
Alone in a crowded room


12-16-2013, 05:56 AM

The meeting was breaking up wolves trailing away planning and preparing no doubt for the trip they would soon be undertaking. Midnight stood to the side watching them leave before directing her gaze back to their leader and the pup, who stood by her side, it was time for a talk. Slowly and awkwardly she moved forward covering the distance on her three undamaged limbs. ?my lady,? she called as she approached, ?might I have a word? With you and your... ward?? she was certain now that the child now calling this women mother was the daughter of the snow rouges chief.

She pulled up in front of the two offering an unsteady bow to the alpha, the time had come to see where she stood in this pack, there was no doubt she owed this dame a debt. The pack had saved her life and her leg, though she still required their indulgence, she could not fight for herself yet and the idea of hunting for her own food was laughable, she wished to ensure that she would retain some autonomy. After all she did not wish to remain with the pack indefinitely,? I come to thank you for your hospitality, and I wish to offer my consolation for your losses in this war. I also wish to ask what my role, if any, will be in this pack, and talk to you about when I may return home.? the unspoken if hung in her head it would be within this women rights to claim her if she wished. Midnight hoped it wouldn't come to that she could not fight for herself and the presence of Gargoyle's kith did not bode well for his ability to fight for her, which raised the question, ?I would also like to ask what this child is doing here I had not expected to she again until I returned home?

Her gaze departed the women?s face so that she might meet that of the girl, ? I doubt you remember me, you where still very young when I departed to join this fight,however I would say you wear you fathers coat well young one,? here eyes shifted back to the women ?where is her father? the chief Gargoyle??




12-16-2013, 09:28 AM
She had seen the dark she wolf a few times before - and honestly, the woman had attended more than enough meetings to be considered a member here. Chrysanthe had yet to find a reason not to trust her, it seemed that she was just one of the few that fell through the cracks in terms of her attention. Now though, it seemed that would be remedied - as she would meet up with the the woman as the meeting ended. It seemed that she wanted to speak with Odette as well? She was hesitant to let this tranger speak with her daughter, but she would not deny her request. "Certainly." She would reply to her question with a nod of her head.

Fron there, she would listen to what the woman had to say. She was grateful for letting her stay, and she too knew that Valhalla had lost the war. Still, she was witnessing Chrysanthe try and pull the pack back together, and seemed to appreciate that as well. "You are more than welcome to stay in the pack, we will need everyone's help to keep everything running smoothly while we move. Once we're on Nephilim island, we'll need constant patrol of the border, an active hunting party, and for our healers to step up and learn the terrain and how to use the herbs there. I am sure you will be able to find a role to fill and a rank that suits you." She would explain - but as for Odette...

"You were one of the snow rogues? I thought that they were all gone, Odette has been alone as long as I have known her." Her family had vanished, and she had spent much of her childhood waiting for them to return. "Gargoyle is gone, they all are. I found Odette, or rather, Odette found me about a season ago - Valhalla's only recently become her home." She didn't mean to speak for the girl, but a part of her worried that Midnight might feel some sort of claim to her daughter because she was a part of her past.

Odette was here because this was where she wanted to be. Hopefully Midnight would stay for the same reason - she had arrived before Odette had afterall.



10 Years
12-17-2013, 12:00 AM

The meeting had dispersed and it left Odette with something new to look forward to. The gray, black, and tan six-month-old was going to be living in a new place. It was true that she didn't know as many as Chrysanthe did, but she was going with her adopted mother and that was all it took to make up her mind. She knew that her family was still out there, but she also knew that if she remained on the mainland by herself, the chances of survival were slimmer than not going with Valhalla. Maybe she would come across Gargoyle and Ocena one day.
As their pack members were heading back to their dens and getting prepared for the journey, a black female with a limp in one leg approached them. She stuck to her mother's side like Velcro and sniffed the scent of the stranger. Her smell was vaguely familiar, but Odette couldn't put her finger on it. Maybe in time, she would begin to figure out where she knew this female from.
She spoke of wanting to be with them until she was well enough to leave and of course Chrysanthe was welcome to the idea. Odette's tail wagged at the responses her mother gave the female. She adored Chrysanthe more then than she had before. However, when the ebony stranger turned her focus on her, her tail stopped wagging. Why was she inquiring about her presence here? What did she know that Odette didn't?
It all came surreal to her when Midnight voiced how much she resembled Gargoyle. Odette peeled herself from Chrysanthe's side and softly asked, "You know of Papa?" Her eyes widened and she wondered if the female knew of his whereabouts, but instead she also asked where the Chief had disappeared to. Her head drooped and she looked up to Chrysanthe as she explained Odette's reasons for being here. The young girl returned her gaze to Midnight and spoke after her mother. "Every time I was at the cove, I never saw my family or the members of my father's pack. I was there for almost three months and still no one showed up. I started to explore beyond their den, in hopes of finding some trace of my siblings or my Mama and Papa. I never found them, but I hope they are all right...wherever they are."
She looked up to Chrysanthe again and a smile appeared on her face. "I met Mother a season ago and since then, Valhalla has become my home...I don't want to leave." Her tail flicked behind her and she turned her gaze back to Midnight. "She wants me safe, and that's what I want, too."

Talk like this


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


12-17-2013, 07:50 AM
Midnight offered a smile to the women she was sensible in her offer, after all at this moment they could not know for sure what sort of environment might await them nor could even Midnight say for sure Wether or not the limb would heal back to its former perfection she was not as young as she used to be and though she could still track game and other wolves as well if not better then the rest, maybe it was time to consider a change of duty, could she learn the herbs and techniques necessary to become a healer or den mother she already had some knowledge but there was no point giving a definite answer at this stage after all it wouldn't be forever she was going home back the rouges back to the cove.

She gave a nod to the dames half question, and offered an indulgent smile to the girl, ?why yes, your father saved my life when I was still young and unused to the ideas of pack,? midnight gaze returned to the older dame as she continued, speaking words which hit the dame like a truck. Gone how could they be gone they had been there right there in the cove. Her eyes became fearful what had happened had it really collapsed so fast? she had thought they could protect themselves, was this her fault? she had not wanted to bother gargoyle before she left partially wanting to leave him with his new family partially fearing he would forbid her risky and in hindsight ill planed foray. How could it be so? how could it me true. Gargoyle had been her chief for as long as she had acknowledged an alpha how could the brute just be gone, there had to be some mistake. Her jaw was hanging somewhat open confusion and shock momentarily robbing her of her voice. Her eyes slid off the alpha as Odettes small voice confirmed it, and she couldn't doubt the girls words, suspicious as she may be of an adults account she could not bring herself to doubt the pup.

?so they are gone,? her voice came out somewhat hollow, ?all of them...? she let it hang for a moment willing herself to believe the words. Her eyes had slid to the ground and she frowned, ?how could that many wolves just vanish?? she took a deep breath then allowed it to hiss out from between her teeth. This did not change to much she would still have to stay with the Vallhallan pack until she was healed would still need to travel with them when they went for protection. And she would still need to return home. With a slight shake of her head she lifted he gaze once more, ?I am sorry I was not aware, I... I will have to go there myself in time, though I do not doubt your words I would like to see for myself see if I can find some sign or...? she shock her head again.

It did occur to her that if something had gone wrong if the pack truly was gone destroyed in someway as the women?s words would seem to suggest then she and the pup, Odette where the last members of the era left. Still it did not occur to her for even a moment to challenge for the girl, and injury was far from her mind in the decision. It was clear that the pup loved the alphas company she called her mother after all, coercion could not be ruled out but the pup seemed happy, and midnight was not bitter or twisted enough to try and ruin that for the sake of keeping a fallen pack together. When she went back she might offer the girl the option of accompanying her but she would not force it.

?I was not expecting this news.?



12-19-2013, 08:38 AM
For now Midnight would be an epsilon, but if she chose something to specialize in, or Chrysanthe saw potential in her for a certain job she would give her a new rank. The alpha would listen to the other speak to Odette, apparently Gargoyle had saved her life, and she wished that she had gotten to know the brute while he was still roaming the lands. She had heard nothing but good things about him - and for that reason she couldn't help the twinge of annoyance at her siblings for claiming Glaciem and letting it be destroyed in character the way it had.

Midnight didn't seem to have expected for the other brute to be missing. It had been quite some time though since he had been seen... but perhaps it was simply harsh news setting in late. "Not all of them." She would motion toward Odette once the other took a deep breath. If this young girl was alright, then the others were out there somewhere, of that Chrysanthe was sure. "There's still hope that they're out there, and so long as Odette is here there is hope of there return." It was all that the woman could offer to Midnight, and hopefully it would sooth the ache of a missing family, at least somewhat. "I understand, if you need to search for them yourself you're free to." She trusted Midnight to return.

"Valhalla will be moving to Nephilim Islands. If you don't make the move with us, you may come after you've done anything you need to on the mainland." She would do her best to keep an eye out for the dark woman, she had suffered quite the loss - although if Odette had managed to rebound, she believed that this woman would as well. It would take time though, and that was something that Chrysanthe would not limit her on.


12-28-2013, 05:24 PM
Midnight nodded slowly, ?you speak truly alpha, I will stay here for the moment until I can travel unencumbered then I shall seek out the others if they still reside in the cove,? she shifted slightly this was not what she had intended but there was no point following them directly if she would just have to turn around and traverse the distance again once she was healed. ?If you have any food or medicine caches that you shan't be taking with you perhaps I can make use of them,? she would have to talk to the healers on what herbs she would need to fully recover though she had a fair idea. Raising her eyes she glanced over odette before settling on the dame. ?i assume Odette will travel with you but I will carry word of her with me if any of the others still move about the bay they will hear of her location.?

She paused for a moment then breathed a sigh ?i will offer my aid now to the others as they prepare, my lady,? she offered a low bow and turned her plan was set it was time to put it in motion. Unless the dame stopped her she would leave the clearing at a limping trot.