
Look Beyond What You See


02-24-2014, 12:21 AM

Arietta had gained confidence since the storm had passed. Now the brown female could be found exploring her Glaciem home, searching for a way to do something productive for the pack. Sin had disappeared, and where to the female didn't know, but she knew she had to find some sort of skills, complete some sort of task, within Glaciem and prove herself useful to the pack. Fear of ending up completely alone would fuel this need, and so Arietta was attempting to do something she hadn't often tried;; hunting.

Her hunting skills, well, were quite lacking. Whenever she had caught something it was by luck, otherwise she merely found something that had been killed already to feed on. It was a pathetic existence, and one that was unacceptable to her rank. Especially now... she was an adult officially this season. She was in heat for the first time in her life, something the female wasn't sure if others would take notice of within Glaciem. She hadn't really met other members face to face, save for Sin, Isardis, and Drashiel.

Soft blue eyes would shine in frustration as the female came to a stop, giving a soft sigh. Tracking prey wasn't really the hard part... she just couldn't figure out how to step in a way that would keep the sound muffled and allow her to sneak up on the prey. It was very discouraging to say the least.

Speech, Thought


03-21-2014, 11:11 AM

The lithe woman moved quietly through the wash, her pawsteps muffled by the ground, as she walked. She wasn't really doing anything, there were no expecting mothers- no wars- she didn't really need to be gathering herbs. No, the woman was just out, stretching her legs, and trying to keep herself busy. The scent of another drew her further, one of the pack but one that she didn't recognize. She followed the scent, her pace slowing as she drew closer to its owner. The female was in heat- and young, that much the healer could tell from her scent alone. Was this her first time? It was interesting that she hadn't found herself bred by their king.

She would approach from behind the other woman, her golden eyes coming to rest on a russet creature. "Hello." She'd interrupt quietly, her tone soft and warm, she didn't want to surprise or frighten the younger she-wolf. "I do not believe that we have met." She observed calmly, her tail flicking idly at her hocks, her eyes studying the wolf, and she'd wait- for the woman to face her, assuming that she did before introducing herself.



04-02-2014, 04:26 PM

Only for a few moments longer was the young female alone, standing and looking further down the wash as she pondered what to do next. She could always try again she supposed. There was still plenty of light left for the day after all. The female was about to move forward in search of more prey when a voice from behind would startle her. The voice hadn't been loud, nor sharp but being as distant as she had been with the members of Glaciem even a single foreign voice, no matter how it was presented, was enough to catch her off guard.

Arietta would turn, light blue orbs coming to rest upon the female before her. Her demeanor, if anything, definitely came off as kinder... maybe even motherly. The femme allow a small smile, although a bit of a nervous one, cross her features as she spoke. "No, not yet it would seem. I've been around for a little while but I'm afraid I'm not so bold as to seek others out..." Her voice was quiet as she confessed this. The female did not smell of Sin, so she didn't think that this wolf was one of his kin. Though who she was the russet woman had no idea, though she was sure she was about to find out.

"My name is Arietta by the way." She supposed that introducing herself was in order at the very least.

Speech, Thought