
our tiny souls


04-09-2014, 05:08 PM (This post was last modified: 04-09-2014, 05:08 PM by Victoria.)


04-09-2014, 05:37 PM
The dame would enter the dark forest, expecting the sight of many wolves. Her auds flicked as eerie hoots and howls filled the air, her cyan irises narrowed. The dame was not afraid of this forest, as she still carried herself with much pride as she could muster. Her elegant pillars worked quickly to lead her amongst the tangle of thorns and bramble. Lifting her crown, the dame inhaled, looking to scent any wolf. She could smell many, each scent clashing with one another. Along her back, her hackles rose as her body slid back, in a hostile posture as she growled to herself. "Good job, Victoria. You've gotten yourself in pack territory. Possibly a hostile pack as well." The lady swiveled her ears forward once more as she heard the crunch of leaves, watching silently as a small mouse scurried amongst the cover. She awaited a response to her presence, thinking to herself. This pack may be hostile, but I could challenge its leader to prove my strength and join it. Then I can train with them to become stronger, and then I can not be known as just a humble princess.

Walk | "Talk" | Think

He could scent her. A stranger upon the lands of the dark ones. A grin would twist his features as he continued forward, his form gliding smoothly and quietly over the ground, the haze of the dark forest clouding his steps and silencing his approach. He was good at his, he was an assassin after all. It would only be moments before Sapphire pools would fall on a dame, not much smaller then him though quite different. He would approach with quiet air, speckled and creme pelt moving over the brush and tangled branches as he stepped quietly onto the ground behind her. "Do nach bhfuil i bhfad as an marc sa tuisceana cail?n beag." Rough Irish accent swept through the air, sapphire pools trained on her as he chuckled ominously.

Translation: Your not far off the mark in that assumption little lass.



04-09-2014, 06:11 PM


04-09-2014, 06:35 PM

As the brute approached, the dame stood her ground, still ready to spring if the brute were to threaten her. The lyrics of the brute were obviously foreign, so the dame simply replied, "Sir, I beg your pardon, but could you please use English?" Cyan eyes were trained on the russet male, as she shook her head, relaxing slightly, the fur on her hackles lowering. Her banner became tightly curled about her paws as she sat down, her inky lips moving in such rhythm to train several words. "I have heard of this pack, Elysium, is it?" The dame did not wait for a reply before continuing. "I request to join your pack, and if you do not believe that I am enough to join, I could prove it in a spar." Hungrily, the dame awaited the brute's reply, cyan eyes glinting.

Walk | "Talk" | Think

She had scented the woman and her pelt immediately bristled. Dark lips curled back over fangs. She was trespassing, the fool had wandered inside the borders. The Queen would stalk forward, silently trailing after the woman. It would not take long for the Queen to hear voices. Uisge. A grin tugged at lips, he had intercepted the woman, and she knew he would not let the woman get passed him.

She would listen carefully before making her presence known. The Queen would approach from behind the woman, her paws pressing silently into the earth, possibly starting the woman. "You are in no position to make demands my dear. You have entered my lands without permission." Words were a purr, dripping sickly sweet honey. Coral pools pinned the woman with a sharp stare.

She would move until she stood opposite Uisge, pinning the woman between them. The Queen crown would lifted high, her dominance and authority rolling off her in waves. Eyes remained narrowed, watching the woman's every move. She had invaded the woman's personal space, standing only a few feet from her, looming over her. Lips threatened the curl back, only the tips of her fangs visible.


04-09-2014, 06:54 PM


04-09-2014, 07:27 PM
As the lady approached suddenly, the dame started slightly, then turned to face the newcomer. As the lass' voice poured out, a hungry look in her eyes told the cream colored dame to back off. She did not heed this, and stood her ground, as when the first Elysium wolf had approached. Cyan eyes looked side to side. Thorns and brambles blocked either sides of her, ruining chances of escape. She was caught between two hostile pack wolves, and possibly more. "Ma'am. I understand that I am considered a trespasser as of now." The dame tried to stay calm, a sickening feeling building in her stomach. This would not be the end of her. "I am of no threat to you, I wish to be an ally and to train amongst your ranks. I can prove my strength and worth." As she finished her phrasing, cyan eyes were trained on the lady's coral irises.

Walk | "Talk" | Think

Dark lips would curl in a sneer, she seemed to attempt a demand from him and he would not respond to her request. He didn't have to, she was an outsider and he a pack wolf. His native tongue was not english, and although he could speak it, he preferred to keep his victims guessing or unknown to his intentions. She would continue to talk, the male listening with boredom clear in his eyes and posture. He stood over her, the distance no more then a couple feet, however. And before he made an attempt to respond, his Monarch would arrive. Good. This woman had trespassed, without so much as a courtesy call and now would have to answer to the unforgiving queen. Lips curled ever more as his eyes narrowed slightly, interest suddenly rising.

Cataleya would speak to her then, and Uisge knew all too well what might happen next. His queen would move, and he too would mirror her movements slightly as they boxed in the trespassing female. She could try to run, try to hide...but she wouldn't be able to outrun both of them. Not to mention one little call from either of them would bring more from Elysium, she was on their lands after all. He sneered, sapphire orbs narrowing as the female began to speak again. "Ye're a little late fer tha' now lass..." He purred, as he looked to Cataleya for no more then a brief second, seeking confirmation before turning his attention back to Victora.

Within a moment, his defenses would settle into place. Ears flattened, eyes narrowed, teeth slowly contorting into a snarl as his muzzle wrinkled, baring his fangs to their full extent. Muscles tensed, tail aligned with his spine and his scruff scrunched up as shoulders rolled forward. His head lowered slightly over his throat for protection, though he doubted she could really do anything to him. Legs bent slightly as his toes and claws dug into the ground for traction, and without warning he was off. With her back turned to him, this would be an easy approach. He closed the short gap of distance between them, fangs bared as his mouth opened to deliver a bite once he closed the gap. He would bear down on her, rising slightly onto his hind legs to attempt to wrap his forearms around her waist to try and hold her in place or off balance her. Teeth snaking forward to bite the middle of her back, teeth seeking to tear flesh. If he attained a grip, he would shake his head side to side to cause pain and perhaps tear into her more. He snarled and growled, his intentions to prove to Cataleya with this too, that he was worthy of being here, and perhaps attaining a better rank.

Fight Stats

Round: 1/3?

Defenses: 3rd paragraph

Attacks: attempting to wrap front legs around her waist, and then attempts to bite into the center of her back/spine.

Injuries: N/A

Out Of Character Notes: The position I attempted to set him in would pretty much look like he's mounting/humping her XD so her hind end would be pressing into his abdomen pretty much lol (Sorry. not meant to be dirty, its just the angle he came at.) Let me know if you want 2 or 3 rounds.


04-09-2014, 08:01 PM

The woman tried to talk her way out, to explain that she meant not harm but her pleas fell on deaf ears. She would pay no mind to the woman, instead her gaze would shift to Uisge and he understood perfectly. His defenses would fall into place and he sprung, giving the woman limit time to process. "Good luck my dear." The Queen cooed to the woman, taking a moment to watch.

Her own defenses would settle in, ears pinning against her skull, hackles lifting, her shoulders would roll forward, tail flagging behind her. Limbs would spread, bending to better her place, toes dug into the earth for traction. She would not strike just yet, she would allow the woman time to defend herself against Uisge as he attempt to strike from behind.


04-10-2014, 05:45 AM


04-13-2014, 01:01 AM
The dame almost heard the brute's approach, twigs snapping. Her reflexes had her bend downward, lowering her crown to avoid the launch, but only narrowly missing the brute's powerful bite, instead of her spine, the snap had struck her shoulder. Blood began to trickle from the wound, as her body stiffened, her ears pinning against her head. Sharp white ivories began to show as she wrinkled her muzzle. Cyan eyes were trained on the brute as she scanned the area for places to jump onto, in attempt to land on him and deliver a harsh blow from above, where the brute could not reach her with his fangs. A rock came into view, as the dame's pillars worked quickly to lead her to it, leaping onto the rock gracefully, only wincing when she landed due to pressure with her sore shoulder. Pillars gracefully leaped from the rock and toward the brute's back, where she would then plant her teeth at the brute's neck and shoulders, hopefully managing the blow while keeping poised as if she would be shaken off. Cyan eyes were on the other lady in the arena, waiting to see if she would make any moves.


Round: 1 of 3

Attacks: Leaping on Uisge's Back, bite to neck and shoulders

Defenses: Dodging launch from Uisge, keeping on her toes if she gets shaken off by Uisge, watching Cataleya for any movement.
OOC; some sticky situation. XP. Victoria vs. Two Elysium Wolves.

Teeth would somehow snap onto unintended target, though it was better then nothing. There had been a flurry of movement, sapphire pools watching as the woman suddenly seemed to teleport all over the place. Defenses would remain in place, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, tail aligned, body held low to the ground, knees bent, abdomen tensed, shoulders rolled, head tucked, chin lowered, scruff bunched, and he watched as she leaped from one rock to another. She's a fool to think she can best me! He hissed within the confines of his mind. The wench had thought she could get at him from above...oh how wrong she was.

Bracing himself, the beast would glance slightly upwards and waited for the slightest touch of her body to land upon him. The moment he felt her breath upon the back of his neck and her paws reaching for a grasp, he would push off the ground, his lowered body springing up like a spring on a mousetrap. Head aiming to slam into her snout and face, hopefully breaking teeth and more. His shoulders and back would slam into her air borne body, the maneuver most likely would drive the air from her body and knock her to the ground. To hell if she thought he was dumb enough to let her even get a grip on his back. He was a trained assassin, smarter then the average dog. She would not be getting the best of him. His body would then pivot to face whichever direction she would land. Though it most certainly wasn't on his back. Teeth bared in a snarl as narrowed sapphire orbs watched her. Without hesitation, he would lunge forward, maw open wide in an attempt to bite into her lower shoulder at the base of her chest, wanting to cause pain to the area should teeth latch on. Left shoulder jutting forward in an attempt to knock her down should she get up, and keep her down and grounded.

Fight Stats

Uisge Vs. Victoria

Round: 2/3

Defenses: 1st paragraph

Attacks: 2nd paragraph

Injuries: Mild bruising to the back of his head should his retaliation attack succeed.

Out Of Character Notes:


04-13-2014, 05:26 AM


04-14-2014, 12:30 AM
As the brute pushed up, the dame went airborne once more, the crown of his slamming into her maw. She painfully bit her tongue as she flew, landing on the ground. She slowly pulled herself up, only to be slammed down by the powerful brute once more, his teeth latching onto her shoulder. The dame gave a small whimper, silently screaming in pain. She could not be able to beat this brute. She would have to try. The dame endured the bite, waiting for a chance to strike. She had one advantage over this powerful brute. Speed. Her left shoulder groaning, the lady sprung up quickly and aims to latch onto the man's neck with bloodied ivories, to drive her teeth into the brute's throat. The woman could not set up any defenses while in this position, only keeping her paws on the ground and her front paws on the brute in attempt to stand grounded.


Round: 2/3

Attacks: springing up, biting at Uisge's chest/throat area, latching on.

Defenses: planting her feet to get grounded

Injuries: moderate bite to left shoulder, mild bite to right shoulder.
OOC: eue. Victoria shall not lose to a big man.

He would hit his mark, the male pleased when his head slammed into the intended target. A satisfying sounding of jaws slamming shut before she went flying away from him. It would also seem that his teeth would hit their mark on her (right?) shoulder whilst his shoulder would make its attempted mark and keep her down. Sapphire pools would remain narrowed, shoulders rolled, chin tucked, head over his throat as much as was possible during his initial attack while ears remained flattened. It would seem she'd eventually find her feet, and She would attempt to latch onto his neck, her jaws aiming straight for his throat, however, he would not allow that! With a loud growl, he would turn his body slightly to the right, his left shoulder jutting forward once more, thus causing her bite to land on his upper left shoulder as opposed to his throat. Leaving a mild bite would about 2 centimeters deep as it was mostly bone. A snarl of annoyance would rise through his chest, spit flying from his maw as he hissed with growing impatience. Did she still think she could best him? He was an assassin! He was just as quick on his feet as he was strong, he was no amateur. He was a trained killer, and she would soon come to find that...

Her paws seemed to attempt at finding purchase on him, and he would allow it but for one purpose. With her front paws upon him(At least I assume so, going by what I read in your last post) he would twist his head like a snake as rapidly as possible, jaws aiming to latch onto her left foreleg. If successful, he would bite down and not let go. His aim here was to twist her foreleg, possibly spraining or even fracturing it with the strength of his bite. He was growing impatient here, and it only caused him to grow more violent. Hackles remained up, scruff bunched, and he would then choose to rise up on his own hind legs, abdomen tensing, and attempted to bring his own forelegs on/around her shoulders to keep her in place and limit her movement. He would show her not to underestimate him.

Fight Stats

Round: 3/3

Defenses: 1st & 2nd paragraph.

Attacks: Attempting to bite and hold onto her left foreleg. Attempt to wrap forelegs around/on her shoulders.

Injuries: mild bruising to back of head, bite wound on left shoulder 2 centimeters deep.

Out Of Character Notes:


04-14-2014, 06:05 PM

The Judge


04-15-2014, 09:04 AM
The woman was shaken off. Thrown on the ground. Wasted... No. Not for this time. She would try her hardest to defeat this man. Obviously her chances were low in winning against this trained brute. She would have to think outside of not the movements of hers, but of the movements of the brute. Cyan eyes were trained on the brute as he lurched forward in a near rocking movement as the dame simply stepped backward, avoiding the brute's assault as if it were an inexperienced blow from a pup. Across her face, the brute's large paw slammed against her maw, causing her face to contort with a flurry of rage. Hackles rose, ears pinned, tail flicked, abdomen tensed, bodice bunched, teeth bared. The dame would not give in. Especially not in the watchful eyes of the leader of the pack she had just only recently stepped upon its territories.

The lady swiftly lurched forth in a tease move, instead swerving to the right toward Cataleya's image, then surging forth with all of her weight. She would not be simply chased out of this territory for being weak. She would fight. She would go, with a bang. The woman's bodice careened toward the appaloosa-pelted brute as her bared fangs snapped shut on what hoped to be the brute's throat. If that attack should miss, the dame would then snap again at the brute's windpipe, hopefully crippling him, to give him notice that the dame would not lose, as would the brute give her notice.


Round: 3/3, Finish Fight.

Attacks: 2nd Paragraph.

Defenses: None. She is basically throwing herself at Uisge, and cannot move very much.

Injuries: moderate bite to left shoulder, mild bite to right shoulder.
OOC: This fight should be ready to judge. I'll let Dragon post in the Judging thread.

Uisge Vs victoria for Tresspassing

Round 1

8 for clarity- How much flesh was he aiming to take of her back?

6 for powerplaying. 'With her back turned to him, this would be an easy approach.' You cant just assume her backs still turned, she could have easily changed that, make sure you put in something like 'hopefully she'd still have her back turned to him.'

10 for defenses. + 1 for each

5 for attack. +3 for bite, +2 for shaking head to worsen.

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Uisge Total: 39/50


0 for clarity- -2 for 'narrowly missing the brutes jaws?' how slight? It lacks detail, how much was taken of her shoulder -1. -2 which direction did she try to take when jumping to a rock -3 How much time did she spend searching for somewhere, Fights happen very quickly. -2 which shoulder did he bite?

8 for powerplaying. -2 for 'plant her teeth at the brute's neck and shoulders' you need to put a ' attempts to plant her teeth etc'

2 for defenses. + 1 for pinned ears, +1 for teeth bared,

3 for attack. Notes

7 for injuries.-3 for bite to shoulder

Round one Victoria Total: 20/50

Round 2


4 for clarity- -2, its rather unrealistic to feel a wolfs breath when they try to jump at you, it all happens to fast to really realise. -2 'brake teeth and more' What is the more? -2, how big was the bite that he was trying to make on her shoulder/chest?

8 for powerplaying. -2 'His shoulders and back would slam into her air borne body' you should put something like 'attempt or most likely slam into'

10 for defenses. +1 for each

7 for attack. +3 for attempting to slam into teeth +1 for attempted maim. +3 for attempting to bite leg shoulder/chest area

7 for injuries. -3, the impact the head would make would be extremely painful.

Round two Uisge Total: 36/50


6 for clarity- -2, how did she get up so easily? You need to explain how you'd overcome Uisge. -2 How big was the bite he gave to the shoulder?

10 for powerplaying. none seen

0 for defenses. None stated, having front paws on the brute could unbalance her

4 for attack. +3 for attempting to latch onto neck, +2 for vital area -1 for the unrealism of getting herself up while Uisge latches onto her shoulder

3 for injuries. -3 for bite to shoulder, - 2 for impact from Uisges head, -2 for sore jaws.

Round two Victoria Total: 23/50

Round 3

5 for clarity- -3, its a lot of movement to miss the jaws by shoving his shoulder up. -2, which part of her leg did he try to bite down on, bottom top center?

10 for powerplaying. none seen

3 for defenses. +1 for each seen[7]. -2 for leaving scruff vunerable. -2 for lifting front legs up which would cause him to unbalance

5 for attack. +3 for bite, +2 for trying to limit movement

7 for injuries. -3 for bite to shoulder

Round three Uisge Total: 30/50


6 for clarity- lack of detail, how did she step back to usiges blow so quickly?

8for powerplaying.'would then snap again at the brute's windpipe' you need an attempt!

5 for defenses. +1 for each seen

3 for attack. -2 for looking at cataleya, theres not enough time to do so. +3 for attempting to bite throat. + 2 for vital area.

6 for injuries. Notes

Round three Victoria Total: 28/50


Uisge: 105/150

Victoria: 71/150

And the winner is...

Uisge! Victoria must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Uisge- Bruised head, bite wound to left shoulder will tak 2 ooc weeks to heal, will scar.

Victoria- Bruised jaw, possibly fractured teeth, will take 3 ooc weeks to heal, bite to shoulder will take 2 ooc weeks to heal.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)
Good fight guys!

For Dragon
make sure you think about the other wolfs attacks, i felt like you took very minimum damage to her counters!

For Victoria
Make sure you reread what you write! I found it very hard to understand at times. Include atleast 5 defenses in each post eg- Ears pinned eyes slit, hackles raised etc. Try not to have so much movement, Fights happen very quickly!

- By [Luisiana]


04-22-2014, 02:11 PM

The male would begin to grow irritated with each passing second. The females inexperience giving him a headache of sorts. He was dealing with an amateur, and he could have easily dispatched her would it have been a different sort of fight. As she came in to lunge at him, he would rise halfway on his hind paws and a heavy left paw would smack her in the face, away from him. A heavy growl would rise as he landed upon all fours again, sapphire pools narrowed as drool dripped from his maw. He wanted to badly to finish her off, but it was not his place to make such a decision. Even so, the irritation had settled into him, and he was not done. He would stalk forward, jaws parted as he stopped, his form towering over her. "Ye should pick ye're fights wisely next time..." He hissed to her. He was not done, however, for he wanted to do more damage. His shoulder bled freely, staining the white on his forelegs as he pondered what to do.



04-22-2014, 03:17 PM

It was not a fair fight, the girl was clearly inexperienced and she could practically feel the irritation rolling off Uisge. In one last act, the male would lift him up, and swat the girl away like a fly. A smirk tug at dark lips as the Queen was amused. This fight was over, so when the male began to stalk forward then Queen rose, taking a step towards him. "That is enough." She didn't raise her voice, just merely met his gaze before turning to woman.

"You have proven yourself well, though you are inexperienced. Either you leave now and don't ever return, at the risk of death, or you join my ranks as a Prisoner, punishment for your trespassing. Continue to prove your worth and you will climb the ranks." Coral pools would watch the woman intently, interested to see what she would decide.

There was no desire to force claim this woman, even though she had trespassed, the stranger took her punishment of fighting a large wolf without so much as a peep of complaint. The Queen would not move, nor would she signal for the rest of her pack to move until this woman had given her answer. "Choose wisely my dear." Soft words rolled like velvet off her tongue, a subtle warning. The silver Queen never forgets a face.


04-22-2014, 04:16 PM


04-22-2014, 04:33 PM

The dame was truly wasted. Her cyan irises dulled from fright and pain. Both of her shoulders groaned as her bodice was slammed into a large stone. She could not run. She could not hide. Cyan pools flickered up at the voice of the silver woman. "...inexperienced." The woman gave in to the thought of giving a small offended growl as the monarch spoke. "Choose wisely, my dear." The dame had clearly not been at the hand of force claiming. A surprise, as she had heard of many wolves who had trespassed and were claimed to be prisoner, punishable by death for escape.

The cream woman slowly picked herself up, velvet ears lowering, eyes submissive, tail between legs, and body arched to appear small. "Your majesty. I still wish to join the ranks of your pack, and I can prove myself worthy of battle. I was..." The woman fumbled for the correct word. When it did play off of her tongue, she continued. "Careless... In that battle. I faced a wolf who clearly was bigger than me, undaunted by him. If that is truly what hides in the heart of a warrior, then I wish to join your ranks, even if I am kept like a prisoner, a slave, a caged bird. I will not make your disappointed in myself again. If I pass a final test after my training, then I wish to fight the russet brute once more, to prove my worth." The dame's eyes flickered to Uisge for a brief second before training themselves onto the coral pools of the silver queen. She laid down on her front paws, in a bowing gesture to the Arcanum queen.

Walk | "Talk" | Think

The pale woman was clearly exhausted, but submission claimed her both as she made herself small before the Queen. Strong words fell from her lips, words that pleased the Queen. At least she knew what she had done, and was now willing to pay the price. After training, this girl would make a fine warrior, already she knew her place, and yet was undaunted by an unbeatable foe. The Queens stepped back, a flick of her tail signaling to everyone else to back down.

"Very well." Coral pools followed the woman as she bowed before the Queen, her own eyes flickering to Uisge. She doubted the man would turn down a second fight with the woman, so the silver woman continued. "Train hard and you will have your wish." Coral gems left the woman, to meet the eyes of her pack before returning to the woman.

The behemoth would turn away, silver limbs carrying her away from the woman, leaving her to the rest of the pack. The Queen had other things to attend to, she was certain that her pack would give the girl a warm welcome. Lips tugged back in a smirk at the thought.

-exit cat-


04-22-2014, 05:58 PM

As the silver queen left the scene, the pale dame could not help but to gaze back at the russet brute with appaloosa spots. Her cyan eyes only spoke of cheerfulness as she spoke, velveteen ears swiveled toward the brute. "Thank you for the fight. I haven't fought and..." Once again, feeling for words, the dame continued. "Enjoyed myself, like that for a long time. I am honored to begin training along you and the other Elysium members, even if I am a prisoner under my own will." White ivories flashed in the darkness in a sly and seductive grin before the pale woman disappeared into the night, not a trace but her scent on the breeze remaining.

- exit Victoria -

Walk | "Talk" | Think