
Baby daddy do you wrong?

Sucre I


03-30-2014, 12:10 PM
Ate the bread that once was stone

Fell from a cliff, never broke a bone

Shamelessly, the brute lay on his back with his limbs splayed, baring his belly for the whole world to see and the sun to tan. He was blissfully warm and fat; a few yards away the remains of a small deer lay baking in the sun. The kill wasn't his, he'd merely snatched it and run, dragging the little corpse a great distance before dining. Now, some hours after he'd eaten, Sucre was on the verge of a nap. The sunlight further aided his drowsiness and the brute's eyelids were heavy. His thoughts wandered, going nowhere in particular.

Sighing, Sucre stretched all four paws towards the sun, his back arching and his hips wiggling as he ground an itch into the grass. All at once, as if they were suddenly too heavy, he let his limbs drop. Today was good. He hadn't a care in the world. It was warm, his belly was full and it was blissfully quiet. Around him birds sang and flitted from tree to tree. The only real danger came in the form of overripe fruit falling from the limbs above him.

His eyes closing, the brute's mouth fell open in a gross yawn. Nothing could ruin this day for him, absolutely nothing.

Bowed down to get the kings overthrownSucre



5 Years
04-04-2014, 08:49 PM

OH lord was she FAT! D?gmar paused to pant, her sides ached and burned from her travels but she was determined to keep herself in shape and ready for anything Pups be dammed. She was well into her pregnancy now though it would still be awhile before she'd finally be rid of them. D?gmar's sides bulged and she silently cursed. Just how many of the suckers was she carrying?

Silently she slipped into a nearby orchard for some shade and it was there she saw a familiar form. The brute she'd met in the rock garden not long after her spar with the all black male. The cogs within her mind began to whir as a grin spread across her face, emerald eyes running along the frame of the oh-so-contented male. She resisted the urge to chuckle as she realized she didn't know this males name either. Oops. Oh well, didn't mean she couldn't have some fun with him. Mischevious grin melted to pursed lips as a calculated tone slipped from her maw.

"Well, well, well? isn't this a pleasant surprise. Maybe my pups will learn their father's name after all." She stood back, waiting for the show to start.

Sucre I


04-06-2014, 07:58 PM
Ate the bread that once was stone

Fell from a cliff, never broke a bone

Pawsteps drew his heavy eyes open and the brute stretched his front paws over his head in D?gmar's direction, tilting his head back as he did so. The combined actions narrowed his world down to the approaching fae's figure and smashed his ears flat under his head, filling them with a steady thrumming. His eyes winked closed in quick succession, their normally synchronized movements driven apart by tranquility.

Her voice reached his ears, delivering words with the purr of a feline, and for several heartbeats he was still, locked in the moment between clueless bliss and terrified understanding. When at once it hit him, the brute's heart fluttered and he twisted to the side, resting his chin on the grass as he stared up at D?gmar uncomprehendingly. When at last he spoke, his voice was flat and without inflection, "What." He blinked once, twice, but understanding escaped him. The thrumming in the brute's ears left him the moment they came off the ground, but now they were filled with a ringing that drown out the birdsong around him. Sucre's world narrowed to the wolf before him, everything darkening except her and the undeniable odors that wafted from her.

He did not understand. Not one word of what she said made sense to him. Of course he remembered their time together, but what that had to do with him and her...condition (he flinched on the inside) eluded him. Yes, he was a male and she was a female and their combined parts created new life but, but, but...."What?"

Bowed down to get the kings overthrownSucre



5 Years
04-12-2014, 10:20 AM

D?gmar worked to hide her bemusement as her words tickled the brutes brain, ever so slowly pulling him from his reverie of oblivion. She had no plans and really no reason to tell him other than fun. Her body tensed slightly, uncertain how he'd react but she doubted he was the time that would seek to kill both her and her unborn pups to cover up his little affair. Course there was always a chance he wouldn't care at. She'd have to play it by ear.

Her head tilted to the side as murmmered his words to you. "Are you high?" she said matter-of-factly as she watch him struggle for understanding a grin on her face. "I said I'm pregnant and they're yours but don't worry. I'll take care of them. No one will ever know they existed. I wasn't going to tell you but since your already here?" She shrugged.

Sucre I


04-13-2014, 03:03 PM
Ate the bread that once was stone

Fell from a cliff, never broke a bone

"No, not high," he murmured. Was that an option? It felt like it should be an option. Maybe it would get rid of the thrumming in his ears. "I said I'm pregnant and they're yours but don't worry. I'll take care of them. No one will ever know they existed. I wasn't going to tell you but since you're already here?" He stared at her uncomprehendingly. Okay, she was pregnant. That was undeniably obvious. They were his. Deniable, but possible. Very possible. "No one will ever know they existed." What was she saying? Would she...could she... "Don't worry. I'll take care of them."

He stood up. Sucre's heart clawed its way up his throat and sat there, making it difficult to swallow. The brute was plagued with a sudden influx of questions but one stood out from the others. It demanded to be asked and he tentatively relented, not really wanting to know the answer for fear of what it might be. "What are you going to do?" He had to know.

Bowed down to get the kings overthrownSucre



5 Years
04-19-2014, 11:12 AM

Wind ruffled her fur and she stepped back as the male stumbled to her feet in alarm. One of her brows raised. What was this? Was another male alarmed at her subtle hint that she might slay the pups? How curious. It really wasn't any of his business and she honestly expected both males to show relief at her offer to? amend their little mistake. How very odd indeed. Though she didn't pity him. It was typical, males would go around screwing any number of fae they cared for and not even worry about it but as soon as they were confronted? and life was questioned. Well? that was another matter entirely. Curious to his reaction she pushed her statement farther.

"Well? I'll mostly likely strangle them once they're born. I'd take care of it now but, you never know how you'll react to certain herbs. So like I said, no worries! I'm taking care of it. I just wanted you to know in care you were worried. Your secrets safe with me." She winked at the male.

Sucre I


04-27-2014, 11:16 AM
Ate the bread that once was stone

Fell from a cliff, never broke a bone

Alarm flared up inside of him, making him cold. Her response was quick, far too quick, as if she'd been thinking about it for awhile, and it made him sick to his stomach. Of course, her end of this...ah, matter was far harder than his. He could walk away from them immediately if he chose to; she had to deal with them for much longer. On his end they could be forgotten, she had time to think about them. To an extent it made sense to Sucre that she'd thought about what to do with them; if he were in her situation the thought might have crossed his mind, at least in passing, but to be so serious about it? Could a mother really kill her babies?

?I...? He was at a loss for words. If she did what she wanted she could go back to the way she was before. Sucre could walk away now and nothing would change for him. Or would it? He would know. Even now the idea of of just going gnawed at him. What would it be like if he actually did it? The brute absolutely did not want the responsibility of fatherhood, but they, his children, were life created in part by him. If he were to walk away now, would he not be like his own father? Surely he was better than that, if only by a little.

He was not his father. ?If you are set against keeping them, I'll take them. Perhaps in exchange for them, I could be of assistance until they're born?? He might be sick; just up and vomit all over her paws. Or pass out. Maybe both? ?Hunting and the like...whatever you need.? Anything, really.

Bowed down to get the kings overthrownSucre