering if she had anything to say before their departure.

-exit unless stopped/menix has questions-
