
I Call the Bear Fighter!



2 Years
04-12-2014, 07:48 AM (This post was last modified: 04-12-2014, 07:48 AM by Drashiel.)

What a beautiful morning! The sun was rising bright and shimmering over the beautiful fall foliage. Fog slipped from the maw of the yearling brute as his tongue slipped over his teeth, panting from his journey. He'd gotten an early start and finally arrived on the border of Tortuga after a round about meandering as he went exploring. They territories of the Sparse Pines and the Red Forest were right next to each other and he had no idea why he'd never thought to go visit his sister Roman before. Maybe he wanted to make sure he was worthy first?

No, that couldn't be it. He'd grown well but alas he still lacked any real skill in sparring. Hopefully that would change though. Etern would hold a battle for them soon but the anticipation was killing him, making him antsy and so he'd taken to wandering. The Red Forest wasn't far, but he did plan to wander further. Maybe down to the Algoma prairie where he'd heard there was some fantastic hunting for small game. Yea, that sounded good!

Reaching the border the young brute tipped back and howled for the woman he admired. The Bear Fighter, Roman! Now Queen of Tortuga!



04-12-2014, 04:44 PM
She thinks highly of her family. She lived for nearly a year without any sort of family by her side. It had been the hardest year of her life, now that she had found the land full of siblings and her father, she treasured each of them. Since she had left to take over Tortuga, she often wonders about the younger siblings she had left behind. She wonders how they are doing, how they are growing. She hears a call, and is thrilled because she recognizes it. Luckily she is in the forest already, and she had often hoped that since the forest bordered the pines of Glaciem, that she would run into a sibling. Drashiel is the caller of today. A fond smile pulls her lips as she turns towards the sound. She first met her younger brother when she had saved him from a polar bear, she hadn't gotten to spend a lot of time with him after before leaving to take Tortuga- and she wondered how he had grown.

She is not disappointed when she nears him, she can see that he has grown a lot from the small pup she once knew. She feels her tail wave behind her, she is happy to see him. She draws to a halt, just on her side of the border before crossing it easily to stand beside her brother. "Drashiel! It's great to see you." She greets him warmly, stretching her nose in an attempt to nuzzle his shoulder affectionately. Seeing Drashiel makes her wonder about her father, what had become of the albino king? She hadn't seen him since she had taken her leave of Glaciem.



2 Years
04-19-2014, 10:59 AM

Drashiel felt as though he'd burst with excitement. He was anxious to see his hero, literally, again. After saving him from a polar bear he had nothing but great respect for Roman and he considered her one of the bravest wolves he'd ever met. Drashiel was also anxious to talk with her again to let her know what was going on with Glaciem. He was worried and hoped she might put his mind at ease.

And all too soon she was before him. The mighty winter queen. She was looking well and he leaned over to return her nuzzle. "It's great to see you too! I'm doing pretty well! How about yourself, you majesty?" He smiled as he said the word. He felt pride that she was now the queen of her own pack. "Though I must admit I am a bit worried about Glaciem." He sat down softly. "We have yet to begin training and father has fallen ill. Sendoa's taken over but.." Her growled lightly. "Several of our members have opted to leave, the rats. Things get tough and they high tail it out." He shook his head at the disgusting lack of loyalty. "Honestly, I'm just not sure what to do."



04-19-2014, 11:55 PM
She smiles at the contact with her brother, relishing in the moment before pulling to back to her sitting position. Her ears prick when he returns her greeting and she chuckles, the sound is warm and full of happiness. Her pale lids close briefly over her violet eyes as Drashiel speaks of his own well-being and she feels a bit of worry leave her heart for the child. He requests her state, and she smiles at his title for her. "Please, I'm still the same wolf." She chuckles. "I am well, I think I've come to enjoy it here even though I miss my family." All of her confusing emotions are channeled into those words, as she speaks them. Her ears flatten slightly, as he speaks his worries for Glaciem. What had become of the pack she had left behind? Father had fallen ill? Sendoa had taken over? Though she had immense respect for the cobalt queen she felt incredibly worried about Glaciem and her father. It was hard enough to run a pack but to care for your sick ruler, mater, and brother? It seemed to much to her.

Her ears laid back against her head, in distaste as her brother spoke, people were leaving Glaciem? She supposed allowing them to leave was better than forcing those who didn't want to be their to stay, but she asks, "Are they Armada's who are leaving?" She speaks, distaste at the idea, the anger is clear in her tone. Her brother asks what he should do and she thinks for a few moments. She isn't sure what to tell him. "What do you want to do?" She probes gently, her tone soft. "Do you have any wolves who are trying to train you?" She questions. She's curious now. Who took over her rank when she left?



2 Years
04-20-2014, 07:11 PM

Drashiel felt guilty for unburdening all of this on Roman but he felt it was necessary to let her know what was going on. Glaciem had been her home after all and they were all still family as far as Drashiel was concerned and he would not let all this go by without her notice. He was glad though that she was enjoying her new home but he could understand missing family. Heck, he missed her! And the uncertainty that tainted the Glaciem air had only made her miss him more.

Drashiel's scowl matched hers at the mention of Armada's and he nodded. "Aye, Rin left, Sin's been telling others to leave and he's almost never around so I imagine he'll go as well. Thankfully though those are the only two I know of though Impra's gone missing and several non-blood members have left. Our numbers plummet and I'm worried other packs will see our weakness and challenge or start a siege."

He pondered her question and shook his head. "I have no idea what to do. I know I want to train to become a warrior but the process is slow and I feel I've fallen so far behind. Etern plans to train us. He gathered us for tree climbing lessons, changed his mind and dismissed us though we're promised to begin battle soon. In the meantime though we've been sparring each other and I just needed to get out. So that's why I'm here? I also felt you should know what's going on."



04-22-2014, 11:39 AM
ooc: we're going to ignore the fact that I'm switching persons in this post, because I can't focus long enough to write in present tense.

Her heart ached in worry, she didn't know what she could do for Glaciem, or her family. Not when she was so desperately trying to get Tortuga off of the ground, and build the small pack into a home. Her violet eyes searched the frame of her younger brother, and as he spoke again, her ears flattened against her head. The lost of Rin, wasn't that much of a surprise the boy had already attempted to leave the pack before she left. She honestly didn't know the child, she didn't have much of an opinion of him. Drashiel talked about Sin, and she felt a slight growl bubble in her throat. Her opinion of the crimson stained male hadn't been solidified, she didn't really know what to think of him- but if he was really encouraging members to leave Glaciem, she had little respect for him. She made a mental note to investigate that, or pass word on to Sendoa or Isardis, the next time she saw them. He said that they'd lost a lot of non-family members and she could see where if any wolves had wanted to leave- it may be them, though it still was frustrating.

She couldn't blame Drashiel for his worry, the climate in Alacritis had been tense between Valhalla and Glaciem since the seige. If Valhalla tried to retaliate while Glaciem was dealing with the loss of members, the results could be devastating. Finally, she spoke. "I regret to say that I didn't know Rin on a personal level, but he was having trouble in the pack before I left. I'm not surprised he took his leave. As for Sin..." She sighed, changing topics. "Sendoa let them leave peacefully?" She's curious. "Drashiel, Glaciem is strong. I think most of the packs are still intimidated by our last win in the siege. However, if war befalls Glaciem, they will have Tortuga at their side and I believe Arcanum has allied themselves with Glaciem."

She can't help but feel sympathy for the young wolf. As he speaks of Etern, she remembers the uncle she had accepted before leaving for Tortuga. So he's training the youth now? She stretches her head, attempting to gently touch his shoulder with her muzzle. "You're in an impossible position right now. Perhaps you could speak with Sendoa or Etern, and ask if you can train one on one with one of them? I would think they'd appreciate the initiative." Taking a slight breath, she smiles before speaking. "If you ever need to get away, you're welcome to come to Tortuga, even if it's only for the day. I'm not advocating you leave Glaciem, but you're always welcome here. I would gladly spar or hunt with you, and pass on some random wisdom, like "Don't eat yellow snow." She chuckled as she finished, hoping to ease some of the tension that the younger wolf seemed to be wracked with. Her eyes were soft as she looked at him, and she made herself a mental note to talk to Sendoa or Isardis when she had a chance.