



10 Years
Athena I
04-08-2014, 09:19 AM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2014, 10:56 PM by Phoebe.)

Well, it was as boring as she remembered. As the russet goddess stepped up onto the shore, she looked around at the mostly barren landscape and sighed. Sure, the brilliantly green sands were interesting and pretty to look at, but sand could only be entertaining for so long. Phoebe shrugged and loved further up the beach, leaving pawprints in her wake. It was a change of scenery at least, something she often felt like she needed.

Once she was a fair distance from the lapping water she lowered herself to the ground and laid down with the lower half of her body turned onto her hip and the upper half upright. She stretched out on the sands and rested her head on her forepaws as she looked out at the ocean. The least she could do was enjoy the warm day and the sunlight that shone down and began to dry her fur. She only hoped that maybe she wasn't the only one to make a trek out to the island today. Some company would surely brighten up her day.




4 Years
Extra large
04-08-2014, 11:04 PM

Alacritis was a very dull place as of late. Even with the change in season and the earthquake that rocked the region, there was still nothing extraordinary going on for the behemoth of a barbarian. He had yet to make any real acquaintances or find a pack that he could fit into. He was quiet content for the time being simply being a rogue and wandering around, but wandering around alone for so long was becoming tiring. He would find himself thinking of that special woman he'd met along his travels, the one he'd left back in her homeland. He found himself wondering how she was doing and if she still remembered him as fondly as he remembered her. Would he ever find another woman like her?

Today's wanderings had brought the titan to one of the region's island, this one brilliant in its foliage. Massive sooty and russet frame would emerge from the clear depths of the water, stride powerful as he climbed onto the shore. Water dripped from his pelt and he took a moment to shake himself, his necklace swinging around wildly as he tried to dry himself off as much as possible. His tooth would fall back into its familiar place as he finished shaking off, his pelt a lot dryer than when he'd come out of the water. Ruby gaze would dance across the tree-line as the behemoth strode forward, pace leisurely. He could taste the faint scent of another wolf on the breeze but he would ignore it for the most part, figuring that if they'd come all the way out to the island they wanted to be alone and Conan was one to respect other's privacy. Auds would swivel this way and that way, senses alert as he walked along the treeline, wondering what secrets this island held.

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10 Years
Athena I
04-08-2014, 11:22 PM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2014, 11:23 PM by Phoebe.)

The silence around her stretched on and on and slowly her silver eyes would begin to drift closed, the steady sound of the waves hitting the shore and the warm sun lulling her to sleep. She dozed for quite a bit, drifting in and out of sleep easily. As she was coming out of her nap yet again a scent caught her attention, bringing her closer to wakefulness. She blinked open her gaze, groggily lifting her head as she breathed in the air around her again, confirming that a wolf's scent was on the breeze. A small smile touched her muzzle and she blinked she sleep from her eyes, rolling onto her paws and stretching out her muscles. So, someone had wandered out here after all. She shook the sand out of her pelt before turning toward the scent and curiously following it to its source.

It didn't take her long to spot him. She had never considered herself tiny at her muscled 35 inches, but even from a distance she could tell that his male towered over her. As padded closer she could see his scars and she couldn't help but let her silver gaze roam over his form. "Oh, if only he can hold an intelligent conversation..." she thought wistfully. Most brutes she found attractive rarely had the brains to match their brawn. She wasn't sure what she would do if this male was the complete package. She was also a bit curious since he was sure to have caught her scent as well if she found it in her sleep, so she wondered why he hadn't sought her out first. Could she dare to dream that he was a gentleman as well?

Once phoebe got within several feet of the brute she smiled and called out a simple, "Hello there!" She slowed to a halt maybe two feet from him, resisting the urge to look him over once more. She did notice his necklace, however, which made her all the more curious about him.




4 Years
Extra large
04-08-2014, 11:30 PM

He hadn't expected to run into the other wolf, or she-wolf as his nose had told him. Her scent was coming to him from farther down the beach with curved around, so he wasn't able to spot her, but he knew she was there. If she was here, it was most likely because she wanted to be alone and Conan had already intruded on a young woman's private space before. Not purposefully of course, but he preferred not to intrude in other's spaces if he could help it. So Conan had begun to walk in the opposite direction, looking to roam around the island, explore it a little bit before he decided to head back to the mainland or one of the other islands. But it seemed his exploration would be put on hold.

Hello there! Would come feminine tones, calling out to him. The behemoth would stop in his tracks, his massive body swinging around towards the woman, ruby gaze finding her much smaller figure near by. Her posture was relatively friendly and she was definitely an attractive woman if he'd ever seen one. Afternoon ma'am. He would call out in his low bass as he approached, closing the gap considerably between them though not enough to make her feel uncomfortable. I wasn't intruding was I?

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10 Years
Athena I
04-08-2014, 11:43 PM

Phoebe's smile widened a bit at his words. Not only was his voice a lovely bass that she was already sure she would love listening to, but he actually questioned whether he had bothered her. Clearly the brutes she had been hanging around as of late had been quite sub par since they not only tracked her down, but didn't quite care if they were intruding. Normally it didn't bother her, but she felt like it might now that she knew males like this one existed. "Oh, certainly not. I had been thinking it was pretty lonely out here actually."

She settled down on her haunches, her tail curling neatly around her. Her pale gaze watched him curiously, wishing that she could read his mind to see what his first impressions of her were. She often wondered what males thought of her when they first saw her since she at least judged a lot off of a first impression. So far this wolf was scoring very high in that regard. "I'm Phoebe by the way. What's your name?" she asked with a subtle tilt of her head. There was so many other questions she'd rather ask, but she guessed she should probably start with his name. It wasn't at all lady like to just throw herself at him after all.




4 Years
Extra large
04-09-2014, 12:01 AM

Why was it that every new wolf he encountered was a woman? Not that Conan was complaining or anything, but he just found it interesting that all the wolves he'd met so far had been women. He knew males hung around this area, their scents were scattered all over the place, but he hadn't seen hide or hair of any of them. Were they intimated by him? He wouldn't be surprised, he was quite the imposing man if he said so himself. But he was pretty much a gentle giant, less he was provoked with good reason; then he was a monster straight from hell. But no one had taken him to that point yet, so there was no need to bring that side of him out.

Oh, certainly not. I had been thinking it was pretty lonely out here actually. She would smile as she spoke, making Conan smile involuntarily. Her smile that was infectious, not to mention it made her that much prettier to him. Quite understandable. We are quite a ways from the mainland and I would imagine that not many would want to venture out to the islands. She would settle down before him, getting quite comfortable and the behemoth would do the same, not wanting to appear rude. Sooty limbs would fold beneath his massive frame, haunches resting against the warm sand, a cool breeze blowing in from the waters to rush over his warming pelt, cooling the giant off. I'm Phoebe by the way. What's your name? He would let his ruby gaze meet her pale one, attentive as she introduced herself. Phoebe. It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Phoebe. I'm Conan. What brings you out to these isolated islands? He was genuinely curious as to why she was out here all alone. Though she seemed to be pretty capable of defending herself, there no telling what kind of dangers could be lurking around.

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10 Years
Athena I
04-09-2014, 12:20 AM

She would wait as he made himself comfortable as well and then his ruby gaze would find hers. Of course she had noticed his scars even as she had approached him before, but some how it was like noticing them for the first time. She admired the marks that ran across his face, right over that crimson gaze, and she knew that they made his gaze all the more hypnotic.

He would go on to introduce himself as Conan and she would store the name away in her memories. It was a very handsome name, one she liked a lot. "I was really just looking for a change of scenery. Even with all the different places to explore on the mainland sometimes an island is just a tad more exciting." This island was certainly turning out to be anyway. Her eyes fell to his necklace again and she spoke again, "I hope you don't mind me asking, but how did you get that?" She motioned to the tooth with her forepaw, genuinely curious about the little ornament.




4 Years
Extra large
04-09-2014, 12:35 AM

He often forgot of the scars that he donned across his visage and all across his bodice. They were such an integrated part of himself that he hardly noticed them anymore. But he did notice when others noticed. He saw Phoebe's gaze linger on his own facial features and he could only assume that she was taking in the three long, jagged scars that ran nearly the length of his face, marring his otherwise handsome appearance. Not that he really cared, he wasn't the vain type of man anyways. He took no offense to her prolonged examination, knowing that it was a natural thing to do. It wasn't like he could hide them from others, so it was to be expected that they would be a thing of interest upon first meeting him.

I was really just looking for a change of scenery. Even with all the different places to explore on the mainland sometimes an island is just a tad more exciting. He would chuckle, nodding in quiet agreement. The mainland does tend to get a bit boring. And a swim is always refreshing. Another thing he often forgot about was his necklace. He had been wearing it for so long, he'd gotten used to how it felt around his neck. It was almost like it was an extension of his fur. He again noticed Phoebe's gaze wander and he would follow her eyes to his necklace, audits coming to attention as she asked about his trinket. It's one of the fangs from the murderer of my father. I hunted him down once I was able enough and we fought. I came out victorious so I took one of his fangs as a souvenir to carry with me in memory of my father and the revenge I took on his part. He would let his gaze rise again to the smaller woman, wondering how she would take the story behind his trinket. Most thought it to be a gruesome thing. Would she think like that too?

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10 Years
Athena I
04-09-2014, 12:52 AM

Phoebe would listen to his tale with interest, the whole time eyeing the tooth that hung from his neck. She had expected a story of how he had come across it on a beach or perhaps even a gift from someone in his past, but what she heard was so much more. Once he was finished her gaze lifted to meet his again and a soft smile touched her muzzle as she simply replied, "Admirable." Fighting and training to fight had been a large portion of her childhood and she still carried a great respect for warriors and for those who thought highly enough of their family to seek revenge where it was due. This wolf clearly understood both.

He looked at him with a new respect, but she was suddenly furiously curious about the rest of the marks and scars that marred his russet form. In particular the marks that circled the lower part of his forelegs. Being a little more daring than she maybe ought to have been, she stood and look a few smooth strides toward him, quickly closing any distance that was left between them. Lifting a forepaw, she lifted the tooth from his chest, examining it with that all too present curiosity. Her gaze lifted to meet his, their muzzles now only inches apart. "And the scars across your face? How did you acquire those?" she asked softly, a small grin on her muzzle. She hoped he didn't find her too forward or think she was strange for asking about them, but she really was curious and it really did make him all the more attractive.




4 Years
Extra large
04-09-2014, 01:33 AM

Much to his surprise, she seemed to be more intrigued than anything by his story. That was certainly a first. But as he allowed his gaze to freely roam over the woman's figure, the fact that his story didn't put her off didn't surprise him. He could get a feel of power from her, subtle, but still present. Her physique spoke of a warrior and it was then that Conan understood why he was so at ease around Phoebe. She was a fellow warrior. Perhaps not as experienced nor as scarred as he, but he was definitely positive that she was a warrior, or came from a warrior line. It would make sense that she didn't balk at his story.

Admirable. came her response to his explanation, applauding him for having defended his family's honor even in death. The behemoth would allow his chest to swell just a bit, always proud that he had been able to avenge his father. Without much regard to the fact that they were still strangers, Phoebe would stride towards him, her paw extending to pull his necklace away from his chest, their bodies suddenly in very close proximity to each other. She would take her time examining it, tilting her head upwards only to ask about the scars that marred his facade. Much in the same manner. My father's murderer gave me these scars so that I would not walk away unscathed. But considering that I'm the one still here walking, I did get away pretty unscathed. He would murmur quietly, flashes of the day replaying in his mind's eye. He could almost taste his enemies blood in his jaws as he snapped through the bastard's trachea, ending his life. Crimson eyes would blink slowly as he pulled himself out of the memory, reminding himself that he was here with Phoebe, his father long avenged.

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10 Years
Athena I
04-09-2014, 01:26 PM

She would quietly and attentively listen as Conan explained the scars, not at all surprising her by saying they were from his father's murder. She imagined that whoever it was that he had killed must have been a very formidable opponent to have done that much damage to a wolf the size of him. She saw his gaze grow distanced for a moment and her grin softened to a small smile. It was like a dose of reality for her, reminding her in a way that he was real and not just a toy. The thought was strange for her since that sort of thing had never really phased her before, but for some reason the obvious wandering his mind did made her mentally take a step back.

Once he seemed to have come back to the present she let her paw fall from where it was lifting up his necklace without letting her gaze waver from his. "I agree. I'd say you ended up pretty well in comparison." she replied just as quietly. She couldn't put her paw on it, but something about him made her drawn to him, but at the same time he made her pause and question her own intentions. It was confusing to say the least.

She didn't move away from him, but she did sit back on her haunches. Because of his being so much taller than her she had to tip her head almost all the way back to keep her gaze on hers and it made her smile widen and a soft laugh bubble up in her chest. Very few wolves made her feel dainty, but Conan did it with ease. The thought made her giggle. "Is everyone as big as you are where you come from?" she asked half as an explanation for her outburst and half as a genuine question. She glanced up at him apologetically, hoping she hadn't offended him with her laughter.




4 Years
Extra large
04-09-2014, 03:46 PM

There wasn't really a time where he wasn't thinking about his father. He had been a formidable warrior and a great man to say the least. The fact that he had been murdered by a pillaging pack was something that no great man like him should've ever had to have gone through. But he did it for his family, to protect his only remaining son Conan and he had. His sacrifice was the reason that the behemoth was standing here today, why he had the trinket around his neck and why he sported the scars that he did. He had lived on because of his father and he would always be eternally grateful to his sire. His sacrifice had allowed the titan to go around the world and help others who were unable to help themselves. He was paying it forward.

Her paw would fall from his necklace and yet her pale gaze would remain attached to his, making the man smile a bit self-consciously. Usually others weren't so forward with their observation of him or didn't try to make as direct eye contact as Phoebe did, but she didn't seem to mind his size or his bloody past for that matter, which made Conan like the woman that much more. I agree. I'd say you ended up pretty well in comparison. He would quietly nod to her response, his subtle hint that he no longer wanted to speak about that part of his past. He had no problem talking about it, but he just didn't want it to be the focal point of their conversation. Her giggle would be the change in the subject that he needed, brows furrowing together in mock confusion as he peered down at Phoebe, suddenly realizing how much bigger he was than her. Then again, he was bigger than most wolves in this area anyways, so she wasn't that different in that regard.

Is everyone as big as you are where you come from? Ah, so that's why she'd laughed. Her question would bring a wry smile to his sooty lips, an amused chuckle rumbling in his chest. His height was something that everyone noticed right off the bat, but not many were as bold to ask about it. We are. Well at least the men are this big. The women are slightly smaller, but they are just as fierce, if not more so since they're the primary caretakers of the children. He would explain with ease, a fondness touching his voice as he spoke of his homelands.

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10 Years
Athena I
04-09-2014, 04:35 PM

Conan's comment about the fierce women from where he was from pulled a full out laugh from her, making her grin widely. "I completely believe that! I think that's the same in any woman though. A mom with her pups is no wolf to mess with." She thought fondly of her own mother and family as a whole. They drove her crazy with all their rules and traditions, but in the end she knew that she wouldn't trade any of them for the world.

"I think you'd get along with my family," she said thoughtfully, her head tipping to the side just a bit as she pondered the notion. "They're pretty much all warriors or were at least trained to be warriors at some point. They have their quirks and most aren't as... laid back as me, but they're good wolves." She chuckled and added, "Which is kind of strange since most of the males I run across they wouldn't touch with a ten foot branch." With another chuckle and a little shake of her head she stood shook out her fur.

She looked toward the middle of the island and then back at her new friend. With a small grin she asked, "Want to go explore with me?" She turned with a small flick of her tail and padded calmy inland without waiting for a response. She hoped he would follow. It was kind of a test really, if he didn't follow then he didn't really want to be with her any more, if he did then she knew she wasn't wasting her time getting to know him. Phoebe really, really hoped he would follow. She tentatively glanced back over her shoulder to see if he had or not.




4 Years
Extra large
04-09-2014, 05:59 PM

She seemed to share the sentiment, his comment pulling a laugh from the little woman. I completely believe that! I think that's the same in any woman though. A mom with her pups is no wolf to mess with. He would nod in agreement, lips upturning in a small smile. That is very true, but I think a man whose wife and children are being threatened is probably something a bit more fierce and...dangerous. His would voice take on a low rumbling at the end of his sentence, his eyes twinkling with mischief. He knew that if he was ever lucky enough to have a wife and even kids, anyone that even looked at them the wrong way would end up having a very personal relationship with his jaws. No one touched his family or threatened them and got away with it. But that wasn't going to be for a while. He didn't have a family yet, but that could change. Time would tell.

I think you'd get along with my family. They're pretty much all warriors or were at least trained to be warriors at some point. They have their quirks and most aren't as... laid back as me, but they're good wolves. Which is kind of strange since most of the males I run across they wouldn't touch with a ten foot branch. Curiosity would gleam in his ruby gaze as she began to speak of her own family, her comment about certain males not being welcomed causing a booming laugh to erupt from his powerful jaws. I hope I haven't fallen under that category? He would question between chuckles, the mental pictures of wolves with giant branches from their jaws just too funny to resist laughing at.

She would stand her attention wandering towards the actual island itself, a question falling from her lips. Want to go explore with me? She wouldn't wait for his response, turning on her heel as she slowly began to job up the shoreline towards the trees, turning only for a moment to see if he was following her. Conan would comply easily enough, limbs hoisting his massive body upwards, giving himself a quick shake before he too began to trot up the sand-line. He would come up beside the small woman in a few strides, his larger mass casting a shadow against hers as they walked. Are we looking for anything in particular or just simply nosing around? His gaze would be directed towards Phoebe while his senses remained alert, listening for anything that didn't seem to belong, already feeling protective of the small woman beside him.

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10 Years
Athena I
04-09-2014, 10:56 PM

That is very true, but I think a man whose wife and children are being threatened is probably something a bit more fierce and...dangerous. The comment made her smirk, but at the same time admire the protectiveness he felt toward family. From everything he had told her so far family was clearly very important to him, which was a very good trait to have in Phoebe's eyes.

His loud laugh at her comment about her typical males and her family made her chuckle and grin, happy that he found amusement in a situation that she should probably take more seriously but never did. "Well, not yet," she replied teasingly before giving him a wink, only to dissolve into giggles yet again.

She was pleased to see him hop up to follow her, turning her attention back to watching where she was going. He was soon side by side with her, his shadow shading her just from his standing next to her. It really was kind of incredible how tall he was. "Just nosing around I suppose," she replied, glancing up at him before scanning the area around her for anything interesting. She didn't figure anything would be out here, but there could be some kind of surprise. "I could go for a bite to eat if we run across something," she added absently, noticing she was a little hungry from the swim over and just the general length of time since she had eaten last. It would at least give them something in particular to look for. As they padded along through the quiet, beautiful island, she kept catching herself glancing at him instead of the scenery or looking for prey to catch. In her mind he was much more interesting than any island.




4 Years
Extra large
04-09-2014, 11:21 PM

Well, not yet, came her teasing response as he caught the wink she gave him, her giggling overtaking his ears once again. Not yet? So there's a possibility I could get on the list? He asked with mock shock, knowing that that probably wasn't the case but figuring there was no reason he couldn't play along with her. This was the first time in a really, really long time that the titan could actually be relaxed around another wolf. He didn't feel the need to be quiet and stoic like he usually was. He was laughing and joking with Phoebe, as if he'd known her his entire life as opposed to the few short minutes they'd spent together so far. It was such a natural thing to be like this with her, it was rather refreshing for Conan. It was a change and it was one that he didn't necessarily mind, as long as it was Phoebe who was causing it.

Just nosing around I suppose. I could go for a bite to eat if we run across something. He would give her a quiet rumble to show that he was listening, but something had caught his attention. Though he would be happy to oblige her for something to eat, there was something off about the air around him. He had sensed it once they'd crossed the treeline and had begun to move deeper towards the heart of the island. There was a presence, as if someone was watching them, making the hackles on Conan's neck stand stock straight. His entire body tensed up, his posture becoming rigid, his lips curling back every so slightly to reveal the tips of his fangs. Someone was watching them and he didn't like it one bit. Velvety nostrils would quiver as the pair moved along, trying to identify the scent of the thing that was watching them. There was a faint whiff of feline, but it was hard to tell with all the other scents mixed in with it. Sharp ruby gaze would scan the foliage around them, trying to spot the potential feline that was stalking them.

Had he known the cat had been watching them since they'd arrived on the island, he would have never allowed Phoebe to get any farther than the beach. Was she even aware that they were being watched? Perhaps not, she didn't seem like she was on her guard much. But it was a good thing he was. There was a flash of movement from the corner of his right eye and before his mind could fully process what was happening, the behemoth had managed to launch himself straight over Phoebe's back, powerful jaws gaping wide as a feral snarl ripped from his throat. The feline jumped from its hiding place, looking to take the smaller female wolf as its prey but much to its frustration the bigger one anticipated its movement, coming at it straight in the air to meet head on. The two beasts collided in mid-air, snarls filling the air as the two snapped at each other, looking to get a hold on the other, Phoebe momentarily forgotten.

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10 Years
Athena I
04-09-2014, 11:48 PM

They padded along in silence, Phoebe content for the moment to just enjoy the scenery and look for some lunch. They had done quite a bit of talking already so she thought it was good to just enjoy each others company for a bit, besides the fact that if they were talking they were more likely to scare off any prey.

She went quite a while without looking up at him, but when she finally did, she was surprised by what she saw. He looked completely tense, his hackles raised and his eyes searching the area around them. Seeing him like that immediately put her on edge, the defenses that she had kept down coming up instantly. Her silver gaze darted around her and her nostrils flared as she tried to figure out what was bothering him. She had just opened her mouth to ask when he suddenly leapt in a flash of movement. He went sailing clear over her back in a flurry or snarls, Phoebe scrambling back and out of his way. She finally laid eyes on what it was Conan had noticed way before it was even on her radar, a large feline who had apparently tried to attack her while she wasn't paying attention. She was so grateful to have had Conan there since she might not had survived the surprise attack on her own.

Her ears pinned back to her head and her heart pounded in her chest as she watched, feeling helpless on the sideline. She wanted to help, but she honestly felt like she would be in the way more than she would be a help. Instead she dropped down into a defensive position, ready to jump in if Conan needed her to, though she was almost positive he wouldn't.




4 Years
Extra large
04-28-2014, 11:42 AM

With Phoebe out of the line of fire, Conan could concentrate on fighting the feline off. Despite his massive size and fighting experience, the fight with the feline was not easy. They were nearly evenly matched, though the cat had sharper claws and longer teeth on its side, as well as its more extensive muscle mass. But the life of his companion was at stake and that gave Conan iron-clad determination to defeat his adversary. And defeat him he did. He didn't kill the beast, but he injured it enough that it realized the effort to get the little wolf was not worth it. With a final swipe to the sooty man's face, the feline would retreat back into the safety of the tree-line, its blood leaving a trail behind it. Conan would watch the spot where it had disappeared, blood oozing from his extensive injuries, wanting to make sure that it was really gone for good. Only when he was sure that it was did he turn back to face Phoebe.

Worry creased his features, even as his body collapsed beneath him, he would not allow his gaze to leave the little woman. He could feel his body ache, each slash and bite throbbing painfully. It didn't hurt too bad, he was used to pain, but that didn't mean it was exactly comfortable. He had protected Phoebe, which meant that it was all worth it. How was the woman faring? He would incline his head towards her, silently motioning for her to come closer. He wanted to check up on her.

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10 Years
Athena I
04-28-2014, 09:12 PM

It seemed like an eternity before the feline finally gave up and ran into the bush, the blood trail it left behind it a testament to how badly injured it was. Phoebe's silver gaze flickered over to Conan, seeing all the wounds that he had accumulated as well and the blood that dripped from him. Her eyes immediately went back to the spot where the cat had disappeared, rage flaring up in her belly. Part of her wanted to race after it and finish it off, but then she heard a soft thud. Her gaze went back to his large form and her gaze softened with worry.

"Conan..." she whispered, quickly closing the distance between them, looking closely at his wounds. She didn't think any of them were fatal, but they certainly were nasty looking. She didn't even register the fact that he was looking at her with worry, all she could think about was him and his wounds. She suddenly felt frustrated with herself for not knowing any healing techniques to help him. She had only been taught the very basics when she was younger and they had never interested her much so she had never paid the lessons much attention. Her gaze found his again, her eyes clearly showing her worry.

She couldn't help but feel responsible. If she hadn't let herself get so caught up in chasing after him and hadn't let her guard down she wouldn't have been surprised to the point of uselessness. She let her legs fold under her as well, laying nose to nose with him, unsure of what to say. She felt guilty, worried, and helpless. But, in a strange way, she also felt proud of what he had done and even more attracted to him for risking his life to protect her even though she was practically a stranger. "Thank you," she whispered, a weak smile coming to her muzzle.




4 Years
Extra large
04-28-2014, 09:47 PM

Panic would rise up in the brute's chest as he watched Phoebe run towards the spot where the cat had disappeared. What was she thinking?! He stirred, trying to bring his legs beneath him to move towards the woman, not wanting her anywhere near the predator, but he would cease his efforts to stand once she moved away and came towards him. Conan would heave a sigh of relief, glad that she hadn't gone after the injured feline; he wasn't sure how much more he could take. Of course if the beast came back he would protect the woman with his life, regardless of how injured he was, but he really preferred to avoid another confrontation with the creature.

Conan... would come her quiet voice as she moved towards him, the concern that he was giving to her reflected in her silver eyes. It was...strange to see someone concerned about the behemoth. He was clearly more then capable of taking care of himself but it was nice to see that someone was concerned about his well-being. As he gazed up at her, he could slowly begin to feel the blood that was seeping out from all his wounds, especially the ones across his face. The damn thing had reopened his scars and now fresh crimson liquid oozed down his muzzle, making it seem like he was crying bloody tears. When his scars healed over once again, they would be much deeper set than before, more gruesome to look at. Not that he really cared, he'd practically been living with them for so long that he forgot he had them. A brush against his paw would bring his gaze down, noticing that his tooth necklace was relatively unharmed. It was bathed in blood, but other than that it had held out during the fight. Small token of victory.

Thank you. The sudden closeness of their bodies would bring his gaze back up to her silver once, ears flitting forward to catch her words, a small smile creasing her lips. His own weak smile would curl his sooty jaws, something more of a grimace since smiling stretched the gashes across his face. There is no need, I would do it time and time again to make sure that you were unharmed. he would state truthfully, plume wagging behind him gently as a confirmation to his statement.

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