
You will be mine [MATURE]


03-30-2013, 08:17 PM (This post was last modified: 03-30-2013, 09:15 PM by Ardent.)


He wanted her badly. Ever since his encounter with the mammoth woman her body had lingered on his mind, making him crave her more. He had already claimed one bitch without much effort, so why not try to claim another? This female was certainly a worth while prize, one he could treasure unlike his mate. He had only claimed her to prove he would always be dominant over her. But now that it was done, what else could he do? He needed something new, something fresh. He perched himself atop a boulder centered within the battle fields, and lifted his muzzle to the heavens. A bellowing howl rang out across the lands, calling the woman forth so he could challenge her for her freedom.


03-30-2013, 08:28 PM

His voice, it echoed against the battlegrounds. She had been stalking them. Searching for loners who so hastily wandered into her clutches. The pack was small and it needed numbers. Her children would do well to start but she needed able bodies. Already she had her slave, Dom, and possible her worthless brother. That was if she allowed him to wander into her pack with his STD ridden cock. She wondered what it was exactly the father of her children wanted. It had been a night of passion but that was all she had thought it would be. She had allowed him to dominate her and had sated his hunger. She wondered if he was curious of the children that were curled in her womb.

Soon enough she saw his dark appearance. Her violet eyes blinking as she healed her head high. The last time they had met she had been nothing but a warrior on a mission. Now she was the queen of a kingdom. Her tail twitched as she eyed him and allowed her lips to curl upwards, ?What is it you want? Is your cock itching for a little high class pussy?? she cooed, her violet eyes shimmered with lust. She had enjoyed his company and what he had done and she wasn?t against the idea of enjoying a little fun again.


03-30-2013, 09:04 PM


Violet eyes narrowed as she came into his view. There she was, even slightly bigger than before. What had happened? Maybe she had just had a large meal, or maybe someone had knocked her up. The idea of him being the father drifted in his thoughts, but was shaken away when she spoke. He couldn't help but laugh. "If I wanted that I could have went to anyone but you. No, ive called you here for something more baby doll. Something even better. A deal with the devil one might say." he recalled saying those venomous words to Secret. He extended his legs to more balanced proportions, tucked his chin to protect his throat. He was preparing for a fight. "I'm here to claim you as my own. Battle me, and when I win, you will become my mate. But, if somehow you win, you may state the circumstances." He flashed his fangs at her, taking a steady step toward her. Would she fight, or accept him as her mate? "Ladies first"


03-30-2013, 09:16 PM

His comment of finding someone new didn?t disturb her. She was not a woman of jealousy. She only cared that she found her release for her cravings of pain and dominance. If he wanted to run around and fuck the world then by all means she wouldn?t give a damn. Her tail flicked at his words and she couldn?t help the laugh that erupted from her jaws. Fight him? Just so she could belong to him? Honestly such a barbaric way of asking someone to be theirs. She shook her thick velvet coat and smiled a toothy grin, ?Well, the offer sounds interesting. If I weren?t knocked up with your kids then by all means I?d fight away. Just for the thrill of it. But I?m not risking their lives because you want to claim me. Go ahead and claim me then. But know this, you are claiming me, not my kingdom. Push on the matter and when these pups are out and weaned I will put your head so far up your ass you?ll be shitting out your mouth for weeks.? She said sharply.

She looked him over and laughed, allowing all the seriousness to fade away. ?As your mate I demand nothing from you. I don?t care if you want monogamy or If you want to fuck the universe. Do what ever you want as long as you play a little BDSM with me every now and again I?ll be content. You stand by me during pack meetings and be the diligent ?Husband? that is required of an alphas mate and we wont have any issues.? She said simply. Her tail flicking behind her as she thought about the last time they had played. They hadn?t talked of kingdoms or crowns or ownership. He hadn?t known she was the new queen of Lentajin did he? ?Oh, I killed the bitch that sat on the throne of Lentajin. It?s my home now.? she said bluntly. She was in no mood for pretty words with him. He had spoken directly to her and so she would give the same in return.


03-30-2013, 10:42 PM


Her words caught him by surprise. So, she was pregnant, and he was the sire? How interesting. Plus, she wasn't even going to put up a fight, she was going to openly allow him to claim her. Things were working out to his advantage. "Alright then, you're now my second mate. Don't worry, the first one despises me, she's never around. Most of my attention will be spent on you." His eyes drifted toward her slightly bloated stomach. "And my beautiful offspring." She continued to speak, the mans eye brows raising. What? She was an alpha female? She had killed Sade!? Why had he not heard of this! Had he just been promoted... Alpha male of a pack? Oh how interesting this whole thing was. "You killed Sade? How fucking delightful. Your so delicious baby, so despicable. Come here so I can fuck my wife." He rushed towards her, everything in his mind screaming for more. He couldn't control himself around her anymore.


03-30-2013, 10:52 PM

The bastard. Though she wasn't surprised. Here was stuck with jackass and he was still out fucking everything that moved. She stalked towards the battlefield where she had heard his call for another female to claim. At the sound she rolled her eyes, but she wanted to see who this poor bitch was. She had arrived a little late in the game, just in time hear Kaios's final words. Come here so I can fuck my wife. She made her appearance with quiet grace, sliding towards the two. The female was foreign to her, but a massive woman to say the least. "Well now then you're gonna have to be a little more specific about which wife." words spoken dripped sweet honey, but her eyes shot daggers at him. She stopped a few feet from the pair, eyes drifting from Kaios to the dame. She cast a cool gaze at the dame, no signs of hostility or hard feelings, maybe a bit of pity. Her gaze naturally hardened when she turned to Kaios once more, waiting for his reply. She could only image what he had to say.
"Talk here."

Jupiter I


7 Years
03-31-2013, 12:41 AM

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

with her paws seemingly infinitely itching for a good fight, it was no wonder that jupiter would make a habit of checking the battlefield. besides, she was an alpha, and it was only a matter of time before one of these howls would summon her to the battlefield, to protect ludicael or something else of value to her. might as well get in the habit now, she rumble bemusedly in the depths of her mind, locked away under a nonchalant countenance, 'cause one day i'll neglect to check and it'll be the one i need to respond to. the lass lifted her head and advanced toward the sound of the howl, moving at a completely leisurely pace, not bothering at all to put herself in a hurry despite the slight edge of anticipation that gnawed at her conscience.

a little late to the event, she came upon a curious scene, ears forced forth as far as they could go, almost as if the centimeter of proximity could make the difference in hearing their conversation and listening to inaudible murmurings. setting her pace up a tad but still maintaining a casual walk, she examined the congregation. it seemed as if secret was just arriving on the scene, and a smirk crossed jupiter's features. could it be? came her mental inquiry, blinking as she continued forth. she laid eyes upon the gathering of the large male and even larger female, and then her path of sight fell once more upon the obsidian fae she had met before at the volcano.

she came within hearing range just as secret's words fell from her lips, and the leader slowed to a stop, taking a deep breath as she laid eyes upon the onyx male that was present. so this was the him. her audits pivoted backwards, declining in angle as her mind turned. the fiery-pelted femme shifted her weight before her legs began to carry her carefully forward once more. the individual came to a halt once more a few yards away from the absolutely joyous 'party', haunches lowering to settle upon the ground. she idly wondered if this had been the spot where she had battled pepper in a seemingly distant time that, in reality, wasn't so far away. her wounds had fully healed, and without the continuous ache of sore muscles to remind her of her power struggle, it was almost easy to forget.

her optics flicked from each of those present once before resting back on the male she sought. jupiter had no idea who the massive female near him was, but wasn't exactly interested at the moment. something stirred within her, and for the briefest of moments it was as if she had glimpsed a moment from her past. but as soon as it had appeared, it had went, and could almost have been mistaken for a figment of a viewer's imagination.

jupiter lifted herself to her paws, a chuckle rolling from the depths of her chest, bubbling forth to mingle with the air around them. her celestial orbs, which had averted with her minuscule peal of laughter, returned to her target, head tilting slightly to the side, tail flicking with humor. "why, how now, count, it seems as if there is something that i desire from you," she commented, tone affable and negotiating, persuasive honey dripping from her tones. secret could hate her all she wanted, but jupiter was going to get the 'captive' wolf's freedom back, one way or the other. "it seems as if this lady is yours not by her own will," she tested, glancing at secret, trying to put out the appearance that she had merely stumbled upon this and heard the comment, and thus figuring things out, but knowing that the chances of him falling for it were very unlikely. "doesn't quite sit well with one who has personal experience.

"say, let's make a deal," she offered, weight shifting as she regarded him with careful eyes of what could be considered a captivating shade of violet. she had taken note of his lusty rush toward what appeared to be his new mate, and was willing to take advantage of that. "you may relinquish your hold on what seems to be your first mate, and thus sate your desires with your stunning prize," she proposed, throwing a very short-lived but appreciative glance over the large, monochrome canine that held power in her stance, "or you may do so later. while you're sore, mind you, and still with only one mate." this was her ultimatum, as the alpha was confident enough in her abilities to be as bold as she was. and so, she waited for a reply, wishing for a fight but also preferring to not be too badly injured should a scuffle break out.

? 800 words ?

[ o o c ; ]
hope you don't mind, but in all honesty i've had this planned for a while, so it was going to happen sooner or later. cx Saf, I tried to remain generally anonymous about the result of the jup/secret thread, but feel free for it to end up with secret rejecting the offer, because jupiter was going to try it either way. cx

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


03-31-2013, 11:27 AM

Anticipation had been building deep within her loins. It had been some times since she had felt the stink of teeth and the thrust of a cock. She had positioned herself to be ready should be mount her but all fun seemed to be fading away with the arrival of others. Had their little game of lust and power summoned others. Her ears twitched as the words broke from an unknown female. Which wife? She mused in her head. Her violet eyes came to focus on the female at hand. Taking in her appearance. She was older and smaller. A hint of gray was growing around her dark muzzle. She turned to look at Kaios, her brow arched only slightly, and then she turned back towards the female at hand. ?Why does he have to be specific? I see no harm in a little m?nage ? trois. If it?s your thing love, I do enjoy trying out new kinky things.? She purred. Her tail flicked behind her as she smiled. She was amused to see the hatred linger in this females gaze for her mate. Why did she loathe him so much? Before the question could slip free from her jaws another wolf entered the ring.

Her gaze roved over the beautiful female. Her colors were rich and odd. She was a breath taking sight to behold. Her ears twitched as she began speaking towards her newly acquired mate and her brows arched with curiosity. She was piecing together why exactly it was his first mate was filled with so much resentment. ?Well now, this is turning into a regular old orgy isn?t It. ? she commented, her laugh filling the battlegrounds with a hint of hysteria. She looked at Kaios and allowed another laugh to spill from her dark throat. ?I wasn?t away you were such a lady killer. I wonder who got the better deal out of this? Me or you? I?m down for sharing if you are darling.? She said with amusement.

Her eyes focused on Jupiter. A hint of aggravation filled her eyes for the female. She was challenging her mate at a very delicate time and should the circumstances been different she would have gladly accepted the challenge for a battle on behalf of her husband. It was a risk she couldn?t take and it infuriated her. She wouldn?t dare risk their unborn children but she didn?t want to stand by and allow her mate to be disrespected. ?So you come to free a little caged bird? Is she so helpless that she cannot break her own chains?? she asked, her gaze shifting towards secret. Would she appreciate some other female fighting her battles? Was she not cleaver enough to trick her mate into her formal release? ?Might I ask who this savior is?? she commented, aggravation growing from the lack of manners all around. She knew none of these strangers? names or who they were. If they did not offer names then she would remain faceless.


04-01-2013, 03:36 PM

Distaste colored her face as the dame suggested all three should participate. It wasn't after she spoke that a familiar voice reached her ears. Jupiter. Skull swung around to meet the dames gaze. Eyes narrowed, what was she doing here? She remembered clearly asking the wolf to mind her own business. But here she was. Great. This was going to go down hill fast. "Jupiter, I think you're forgetting our conversation." A warning was being given, she needed to back down. Now. But she didn't get to say much more before Kaios's new mate began to speak once more. Ears went flat against her skull in outrage. A caged little bird? "You couldn't be more wrong." she spat, narrowed gaze shifting between Newt and Jupiter. So far she had no idea what this females name was. But no one had bothered with introductions so she wasn't about to start one. She didn't care, perhaps this bitch would keep Kaios out of her hair, after all this only reason for claiming Secret was to spite her, right? Tension began to thicken the air. Secret wanted Jupiter gone before she started something she would regret, and she was ready to leave the newly weds to their business. It was mistake coming here.

"Talk here."


04-01-2013, 04:25 PM


Well this was turning into an interesting scene wasn't it? Not only had Secret, his other mate, come onto the scene, but now some colorful bitch was here challenging him for the lassies freedom! How delightful! His head swung back, a loud cackle ripping from his throat. This was too damn funny. Saliva flew in all directions, and for a moment he felt as if he couldn't breath he was laughing so hard! A few moments went by, time seemed to crawl by as he laughed. He couldn't help himself. But finally, he stopped, head dipping back down to its usual height, eyes falling upon Secret as they narrowed. "So, you want to know which wife I want to fuck?" He paused for a moment, eyes dancing back and forth from her to Newt, then back to her. "How about both?" Inky lips curled tightly as he smiled, the corners of his mouth curling into unnatural proportions. He looked over toward his newest wife, taking in her words. She was an interesting bitch wasn't she? "Sorry babe, guess bitches can't help themselves. Don't worry, most of my attention will be spent on you." His attention then turned to the celestial looking bitch, the one who had charged in here with the intentions of stealing his first prize. No, that wasn't about to happen, not today, not ever. He would release her when he was damn well and ready, some bitch off the street wouldn't be setting the rules around here. "You say you will fight for her freedom, yet here you are, embarrassing yourself. Secret doesn't want you to win her freedom, oh no, anything but that. She seeks revenge from within, she feels pure hatred that can only be fed with her own conscious. She wants to battle me and regain her freedom. Don't take that away from the poor girl!" Before she could respond his head swung back toward Secret. He had more to say to that bitch. "I won't be staying in Tortuga much longer, oh no. I'm moving up in the ranks my dear. You want your freedom? I will grant it to you, but it will come with a price. Since I have claimed you I've sought one thing, and you have yet to grant me it. I think you know what i'm referring to." He wanted pups. From the moment he had met her he had dreamed of fucking her, let alone allowing her to carry his offspring. He still craved it so badly, he was about to let her go just for a quick taste. "Let me make sweeeeeeeet passionate love to you baby doll, then you may go. Just one taste, and you wont see my face again." He said, sarcasm added to certain words. Of course this was a lie, he would never truly leave her alone. He was practically her stalker, a demon in the shadows that watched her every move.

Jupiter I


7 Years
04-01-2013, 08:13 PM

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

jupiter flicked her gaze back to the newly-claimed fae, nodding with a relative politeness to her in an almost apologetic manner. "jupiter," she replied, and then allowed for her attentions to turn upon secret, having anticipated the words that dropped from her mouth from the moment that she had stepped forth to go through with her earlier plans. head tilted gingerly to the side, tipping to the slightest degree as she examined secret experimentally. "i'm not that awfully old yet," the creature chuckled, though these peals faded relatively quickly before she shook her head. "besides, what will backing out now do for either of us?" she inquired, tone almost innocent as she blinked her celestial optics at her charge.

cool gaze iced over, eyes losing any hint of humorous warmth as kaios spoke in response to her. an odd sort of rumbling, dark-borne laughter bubbled from her chest, slipping past obsidian lips to mingle about their ears. "secret didn't want you to claim her, either, but of course, we see how much good that did," she replied, a slight hint of bitterness tainting her tone. "her time will come. just because she won't be under your complete grasp now doesn't mean that she can't come back and beat you for it later. trust me, it'll hurt just as badly then as it would have now." her dial lowered dangerously, audits declining backwards toward her skull as seductive offers dripped so tantalizingly from his lips. she would say no more, but would only hope that secret chose not to believe him. whether this want was the result of selfishness or her disliking for the male was something she was not sure of, but either way, that single fact still stood.

? 289 words ?

[ o o c ; ]
i'll probably leave next post, sorry. cx

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


04-01-2013, 09:38 PM

So the female that demanded release of the captive shrew was Jupiter. She watched as the realization hit the other female and her dark lips quirked with amusement. So they had discussed the matter before had they? Interesting. Her tail flicked as the female snapped at her for her comment. She couldn?t help the chuckle that escaped her jaws. ?Dear Secret was it?? she questioned as she tilted her head to the side. Her ears twitched in dismissal as she continued without a respond. ?I am well aware that you are very capable of breaking your own chains. My little jab was towards your savior, Jupiter, for coming to your rescue like knight in shining armor.? She said with a laugh. She flicked her tail as she listened to her mate speak. So he agreed they should all enjoy a good old fucking eh?

She shrugged at his comment. She wasn?t a needy thing that needed constant coddling. No, she was a queen who had important things to tend to. Let her husband wander, fuck his whores and do as he pleased, so long as she controlled her kingdom she didn?t give a damn. She listened as he spoke on his other mates behalf, half telling half demanding Jupiter that secret needed the battle herself. She didn?t disagree with the comment and remained silent as she watched them all. Her gaze shifted back towards her mate as he made his demands. My wasn?t he the greedy little bastard? She couldn?t help the laugh that escaped her lips. ?Fathering bastards are we? Well you do have your priorities all lined up. Would you care to see them if she had your pups?? she wondered, not that it would bother her but she would want to know them. She had his pups inside her at the moment. They would want to know about their half siblings and Newt was a family girl at heart.

?I beg your pardon but since I have yet to state my name but know the lot of yours I shall introduce myself. I am known as Newt.? She paused for a moment. Her titles and nicknames all swirling in the depths of her mind had confused her. However, as quickly as the relapsed happened she was back on her toes once more. ?Saxe, I am the current Queen of Lentajin.? She said simply but no expectations filled her vision for anyone to bow. These wolves, besides her husband, did not belong to her. They knew nothing of her achievement or how she had acquired her pack, or so she thought, and thus held no ties to her. She would demand nothing from them for she had earned nothing. Proper formalities would be given by her pack not strangers.

text text text



04-02-2013, 09:16 PM

She was growing rather tired of the whole situation. Kaios's laughter. Jupiters interference. And she didn't know what to think of Newt. Lips curled briefly as Kaios said he wanted both his mates. So far she had managed to keep him off her back and she wanted it to stay that way. But force she couldn't disagree with everything he said as he spoke to Jupiter, explaining why she couldn't win Secret's freedom for her. Hard eyes turned to Jupiter as the brute spoke, waiting for her response. Which came as no surprise. It seemed as though the fiery dame was finally getting the message though, perhaps? Hopefully. When Newt spoke her name, explaining what she meant, the ebony wolf acknowledged her with only a glance. Audits twitched when Kaios spoke again. Could she be so lucky? He was leaving Tortuga, planning on joining his newest mate in whatever godforsaken land she came from. But her excitement was short lived. The price for her freedom. Ears lay flat against her skull once more. What was she suppose to say to that? She was in heat still, spring was rapidly coming to an end but still. Here she was faced with a dilemma. She could have her freedom, but would forever be tied to him. With his offspring. She now deeply regretted showing up to this little gathering. And she found it highly unlikely that he would ever leave her alone. He would always be around, even if he belonged to another pack. There was no escaping him. Newt. The dame finally introduced herself, though she appeared to already know Secrets name so she found no point in stating it again. Lentajin? Tortugas supposed alliance? Thats where he was going? It was better than nothing.

"Talk here."


04-03-2013, 05:51 PM


He listened to the celestial bitch speak, but honestly he didn't care what she had to say. Words went into one ear and out the other. She wasn't the matter at hand here, Newt and Secret were, as of right now Secret more than Newt. Newt was now his, but Secret wanted her freedom, but with freedom, comes a price. His newest wife spoke to him, asking him if he even wished to see his offspring. His head snapped violently toward the woman, teeth lashing in her direction. Sharp canines met her flesh, teeth digging deeply into her shoulder as he gave her a warning wound. Blood seeped into his mouth for a split second, but he ripped himself away so he could speak. "You stupid bitch, of course I will see them! I might be the devil, but even he has priorities!" He snarled viciously, saliva spitting into his new mates face. He was pissed to say the least. His head snapped back toward Secret, awaiting her answer. When she didn't give one, his lips curled into a snarl. He was growing impatient with this whole scene, he wanted to get this over with. "So what's it going to be Secret? Decision time." The corners of his lips curled into a wicked smile. If she didn't answer soon he would make her answer.


04-04-2013, 06:54 PM

It came as no surprise when the beast reacted explosively to his new mate. He always been a tad bit...temperamental to say the least... His fangs met her flesh in a violent manner, but not at all fatal. But his aggression quickly spun to her. Lips curled to return his snarl. Her name fell from his jaws, demanding her decision, a cruel grin on his face. He knew that she wanted nothing to do with, and he enjoyed it. Ears remained flat against her skull, sapphire orbs narrow. She didn't have much time to think this over. "I'll take my freedom." Maybe one day she'll regret it. But for now, she wanted her freedom, to get rid of the animal. My heat ends in a few days, I couldn't carry his retched offspring. At least that's what she kept telling herself, but even she doubted her logic. But one could hope. Muscles flexed beneath her lush pelt, eyes gazed evenly at him, waiting for the inevitable.
"Talk here."


04-04-2013, 07:01 PM


He didn't wait for anyone else's reply. He had finally gotten what he wanted, finally received his golden prize. She was going to give it up to him. His head tossed toward the forest, motioning her to follow. He didn't want to fuck her in front of a crowd... Or did he? He did, but he wouldn't push things with her. "Come, they don't need to see this show." His head turned toward Newt, his new wife. "Meet me in Lentajin, and together we will rule this wrenched wasteland." He turned away, taking off into the forest. Once he was a good mile away, he turned, waiting for Secret.

-Fade and exit-


04-04-2013, 07:06 PM

She couldn't help the little relief it gave her that he at least had the decently to take her somewhere else before he fucked her. Reluctantly she followed, steps slow, but no so slow as to provoke him into attacking her. She had battled this wolf one to many times. The journey seemed to take forever before the ebony brute turned towards her to claim his prize.

-fade and exit-

"Talk here."

Jupiter I


7 Years
04-06-2013, 05:03 PM

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

she observed the interaction, a smirk crossing her features. a shrug heaved her shoulders up and then allowed them to drop, and the alpha chuckled. "if you trust in his word, then so be it," she responded, not a hint of regret or hatred in her tone, but rather a hint of ridicule. if this male was disrespectful enough to claim the lass, she was almost certain that he wouldn't hesitate to break his word. jupiter nodded to newt in farewell, and then turned and took her leave.

? ughno words ?

[ o o c ; ]
exit jupiter

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.