
Do you wanna build a snowman?



7 Years
04-09-2014, 07:46 AM (This post was last modified: 04-09-2014, 07:51 AM by Kassander.)
Basing this like 4 weeks IC after birth? For any of Ebony

A yawn from the small pup's muzzle followed as his blurry sighted eyes blinked open. He gazed around the den seeing nothing but blobs of stuff. "MAFRMA?" He called out to his mother with curiosity. The first born son and general first born of Raisa wanted his mother's attention but he wasn't too sure. He attempted to stand up, his legs wobbly as he did so and his eyes held nervousness. The puppy blue eyes that would soon change to their heterochromatic selves were filled with nervousness. He hoped that some of his other siblings might also awaken so he could play with them or something. He placed one foot in front of the other, every time he wobbled with the threat of falling on his rump or on his face. It was then he felt a leg and he tripped over it. One of his siblings must have moved in their sleep.

The prince drew a breathe as he attempted to push himself up but to no avail. He ended up just laying there for a while with his legs spread apart on each end and the bottom of the snout rested upon the dirt. He wrinkled his muzzle and waited for someone to help him up. He had, at that point, given up on trying.



5 Years
04-09-2014, 07:56 AM

All around her resting bodies lay, curling together against the mild chill of the new season. The rise and fall of chests, the rustling sounds of breathing, the smell of her children... It was distinctly comforting, and a warm emotion Raisa never suspected she would know before that fateful day on the lakeside. A small voice intruded on her thoughts, and she realized she was not the only one awake. "Yes, little one?" She kept her voice low, little more than a purr so as not to unduly disturb the others. She looked up just in time to see her firstborn tumble back down. She smiled softly at him and his desolate state before reaching over to lick him atop the head. "Restless, are we?" The sooty queen knew that she too would be going wild after a month cooped up in a den, never mind that she knew her children did not remember most of it. They had only just recently opened their eyes, only just now started to walk. Raisa turned her nose towards the entrance of the den, breathing deeply. She smelled no rain, nothing that might pose a problem. Perhaps today was the day she would gather them up and take them into the outside world for the first time. The thought was distinctly exciting and it brought a broader smile to her lips.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!



3 Years
04-09-2014, 08:06 AM

Valeriya woke with a start, at the sound of voices. She groaned and flopped over, trying to pin down her ears with the pads of her paws, desperate to block out the noise and return to sweet, sweet sleep. But after a second voice broke in, she figured it was a futile effort. She opened bleary, sapphire eyes and glared at the nearest offender, which was apparently the rear end of a sibling. Val sat up with a huff and noticed her brother laying about near by, eyes blinking and consciousness clearly upon him. "Loud mouth, some of us like sleeping." With a flop she fell back to the ground. Absently, she wondered if she'd be able to make it any closer to her mother's side for warmer cuddles.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
04-09-2014, 08:13 AM
-Spews random facts :3-

Kassander heard the words from his mother and he tried his darnedest to comprehend them. A bit restless? He was asked and he thought about it. "Yesh marfma." He said with a shake of his head up and down. He had picked up some small things. He looked to the dark blurry form of his mother. His mother had licked his head too and that was a small sense of comfort to him. He had been careful to try and make his voice as clear as possible while he tried to push himself up again, this time succeeding. He took a deep breathe and stumbled again to by his mother. "Shut up, Vlaerkyia." He hissed at his sister when she tried to talk smack to him. His eyes narrowed slightly at the blurry form.

He wrinkled his nose and looked at his mother. "Marfma, Vlaerkyia is being mean!" He said as he searched for his mother to tell her to knock it off or something. He was a 4 week pup and that made him proud. Pups would now weigh 5-6 lbs. The growth of adult hair around nose and eyes is now apparent, and their high-pitched howls gain strength and volume. Mothers may now leave den for hours to hunt. Play and dominance fights among siblings begin. At 1 month old, puppies fully enter their "toddler" stage. They are able to recognize and respond to their names and will, from this point onward, continue to expand their vocabulary. Simple commands and instruction can also be comprehended and may be subject to repetition by echolalia and attempts to fully understand the word or phrase. At the end of this phase they should be able to complete two-word sentences.



5 Years
04-09-2014, 08:26 AM

It was soon apparent that they were disturbing the others, as her firstborn daughter and heir sat up, clearly in a temper. Raisa was not sure whether to chuckle or sigh, so she did both. "Valeriya, be kind. It's an hour past dawn anyways, time to get up." Raisa began nosing around the den, doing her best to jostle the other children into an awakened state. It was time, she'd decided, for them to see the world and meet her pack in their entirety, if the other members were so available. She stood slowly, careful to make note of where each little body lay. "Come along children, time to face the day." She smiled down at her creations, each so unique and precious to her. She did not mind that they did not know their father, they had an entire pack to father them, as well as Virgil, who had promised to see them as her own, just as Raisa would see the Olympian pups as objects of her own affection. Raisa leaned over to nudge Valeriya, ushering her to her feet. "The day grows old while you sleep it away." Raisa smiled and made her way towards the entrance of them den, wanting to be at it's mouth when her children saw the world for the first time. It would not be for long, she knew. Most likely only a breath of fresh air before she ushered them back within, away from the cold. Still, it was precious none the less.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!



2 Years
04-09-2014, 04:37 PM

A light growl slipped from Sigmarr's maw as he rolled over onto his other side. He was lost in sleep and dreams where he he was a mighty and revered hunter, taking down his hapless prey and he didn't want to wake. Not yet. He could hear the voices of his mother and siblings but no he wanted to sleep!

Rats? he couldn't get back to sleep once he'd been stirred so and it seemed mommy wanted them out and about. Ice blue eyes opened and blinked the sleepy dew away before he rose to shaky paws. With a yawn Sigmarr smiled at his momma and walked toward her in a flailing zigzg, little tail wagging as he tried to get over to her. "Can we go out!" he flopped unsteadily at Raisa's feet, staring up at her as he made more of a demand then a question. He was tired of being cooped up in the den.

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
04-09-2014, 05:15 PM

Sindri slept like the dead. Her mother's nosing merely rolled her to the side. "Mmm..guh..." Squirming, the pup rubbed the left side of her face into the dirt before going still. Her lips ballooned out before releasing a soft puff of air, the sound followed by a tiny cloud of displaced dirt. If it were up to her, Sindri would sleep all day. She liked nothing more than feeling warm and being snuggled up next to her siblings.

The sounds of her siblings rousing pulled the small pup from sleep slowly. She was reluctant to let it slip away and lay with her eyes pinched shut for many moments. When at least it was clear that she couldn't continue sleeping, Sindri rolled over onto her belly and stretched, tiny mouth flinging open in a jaw unhingingly wide yawn. Blinking bleary eyes in the direction of her mom, Sindri tried to focus on what was happening. Was her mom leaving? No...the others were following her. Her gaze sharpened. Were they going...outside?

Not wanting to get left behind, Sindri flopped and wobbled her way to her mother, crashing into Raisa's back left heel as her unsteady legs failed her. Sigmarr beat her to it and without thinking, Sindri parroted his demand before tacking on her own question. "Can we go out! Momma, we're going outside?"

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
04-15-2014, 07:45 PM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2014, 07:46 PM by Svetlana.)
{{Ooc:: The fox kit is Svetlana's companion, Korrin. xD Cute little babus meeting babus.}}

There were two very wonderful things that Svetlana had come to appreciate in her young life. The first was sleep. The action was blissful, beautiful dreams entering her young mind of the night and during her naps during the day. In those dreams anything could happen, so many wonderful and beautiful things. Her favorite dreams were those in which she had beautiful wings. She was dreaming now, even as her siblings started to stir... or two of them.

A large dark shape, dark as the night sky would approach. It had bright red eyes, a sign of evil, though the young girl knew not of such a thing... not exactly anyway. He appeared almost wolfish... with a large, empty, gaping mouth. It looked... pained... and there was a dark look in it's eyes. He would approach Svet, the young angel of the dream world she had created. It would speak, begging to be saved. From what she did not know, but the creature wanted help, and Svet would respond to it.

This was how many of her nightly dreams were... saving different creatures that came to her in her dreams. She would take their darkness, her pale body becoming darker and darker, even her once pure white wings were covered with black. Svetlana would reach out, touching her nose with his own. The creature's darkness would fade, his body becoming pure white, while her own grew darker, the last of her color wiped out by the black. A strange tiredness would overcome her... and her eyes would slide closed, body falling to the earth... still. So very still... and when she opened her eyes she would be looking at herself. Bi-colored eyes would widen with fright...

The nudge of her bother startled Svetlana out of her sleep. The pale mini-Raisa would jolt her head up as a squeak of fear left her. She would look around worriedly. What a relief it would be when she saw the den of her siblings and mother. The chubby pup would get up on short legs, calming herself down. It was just a weird dream... and her momma waking her up. She would look to them all again. Out...? While her other siblings asked if it was really true they would be going out into the world the little pup would take matter into her own paws.

Giggling excitedly she would make an awkward stumbling run out of the den, rushing past all of them. "Go go!" She didn't get far out of the den, however, before she tripped, body tumbling over the form of another creature, a yip of fear filling the air. But the cry was not that of a wolf. As young Svet turned her head to see what she fell over she would see a young fox kit upon the grass, cowering down on it's belly in front of her.

The little creature had black fur, though silvery-white covered her face and her inner ear fur. Her throat and a spot on her chest, as well as her paws, were also a snow white. The poor thing was scared and a bit malnourished, her body skinny even for one of her kind. Gray eyes of the little creature were focused on Svet, who upon seeing how skinny the little creature was, thought there was only one solution. She would call to her mother, little tail wagging.

"Mamma mamma lookit! Its a babu Koros! I thinks she needs a breffast!" Her stomach would rumble. Yeah... that was the other thing Svetlana really enjoyed. Food.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]



5 Years
04-21-2014, 06:58 AM

The mere mention of the outside world seemed to have placed her children in somewhat of a frenzy. With a chuckle, Raisa watched as one head popped up from sleep after another. She had seen her pups lay unmoving, dead to the world for hours, and this was truly a sight to be seen. Before she could open her maw once more to confirm or deny their wishes, Svetlana was up on her paws. "Go, go!" she called, and she went. The queen opened her mouth to call the small girl back, but only sighed instead. She rose to her paws, a gentle smile on her face as said, "Well what are you waiting for? You can't let her have all the fun." With that the woman turned and wormed her own way up and into the surface world. It had been quite some time since she had been able to walk unburdened, to stretch her legs and have faith that her children would not perish without her, if only for a short while. The autumn morning was crisp, but not uncomfortable. It smelled of leaf litter and skittering small things, of the snows to come and the faint thrill of the world readying itself for sleep. Another year had nearly passed. She heard her adventurous daughter crying out for her, in a fit of apparent excitement, and began to make her way over to investigate.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!



3 Years
04-21-2014, 08:29 AM

It seemed to Val that sleep was a possibility lost to her now. The idea that she might be able to slip back into her dreams was more and more unlikely, and so she rose. Her bleary eyes cleared just in time to see her younger sister, Svetlana, dash towards the den entrance. A broad grin split the young girl's maw and she dug her hind paws into the earth, propelling herself forward. In her hurry she jostled amongst something, be it mother or sibling she wasn't sure, but she also didn't mind. There was a whole world waiting for her out there! The closer she got to the mouth of the den, as she scrabbled up the slight incline, the crisper the air grew. It took on a sharp, bold essence, and sent shivers down her spine. It was so... so... It wasn't a feeling she'd ever known before. The air was uncomfortable to her somehow, where as the den's atmosphere had always swaddled her in comfort. She only had a moment or two to stand at it's mouth, nose quivering, before Svet called out. Valeriya's ears perked and she dashed towards the sound of it. In awe, she looked down at the tiny creature before her sister's paws. Her mother had told them all of Koros, of the fox who served her, now out roaming the lands in search of a mate of his own. Was he this small? It seemed to her that he would be no help at all if he was. "Momma, come look!" Val crowed, adding her voice to Svet's.

"Talk" "You" Think


04-21-2014, 09:58 AM
OOC: I hope you don't mind if I throw Adelaide into this. I need to get her more involved with Ebony. She's very nice and enjoys children, so Raisa has nothing to worry about. ;)


Adelaide was wandering the rock garden with the intentions to gather a few helpful herbs when several sounds began tugging at her attention. She dropped a few bitter leaves at her feet and placed a paw over them to keep the wind from blowing them away. Her blue eyes moved quickly, searching for the source of the noise. As it turned out, there was more than one source. Raisa came to the surface, bringing her adorable children on a day of exploration. Adelaide felt her lips spreading into a smile as the fluffy little creatures began pouncing around. Their high voices made the young woman chuckle. They were absolutely beautiful, just as she had expected.

One of the pups spotted a stray fox kit and began sniffing at it, calling to her mother to come see. Curious, Adelaide approached the kit as well, leaving the herbs behind for now. Her dark nose searched the black fox curiously, noticing that it seemed frightened and malnourished. She stepped away as more of Raisa's children began to investigate, mind working over the possibility of feeding the fox kit. Perhaps she could give it a bit of medicine as well, give it a better chance of survival...

At last, the white maiden looked up at her queen, giving her a respectful bow. "Wonderful to see you this morning, Raisa. How are you? I can see your children are doing well." The last phrase came with another sweet laugh. Really, the pups were adorable. She watched them for a while, her heart somehow aching for children of her own. But no, Adelaide needed to focus on her job as a Sola Knight first. She would work her way into the ranks before settling down. Didn't she owe that much to her dead mother?




04-21-2014, 10:31 AM

Its been quite some time since he had seen Raisa; infact it was time to meet all of her little children! he had yet to see any of them, he could only think of how gorgeous they would all be, The weather had calmed down in its heat rush; and now it was time to relax in the mild, calm breeze that today would thankfully bring. He would stride towards Raisa's resting area, his ebony locks bouncing up and down with every movement he shall make. Recently, Some of the members had been slacking, and Vaughan would be sure to change that with a meeting to come, Afterall they all needed it. Raisa needed time of to recover and nurse the children, So vaughan would be sure to hold more responsibility then normal, even if it wasnt requested. His mismatched gaze would lock upon each pup there, a grin pulling upon the edge of his oynx lips. Sneeking up beside Raisa he would give her a short, but affectionate lick on one of her ears, glad to see her. " Oh, so these are your little cuties?" He'd chuckle, looking upon them individually, he knew they'd grow up to be fine royals, each with there own personality. One had caught his attention the most, the cute chubby one. His tail would wag eagerly before whispering to his friend " That chubby one with the light blue eyes is adorable, Did you make her like that especially for me?" In that moment, he looks like a naive little teen, excited at the fact he can teach them and watch them grow. His attention would go towards Adelaide for a moment, Nodding once in greeting " Its nice to see you about adelaide, how are you fairing? Do you like Ebony?"

image by Luisiana



3 Years
05-01-2014, 07:08 PM

Her mother was coming, and already her firstborn sister was coming to investigate the little creature at her paws. The black fox kit was still watching her with fearful eyes... The poor little thing. Svetlana would get down on her belly, smiling at the little creature. ?Its gonna be okies. I?m Svetlana... ?kay?? The fox would give the slightest nod of her head, looking to the other pup that was close now.

?That?s mah sissy. She?s Valeriya. She won?t hurt you... And I won?t eiver.? There were other adults coming up too, talking to her mom. With surprise Svetlana would watch the little fox kit scoot closer and press close to her, whimpering softly.

?Wolves no eat Korrin?? The little creature had such a tiny voice, and Svet would quickly shake her head in response. ?Uh-uh. You?re safes Korrin. I keep you safes.? She would look to her littermate now. ?You?ll be nice to her too right?? She didn?t think Val would do anything, but it was more to give the fox verbal reassurance that everything was going to be okay.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]



7 Years
05-02-2014, 04:53 PM

Kass had been sitting in the back of the birthing den that he was accustomed to as he observed his siblings. They were all rather curious wolves now weren't they? Svetlana had found herself a friend who was a fox or something of the such. He was interested in how they reacted and played with each other. He, unlike others, was only curious as to how they worked, not what they were like. It was from that age he would try to contain his anger when his sister called him out with verbal abuses, it was then that he decided he didn't want to hurt any wolf, no matter if he had before or not.

"Ma, I don't have to fight will I?" He asked her with curiosity, he had heard tales of great warriors. But he didn't want to be a great warrior, he wanted to be something else, something different. He stood up on his paws as he awaited his mother's response to his question. He thought about it some more, weighing the pros and cons like a little nerdy prince and decided it was definitely worth not fighting ever.



5 Years
05-09-2014, 02:14 PM

Her son's question caught the woman slightly off guard, but she was no less willing to answer for all that. She smiled down at him and chuckled, the corners of her eyes crinkling with her smile. "My son can do whatever he wishes! If that is waging wars and winning glory, so be it. And if he would rather sit with the sages and teach the young and tend to the sick, it is no less noble a cause." She turned once more to follow in Svetlana and Valeriya's tracks, but before she could pinpoint her errant children, two new voices broke into their morning affair. Raisa looked up to see a young woman, by the name of Adelaide if memory served, trailed closely by Vaughan. The woman she had seen in passing of course, but had not gotten to know overly well since her admission. Vaughan on the other hand was a sight for sore eyes, and she beamed at them both. "Only their first time out of the den and they're already causing trouble!" Raisa chuckled, both at the situation and Vaughan's implication that one of the children was made just for him, and continued on her way towards the scrub her youngest and oldest had disappeared into. "What've you got there, love?" Parting the flora with a paw, Raisa revealed two pups and a kit, the latter constricting her heart with the force of powerful memories. Koros...

She watched in silence as Svetlana introduced herself, and as the kind girl swore not to bring the creature to harm. It occurred to the queen that perhaps there were other kits around. It would do well for her heirs to have stewards of their own, as their ancestors had before them. Raisa lifted her nose to the wind, but to her disappointment, found nothing. The queen brought her gaze back to the gathering before her. "Svet, if you plan to care for Korrin, it will be a lot of responsibility. Are you sure that's what you want?" Some wolves used foxes as play things, in that they were terribly cruel to them before ending their lives, and not even for the want of food. That was not a course any Xanilov wolf would take under her guidance, not that she believed Svet would stoop to such cruelty, but rather she wished the best for any vulpine creature in her family's care.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!



2 Years
05-10-2014, 05:26 PM

As soon as Svet was out of the den Sigmarr came tumbling after. He frizzed up when he saw the little black thing. What the heck was that. It was like a tiny wolf? Sigmarr padded over to sniff it and wrinkled his nose. "What the heck is it, momma. It smells weird!" Sigmarr reached out a paw to poke it then jumped as the creature spoke. A Korrin? So the thing was a korrin. Ok?. "Doesn't it got a momma somewhere?" He felt suddenly sad for it that it didn't have a momma.

Suddenly more wolves appeared. He bounded over to them. "Hi I'm Sigmarr! Who are you?"

"Talk" "You" Think

gotta run sorry!!!!



3 Years
05-14-2014, 01:25 PM

Svetlana would look up, tail wagging some as she saw her mom. Until she noticed the sad look upon her mother?s face. The pup would lower her ears, tilting her head to the side in confusion. Why did her mommy suddenly look pained? Her mommy seemed to be lost in though, so Korrin went back to playing with Korrin, speaking softly to the kit. After a short while her mother would talk to her again, and the girl would look up, giving a sure nod. ?Yes mommy... I wanna makes her happy an? keeper safe.?

Svetlana would look up to her mom, tail wagging just a bit. Korrin would look up to Raisa now, small ears twitching. The woman looked a lot like the pup that sat in front her now. The little kit would get to her feet, looking first to Svetlana and then to Raisa. ?Korrin thinks that Svet tells the truth, Woman...? She would frown, unsure if the female would take offense to her odd manner of speaking. ?Korrin is sorry if how Korrin speaks is odd, Woman. She means no offense by it... May Korrin have Woman?s name??

She would look to the other pup now, the one that had poked her. She would frown, tilting her head to the side. ?Korrin is a fox... And Korrin does not smell funny." At the mention of her momma the kit would give a sigh. ?Korrin doesn?t have Mum anymore. Mum got attacked by coyotes... Dad died too... Korrin doesn?t know what happened to Korrin's littermates. They weren't there when Korrin went to check.? Svetlana would look back to her mother after Korrin spoke, eyes shining in hopes her mother would tell her she was allowed to help Korrin and keep her around the pack.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]