
Minute in a heartbeat


04-10-2014, 07:07 PM

Note, that he had said to his sister he did not wish to pull these ranks from the womens clutches. He had decided otherwise, there was no harm in winning or losing for rank. Plus Etern wished to fight and no one had intrigued him enough for anything else as of late. So he would come to the battlefield, his elegant form standing on bloody hills near the newly made cracks from the earth-quake. Rump standing straight as he leveled his spine and arched his head in a call for the one called Liberty. The woman he has seen every now and then, and now he was challenging for her rank as overseer. Etern did hope his sister, Sendoa, would come to watch this as it was needed for someone of higher ranking to watch.
He would stand with evenly spread paws, take into account each and every corner of his surroundings and what he had on his side. With a lack of a tail balance was easier and more fluid with his movements now. Green emerald eyes looked up, as he waited patiently for his opponent to show. It would be a great fun, he respected everyone in glaciem so there wouldn't be any foul play in this. Hopefully nothing personal as well.
ooc: You can decide the number of rounds I'd prefer nothing over four though >.< ^w^



04-11-2014, 10:03 AM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2014, 10:04 AM by Liberty.)

An unfamiliar voice would echo eerily throughout the lands, summoning the newly crowned overseer to a challenge for her rank. The mistress would rise as her legs unfolded beneath her, a sneer creasing her ebony lips as she gradually made her way toward the battlefield, keeping a steady pace so that no energy was wasted during the journey. She did not know who the challenger was, but she could only assume it was one of the lower ranking females fuming with jealousy. How could they not be bitter? She was gorgeous, proficient, and above all, desired. She was now one of the closest women to Isardis- something all the women of Glaciem could only dream about.

As she approached the battlefields border a figure would become visible along the horizon, and the charcoal nymph would elegantly stride toward her challenger, her head raised toward the heavens, and dominance radiating from her very pores. Within a few moments he would become completely visible, and Liberty couldn't help the bemused giggle that left her sweet lips. It was painfully amusing that a male was challenging for her rank, and as she came to a reasonable distance from him (about ten feet) she would stop, her brow furrowing and a bemused smirk gracing her defined features. "You wish to challenge for my rank, subordinate? I admire your determination- but ripping ones newly gained power from her clutches will be no easy task." A meager giggle would seep from her lips as she batted her luxurious lashes at him, her canines gleaming within her toothy smile. "You may begin once you have given me your name. As you already know, I am Liberty Sovari."



04-11-2014, 10:37 AM

The girl would come, with snark comments and confident filled up to her head around her. Which amused him, such a woman surely did deserve the rank of overseer, and he wasn't one to judge after all. He was brother of the crowned couple, he held some sort of special place here unlike the others but he proved to himself that it would not be wasted upon him. Raising his head, wafting off his own radiance of dominance. Brilliant slate blue fur, with a darker blue smile seemingly forever on his face. As he spread out his legs equally, digging nails into the dirt as he watched and listen to her speak. "If it was easy I wouldn't want to try." he smirked, amused by her. "Etern Armada, brother of the king and queen, let's give this a good fight." he said arching his back as he pulled his jowls back in grimace and growled.
The man would bend his knee's, pinning his ears against his head to protect them from any snagging. As well as his stomach muscles tightening for balance, enough for him without a tail. Spine becoming level as his toes dug into the soil launching him forward aiming to protrude his left shoulder into her own. If the made contact his head would swivel and tilt to right as his jaws opened to latch onto her leftside and rib cage, aiming to tear open flesh and expose the underbelly. Also his left leg lifting to sweep her left leg, hoping to lock near her elbow to over throw her.
His head tucked slightly, toes splayed out into the dirt with his eyes narrowed. Scruff rolled upwards to protect his neck from her marling teeth. Spine level with his position and abdomen muscles tightened. Lips pulled back with his exposed fangs as he threatened with deep growls as he initiated his attack.

1/2 for overseer

Attack: Etern's left shoulder will aim to ram into her own left shoulder. Hoping to lock, his head would aim for her side near her stomach and rib cage in a large bite full open jaw snap. His left leg lifting to hook her left and near her elbow in an attempt to also use his weight to flip her to her side and unbalance her. He is straight on her left side.

Defense: Eyes narrowed, spine level, toes splayed into the dirt. Head slightly tucked, ears pinned and abdomen tightened. Scruff rolled forward to protect his neck.

Injuries: N/A

Ooc: Me and Ais agreed on no time limit for the challenge ^w^ let's have a good fight!



04-11-2014, 11:25 AM

It hadn't occurred to her that he would go this far, that is to say - she hadn't imagined he'd take on someone in order to get the rank he thought he deserved. Nevertheless, she wouldn't chastise him for it - he had just as much a right as any to claim the rank of Overseer. In fact, had she had her way she would have given it to him on a silver platter, but she rarely got her way. The Queen hastened to the call, resting a good twenty yards away so as to not become involved in their scuffle. ?Play nicely,? she voiced - a verbal reminder that they shouldn't kill each other - she needed them both alive and able-bodied. A smile flickered across her lips, eager to see the battle take place. It had been a while.



04-15-2014, 01:31 PM

An Armada. She should have guessed it, it was painfully obvious he was a relative, his pelt was practically identical to Sendoa's slate grey, and their eyes were both emerald green. Her brow would quirk in amusement, and she would nod her head in agreement with his terms before her defenses would begin to fall effortlessly into place. Her ears folded flat, her eyes narrowed, her muzzle scrunched, her lips curled to fully unsheathe her fangs, her chin tucked to protect her vitals and her head dropped to align with her spine. Her shoulders rolled forward, her hackles raised along her nape and spine, her neck scrunched, her knees slightly bent and squared, her weight evenly distributed throughout her limbs, and her abdomen tensed to further assist her balance. Her tail was raised to align with her spine and to be used as a rudder when turning sharply, and her toes would grip the earth for traction as she splayed and flexed all her toes. She would observe the mans body language, waiting for the moment he decided to spring- and when he did, she would attempt to move out of his way.

Without warning the larger man would shift to lunge forward, and the babe would attempt to lunge toward her own right, and away from his direct path. Not only did she want to attempt to avoid and counter his attacks, but she wished to keep him within striking range, but not close enough to do fatal damage. (shown here) She would attempt to bring them to an obtuse angle, where she is on his left side and her chest is facing his left shoulder. (shown here) She is not able to dodge his large frame hurdaling toward her, and as they make contact his left shoulder suddenly protrudes outwards, and he slams his left shoulder into the right portion of her chest. It would bruise and become very painful once the adrenaline of battle had seeped from her pores, but for now the babe was determined to succeed, and so she would do her best to ignore the pain. The mans fangs would flash toward her as his head craned toward his right, and he would strike toward her left with his mouth agape. Her neck would scrunch and her face recoiled as she attempted to avoid his bite completely by pulling her head back and slightly toward her right- only she could not completely avoid him. Fangs would scrape the flesh along the left side of her neck, peeling back a moderate chunk of her pelt as teeth grazed her. She would snarl in agony, her lips peeled back as she attempts to swiftly snap at the left side of his face with her mouth agape, bottom fangs aimed for his left cheek and top fangs aimed for his left eyebrow as she aims to deliver a painful bite to this area. She does not intend to bite and hold, but instead she hopes to peel back flesh and fur just as he had to her neck before she attempts to shift her weight. (and before his impending leg swipe she does not know about) She hopes that her bite will not only cause pain if successful, but will also tear flesh and cause blood to seep into his left eye and temporarily impair his vision. (little diagram shown here of where they would be should her attempts succeed)

Immediately upon recoil she attempts to shift her weight onto her back legs, her front limbs instinctively beginning to curl against her chest as she attempts to slightly elevate her front end. Her weight would primarily rest within her hindlimbs and her toes would splay and flex as she attempted to keep her balance steady while lifting upwards. Though suddenly the mans front left limb would swipe toward her own, and she would instinctively jut her right forelimb outwards and toward his left side, not only aiming to keep her right limb out of his grasp, but also attempting to slam her weight into his left side using her paw. (inches behind the shoulder) She hopes that this will knock him over before he manages to swipe her leg completely out from beneath her. Should she manage to remain upright, she would fully agape her jaws and attempt to swiftly strike him again, aiming to grasp a lethal hold around the center left side of the his neck. She would attempt to attain a secure grip and vigorously shake her head from left to right, not only to cause moderate to severe damage, but to hopefully jerk his neck from side to side and sprain it. (diagram of area's shown here, and full movement attempt diagram shown here.)


Round: 1/2
Attacks: Aims to bite his left cheek & eyebrow and peel back fur and flesh in response to his snap and before his leg swipe attempt. Hopes this will cause pain and blood will drip into his vision, impairing it in his left eye. | Right front limb extends outward as she attempts to slam weight into his left side (inches behind shoulder) with her paw to knock him over and prevent him for knocking her over first with his left leg swipe toward her left limb. | SHOULD SHE REMAIN UPRIGHT- Aims to bite the middle left side of his neck with jaws agape, aims to hold and shake. | Diagram of area's shown here, and full movement attempt diagram shown here.
Defenses: First paragraph & some in the third.
Injuries: All regarded in second paragraph. Diagram of current injuries shown here. Bruised right portion of chest, flesh wound to the left side of neck where fur and flesh has been peeled.
OOC: Any questions pm meeeee<3



04-17-2014, 02:40 PM

Within a range of a few seconds, there would be blood spilt, his teeth would make contact but not where he wished it to. As she had shifted to make them into an obtuse angle, it made him automatically duck his head as he kept his scruff rolled forward to protect his neck and shoulders area. His left eye would be partially missed the bite sinking into the lower portion of the face pulling flesh across in a large wound. Bleeding out he would ignore the pain as he went through with his leg swipe. As her paw made contact with his thick chest and she began raising herself he would attempt to raise himself in response to it as she rose herself as well. Though then he aims to drop his weight as soon as her bite made contact with the scruff of fur that he had set as a defense. Her attempt to cause severe pain and damage thwarted as she tore back mostly fur and dug her teeth inch deep into the side of his neck. Etern would then attempt to shoot his body weight up and raise his left shoulder underneath her neck as hard as he could.
His abdomen tightened and back toes splayed into the dirt for more traction. His head would then turn to the right jaws agape with her current position. Aiming to bite onto her rib cage right below the elbow, with a shake of his head to tear off in a deadly hold. Etern's ears pinned against his head as he then attempts to push her over with his weight. Using his back legs to try and push her over on her side in a flailing fashion. Etern's body weight would rise as he tried to shift his weight to make them stand in a right angle. Using his right limb he would then attempt to push on her lower rib cage to throw her over onto the ground. His injured neck bleed out he lowered his head slightly and kept his eyes narrowed keeping his spine equally aligned with his body for balance. Back leg muscles supporting his weight as his toes dug deeply into the dirt for traction.

2/2 for overseer

Attack:; As her bite aimed towards the side of her neck makes contact with his defenses of rolled scruff and fat forward it digs about an inch deep in and tears through fur and flesh. Etern would try to raise his body then drop it suddenly to throw her off still facing in the same obtuse angle as they were before. He would raise his left shoulder towards her neck and tender underneath to cause disorientation and discomfort. Then the man would open his jaws agape and aim for the portion of her ribcage just below her elbow. His right limb as he rose to rest his weight on his back legs and straightened himself to make them into a right angle would try to push her over.

Defense:; Scruff rolled forward, head tucked slightly ears pinned against his head and eyes narrowed. Toes splayed digging into the dirt, abdomen muscles tightened.

Injuries:; Half inch deep wound just behind the left eye, two inches in length across. Inch deep wound on the left side of his neck near the scruff, missing fur and slightly peeled flesh.

ooc: I do not do diagrams because they suck >.< so sorry if this post made no sense, I'll be gone till Saturday so if you are confused about anything skype me or wait till then. God this was a horrible last post xD tried my best to make a counterattack though! Woop.



04-25-2014, 12:34 PM

Defenses would never cease to exist as the battle raged on, each set in place to assist the woman in protecting her vitals at all costs. Her ears would remain folded, her eyes were still narrowed, her muzzle was scrunched, her lips were curled to fully unsheathe her fangs, her chin was tucked to protect her throat, and her head remained dropped to align with her spine. Her shoulders were rolled forward, her hackles were raised along her nape and spine, her neck was scrunched, her back limbs were slightly bent and squared, her weight was distributed between her back limbs, and her abdomen tensed to further assist her balance while on two limbs. Her tail was raised to align with her spine and to be used as a rudder when turning sharply, and her toes were gripping the earth for traction as she splayed and flexed them all.

Successfully she would manage to peel flesh from the brute's face, leaving behind a flesh wound similar to hers in size and depth. Her paw shove would somehow land against his chest as opposed to his side, and though she had hoped this would knock him over, it would not. He seemed to be unscathed by her push, but she would manage to land another successful bite, leaving him with another wound to dress when the battle was over. Her victory's would be short lived though, as suddenly the man would begin to raise upward with her, his left shoulder striking the left side of her jaw. Her head would rock backwards, pain radiating throughout her jaw as she struggled to tuck her chin again before he could strike. His larger form would continue to slide toward her left, her front paws kissing the earth as attempted to stand on all fours again, his leg swipe barley grazing her forearm. To her surprise he would begin to move toward her left as opposed to striking again, and Liberty would attempt to jolt toward her right in sync to avoid giving him complete access to her side. (diagram here)

She would aim to keep the man in front of her now, her hind end swinging toward her right as she attempts to pivot and turn with him. He would strike at her again with his fangs, and she would shriek in agony as more flesh was peeled from the left side of her neck, ripping the existing wound further and deeper. Blood seeped from her wound, leaving a crimson trail down her left shoulder and leg. It would certainly leave behind a scar, which only fueled the woman's desire to harm him. How dare this man blemish her flawless fur! Upon his recoil she would again attempt to swiftly counter snap at him, her mouth fully agape and her fangs aimed directly for his left eye.(before his lunge) She would attempt to viciously peel back flesh as opposed to biting and holding, hoping to not only temporarily impair the vision in his left eye, but worsen the previous flesh wound inches behind it.

The man would begin to shift, and Liberty would attempt to shift as well. She would attempt to lower herself a few inches toward the earth, her knees bending as she spread her weight evenly throughout her limbs. As he would shift to thrust his weight forward she would attempt to thrust herself forward as well, aiming to slide herself straight beneath the far taller, and raising upward, man. (before his right leg jolts out) With jaws fully agape and her head cocked toward her right, she attempts to grasp a lethal hold around the middle portion of his right thigh, while also attempting to thrust her right paw into his left ankle. (shown here) She aims to grasp and shake her head violently, wanting to tear flesh and muscle while also attempting to push his leg outward with her paw to impair his balance and possibly knock him over.

Round: 2/2
Attack: Attempting to counter snap at his face again in response to his bite, is aiming for his left eye/flesh wound inches behind. | When he lunges forward she attempt's to lunge forward to slide beneath him, (using her smaller size as an advantage) her jaws fully agape as she attempts to bite his right thigh. | In sync with her bite, she attempts to thrust her right paw into his left ankle, wanting to push his leg outwards to impair his balance and possibly knock him over.
Defenses: Mostly in first para, then spread out where it's needed.
Injuries: 1st round: Bruised right portion of chest 2nd round: aching jaw that will certainly bruise, deep bite wound to the left side of neck.
OOC: Note that Liberty is 28 inches, and Ortiz is 36 inches.


The Judge


05-06-2014, 01:02 PM

Ortzi v Liberty for Overseer

Round 1

9 for clarity- Very minor grammatical issues -1

10 for powerplaying. Notes

7 for defenses. 7, +1 each

7 for attack. +2 shove, +3 bite, +2 leg swipe

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Ortzi Total: 43/50


8 for clarity- switched tenses, spelling, etc.

10 for powerplaying. Notes

10 for defenses. +1 each

5 for attack. +3 bite to cheek & eyebrow, +2 slam weight into left side, no points for third attack because it depends entirely upon Etern?s response and therefore will not be counted.

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Liberty Total: 43/50

Round 2


9 for clarity- Very few issues

10 for powerplaying. Notes

6 for defenses. +1 each

7 for attack. +2 shoulder move, +3 bite, +2 push her over

4 for injuries. -6 two bite wounds

Round two Ortzi Total: 36/50


9 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

10 for defenses. Notes

7 for attack. +3 bite, +3 bite, +1 leg shove

5 for injuries. -2 bruised jaw, -3 bite wound

Round two Liberty Total: 41/50


Ortzi: 79/100

Liberty: 84/100

And the winner is...

Liberty! Ortzi must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Ortzi- All injuries will heal in approximately 1 ooc week.

Liberty- All injuries will heal in approximately 1 ooc week.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

You guys, I?ll say this once and hopefully will never have to say it again. Please please refrain from underlining ?attempt? and other similar words in your posts ? it?s incredibly insulting to judges and only serves to tick us off. Other than that, really great fight.

- By [Andy]


05-06-2014, 01:08 PM

The battle raged, the drive in both of them nearly palpable. She longed for the rest of Glaciem to be this passionate about something - anything, but alas it was no use to long for something that would never be. The two were fierce opponents, and it was nearly impossible for Sendoa to note a difference between the two, though toward the end it became clear that Liberty was pulling ahead of Etern. Though sad for her brother, it was time to call this spar to an end and reward the victor. ?Enough,? she spoke with authority, knowing that both of them ought to be able to hear her despite their grumbling. ?I award this fight to Liberty - you have truly earned your rank.? She gave a nod to the silvery woman before glancing to her brother. ?I am proud of your gumption, Etern, and I do hope that it rubs off on the rest of our members. There is always next time,? she gave a slight chuckle - knowing Etern would not stop here, and then stood to her paws. ?I am extremely proud of both of you.?



05-08-2014, 11:54 AM

Her second serious of attacks had gone through perfectly- she had managed to bite the mans face once more, and she had managed to slip beneath him and grasp a bite around his thigh. Her right paw would extend outward to jab into his ankle, and she would feel his weight shift as he tumbled toward the earth. A snarl would rip from her jugular as she moved to stand above him, her fangs fully unsheathed as she aimed to attack him again. ?Enough,? She would freeze at Sendoa's command, her head turning toward the queen as she backed away from the defeated man. ?I award this fight to Liberty - you have truly earned your rank.? Audits would perk forward in excitement, and she would smile sheepishly at her queen and nod a silent thank you. Though she had intended to win from the beginning he had proven to be an admirable opponent, and for a moment she doubted she would win- but she had, and her crown would raise toward the heavens as she wore her rank and battle wounds with pride. ?I am proud of your gumption, Etern, and I do hope that it rubs off on the rest of our members. There is always next time,? The queen would speak to her brother next, and Liberty would turn her azure gaze on him too. Sendoa would raise to her paws before saying ?I am extremely proud of both of you" , and the charcoal babe would barley breathe the words Thank you, before turning her full attention on Etern. "Lets get home so Eris may tend to our wounds." She would suggest, as she didn't want their wounds to become infected or life threatening. After all, he had managed to take a decent chunk from her neck, and she had left him with a few bite wounds too. "You may lead the way."



05-09-2014, 02:37 PM

After the man tumbled, hearing the voice of his sister he tugged himself up. He was not seriously injured of course, but he had not set out to seriously injure her either. Didn't make it hurt any less the wound on his cheek and other area's of his body. It was nice to get out again, obviously he was getting rusty, that or liberty was simply a good fighter. Etern knew he wouldn't be winning every fight, he didn't when he was a war lord and he had seen the result of tantrums thrown over losing a fight. His head would turn towards liberty her cranium would be wearing the crown she had fought for. "It was a pleasure, your fighting skills are very well honed." his emerald eyes would flicker to the sound of his sisters voice. This was one thing that kept his mind sanely on these wolves. It felt like he was tip toeing around his brother though.
"If only they better listened during training sessions, instead of simply showing up." he noted lack of interest in many Glaciem wolves with training as of late. He had no doubt, he, liberty and Eris had been working their assess off while others were doubting the kingdom now. A small smirk would stretch on his lips as liberty spoke. Yes, he was glad she was not a wolf who would end up throwing a fit over a fight, his muscles relaxed slightly. "Indeed, let us go." he left room for her to walk close to him if she wished as he headed towards Eris' den. He had been there plenty of times before hence because of his missing tail, but he couldn't refuse a chance to see the golden lass.
