
I'm Here With Out You

Twig I


03-26-2014, 04:50 PM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2014, 05:06 PM by Twig I.)

There had been few dreams within her unconscious state, her mind would retreat from the real world as her body did its best to recover. Her spirit would swim through dream matter as she began to feel out the most recent of dreams. It was so vivid compared to the ones she had experienced earlier, beautiful lights were refracted off of unseen crystals as Twig descended to a pool of water held within a large glass like bowl. Her slate covered paws would be deposited to the water's surface, amazingly she would not sink. As her gaze moved away from her feet orchid optics would take in the tiny form of a child. Tilting her head in a questioning manner she would look at the girl who stood but five feet from her. She wore a coat of the purest of porcelain, while her right shoulder held the gleaming silhouette of a silver cross. She held no color within her pupils, but they would beam light from their surface. The girl would giggle before bounding up to her mother's form, as Twig stood motionless from surprise. She couldn't help the smile that played on her features as she shifted to embrace the pup, she only found it odd at how old she was already. Had she not just given birth? "What's your name?" Twig's voice was curious as it echoed through out the light filled arena. The small girl would nuzzle into the older she wolf's neck, "I'm Fern," her lyrics would bubble forth, much more subdued than Twig's vocals. "We don't have much time. I just had to come and tell you, I love you." the alabaster girl would place a kiss upon Twig's marked muzzle, "I'll see you again someday."

She knew she was no longer dreaming as the pain began to seep through her consciousness, that and the unbearable feeling of complete aloneness. She had not felt such a sense of independence since before her pregnancy... Before she opened her eyes she knew that she didn't want to look and see what was not there. Her daughter, her child who she had carried with her for the better part of the season, would not be there at her side suckling like she should have been. She felt so alone because she was so alone, Fern had not made it through the birth. Twig's eyes would begin to pour tears as she opened them 18 hours after she endured the birth. Regretting the movement as she looked to her belly, swollen teats would beg for her child to releave them. But she would get no such alleviation. A strangled cry would leave her marked lips as reality yet again set in for the she wolf, Fern was gone. She wanted to yell, she wanted to scream and she wanted to kill the man who gave the girl life to begin with. His evil actions would cause a new wave of sadness and heartache to Twig's already strained sanity. She found herself sobbing uncontrollably as she remembered the dream and her lost pup. "No! No no no no no.." a constant stream of the word would fall from her lips as she shook her head violently. It wasn't true, Erani must have her child, caring for while Twig was not there. Her heart knew the truth her mind did not want to accept. She would grind her teeth as sorrow completely overcame her, her heart breaking wholly. She wanted to run, she wanted to escape the den in which she lost her daughter, but her grief would keep her prisoner there.?


03-28-2014, 04:24 PM
It had been nearly a day since it happened. His sister had been resting in Erani's den since the horrific incident. He had cleaned her up and remained at her side since, only leaving once to bring back some herbs he knew that would calm her, as well as some water he carried over within the folds of a a leaf pouch he had fashioned. He thanked the spirit of his mother for that. It was quite a useful technique to know. Deep blue eyes kept focused, though there was pensive thought behind them. He wondered what his sister would think upon awakening, and knew that it would hurt to know that her child didn't make the time, he had been angry at the newborn pup...blaming it and hating it. But it was Erani who made him realize, that it was not the child's fault...she hadn't chosen to be born, and Jinxx hated himself for even thinking such a thing. His mother would have been disappointed with him if she had seen that look, for she cared for all children no matter who they were or what their back story was. He had apologized, though to what he wasn't sure. They were wordless apologies, thoughts kept within the confines of his mind.

He neared the den, ears folding back and forward again when he heard her. Legs snapped into gear, heart pounding in case something was wrong. Had the bastard that forced himself on her come back? He moved quickly, slipping into the den with bristling fur only to see that his sister was alone. He glanced at the ground for a moment, the bundles dangling from his jaws. With a quiet sigh, he walked forward until he stood at her side. Gently, he placed the herbs and water at his feet before casting his gaze at her. " these, please. They'll help." He murmured as his tongue swept out to her crown. After she ate them, he would try to get her to drink water. After her ordeal, she would have to keep her strength up after all.

Twig I


03-28-2014, 05:27 PM

She would swing her head back and forth as she tried desperately to shake the truth from herself, she didn't want to believe that she had failed so terribly. She didn't even get to see her newborn daughter, she had already been cleaned and the traces of blood were gone. But the hole in her heart wasn't. She wanted to see her daughter more than anything, to see her in the flesh and to know that she wasn't on this plane of existence any longer. It was all so disorienting for the girl, as her movements would cause a dizziness to envelope her. The loss of blood was still effecting her, more than she cared to admit. She would still be sobbing as Jinxx entered the den, she would barely spare him a glance before looking away again. Her heart freshly crushed she wished she'd just been left alone. He would push her to eat the herbs he had gathered for her, insisting they would help. "Help what?" she would say pitifully. "They won't fill this hole in my chest, and I know.." she would stutter as her tears blocked the way of her words, "That they won't bring her back." the little control she had would slip away as she let her weeping features fall back to her paws.?

Had he seen her? Did he catch a glimpse of her beautiful daughter before she had been whisked away? Did he feel the absolute loss that she was going through? The pain would crawl over her features as she managed to turn back to her brother, tears streaming down her cheeks, "I want to see her. I want to name her," her voice was hoarse and raspy, "I want her back, Jinxx." she would slide back to the floor, obviously not fit to be taken anywhere anytime soon.?


04-08-2014, 04:59 AM

He hated seeing her this way, though it was the first time he had seen her as such. When their mother died, he had managed to keep her from the views of most of their siblings, ushering them away from Clan lands as their senile brother rampaged and destroyed everything he could. He didn't know what it was like to lose a child, but he knew what it felt like to lose a Mother. His sister, he knew, was devastated about the loss of her first child, no matter how she had attained it. And it was Erani's words that rang in his head from earlier, for it was not the childs fault that she had been born. Jinxx had to admit, she was a beautiful little girl. Fragile looking, like the fronds of a fern gently lit upon by morning dew. He sighed quietly, pressing himself against his sisters form as his ears fell back against his head. "Ashley, nothing can bring back what once was and what once had been. You have no idea how much I wish Mother could be here with us now, I miss her terribly..." He would lie beside her, wrapping her form in his as he licked away the tears. He wished there was more he could do for her, it broke his heart to see her this way.

He wrapped his head over her neck, hoping that the touch would show that he was here for her no matter how much she was hurting. They were family, after all. She was his sister, and he would be there for her no matter what. "We cannot undo what has happened, we can only make the best of them..." He sat in thought for a moment, wondering if he should tell her what he saw. She had borne a beautiful daughter, truly from the lineage of their family. "She was beautiful, you know. I am sad that my first niece is not with us, but if we pray for her, she will visit us in our dreams. You're her mother, and you always will be. Take comfort in knowing that although she isn't here, she won't have to suffer the hardships of the ugly things. She won't know about Lunatik, or the cruel things he did...she's in a beautiful place. She's with Mother now, and I know Mother will take good care of her."

Talk like this

Fading Away (Acoustic Version) by Demon Hunter on Grooveshark

Twig I


04-08-2014, 10:38 PM
She just wanted to cry herself away, the pain she felt was so deep and so wide she never thought she would cross to the other side. Her eyes were rose red from the tears that would fall from their depths, her nose slightly running in result of her sobbing. Her heart ripped from her chest and torn to pieces by a creature so fowl he would never be thought of as a wolf in her eyes. She would feel the gentle press of her brother at her side, no matter her hurt he would be a welcome comfort in such a time of need. His voice soul utter words of loss, ending with the reminder of the missing form of their mother. The night would flutter into her mind's eye and temporarily remove thoughts of her own daughter gone before her time. More tears would flow from her orchid eyes, while Jinxx would gently lap them away. "But how Jinxx? How can I make the best of losing my child" her words were a slight whisper as she pushed her face into his fur, her sobs quiet against his warm frame. His words would caress her ears yet again, he would remind her of the girl's beauty and dreams. She would sigh heavily as the feeling of loss would course through her, still so very fresh within her mind. Jinxx would gently remind her of where the tiny girl had gone, of uniting with her grandmother and being taken into her care. Fern would never learn of her uncles atrocities or her father's crimes. She would forever be safe from the worlds harsheties. Unlike her mother. Did she crave the beyond now? Would she find solace beyond the grave, with her daughter and mother waiting on her? "It's so painful." her heart was broken as well as her body and sprit. Physical pain would course through her veins even as she sat quietly with her brother. She didn't know what she would do, only that she knew how terrible the pain continued to be. With effort the girl would take up the herbs originally offered to her by her cross marked brother, taking him on his word that they would help.?