
Blown Away



6 Years
04-04-2014, 06:36 PM (This post was last modified: 04-04-2014, 06:43 PM by Esperanza.)
Esperanza could smell the distant aroma of the trees that were spread out around her. Her nose twitched at the intoxicating stench that each amount or kind of foliage gave off. A smiled spread across the femme's maw as the sound of crickets and other insects and animals could be heard outside in the night. The hooting of an owl and it's owlets caught her attention as she smiled happily for them. She could remember the family that she once had, and now she was with another family that was too dark for her, but she still stayed alongside them, even if she were punished, or from the rank she had.

"Wow, this place sure is breath-taking," her emerald eyes scanned the perimeter for any sounds that she would have to be aware of. Nothing came except the sounds of birds sleeping for the night, and the flapping of wings from owls as they leaped from the branch and went out to hunt for rodents.

Food was something she was needing. It had been a little while since she had last eaten, and something to fill her belly would certainly would be nice her.

The black female walked on and continued to sniff around for any prey. She could hear the sounds of water, and fish was something she could eat. She slightly licked her chops with hunger flowing throughout her body, and she waited for a good time to strike. A nice sizeable trout came upon her vision, and she quickly snatched it up. The fish wobbled, but she snapped down upon the bones of the fish as they snapped easily. She began to snack on her meal as she lied down and began to eat without a second thought.


04-07-2014, 04:46 PM

Paws would touch earth within the emrbace of the night. There was something alluring about the shadows that dances across the back of the world and against the pale light of stars. He would touch the cool tip of his nose to the air and breath in the taste of life. He could taste the crispness of the night air, the brush of greenery that ruled the earth and also the tang of salt of fish would touch his senses even as a stranger wolf would begin to tear against its carcass.

It was the scent that told him first that he was not alone in his wonderings of the night, and moving silent paws once again against the cool touch of grass he would bring himself closer to this stranger. He could see a glint of darker fur, a shadow upon shadows that marked where she lay, and the sound of chewing flesh could be heard more clearly now. The tang of fish was strong within the air and he could feel his stomach protest his hunger. He would lower his upper body and wiggle his behind as he held her within her sights. He would bunch up the muscles in his back legs before pouncing forward and into her view. Landing directly beside her he would turn his head to snatch the fish from her grasp and weather or not he succeded he would dance away again with a laugh.

His voice now would grace the air, each word touched with merriment ?Heres an idea, tag, your it, and winner gets the fish? He would huff out with a wink, fully expecting to get mulled for his little joke.



6 Years
04-07-2014, 04:57 PM
The dark femme could see the triple colored brute easily. It had appeared to her that he had come for the fish that she had been tearing into. She could tell by the way he bounded over to her and sat beside her form, that he was a joker and loved to have fun. Esperanza saw him snatch the fish that she been munching on for nearly a couple minutes. A chuckle would come from her vocal region as he wished to play tag to try and get her to grab the fish back.

"Pardon me for not sharing with someone like you. I would be willing to catch another fish for you, especially since you took my meal," she heaved a small smile and a sigh, looking into his moss colored eyes. He was handsome in her eyes, and he sure seemed to be the wolf that could take a joke.

Esperanza walked over to the stream and watched as another trout came into view. With cunning, she snatched up the morsel and threw it forward toward the brute. She liked to play, but not when it came to her meal being on the line.
"That fish is for you, and now, if you would be so kind as to give me mine back?" The ebony coat she had made her appear as if she were a dark spirit gliding over the land. She snatched the fish gently from the brute's fangs, and pushed the uneaten trout over to him as she lied down and continued to eat her food.


04-07-2014, 05:40 PM

The pull of his tail behind him was so strong his rump seemed to sway with its movements as he stood there, the fresh fish dripping warmth against the bottom of his chin. Her response was lighter then what he had expected and a pleased smile added to the cheeky one already taking precedence against his features in response to her laughter. Despite his words however, she did not try to take her kill from his maw and instead moved again towards the water, and telling him she would happily catch him a fish of his own.

He would sigh and lay the fish against the ground and seat himself beside it as he watched her and waited. He had by now already noticed her eyes and how they seemed to echo the lime shine of his own. Her coat however was a single colour of sleek black that allowed her to be swallowed by the night. She would throw the fish in a nice swoop and he would dart forward to catch it in his jaws. The second it was secure within his grip he would offer a bow as through in response to his own catch. He would then drop it, snatch up her first catch and before he could offer it out to her she would snatch it from her fangs. He laughed now, his mouth free of food and once again he would settle against the earth. ?Your a good fisher, I have to admit I'm terrible at it? He would laugh, and tear into his fish, it was after all a novelty to him.

Seeing that the meeting would not begin in games, but in company and food, he would find his manners, he would bow his head to her, although not rising to his paws, and speak "By the way, I'm Fenris, Malady, at your service"



6 Years
04-07-2014, 05:52 PM
The ebony female gave a small bow of her own, "Hello, my name is Esperanza, and it is a pleasure to meet you, Fenris." She spoke in a gentle and professional tone. Her emerald orbs shone slightly in the darkness as the moon and stars reflected off of her eyes. Her dark ebony coat shone slightly in the moonlight. "And, if you would like to play once you're done with your meal, I would be happy to do a little playing around." She stood and went into a play bow, wagging her tail slightly as she waited.

"Also, you should know that I am from a pack, but, I would like someone much better when it comes to playing and having fun." She gave a small chuckle and waited for him to finish.


04-07-2014, 06:08 PM

As he took another bite of his food and revealed in the uniqueness of its taste she would find her own words in answer to his. ?Esperanza ? he would offer back ?Is quite a mouthful. would you Accept Pera?? he would venture, and take yet another bite, intent on devouring this tasty morsel. She would go into a bow and offer to play after food was finished. ?Its jokes I prefer to playing ? he would laugh, envisioning a mother telling them it was ok to go on with playtime once dinner was eaten.

Despite his words he would dig in once more to his food, tearing it apart cleanly and taking care to avoid the small bones. It wouldn't take him long to clean out the kill and be left with skin and bones. He would set to digging now upon the ground before him before shovelling in his remains and throwing the dirt back over with a few powerful kicks. He would shake out his coat and his steps would be a prance. ?What do you consider as playing, anyway?? He would laugh, to good-natured to miss the chance of playing.



6 Years
04-07-2014, 06:20 PM
Esperanza gave a small chuckle at the nickname he had given her. She didn't care what he called her as long as it wasn't insulting to her. She liked the way he played around with her. It was something that had not happened to her in a little while for most wolves in her pack were serious, along with the other wolves she had met on her journeys. "You can call me Esper, some would call me that since my name is kind of a mouthful."

When Fenris had asked her what she considered playing would be, she chuckled and playfully pinned him underneath her body, wagging her tail happily. "Wrestling would be my sort of playing, but I am happy with whatever my guest would like to do." She got off the multi-colored brute and sat down, watching him for anything that he would do that would trick her to letting her guard down, even though she knew they were playing.


04-07-2014, 06:34 PM

He would find instead that she had her own nickname, and as he offered to give her one she would give instead this one to her now. ?Esper? he repeated, and his face filled once more with that delighted smile he always held in reserve ?I like it? he would admit to her, his tongue lolling from his mouth in laughter now.

He would be surprised when her weight would come crashing down on him, pinning him to the earth and his breath would come out in a gasp. Her words where teasing as she moved herself from his body and he would find that he could breathe again. He would take in a deep breath now, stumbling to his paws again and giving his coat a hearty shake-out. ?Phew! No kidding? he would venture as she eyed him cautiously now, which was hardly a surprise considering she had just knocked him over. ?However, I prefer the more light games of speed? He would grin, and was lightly on his paws nor, prancing away from her and watching her out of the corner of his eyes, ready to tear away at a moments notice. After all, this was why he had initiated the 'tag' game to begin with.



6 Years
04-07-2014, 06:46 PM
Esperanza gave a small chuckle as he appeared to be prancing around her. When he told her he preferred games of speed, she would give a kind-hearted chuckle. He seemed to be the running type. If he were in a pack, he would be a good hunter. She stood upon her paws and looked to him, eyes giving a lovely shine as the sound of crickets and howls were heard, making their own little music to the wolves down below upon the hearth.

"No kidding about speed," she joked and would approach him, soon turning her back and playfully touching the tip of her tail to his dark colored nose. She loved to have fun with him. At least he appeared to be having fun with her, and the femme was happy that he was. She did not like to make anyone mad or upset, and so she would be cautious as to not make the brute upset.

She turned her head and turned her body over to Fenris and smiled. She could feel heat rising to her cheeks, knowing that she was blushing under her fur, but she quickly shook the sensation of the blush and began to run away, "Come and chase me, Fenris!" She barked and dashed into the meadow, waiting for him to come and get her.


04-07-2014, 11:08 PM

Paws would brush lightly against the earth with each prancing of his paws He would dart a little more backwards as she came forward and her tail would flick the air where his nose had been. She would turn now, taking the game of speed in her own stride and telling him to chase her and with that she off. He would give her a seconds head start, calling after it ?Watch out, i'm coming!? with a laugh before his own paws would grace the earth that would be swollowed by his stride. He leaped to the side and his steps brought him ever closer to her. He was almost coming up the side of her when the meadow came up before them and he would leap again and this time his paws would sink into soft dirt and he would leap again, putting himself in front of her and cutting off her course. She would have to eaither skid to a hult, run into him or change her course quickly to the side.

He would hold his part here, with the soft earth and grass beneath his paws to see what she did, for her next actions would be the decider for his own.



6 Years
04-08-2014, 03:52 PM
Esperanza could see Fenris coming to her. He had stopped right in front of the black femme. She was too close to stop or move the other way, she had now only one option; run right into the brute whom placed himself there in front of her. She closed her eyes, causing the impact as they both tumbled backward, landing nearly inches away from a stream. The ebony she-wolf, opened her eyes and quickly got off of the male.

"Sorry, I had nowhere else to go," she spoke, trying her best to help him up. She felt bad that she had caused them both to be knocked down, so she paid him back the only way she could. She would catch him his dinner. A small smile would come across her features. She enjoyed having fun with this male.

(O.O.C.: sea, I will be doing Venin on here now since Esperanza is kind of going to be a bit busy with glaciem I believe. Sorry.)