
Missing My Shadow (open)

Gargoyle I


03-30-2013, 07:36 PM


Where he found the time, Gargoyle enjoyed his space away from the packland.


That was an absolute lie.

Gargoyle hated leaving the Glaciem borders. Everytime he did he found himself worrying about the pack, particularly his sisters and his nieces and his wife ? not to mention his unborn kids! It got him into such thought trails as ? why hadn?t he chosen a Beta yet? Or a Beta couple? And when was he going to pick a Lead Hunter? And what would happen if something were to happen to him while he was away? Or if something happened to the pack?

Unbeknownst to most who looked at that stoney, reptilian face of his, Gargoyle could be a bit of a worry wort. Usually it was worrying about himself turning into a dark and murderous rage monster, but that wasn?t popping up as much. Not since Ocena. Now he worried about normal things. Like missing the first kicks of his unborn pups.

So why was he out and about this fine summer?s day? One word: Mink. Frisk, who?d been his companion critter for just about all his life, had decided to do something more independent than usual and had said goodbye to Gargoyle and told him he was off to visit the romantic getaway that was Sunset Falls. Apparently he had a new lady friend who wasn?t giving in to his ?usual charm? whatever that meant. Frisk had also said he?d be back in a couple of weeks. That had been back in the middle of spring. And now the world was on the verge of summer.

Usually Gargoyle didn?t pay Frisk much mind. Heck, he?d even tried to kill him once. But Frisk was?. Special. He?d never admit it, but the mink was probably his best friend. ? For a while it?d been his only friend. And it still was the only one who knew his dark secrets.

So there he was; leaving the borders of his northern territory, in search of an animal that should?ve been his breakfast years ago. ?Frisk!? Gargoyle howled. ?Friiiiiiiisk! Show yourself before I bite your head off!?


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~


04-03-2013, 09:31 AM

Tangibility was fashioned not by the ground felt underpaw, but the road itself that stretched toward endless horizons paved with fragrant earth and granules of life. And yet the sensation invoked was not the sense that there was no expression, no name for that transcended with every press of the paw. A harmonious meld became manifest, until there was no longer the ground, the feel the summer blades, simply the progression of one soul upon the like plain toward any and everywhere her soul sought to be.

There was no grander feeling than to belong with the whole of creation; this wandering life of autumn radiance playing upon the rolling waves of summer heat.

Smoothly she carried on with the grace, nah, the certainty of a being that belong to any and nowhere. The fabricated mask of indifference donned with care, minding that it not slip though it was equipped rather tightly. Even as the warm winds caressed her muzzle, the expression did not slip nor did her sights widen when a bray disturbed the calm erecting her hackles in alarm and stilling her tail. It was not the first voice she had heard upon her travels, but it was certainly one that compelled the wandering thing to pause and take stock. Her eyes blind to all but the road, she was forced to peer from her veil with new eyes and gaze upon the land for hide or hair of this force that commanded the ears of any.

And in waking her senses, she heard the subtle roaring of the falls and beneath her paws did she at last feel the gentle wear and impressions of the well traveled earth. Here now was a new place, she could see it now with the blind eye cast away. Surrounded by the spires of a dwindling forest, nearing its end, but not quite with perhaps the remainder of the day to traverse it fully. She inhaled deeply, filling her tired lungs beyond their limit, then exhaled softly through parted maw as if to taste the air gathered upon her tongue. The grounds were not claimed and yet there was life within this place. She could smell it now as plainly as the drank her own musk then with a step...turned away from it to carry on just as soundly as she had progressed before. Whatever was called for, it had not been her. Her name was unknown to the minds of the newly met, and it was a truth she intended to keep as long as her will was able.

Words: 430

"Speak" | 'Sing' | 'Think' | Act

Gargoyle I


04-07-2013, 04:38 AM


A scent on the summer winds, one that did not belong to rock or plant or water. There was another living creature out there. Gargoyle took a few steps forward, then frowned as he realized it to be only canine. Wolf. Female. Not the one he was looking for but... he'd learned not to dismiss resources placed in his path by fate.

With a surge of black and tawny legs the male leapt forward, heading closer to the great tiered falls and their many mirrors of silver pools. Another wolf might've given pause to take in the peace and paradise around him. Not Gargoyle. 'Beauty' was a just a word to the brute. When it came to him, such a value was truly in the eye of the beholder. At one point, in the depths of his bloodlust, he had found the Soulless Forest beautiful - for it fit him and his needs. To him Glaciem was beautiful, his wife was beautiful - but this land? This land which had swallowed up his idiotic friend? The sight of it gave him no pleasure.

Besides, his eyes were on the wolf - the mottled light brown female who seemed to move with the elegance of the waterfalls. Again, Gargoyle took no mental note of whether she was beautiful or otherwise. It would depend on how their meeting unfolded.

Still a good distance away, he slowed to a lope, and then to a simple, swaybacked trot. He was aware of his massive size, his dark coloration, and the aura of death that no doubt could still be felt by some. Intimidation was not his intent today. As he approached the fae, he inclined his head in a form of respectful greeting. "Please pardon the interruption I must make upon your thoughts, Miss-," he said. No longer was his voice strained and worried - though the feeling still persisted in the back of his mind. Even in his darker days he had had the speech of a high cultured wolf, though the tone was that of a rock. 'Feeling' was rarely ever was allowed into the depths of his eyes, still less into the movements of his jaws. "-But I am searching for a companion of mine - a mink. In your time around this place, have your come across any sight or smell of one?"

As he finished speaking and sat down a polite yard or so away, a terrible thought came to his mind. What if she had recently eaten mink? Strange. This wolf who showed emotion once in a blue moon, suddenly felt a fire snap to life within his gut. There was no denying the loyalty he felt to the little scrap of fur. If someone had killed him... Gargoyle would be hard pressed to control himself. But for now, he observed there was no traces of mink scent on the female, and let his breast remain at peace.


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~


04-09-2013, 06:54 AM
The falls were indeed a delight to come to and relax, but sadly Segolia was not here to relax. Under the waters of the falls grows a weed that is useful with her studies. Her ears twitched as the light drops of water hit her pelt, she enjoys the fall. Her eyes stopped upon the falls, it was soothing, a perfect place to come to get rid of stress. There is nothing more relaxing than that of the sound of a waterfall, well that applies to her as for others she did not know. Segolia stepped into the water, it felt great upon her pelt. The tails of water being soothing was true, and she was glad it was. Her puprple eyes landed upon the under water flower she was looking for. Thease flowers only grew ever three weeks, and in a week they would wither away. Turning her head she opened her bag, lowering her head in the water she plucked up the flower.

As she rose up from under the water the sight of two other wolves caught her eyes. One was a brute, large at that , the other a fea. She put the flower in her bag, closing it she stepped out of the water. Segolia lifted her bag up and over her head, placing it gently on the ground Segolia looked up at the sky. It was a great day and she was going to take advantage of such a day. She walked back in to the water, the cool liquid heaven consumed her body. The cool feeling seemed to be relaxing every part of her, she loved it. Sitting upon her haunches Segolia noticed that the brute was looking for something, the words 'I am searching for a companion of mine... a mink' Her head turned in the direction of the two who had begun to talk.


04-09-2013, 07:47 AM

She had not gone far enough, or perhaps her legs did not carry her as swiftly as she desired. For at her back she felt not the wind, but the voice of the searching other reaching across their distance to pull her ears. She did come to pause and turn slightly to look over her shoulder. The molten hues of coal lain upon a tawny hide invoked the subtlest twitch of intrigue in her brows. Attraction was but to the eye f the beholder, but what pulled her graceful steps around was the inquiry that crossed the span of their distance.

A mink?a prey animal?a wolf?s companion and now he searched for it? The image of a vermin creature encouraged the part of her maw and slight release of her tongue. She wet her maw as though tending to an itch on the front of her muzzle, bathing it profusely as she envisioned its tip was stained with the blood of a kill. Many suns had risen and fallen since last she attained a meal?and if one was knowing lingering?.then perhaps her day would not end in hunger.

??no?? the she-wolf whispered as she curled her eager tongue behind ivory fangs. She turned with a silent step to resume the course prior taken. Though her pace was slower with head hovering above but inches from the fragrant grounds. ??I will look??

Words: 000

"Speak" | 'Sing' | 'Think' | Act