
Purifying Waves

Twig I


04-17-2014, 06:19 PM
The den. There want much else the girl saw anymore, her body was still recovering along with her mind. She had found that sleep was all she craved, dark dreamless sleep that would not allow her nightmares to ensnare her. With the help of Jinxx's herbs this would be attained, and she would slumber almost eternally. She would find herself stirring, the sun's rays hitting perfectly into the den to wake her completely. She would blink away the drugged sleep as a yawn would overtake her features. She would feel more energy than she had for days, so thought it a good idea to slip out of the den and enjoy the sun's rays. She would sigh heavily as the closest star would bathe her in its light. Her haunches would coil beneath her as orchid gaze would linger on the lake's surface. She would sit, and wish. She would wish with all her heart that Fern was at her side.?

Shilah I


6 Years
04-17-2014, 06:34 PM

Never without some form of plantlife in his mouth the young nomad returned back into Valhalla territory with a clutch of angelica and white poplar park in his maw. Once again he debated hunting through the ruins to find some human artifacts. He'd heard they made many things and any sort of bag to carry supplies in would be a real lifesaver. Of course there was risk in this? humans made many bad things too. Things that would hurt and sicken.

Pondering this line of thought he came to the edge of Wolfpaw Lake to pause for a brief drink. Cool liquid soothed his throat and he stared for a moment at his reflection, and the mark on his forehead. Shilah turned to collect his gathering when he noticed a familiar figure along the shoreline. Well, bless his soul! And she smelt of Valhalla too!

"Miss Twig!" Shilah called out as he strolled over to her, careful not to invade her personal space and giving plenty of warning of his prescence. "Your ankle has healed well I see. I had no idea that you'd also joined Valhalla. How are you finding your stay?"


Twig I


04-18-2014, 08:29 PM
The cross marked she wolf was adorned in the golden light of the dying sun, her gentle gaze aimed off in the distance. Out across the lake she would loose herself in the hypnotizing rhythm of the waters waves. Thoughts of Fern would plague her, but as her mind wandered she would feel a bit of peace well up from within her. Her focus was so contained within its self she would not take in the tell tale signs of another approaching her desired place of refuge. Shilah would fully complete his drink and notice her before she would even realize she was not alone. The sound of her name would break her trance and vivid violet gaze would shift to the familiar form. She would find the slightest of smiles appearing on her lips as her attention would focus on the growing figure. He would take care to leave her the space she so desired, being kind enough to remember her injury and ask how well she was doing since finding herself in Valhalla. "Greetings, Shilah of the Nomads. I suppose your title has changed to Eta of Valhalla?" her head would tilt slightly of curiosity, any animosity she held from their last meeting would be relinquished. She was, and had been, quite thankful for his help. "it's starting to get better, I.. um.. Had a bit of misfortune befall me recently. It would force me to take refuge here and I haven't quite found my way out yet. It helps I've found family that have taken up residence here." she would do her best to keep her features neutral, the pain of losing Fern would beat strongly within her chest. Twig would still do her best to keep her emotions under control, she was trying to recover and this would be her first test. Keeping cool around others.?

Shilah I


6 Years
04-19-2014, 08:59 AM

Shilah smiled and nodded. He was pleased to see a familar face and to know that she was alive. It was always one thing he disliked about being a nomadic healer, once he set his patients on their way he rarely saw them again. It was an odd feeling to realize that they might pass on and he'd never know. "Yes, I'm an Eta field medic now. Trying to get used to pack life though I admit it isn't as easy as I thought." He laughed lightly as he voiced his concern. There was an ever growing doubt within him that this was what he wanted but he still felt he could learn much from Erani and her pack. Perhaps when winter fell he could ask if he could wander for a season and then return.

Shilah's smile faded into a look of concern as Twig spoke of some misfortune she'd suffered. It wasn't fair for such a thing to happen to a such a kind person but Shilah knew that life was very rarely fair, though it pained him all the same. "I'm sorry to hear that Miss Twig. I don't suppose there's anything I can do?" Shilah did not know the nature of her misfortune but he gathered that it had probably passed for she appeared to be in reasonable physical health. "Oh! Well, I'm glad you've found your family. I don't believe I've met them yet, I've been focusing on gathering and storing herbs for winter. What are they like?" Shilah felt a change of topic prudent unless she cared to divulge what had happened to her. It wasn't in his nature to pry unless he needed information on how best to heal a patient.


Twig I


04-19-2014, 07:12 PM
Shilah would confirm her question as he would gladly tell her of his new role in the pack. She knew very well how difficult it was readjusting to pack life after living alone for so long. Being with out her family had been one of the most difficult experiences of her life, she was sure she would never want to go back to being so independent. "I know how you feel, I had been alone for so long.." while she knew she didn't want to leave her kin, Twig was having doubts of living with pack life as well. She was trying to get back to normal, but what normal was anymore she didn't even know. So much of her had died with Fern, bouncing right back was completely impossible. As the cross marked girl explained herself the dark man's expression would change. Instead of a look of happiness he would begin to show concern. Immediately he would apologize, like most had, but none of them could help her. Even Erani could do nothing to save her lost child. "No, there's nothing anyone can do now." though he didn't know it just being in her presence would help. Twig still had trouble being on her own for extended periods, so having a friend to enjoy the view with was nice. Shilah was quick to change the subject though, and silently would she thank him for it. Soon enough he would come to realize the harsh reality she had been faced with. Erani would call for her assailant's trial, and it was likely the whole pack would be involved. "I'm eternally relieved. We've not found everyone, but many have shown up already." she would grow more confident again, "Loyal and protective mostly. Incredibly loving, of course." her features would grow wistful as she told The healer of her kin. If only she could have been introducing Fern to him.?

Shilah I


6 Years
05-10-2014, 04:52 PM
ooc: so sorry for wait let me know if you want to continue this

Why was it so hard to adjust to being in a pack? Shilah often wondered that himself. He'd originally grown up in a pack and had only wandered for a year or so and yet in that year he'd grown so accustomed to being on his own that the switch was now more jarring then he really imagined it would be. He supposed it might be a smoother transition if some of his family were here but that would be an unusual surprise indeed.

Twig spoke of her family and he smiled. It was good that she had them there to support her. "I'm glad they're here for you. Valhalla should be a good place for them. Are you all planning to stay?"
