
[TOURNEY] At Long Last



5 Years
04-02-2014, 07:59 AM

Raisa quivered with excitement. Her pups had been born, her five beautiful children. They waited now in her den, sleeping, under the watchful eye of her beloved family. They had grown stronger since the sweltering summer had come finally to a close. She chuckled darkly, knowing it had ended with a bang instead of a whimper. The earth had resounded with the force of the gods, quaking down to the very core of the land, snapping, roaring, shuddering. It was a glorious release, and one the queen had reveled in. She had her pack, her love, her children... She had never felt more alive! It was with great exuberance she raced through the land, from her den to the most inland of the territories she had claimed, to send out her call. Ebony was alive and thriving! The harvest season was upon them, and the land was turning golden with the heady lust of the end. She came to a stop among a pile of toppled walls and stones shaped into perfect fashion. Engravings bespoke stories of creatures she could not name, and she studied them for only a moment before leaping up and up and up onto the stone platforms. She tipped her head back in a howl and let loose a song that called forth all kind souls, her allies and even those she had no knowledge of, yet wished their attendance all the same. She called forth all those with a quick mind or a strong body, with fire in their hearts and a lust to prove themselves. Here they would gather. Here they would come together not as pack wolves or rogues, but as hunters and warriors of a wild spirit, and they would revel in that kinship, and thank the gods that they had simply survived another year.

"Talk" "You" Think

OOC: Hola! So, THE TOURNEY IS UPON US! At the moment, wolves automatically allowed upon Ebony lands are all those in either Valhalla or Olympus! HOWEVER, if any alphas from other packs would like to take part, I think a short greeting here in this thread and agreement to comply to the rules in this thread: "", should be just fine! I advise all participants to read through this, for the sake of everyone's enjoyment. LET THE REVELRY BEGIN!
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!



8 Years
04-03-2014, 09:16 AM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2014, 11:47 AM by Maximous.)

At his queens call, Max would answer almost immediately. When he had heard her voice he had been beneath his tree, within the den it hid, reorganizing and restocking his herbs. Elsa had stores of herbs for them to get into but he refused to use them. The alabaster fae put all of her time into those stores and he did not help to fill them so he left them to her.

He put away the last plant that would be used as a bandage, shook the dirt from his pelt and then loped to lady Raisa. Today was the beginning of the Tourney and he would be the first to arrive. With a smile plastered to his face he bowed to his queen. "My lady, its a pleasure to see you again. If I may ask, how are your children doing?" his voice was somewhat cheerful yet respectful as well.

He knew she couldn't be happy with how he always seemed to behave at the boarders of her pack lands. Once with Fuge and then the way he had acted when her children were born. He hadn't meant to seam childish with the other two healers that had been on the seen, he had simply been use to being in charge of anything that required his skills. Especially since he had been alone for a year with no help from others. None the less he couldn't help wishing the best for his queen and her offspring.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)


04-03-2014, 08:06 PM

He would attend to the call immediately, though it took him a great amount of time to get there. His hip had been dislocated in the earthquake, and he had found himself moving very slowly since then. Though the ball was back in its socket, movement was still painful and strenuous. As he neared the gathering, he noted that only one other male was in attendance so far. Relieved that he wasn't too tardy, the High Lord dipped his head respectfully to the Queen. "Your Majesty, you look well." Raisa had only recently given birth to her children, and he wondered idly whom was watching over them at this time. "And you as well, Ser." he would offer to the man whose name he could not recall. Attention then wavered back to the Queen. "I fear your High Lord will be out of commission for most of this tourney, but I will aide you in any way that I can."



04-04-2014, 06:52 AM

Isi been fortunate enough to avoid any serious harm in the earthquake, a tumble had left her feeling a little bruised though it certainly wasn't anything life threatening and she hadn't sought out any assistance. To be honest the girl had been feeling a little off the past couple of days though, not quite her usual self. A little uneducated on such topics, she wasn't aware that she had come into heat for the first time.

She'd been keeping to herself the past few days because of these odd feelings though at the sound of Raisa's howl Isi knew that she ought to respond to the call. The tourney was something she had been looking forwards too, not that she would really compete in anything. Now though she feared she was growing ill and that probably meant she'd miss out on all the fun.

Despite her slow pace, she was still among the first few to arrive, only two males ahead of her. "Hello." She greeted them, though her tone, like her body language was also different from her typical bubbly ways. She didn't like being sick, and of all times she could have been ill why did it have to be now?



04-04-2014, 12:48 PM

As soon as the call rang and pierced the air; Vaughan wasted no time in delaying. He was just about to take a stroll from outside of the lands, but now his only interest was to know of what Raisa had planned. He would take powerful strides, wanting to get there as quick as possible. His gaze would flicker upon the small few who had already made it, before greeting the queen with a simple nod. right now, The ebony cloaked man had no clue of the tourney. But when he does, he'll be satisfied to see that parts of the old ebony had mixed into the new ebony ways. He was one of few who would understand the concept, and he appreciated the efforts. He still thought about all the lost ones. His mother and father, and even Raisa's. He didnt have enough time to find out, but he could only hope for the best. As a few moments passed by, Vaughan would raise his crown before sitting as an audience. " Whats going on Raisa, is it important?" They had just had a meeting a few days ago, and he had already known that the pups where already born. Though he didnt get the chance to see the day, and he sort of felt irritated at the thought. Was it a hassle with the arguements he heard about? Perhaps soon once the pups are old enough to explore Vaughan can meet the whole lot. But for now he'd simply wait.

image by Luisiana



04-05-2014, 08:44 AM

Kaliska had travelled far into the steppe and currently had herslef? well literally wedged between a rock and a hard place? which was in fact another rock. As she shuffled around in her sleek summer coat her massive ears flicked back at the sound of her Queen's call. Well crap? Twisting and flailing the little fae sucked in her breath as deep as she could only to rocket and stumble out of her sticky situation.

Shaking out her coat she sped lightly torward the source of the call, her small and delicate frame carrying her elegantly across the steppe and to the gathering of wolves. "Milady! How are you? Is everything alright?"




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-08-2014, 06:55 AM

Epiphron was not well enough to participate in the tournament either -- though truth be told, she wasn't particularly disappointed. The earthquake had given her temporary amnesia, and although Maverick had cared for her until she regained her normal sense of self, she could not help but still feel a bit off. Slowly she trailed after Maverick, grateful for his support, though she felt guilty at what confusion she had burdened him with following the earthquake.

The High Lady would approach the gathering with all the surety she could muster, offering a deep bow of her head to all who had arrived. "Greetings," she began sweetly, moving to sit beside Maverick, moving to rest her head against his shoulder. She wondered what the tourney would consist of, and who would chose to attend.


04-08-2014, 11:12 AM
At this point IDK where her little stand with Sin is so I'm leaving details vague about her being pregnant or not?
My soul is spiraling in frozen

Elsa Winterfell

fractals all around

She had taken calming breathes every five seconds when she heard the call. It was the tourney! How could she have forgotten something as important as that? She felt utterly stupid for forgetting about it, honestly she had. She pushed herself away from her stores and ran towards the calling. She was late and the other healer was already there. Shame filled her, she always had to be the best. She had to. Part of hadn't even wanted to go to the tourney but she knew that she must. She dipped her head to her queen and settled down near the front of the crowd. She could shine here, she just knew it.

Katja the First


8 Years
04-08-2014, 11:41 AM

Paws carried her silently in great leaping bounds from rock to rock as Katja reveled in the faint chill of autumn creeping over the land. No more the unnatural heat that baked the land over the summer, the duststorms and dehydration that had held the land in it's fists. No, the gods had seen fit to grace them with a respite. Perhaps the loss of her sister's leg had been seen as a fine sacrifice. Whatever the cause, the weather was glorious and she gloried in it.

A call rose up, her gray ears swiveling to catch it. The Queen's call, but there was no anger, no pain in it so she pushed aside the possibility of danger to her or the young pups for the moment. No, this seemed to be an open invitation to the allies of Ebony for a tournament. Interest warred momentarily with caution. This tourney, as she understood it, was the closest thing these heathens came to a bl?t to honor the gods, and so she approved. Yet to have these strange wolves mingling on Ebony land, it just reeked of dire possibilities.

Even as these thoughts vied in her mind, the viking was turning, slim body moving effortlessly through the rocks toward the steppe where Raisa had called from. Arriving she found many of her packmates already in attendance; many she did not know, though she recognized the two healers and the young girl who had attended the birthing of the Queen's litter, and the high lord with the face markings she'd met once upon the border as they confronted an intruder together. She nodded to the high lord (that'd be Vaughan by the way), to the young girl (Isi, yo) though when the heat scent curled into her nose her gaze sharpened upon her and she wondered how much of a problem that was going to be, and let her gaze sweep indifferently over the two healers to study the few she had yet to meet, as she made her way closer.

"My queen," she began, and everything in her wanted to ask, "Is this wise?" but to question her judgement so openly in front of her people would dishonor her, so instead she contented herself with a short bow, and... "Is this wise? This... tourney?" All right, so it was not actually in her to temper her blunt ways, and the question came out anyway. At least she said it quietly, and without rancor, but it would still be Raisa's right to take exception over it and Katja had accepted that before she opened her mouth. Her gaze was guarded as she spared a glance from Raisa to the lands beyond their borders; how many wolves would be appearing for this?




5 Years
04-09-2014, 07:55 AM

Muscles clenched under her lithe body, Kaala leapt from her perch. The overhang she had made her den in was 5 wolves up from the ground and required a mighty leap. At least it was well hidden. The woman had felt isolated from her pack lately. It had been a long while since she'd seen Fili, but the girl wasn't sure she ever wanted to see him again after their last meeting... Her encounter with Elsa sparked a care in her for the alabaster girl. She was overworking herself. The fea's head shook, wiping the thoughts from her head. The day was beautiful. Autumn had arrived at last, and with it brought a calm cool. The scorching Summer days were fading at last. In the midst of Kaala's thoughts, Raisa's summon caught her attention. A smile on her face, Kaala bounded towards her.
Many other wolves had already arrived by the time Kaala arrived. With a respectful nod to them all, Kaala threw a wink to Miss Raisa before sitting herself near the front.



04-14-2014, 08:08 PM

Adelaide had just begun to settle into her new home when a regal howl sounded out across the land. She leapt to her feet obediently, her one good ear perked high in order to listen. Was this the call of her Queen Raisa? The alabaster female had yet to meet the woman. This could be her chance to impress her. After all, the dark male known as Vaughan had said there would be a bit of competition. Every healer in the pack was longing to be the best. But Adelaide would be the best. She had to be. For her mother.

And with that thought, the girl jumped into a sprint, wanting to attend as quickly as possible. But the howl was too distant - she would have a fair distance to run in order to get there. What if she was late?

Several minutes later, a very tired white maiden arrived on the scene of the meeting. She slowed her pace a good hundred yards away, not wanting to stumble in like some sort of crazed lunatic. Luckily, her panting had begun to slow as she approached. Soon she was there, her crystal blue eyes scanning the crowd of unfamiliar faces. Many of these wolves had scents that matched the area - other members of Ebony, she guessed. The girl dipped into a polite bow. "Hello, everyone. I'm sorry for being so late."

Her eyes continued to move until they caught sight of a dark, royal female. Her stomach was still slightly swelled in the aftermath of childbirth. Adelaide felt her tail sway. It was too bad that the young, talented healer had been unable to aide the queen when giving birth. That too would have impressed her. But either way, she was glad to see her highness in such good shape. She smiled joyfully. "It is my greatest pleasure to meet you, Queen Raisa. Congratulations on giving birth to your children. I'm sure they are absolutely stunning, just like their mother. Are they in good health?"
