
Jump in Bed with Fame


03-27-2014, 04:20 PM

Muscles coiled and released, paws struck the earth with unforgiving force. Coral pools remained locked in on her target. A doe. The Queen was hungry and she would have her meal. Jaws unhinged, lips curling back to expose fangs. Air was sucked in, feeding her body the much needed oxygen, muscles began to burn. The animal was tiring, faltering in its steps. With a final push, the silver temptress would launch her behemoth form, taking the animal to the ground.

Cries of distress filled her ears. Not a moment was wasted, as soon as the animal hit the ground, fangs would sink into its neck, blood rushing her mouth. A grin pulled at her lips as the animals attempts to escape became feeble and finally stopped all together. Blood cascaded from parted jaws, soaking her throat and chest.

The Queen would not eat right away, taking a moment to catch her breath as pants heaved her sides rapidly. As her breathing slowed, returning to normal, her skull would drop, jaws parting to rip into still warm flesh. Blood would spatter, lightly speckling her front limbs and chest, it would easily rinse away with some water.

After eating her fill, the temptress would rock back onto her haunches, settling in to let her food digest. She would allow her form to slide down, legs stretched out before her. Salmon tongue would begin to the tedious process of removing the blood from her silvery pelt. Every now and then her jaws would part with a brief yawn before she resumed, working from her limbs to the reachable places of her chest. Audits would twitch, taking in the now familiar sounds of her home, enjoying the serenity of it all. This was her home.


03-27-2014, 10:50 PM

The beast was moving along the edge of the forest, slow and steady as always though today he made not attempt to remain silent. Paws pressed heavily on the soft soil and he couldn't help but smile the finest bit. This land was fertile and the game was plentiful. He had nothing to complain about especially considering the pack was finally one that he fit in with. It was much like Tortuga had originally been but when he had first joined that pack his mental state had been a bit different, lighter aligned so he had not fit in as well as he had hoped. But now he felt young again, able to flex his muscles and do what he could to help this pack flourish. And all that began with boarder patrols, though he had no official rank aside from warrior he felt the need to keep his pack safe. After everything with Secret he knew that safety began with regular patrols.

A squeal, sharp and clear rang out and immediately massive crown would life, ears swivelling to catch the direction of the sound. Within the territory. That meant either a pack mate was hunting or a trespasser was hunting in Elysium lands. He hadn't met many of his pack mates so immediately he would turn inwards, breaking into a lumbering lope towards the sound. He was quick to arrive, but not quick enough it seemed. She had already eaten by the time he arrive and damn did she look good covered in blood. "A good hunt it looks like?" He rumbled, taking a few steps closer to eye the doe she had caught for herself. "A pleasure to see you again my queen. I was wondering when I would be able to partake in your company again." He said with a chuckle, lowering himself to his haunches as his head cocked easily to the side. Eyes glittered dangerously as s slight smile played across his lips.



03-27-2014, 11:14 PM

The distinct sound of paws striking the earth, would have her attention lifted, coral pools landing on a familiar face as he can rushing onto the scene. A brow would lift curiously, wondering what the rush was about. "Indeed." She would purr as he eyed the doe. "Help yourself." She would offer him a meal, there was still much of the animal left, she could only eat so much after all.

She would flip over onto one hip, keeping her forelimbs stretched about before her. Her grooming would stop as she could no longer reach the bloodied areas of her chest. Her gaze would return to his verdant one, a smirk tugging at dark lips. "Oh I'm sure the pleasure is all mine, after all your company is rather?enjoyable." The danger that glimmered in his eyes would only be mirrored in her own as she spoke, lightly teasing him.

Each time she saw him, he became more and more good natured, a farther image of the man she had first met, who she distinctly remembered calling her a whore. Kylar had seated himself comfortably, a small smile gracing his features. "Should I expect your surprise visits more often?" A brow would lift as her crown tipped to the side, amusement colored her features, her words a low purr. She would not object, already their arrangement had proven to be?beneficial.


03-28-2014, 02:28 PM

Strange how he had changed so much since their first meeting when nothing but insults had slipped from his jaws and insanity had plagued his mind. Not please conversation seemed to come naturally to him as she offered him a meal and his tipped his head in a slight bow to her. He wash't overly hungry but life as a rouge had taught him that being stuffed was never a bad idea. She flipped herself into a more comfortable position and he allowed forepaws to slid down so he was laying as well, though more balanced on his haunches then she was as if ready to hop up in a moment's notice. But still a chuckle slipped from his lips as she complimented his company. "Well I am here to serve my queen after all?" He would murmur as she reached down to tear a strip of flesh from the doe, only a mouth full so conversation could continue if she so desired.

And it seemed she did, asking if she could expect his visits more. Head would tip easily and smile would widen as he swallowed his mouthful before replying. "For as long as they are welcome then yes?" He would chuckle, ripping off another mouthful before finally flipping his hips to the side and studying her easily. "Tell me about yourself dear Cataleya? Mate? Children? And about your pack if you would indulge me. Any healers, talented hunters or warriors?" He asked easily, leaning over to continue his slow meal though sickly green gaze would never leave her as he awaited her answer. He wanted to know more about this lady he would now bow to and of this pack that he was to become a part of.



03-28-2014, 02:49 PM

A soft bit of laugher would flow from her jaws as the man settled in to eat his fill. He would settled him, several questions rolling his tongue in matter of moments. Brow would lift briefly as she waited for them end before answering. "Well, no mate, three children, Zaria, Senka and Sora. As for my pack, no one has claimed to be a healer or even interested in becoming one, same for hunters, everyone seems to be blood thirsty savages." A wry grin would grace her features, amusement coloring her eyes.

"And what about you, hmm? Surely you don't spend all your time as a matted mess." She would toss a wink at him, lightly poking fun at him. Truthfully, she wanted to know more about this man. He had unexpectedly returned to her, and now she found herself encountering him more and more. He was entirely unknown to her and she had willing accepted him into her home. Though the same went for many of her pack members, he was the only one that repeatedly sought her out and spent any amount of time at her side.


03-28-2014, 11:08 PM

She was easy to talk to thankfully, words flowing easily from her tongue and he found himself nodding along with each tidbit of information. No healers or hunters hey? He tipped his head curiously, reaching forward to rip off another mouthful as he mulled over those thoughts. Though he was not an adept hunter his mother had drilled into him that only a well rounded wolf was worth anything in the world. She described her pack members as 'blood thirsty savages' and he chuckled at that. "As long as they can remain level headed when needed then they will do fine. And they are young, they can learn?" He said softly, chuckling lightly. So far he had yet to catch the scents of anyone older then one. Though there might be a few sneaking around in the shadows he had yet to find them.

She called him a matted mess when she asked about him and an honest laugh rolled up his jaws before he shook his head to deny his statement. "I regret to say you didn't see me at my finest and for that I apologize." He said, lifting massive shoulders easily. "I have three children I had young with a woman I barely knew but we became friends. She was murdered a few seasons back, maybe even a year now. I lost myself hunting for her killer. Before that she was raped and terrorized by a man named Kaios. A dear friend of mine Jupiter killed him when I failed, I went to follow her and when she disappeared as well? I suppose I kind of just snapped?" Though a frown creased his brow and gaze turned to the trees behind her his tone was light and at the end his shoulders lifted in an easy shrug. "My sister having her children brought me out of it and voila, here I am."

Reaching down he would pull up another hunk of meat and swallowing it almost immediately so he could continue speaking. "Well? Seeing as you have practically no one. Let me know what I can do. My mother practically beat it into my sister and I that we had to learn everything as pups. I'm not a great hunter but fighting and healing come naturally. Maybe a little poisons too?" He said with a slight chuckle, throwing a wink her way and lifting a massive paw to paw her her dainty black dipped forepaw in a more of less flirtatious manner.



03-29-2014, 12:06 AM

The Queen would nod in agreement, she had no problems within her pack so far, and all were young enough that with proper training, they would do well. She would find the man easy to talk to, conversation rowing easily between them. Audits would swivel to attention as he spoke of his children and their mother. It was a terrible thing, to have the mother of his children murdered in cold blood. His gaze would leave hers as though he was some place else, revisiting memories.

Immediately he would change the subject, offering up more of his help in fighting, healing and even poisons. Her gaze would drop to her extended paw as his brushed hers. A slow smirk would pull at her features as her gaze lifted to meet his verdant one.

"I'm beginning to appreciate your presence more and more." It was not like her to be shy, so she would rise, closing the few steps that stood between them. Slow strides would move her past him, silvery plume teasing his side. The Queen would cast a glance over her shoulder. "I need to wash off, care to join me?" She would not wait to see if he would follow, instead weaving a path towards small ponds she had come across.

At a stead walk, it would take the pair about ten minutes, the silver temptress would remain silent most of the journey, asking only one question. "Do you see your children often?" It was an innocent question, she just imagined him as being the type to be involved with his kids. Hell, if she took part in her kids lives, no one else should have an excuse. She would cast a sideways glance in his direction, a single audit swiveling in his direction.


03-31-2014, 08:50 PM

He couldn't help but wink when she commented on appreciating his company more and more, a grin slipping across his lips as he watched her stand. Lithe frame slipped past him, tail flipping out to tease his side temptingly. A soft invitation dripped from her lips and slowly he would stand to follow without response, following like a love struck pup in her wake. They walked quietly but that didn't mean it wasn't an exciting walk. He walked so shoulder brushed against her hip, every so often maw moving over her back to send a wave of hot breath over her spine or nibble at tender flesh tauntingly. But her question would make him pause in his tauntings, ears flipping forward thoughtfully. "Unfortunately no. Not since their mothers passing actually. My sister see's one of my son's every now and then but the other two seem to have scattered to the winds?" He said easily, head tipping thoughtfully before flopping massive head down atop her haunches even as they walked, grinning up at her. They reached the pond in no time it seemed and Kylar walked past her with long strides, slipping into the water easily. "Come on my queen, the water awaits?" He would purr, pushing himself off from the shallows and into the deeper waters.



03-31-2014, 09:05 PM

He taunted her, gently nips landing on her hips, his hot breathe creeping up her spine. He would stop only to answer her question. She found it odd that he played no part in his own children's lives, but she would not comment on it. She would feel the weight of his skull rest on her haunches and grin would pull at her lips. He would leave her to stride sat her, his massive form slipping into the waters. His words would pull her forward into the water with him, the cool liquid lapping at her paws.

The queen would slip into deeper waters, moving until her stood chest deep. The water was pleasantly cool against her skin, easing the summer heat. As water seeped into her coat, the would begin to loosen the dried blood on her chest. Coral pools would drift to Kylar as he waded into deeper waters. Water weighted her down, soaking her thick pelt, making it even heavier. Her neck would arch, tongue lapping at her chest, washing her pelt free of the blood. The Queen would be silent for the moment, enjoying herself in the water.


03-31-2014, 10:45 PM

A red bubble would form around her, blood slipping from from her pelt into a diluted pool around her as she followed him into the water. Though she stopped where her paws still could touch he carried out a bit further, massive legs churning the water below him before he would take a quick turn and head back to her. Head lowered as he began to pick up speed, eyes narrowed and grin devious though it wouldn't be seen below the water. Ears pinned as if it might help him move faster. Toes scraped the ground and hind legs hit the ground next, immediately curling then unfurling to launch him forward along with a wave of water. Though he didn't plan to land on her he planned to land almost directly beside her and send the shower of droplets cascading down on her to soak him almost as much as he was now soaked. Whether it worked or not the devious grin would return as he studied her. He walked a bit closer to the shore before shaking out his own damp fur. "No swim for my lady?" He would ask easily, slipping around her to stand at her other side.



04-01-2014, 12:56 PM

Coral pools would slide towards the man as he paddled further out before turning back her way. Brows would lift as he paddled back, his ears pinning, most of his face hidden below the water. She eyes skeptically, wondering what he was up to. It would not take long for her to find out as he launched himself from the water, sending a wave of water droplets showering down on her, his mass landing beside her. A small bark of laughter would roll off her tongue as she shook the water from her skull before turning to look at him.

He would slip past her, moving to shallower waters to shake the water from his pelt. The Queen would follow, shaking excess water from her heavy pelt. "I seem to no longer have a need to." She referred to his stunt of showering her with water, an amused look playing on her face. Her thick fur clung to her frame, still dripping water, at least the heat would dry her faster.

Silver limbs would pull her forward, closer the man. "I hope you are settling well into things?' Her crown would tip to the side, words a low purr as she moved to press against his side. The woman knew she was the epitome of beauty and power, of raw desire and danger, she constantly played the game, twisting others minds to fall prey to her. But Kylar, he played the same game, toying with her, drawing her in just as she drew him in. It would only be a matter of time before there was no turning back.

Silver plume would curl at her hocks, gaze lifting to seek out his verdant one. She felt his heat radiating against her side, wrapping her in a blanket of it. There was no turning back now. A flame ignited in her belly, warming her from the inside out, desire flared in her chest, eyes seeming to darken with it.


04-01-2014, 09:33 PM

She took the wave surprisingly well, laughing at his antics rather then getting irritated at him and that made his smile grow more. She followed him and shook off her wet pelt, sending the dampness his way but thick pelt would absorb it easily. He didn't shake it out this time, allowing it to slick back his fur more rather then the fluffed up mess he had experienced when he had shaken the water out. He had always looked like a mess when he was soaked in water. But for whatever reason he didn't care. "You make it easy to settle in?" He would murmur, green eyes finding her own as she slipped closer, body pressing against his own. She was small compared to him, a tiny dove he felt a strong urge to protect even though he knew she was the type who could take care of herself. Maybe that was why he found himself so attracted to her, that she was more then willing to let him fawn over her and do things for her and yet he knew that in the end if he left for a bit that she would be perfectly fine. It was that realization more then anything else that attracted him to her. Sure she was beautiful, drop dead gorgeous in fact especially those soul sucking purple eyes . He found himself pressing into her warmth, crown dropping to nuzzle into her neck. For a moment he would breath in her scent before teeth would nibble at the tender flesh there. A low rumble would bubble up his throat. He could feel the heat radiating off her damp fur and it only made him want her more. She was perfect.



04-01-2014, 09:56 PM

She would smile, in earnest, as he leaned into her touch, murmuring gentle words. He was one of the few wolves that towered over her, but she felt far from small around him. She was attracted to him, she knew that much. He was unlike many of the other men that had crossed her path. He teased her, fawned over, offered his help freely, yet she knew that neither of them needed each other. She would never admit that he had wiggled his way into her heart and enticed feelings she had never experienced before. He nuzzled her neck, nipping at the tender flesh, igniting a desire that demanded to be sated. She felt the vibrations of his rumbling as she pressed the length of her body against his side.

Dark jaws parted, fangs nipping at his shoulder. She didn't understand the feelings he had caused within her, all she knew was she was attracted to him in every way. Perhaps it was her own imagination, but she felt as though he really saw her, she wasn't just a piece of ass, but a Queen, one who could easily fend for herself and battle any adversary that came her way. "Kylar." His name rolled off her tongue softly, it was barely audible to even her own ears. She didn't know what she was asking, all she knew was that she wanted him.


04-07-2014, 09:20 PM

He wanted her, every finer of his being was screaming that he wanted her and thankfully it seemed that she wanted him to. Her body moulded into his side, the warmth of her form making him quiver with desire. A sharp pain stung his shoulder, a small droplet of blood pooling beneath his fur. God that felt good. A rumble rolled up his throat, eyes closing as he enjoyed the feel of the pain and the desire mingling and mixing in his skull. Everything about this was so different from anything he had ever experienced before, far different then what he and Secret had had. Though he had loved her in his own way there had never been the attraction to go along with it like there was here, after the first time they had slept together it had always been a co parenthood thing rather then a mate thing. Not much different then how he was helping Vi raise her children now.

His name dropped from her tongue, so soft her could barely hear it as he relaxed into the feel of her. She was everything he wanted in a woman, everything that he wanted in his life. "Cataleya?" He murmured into her neck, continuing along her neck and spine with his teeth. He wanted her. A paw would lift, draping over her back suggestively, allowing her to feel his weight and shrug him off if she so chose. If she did not he would lift himself over her, slipping onto her back while paws gripped her waist and teeth nibbled their way down her spine. She was all he wanted.

-fade to black-



04-07-2014, 09:53 PM

A rumble vibrated his chest, a drop of his blood teasing her tongue. Her name sounded so good coming from him, rolling off his tongue softly. He taunted her with nips along her spine as he lifted a leg, draping it across her back, as though he were asking permission. She leaned into his touch, bracing herself to accept his weight. She would fall with him into a world of pleasure, allowing herself to care for the man more than she should.


The temptress laid beside him, thoroughly satisfied. She remained pressed against his side, the pair curled up beside the pond. The steady sound of his breathing lulled her into a light sleep, audits twitching every now and then to the various sounds around her. Occasionally, her gaze would search his. He was the only one how made her uncertain, though she kept it hidden from her features. He had her all knotted up inside. He was perfect, perfect for her. For now the Queen remained silent, simply listening the sound of his breathing.


04-07-2014, 10:33 PM

He stretched out languidly on his side, hips flipped to the side and forepaws stretched out before him so she could curl into his side. Her breathing was soft and steady, rhythmic to the point where he lost himself listening to it a few times. Mostly he stared straight ahead, sickly green gaze looking around as if keeping watch over her sleeping form. In all honesty though he was content with the silence and didn't want to sleep through his time with her in case her duties called her away from him. He didn't notice her looking at him every so often, not until the last time when he stole a glance down at her beautiful features only to find vibrant gaze looking up at him. He felt as though his heart had stopped moment, looking for some sort of meaning in those eyes. But despite all the uncertainty he felt towards her, towards his whole new life he could only smile slightly at her gaze. Slowly he would lower his head, dropping it down so her nose would touch his ruff and his head laid across her paws in an oddly submissive position. From there eyes would close as a sigh escaped his lungs. "'Nowhere important to be?" He asked softly, voice a low rumble that she would feel in her legs from his throat that was stretched across her paws. He hoped she didn't. They had parted ways quite quickly last time and he honestly wanted to enjoy the moment, bask in her presence. He was still unsure of what he was feeling towards her but whatever it was he didn't want it to end.



04-07-2014, 10:55 PM

He would remain just as quiet as herself, though she could feel his eyes on her every so often. He would shifting, his crown coming to rest across her paws. She would smile, resting her own skull across his shoulders. His words would find their way into her ears as his throat vibrated against her limbs. "For now." She couldn't let him believe that she had nothing else to do but spend all her time with him. Amusement would line her words as she spoke, glancing down at him out of the corner of her eye.

The Queen found herself not wanting the moment to end, it seemed as though they always rushed off after they ran into each other. This was the first time they lingered in each other presences. "What about you? No one to rush off and save?" A small bit of laughter would roll of her tongue as she thought back to the earthquake briefly. She would nudge him with her shoulder, teasing him lightly.


04-09-2014, 08:39 PM

The weight of her skull on his shoulders was comforting and some small part of him was actually content in this moment, eyes closing against the feel of her body heat. Her words vibrated through his shoulders and he smiled, chuckling against the feel. "All mine for a short while?" he mused softly, a yawn stretching his jaws wide as tongue lolled over jaws languidly. He rolled his head to the side slightly, away from her chest so his cheek laid atop her paws so he could cast one verdant eye back at her, catching her watching him easily. He chuckled again, eyes slipping closed as he listened to the sound of her breathing once more, relaxing to it almost like someone would relax against the sound of the waves.

Her next comment made him join in the chuckle, a smirk pulling up at the edge of his lips as he thought back to the damsel in distress he had saved. "You think me some sort of knight in shining armour?" He asked easily, brow raising curiously as he opened his one eye again to look at her. "Your the only one I would ever care to save" Even as the words came out in his mind he back peddled a bit. what was he saying?



04-09-2014, 09:34 PM

It was a rare thing for the woman to be so content in anthers presence, but with him she was far more than content. A smirk would tug at her lips at his words. She would look at him as a yawn parted his jaws before her adjusted himself to look up at her. His laughter vibrated against her limbs, tickling them lightly.

He would tease her, referring to himself as a knight in shining armor, though the cliche hardly suited him. But before she toss smart ass remark his way, his words would make her pause. The words rolled around in her head, she silently tasted them against her tongue. Even he looked caught off guard by what he had said. The Queen would lift her crown in order to better look at him. The silence was deafening, perhaps she was reading to much into it, but the look on his face said she was not.

She was not good at this stuff. The woman had been born to kill, to torture, not to love or even care. She would take a moment to recover herself, giving him a dashing smile though it didn't reach her eyes. "No one else would be worth it." She would attempt to keep her voice steady though it wavered slightly. She had no idea how to react to this.