


03-29-2014, 01:59 PM (This post was last modified: 03-29-2014, 02:00 PM by Liberty.)

Something about this foreign cutaway pleaded the woman to betray her initial plans for the night, her fatigued paws dipping into the cool water with a pleased sigh as she waded out until it gingerly licked her ankles. Her azure gaze would look downward as she came to a stop and peered into the water, and as it stilled her reflection would become visible among the blues and greens of the ocean. She would smile at herself, making little faces as she admired her own beauty. She was rather grateful that her mother and father had been so attractive, or she may have ended up an ugly duckling.

The thought brought a burst of laughter from the girl, and her gaze would rise as she looked upward at the swirling mass of stars above her. She would think of her mother now, wondering if she could truly watch her from where she'd gone when she died. Would she be proud of her despite the turmoil she had put Valhalla through, that she had put herself through? Was it all worth it in her mothers eyes, to have this exciting life despite the daily consequences she faced? Could she understand the youths taste for danger and excitement, and respect her for it? She could only hope so, she'd never want to disappoint her mother, though surly she already had with the Valhalla incident. If only she were still here...

She would sigh heavily as her gaze turned earthward, her head tossed over her shoulder as she peered into the forestry behind her. A slight breeze would sway the restless leaves of the palms along the shore, and she would mistake the sound of footsteps approaching with their comforting melody. She unaware of the stranger lurking within the shadows, and so she would turn her head back toward the horizon, her eyes dancing among the waters surface as she watched waves crash in the distance. For once she felt at ease despite the thoughts swirling within her mind, and she would close her eyes as she inhaled the salted air into her lungs, the symphony of crashing waves provoking her mind to draw a peaceful blank.




6 Years
Dragon Mod
03-30-2014, 08:51 PM

It was a magnificent night. Amber orbs glinted brightly within the shadows of the night. He had decided to go out for a walk, leaving Glaciem lands as they did nothing to keep his interest any longer. His father was growing weak and old, and soon his time would come to fall. Sin, however, did not care about him nor anyone else. He cared only for himself and the things he wanted. And tonight, it would seem that chance would give him that. The sands of the cove would come under paw, the bloody beast stalking through across the sands like a tiger through the jungle. Silent and yet he did nothing to hide himself. Why should he? He was not afraid of anything, had no reason to hide. It was absurd to think that he would ever hide from anyone.

And it would also seem, the beast was not alone tonight. For the scent of another was heavy upon the winds. This one, however, intrigued him all the more for it was a female in her heat cycle. A smile curved his lips, would he get lucky tonight? Women on their season seemed more willing to throw themselves at a man, and he was willing to take a woman tonight...willingly or not. Striding forward, he quickened his pace towards the waters as he followed the scent. It would not take long before he finally spotted her, and to his surprise it would be a Glaciem babe he had seen once or twice during meetings, her place usually below everyone else. Though recently she had come to gain rank, and for that he could respect her. That is, depending on what happened this night. "The moonglow upon your pelt does seem to suit you well, lady." He purred as he pulled up beside her, his tail flickering as he offered to her a charming smile.



03-31-2014, 03:36 PM

"The moonglow upon your pelt does seem to suit you well, lady." The sudden eruption of husky words would almost cause the babe to jump out of her skin, her body being propelled toward her right as she sidestepped away from the approaching man. He had managed to take her by surprise, which for a skilled hunter was an insult seeing as her senses were usually on high alert. Her skull would rise past her shoulders and toward the heavens as the overwhelming musk of a Glaciem man filled her lungs, and she would exhale with a relieved sigh. "Thank you stranger, but try not to sneak up on me next time, alright?" She would huff lightheartedly as she waded toward him, salt water kissing her heels as she flicked her tail behind her. She would stop when she had come within a few feet away from him, her neck extending as she inhaled his personal scent, wanting to memorize it for future purposes now that she was an overseer. "Who are you? You smell of Glaciem, but I have not seen you before," She would inquire and pause for a moment, a lighthearted smile quirking her lips as her azure gaze met his bright amber orbs, the charming smile on his lips warming her lascivious core. "my name is Liberty, I am an overseer in Glaciem." She would offer her name in the hopes that he would return his as well, and her rank merely because she was proud of her new title and she deserved to flaunt it. She had earned it after all.




6 Years
Dragon Mod
03-31-2014, 08:25 PM (This post was last modified: 03-31-2014, 08:26 PM by Sin.)

She would turn towards him, requesting something of him that he of course would not heed. A light smirk would play on inked lips, amber gaze studying her form as she continued to speak. It was she that was in heat, and it was he who was in luck this night. She moved towards him from the shallows, the gentle lap of water at her heels fading and diminishing as she approached him, her blue eyes seeking his amber gaze before roaming across his own body. He stood taller, tail curled over his back in a dominant manner, his posture and sense of air emanating power and confidence. He was never one to back down from anything, and being afraid was something unknown to him for it was he that gave fear to others.

She would inquire his name, and it would cause him to raise a brow as he debated an answer. Of course, he would decide to answer. Not because she was of higher rank, but because she might not remember his name after this anyway until their next meeting. "My name is Sin Armada, however, my surname is not important as the one who sired me is diminishing in life." He would respond, a bit of edge and aloofness to his voice. It was true, he cared not for his Sire. For his sire cared not for him. And even so, Sin didn't care much for anyone. He had no children, no one to give his time to. Though he had Arietta, a forced mate, a claimed trophy, she was still just that. A trophy and nothing more. A trophy merely to show what he was capable of. He would hold himself proud, however, as he always did. If only to show a mere display of undeniably attractive air. His pelt would glow in the moonlight, her figure enticing him, yet he remained where he stood. He would play a game, and see if she would give in to the bait. After all, he was sure she was just wanting to give into the desires he too was wanting. "So, what is it that brings one as lovely as yourself out this night?"


You Wear a Crown but You're No King by Blessthefall on Grooveshark


04-11-2014, 10:36 AM

What about your soul, is it cold?
"My name is Sin Armada, however, my surname is not important as the one who sired me is diminishing in life." So, this man was an Armada? Did that mean Isardis had sired him too? She couldn't help but giggle, her eyes rolling in amusement within her skull as she batted her luxurious lashes at him. ""The surname does not matter, the man behind it does." She would comment as she gazed at him, her eyes trailing along his charming pelt that seemed to glow in the moonlight. Her tail would flick lazily behind her, and she would momentarily turn her gaze elsewhere to simply observe the darkness that surrounded as they sat in silence.

"So, what is it that brings one as lovely as yourself out this night?" His words would reel her gaze in, her head turning to face him again as their mismatched eyes aligned. ""Ironically, some peace and quiet- but it seems I've come across you instead. And you, mister Armada? Why are you out and about tonight?" She would inquire, simply because she wanted to keep their conversation going. He didn't seem to be a threat, so there was no need to chase him off, and so the mistress wouldn't worry too much about him or her heat. Big mistake.

Is it straight from the mold and ready to be sold?



6 Years
Dragon Mod
04-23-2014, 06:15 PM

I'm insane, I am smart

All it takes, is a spark, to ignite my bad intentions

And do what I do best to your heart
Amber gaze would fall upon her, soaking in the moonlit maiden. It was her heat season, he could smell it, and it was why he had come out here in the first place. It was not hard to follow her scent, for it was as enticing to him as a moth to a flame. But it would not be him getting burned tonight...A smile would curve his lips ever so slightly, tail flickering with contained amusement at her response. "Well, then you'll be pleased to know that I am more then pleasing in that aspect." He moved forward, stopping just a few short feet from her. He watched her hungrily, even as she turned to gaze at the darkness that surrounded them. This place could be no more perfect, it was secluded, they were alone, the sounds of the waves covering any sounds and drowning out everything else.

The breeze would ruffle his fur, enticing him furthermore with the heated scent of her body. What was he out here for? Well he wouldn't simply tell her his true intentions, no. He would have to twist it a little, work it in his favor...which is exactly what he was good at. "Well, I just came out here for a little game...a hunt, if you will. And now that I've come across you, would you like to join me for dinner? I promise you won't be disappointed with tonight's choice."

Don't be fooled, I was raised by the wolves

Now the moon hangs in full, so you know I won't

Play by the rules


04-23-2014, 07:19 PM

What about your soul, is it cold?
Suddenly he would approach her, diminishing their distance to less than a few feet. She would watch him intently, inquisitive to know why he insisted on being so close. "Well, I just came out here for a little game...a hunt, if you will. And now that I've come across you, would you like to join me for dinner? I promise you won't be disappointed with tonight's choice." Ahhh, so he was a flirt hoping to take her out for a meal? She would giggle lightheartedly, her luxurious lashes batting at him seductively as she gazed into his amber eyes. "Dinner you say? What more do I need to know?" She would coo quietly, her words only audible for his ears alone. She hadn't eaten all day, and if this subordinate male was willing to fetch her some dinner, she would be grateful. She would take a daring step toward him, a sly smile curling her ebony lips as she raised her right brow. "But really, what did you have in mind?" She would inquire before making anymore advances, her azure orbs locked on the amber hued eyes of the brute. Did he plan on them hunting, or was this kill already waiting for them?

Is it straight from the mold and ready to be sold?



6 Years
Dragon Mod
05-05-2014, 08:17 PM

I'm insane, I am smart

All it takes, is a spark, to ignite my bad intentions

And do what I do best to your heart
She was such a toy. A tease. Easy. Naive. The list went on and on. But perhaps it was her true nature, that or her hormones drove her to such lengths. Whichever was the case, he didn't mind. He would get what he wanted in the end. "Perhaps we can talk about it over dinner. I've got just the treat for you, I'm sure you will like what is on tonight's menu." He replied, all his charm pouring into his words. Amber gaze would bore into hers, the want he so desired hidden within the honey glow.

She moved toward him, such a daring girl. His tail brushed his back as it flicked with such dangerous ease, her intent clear, however, his hidden to an extent. He smiled at her, and slowly he would brush past her, his tail sliding across her body, down her neck, across her shoulders, over her back. And he would continue to walk towards the darkness. "I promise you won't be disappointed, I'll be back in a moment." He chuckled lightly, his form dashing into the nearby trees. He had spotted a den of a prey animal he had not had in a while, and he was sure she hadn't tasted it either. Certain prey varied from region to region, and this one he had tasted during his travels and liked quite alot. He would seek out the den quickly, retracing his steps until he had found it. With a satisfied grunt, he waited patiently for the creature to emerge, and luckily it did not take long. It hopped out, leaving the safety of its den. A devilish smile would crease his features, and without hesitation he rushed forward, and he was upon the animal within seconds. The pitiful creature screamed as his teeth closed over its spine, and with one swift movement it was dead. Standing, he moved off in another direction, his plot coming along swimmingly. This girl would not know what hit her. He would stuff the carcass with a herb he knew would render her nearly unconscious, a herb that would be identified as a sort of...undetectable, source. Rohydra, it was quite useful to him.

Once he located it, he would stuff the prey with a small amount; just enough to make her feel the effects. It had no smell, no taste. So she would not know what hit her. He would then return to her, tail and head held high as he caught her in his sights within another short moment. He would place the prey at her feet, muzzle reaching forward to her left ear as a whisper traced its way across her fur. "Bon appetit, darling. Afterwards we can have a"

Don't be fooled, I was raised by the wolves

Now the moon hangs in full, so you know I won't

Play by the rules