
The rhythm's a little off



3 Years
04-15-2014, 03:53 PM

Her first spar and the fact that it would be judged and watched by Etern didn't really fuel Talvi with much confidence. It was simply a friendly fight, nothing to worry about in any way and yet all the same the blue and silver girl was a little worried that she would let herself down in some form or another. She wished to learn to fight, but what if she was so awful that the skill her mother had would never come naturally to her? She couldn't help but take a slight comfort in the fact that Argent wouldn't be here to witness her possibly failure.

She stood there now opposite S'alkrie blue eyes watching her carefully as she drew in a breath, hoping she appeared less worried about this than she actually felt. The new-found bold nature was faltering slightly now and she wished she was a little more prepared for this. "Whenever you're ready." Talvi encouraged S'alkrie, thankful that at least her voice was steady and clear. And then she stood, head low as she awaited for the other to start.



2 Years
04-15-2014, 04:54 PM

She would swiftly follow behind the girl; who she could only hope had a lot to learn like S'alkrie has. The placid babe had witnessed many fights, and had learnt a lot of defenses and few attacks. She loved to witness from afar, and she could only hope to use it to her advantage. They where currently head on, and had around 3 feet apart from eachother. " This will be fun, good luck!" She meant it, if they had to be partners perhaps in the future they could help eachother out; but for now her only focus was to try and win- Hoping Etern would improve where she lacked.

S'alkrie would then set her defenses quickly, Hackles raised, tail tucked, eyes slit, ears pinned, weight evenly distributed, Muscles tensed, teeth bared, crown slightly tucked to protect neck. She wasted no time, and would soon attempt to close the distance by lunging; hoping for her left shoulder to hit against Talvi's left shoulder in the hopes to knock her slightly of balance. While doing this S'alkrie would aim to grasp the left side of her opponents neck to hopefully stun her and scare her to not move, If successful S'alkrie will keep hold for as long as she can. She would be aiming on the neck near the shoulder. She doesnt aim to seriously hurt, but just enough so that she can have a firm enough hold. [since its there first time sparring and their new to all possibilities Sal hopes that there both new to it all]. S'alkries right paw would try to scratch Talvi's left side repeatedly near the bottom in the hopes to irritate the skin and cause minor bleeding. As the right paw would lift S'alkrie would shift her weight to 3 paws the best that she could. Hoping to limit Talvi's movement even further Sal would then aim her right paw to anker over her back [after attempting to scratch]and her left paw across her chest. To make it Worse, Sal would try to lean as much weight as possible to see if she could get Talvi of balance again.

S'alkrie Vs Talvi 1/2!

Defenses- Hackles raised, tail tucked, eyes slit, ears pinned, weight evenly distributed, Muscles tensed, teeth bared, crown slightly tucked to protect neck.

Attacks- She would aim to close their small distance by lunging, hoping that their left shoulders collide to stun Talvi. Sal would then aim to grasp her neck near the shoulder to spook Talvi and if successful Sal will not let go. Her front right paw would also aim to scratch repeatedly at at the bottom of Talvi's Side to irritate it. Once doing so Sal would aim to limit Talvi's movements by ankering her right paw over her back and left paw over chest.

Injuries- First round!

OOC: If theirs any problems, shoot me a pm!

image by Emily, Permission to use



3 Years
04-15-2014, 06:18 PM

"This will be fun, good luck!" Talvi certainly hoped so, though still she believed that it would have been more fun if this fight needn't be judged if she felt even a little more prepared for it. To be fair she had no idea how experienced S'alkrie was either, though this lack of time to organise details and prepare only made things more realistic she supposed. It was unlikely that any real opponent would allow you to interview them prior to a fight. "Good luck to you to." She would respond and ready herself for the fight.

Calmer than she realised, perhaps simply as she knew that this was only for fun, a practice spar where neither of them would seriously be injured, her hackles remained relatively flat, the adrenaline not strong enough to launch that involuntary motion of raising them. There were of course things that the girl could do to prepare herself for the fight though and she set about the logical steps she could think of to protect herself in any way in preparation for S'alkrie's move.

Paying attention to the way she currently held herself, she attempted to widen her stance slightly and better distribute her weight for balance. Involuntarily her muscles would tense slightly, though she would try to force them to relax for agility sake. Her tail had previously hung loosely behind her and she now tucked it closer to her body, her ears mimicking this movement to draw such delicate limbs in and away from becoming an easy target. Her head remained low in an attempt to protect her throat, the scruff certainly tough enough to protect itself in comparison.

It wouldn't take S'alkrie long to accept her offer and soon the pale girl would move to close the distance. Talvi remained still, there was barely time to react in any other way of course, though her gaze had still watched the other, waiting to see her movements. As S'alkrie collided with her, Talvi found herself leaning with the motion and moving a little backwards and to her right with the attack. Teeth instead found themselves meeting the top of her head rather than her neck, the skin certainly not as tough now suffered a minor graze though surely would have cut in a serious fight, the hard skull would at least prevent a grip with the jaws to be achieved however.

She had done well to move though paws soon followed jaws and Talvi found whilst the neck had been spared in the initial attack that the paws had certainly found themselves slowing down her chances of moving away from any attack. Her previous movements had at least meant S'alkrie's paw would likely initially only reach her scruff though the second managed to easily find it's initial target at her chest, the closer distance meaning it hit with likely a little more force than S'alkrie had initially intended for the friendly fight. Fur and skin protected her from the damage of a wolf's claws, though the movements and slight strikes against her chest in particular were certainly uncomfortable and the hold putting her at a disadvantage.

With the additional pressure, she would suddenly recall that she too ought to attack. Talvi began her next movements by firstly using her slight weight advantage to push back against the lean and tense her muscles to strengthen her stance and prevent being pushed, it was tough and the strength required from both now would likely be a waste of energy in a real and lengthy fight, it would be a learning curve of course though. With her head currently beneath S'alkrie's, she lifted it up in an attempt of a headbutt in hopes of exposing the albino's throat a little more. As she did so, Talvi tilted her head slightly to the right to allow jaws to try to reach their intended target of S'alkrie's throat. Should the attack be successful, soft pressure would be applied a signal of a grip though certainly not intending for it to be strong enough to puncture and wound the other girl.

S'alkrie vs Talvi - Practice Spar

Round 1 of 2

Defences Widened stance for balance, relaxed muscles for ease of movement, tucked tail, pinned ears, head lowered, moving with the attack to neck to soften and alter the position of the strike, tensing muscles to strengthen base

Attacks Headbutt to try further expose S'alkrie's throat. 'Bite' and hold aimed at throat.

Injuries Minor graze to top of head. Discomfort to neck and chest, minor irritation through fight though should be no lasting wound.



2 Years
04-16-2014, 09:45 AM

As the fight would begin, S'alkrie would hope it'd be rather short but fun. This was her first time sparring and she was keen to do well. As she launched her attacks, The bite that was aimed for the neck near the shoulder would instead lands at the top of Talvi's head. It came to a sudden surprise, seeing as the merle girl was taller and S'alkrie was aiming lower. But, Sal could easily work with it, hoping to be more successful next time. Her teeth had scraped lightly, not enough to seriously hurt. Her attempt to try to limit Talvi had gone almost perfectly. Her right paw which was supposed to anchor the back instead landed on the scruff, though her left paw did become successful and wrap around the chest. S'alkries eyes would remain slit, tail tucked and ears pinned which came rather naturally. Her muscles would tense and she would quickly try to reajust her balance with two paws on the ground and her upper half, hoping to lean against Talvi's.

Just as S'alkrie was about to move her crown, Talvi's head would meet impact with the side of her left jaw. Her teeth would bare in response, it was painful and it would hurt later in the day. As soon as Sal felt it she would launch her attack straight away, hoping to grab the start of the scruff which is rather thin. If she was successful and grabbed it, S'alkrie would pull harshly as to hurt Talvi and shoot her head up slightly with the force. But just as she began to do her attack, Talvi's fangs would meet the top of S'alkrie left shoulder, snapping across the thin layer causing it to bleed slight. Due to the fact Sal had launched her own attack at the scruff, it jerked her frame back slightly, making it so that Talvi just missed the neck, each time S'alkrie moved, she would readjust her weight on two paws the best that she could. Hoping that Talvi's legs would start hurting due to S'alkrie being on top of her, Sal would attempt to drop all of her weight onto her, leaning slightly forward in the hopes that it'll knock Talvi onto the ground on her right side. She hopes to have a firm clasp on Talvi's scruff [previous attack], as to limit all of her movement. If successful, S'alkrie would be on top of her.

S'alkrie vs Talvi 2/2!

Defenses- Tail tucked, Eyes slit, Ears pinned, Muscles tensed, evening out balance. Teeth bared

Attacks- As soon as her jaw smacked against Talvi's head, S'alkrie would quickly move her head and seek to grab the start of her scruff where its thin. She'd pull back to hopefully cause pain, S'alkries last attempt is to drop all of her weight onto Talvi, leaning slightly forwards so that she falls to the floor on her right side, hoping to win by limiting all the movement she can.

Injuries- Hurt jaw, Bite to shoulder

image by Emily, Permission to use



3 Years
04-18-2014, 12:04 PM

In such close quarters it came as no surprise that her headbutt hit true, though unfortunately it seemed the same could not be said about her next attack. Rather than finding S'alkrie's throat, Talvi would find her jaws making contact with the skin around the shoulder, a far harder area to keep hold of really and her attempt to hold the albino wouldn't work. She was of course distracted as well by S'alkrie's second attempt to reach her scruff, with her head little off centre from the slight twist for her attack, Talvi had actually put herself in a weaker position, and S'alkrie's teeth would easily find a thinner part of skin the left side of her scruff. As she kept hold the skin would pierce slightly, teeth would sink a little deeper as she pulled upwards. Talvi would allow her head to follow the movement to avoid any further damage, though found herself suddenly rather thankful that this was a friendly, light contact match or else the wound could have been worse.

Throughout all her tail had remained tucked and ears pinned back. Her paws were still spread wider for her balance, though with S'alkrie holding onto her scruff there was little she could do to lower her head. At least, occupied by the back of her neck it seemed rather unlikely that the albino would attempt for the throat just yet.

As S'alkrie began to drop her weight and attempt to push Talvi to the ground, the silver and blue girl would quickly move with the attack once more, dropping and using the force of S'alkrie's push and her own momentum to roll in hopes of pulling the avoiding being trapped beneath the other. Given that S'alkrie only had two paws grounding her at the moment, Talvi hoped that the roll, if successful would cause the albino in a moment of shock and to avoid potentially hitting the ground head first, to would release both her paws and most importantly Talvi's scruff which would then allow Talvi to continue her roll to turn her back away from S'alkrie. Dependant upon the results of the roll and her own speed in recovering from the manoeuvre in comparison to her opponent, Talvi would then aim a bite to the left side of S'alkrie's throat. A repeat attack she knew, though would seem the most logical to her from that position.

S'alkrie vs Talvi - Practice Spar

Round 2 of 2

Defences Widened stance for balance, tail tucked, ears pinned, move with S'alkrie's attack to avoid being completely trapped

Attacks Aim to bring S'alkrie to ground with her. Dependent on success and outcome of roll, bite aimed to left side of throat.

Injuries Bite wound to thinner part of scruff at starting point on the left side.

The Judge


05-05-2014, 05:56 PM

S'alkrie VS Talvi

Round 1

CLARITY: 8 / 10


DEFENSES: 7 / 10

ATTACK: 7 / 10

INJURIES: 10 / 10

Round one S'alkrie Total: 41 / 50


CLARITY: 9 / 10


DEFENSES: 8 / 10

ATTACK: 8 / 10

INJURIES: 10 / 10

Round one Talvi Total: 44 / 50

Round 2


CLARITY: 7 / 10


DEFENSES: 5 / 10

ATTACK: 7 / 10

INJURIES: 8 / 10

Round two S'alkrie Total: 36 / 50


CLARITY: 9 / 10


DEFENSES: 4 / 10

ATTACK: 7 / 10

INJURIES: 8 / 10

Round two Talvi Total: 38 / 50


S'alkrie: 77 /100

Talvi: 82 /100

And the winner is...

Talvi! S'alkrie must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


S'alkrie - Light brusing to the jaw, shallow bite mark on the shoulder and possibly to the side of her neck from Talvi's last attack

Talvi- Shallow graze on the top of her head and bite to the top of her scruff

Lui: I loved the attacks you used, but, especially for the first post, there was sometimes too much going on at once and it would get jumbled and hard to read. I'd also suggest actually putting every move of the fight into the post and not in brackets. Otherwise really good!

Eldar: Only note I have is to pack in more defenses and play around more with the attacks. The only part that was a little hard to understand was Talvi's very last attack. Very good!

Both: Very realistic first fight for the both of them and well writen, enjoyed reading it. If you have any questions let me know <3 -Shelby