
What Is This Feeling?


04-02-2014, 05:39 PM
Where was he now? This wasn't the area he, or rather, in his mind, she, was looking for. The princess would give a whine, coming to a stop as he looked upon the destroyed area. It reminded him of that area of his home, and, in his mind, a memory would stir in his subconscious, causing him to shudder heavily. He couldn't recall the exact events but he felt as though it dealt with great pain... the pain that he woke up with on that day. The others that he had found himself with had told him his name, trying to fill his memories.

But... they were false ones. He was Kyda Ethne sure enough, but he knew the truth. That he was a princess, the lovely daughter of the alpha pair of his pack. He had a sister too... his competition for a handsome male. A wolf who, even as he saw his own reflection, he would not see himself. It was a very strange thing to be sure, though the pack had put up with it. Until he ran left, convinced his family had gone on some royal journey without him.

The instability of his mind, and his delusions had been what had lead him here. But Kyda was not a horrid wolf. He was lonely, and quite sad. He couldn't remember anything of his true past, seeing only what his warped mind was leading him to believe... all caused from the trauma of his injuries on that fateful day.

The princess would sit down before the ash covered area, a lonely howl going up into the air, ringing through the area and telling tale of his sorrow.



04-02-2014, 06:03 PM

She was wary of the lands now since that horrible earthquake, scared that at any second it would begin to move, to tear apart and swallow her up. Koi would swallow hard and shake her head, not wanting to think about that day any longer, she just wanted to get back to her usual happy self, enjoying everyday. And so she would continue on through the darkened lands, destroyed by what seemed to be a large fire some time ago.

White paws would become greyed as Koi moved through the land, amber gaze scouting the area, ears swiveling around every couple steps she made to listen for any other creatures that happened to be around or hiding in the burned vegetation. A sudden howl would make her come to a stop, head tilting as she listened to the call. The only reason she decided to head towards it was because of the tone, sad, lonely... There was no way Koi could ignore it.

So she would move quickly, going at a steady jog, keeping her eyes, ears and nose open to try and spot or follow the scent of a wolf that gave the howl. Within a couple strides she would catch the fresh scent of a wolf that had passed by no longer than a few minutes ago, the corners of Koi's lips lifting into a smile. Quickly she would move, head turning left and right, searching for the wolf. A few minutes later, target spotted. Bright gaze fell upon a dark wolf sitting in the dark earth, head low... That was them!

Slowing her pace Koi would give a small bark to let the wolf know she was coming up behind them, flashing a friendly smile and wagging her tail. "Hiya."


Awesome table by Tealeh <3


04-02-2014, 06:20 PM
Lonely. Why was it always this cursed emotion that flowed through him? He didn't want to be alone... shunned. Lost. After that large black cat "freed" him, and after he had healed, for the most part, he was alone. The healer, Shilah, was gone... and he was alone. Always alone. Tears would form in the eyes of the princess as the feeling threatened to consume him. The loneliness, the strange memory of pain that did not come with a reason he could remember.

But then a saving grace would stumble upon Kyda. The voice of another, a feminine voice would call to him and the princess would lift his head, blinking back the tears. She looked friendly, and her eyes were brightly colored. He had always liked wolves with brightly colored eyes -- it made them seem warmer. His tail would give a small wag, and the male would speak in a quiet tone, almost as if not certain she was truly there.

"Hiya. Brings out here what you?" He would tilt his head to the side, his odd manner of speaking slipping past his lips.



04-02-2014, 06:46 PM

Koi would come to a stop and watch the stranger in silence, waiting for him to look towards her and say something friendly. Brows would come together however upon seeing watery eyes, was this wolf just crying? The wagging tail would throw her off a bit, why would he be happy when he was just crying a second ago? Not only that, but why did he speak in a strange way, like his sentence was cut in half then switched around?

Taking a small breath she would move close to the wolf, stopping just beside him before sitting back on her haunches and looking to the stranger with a smile. "I was exploring when I heard a howl. Did something bad happen?" She asked in soft tones, gently bringing her nose under his muzzle to lift his head. "You don't look hurt to Koi."


Awesome table by Tealeh <3


04-17-2014, 12:04 AM
The pretty she wolf would come beside him, sitting down and signaling that, even if it was only for a little while, she would stay with him. Company. Companionship. It was all that Kyda wanted. So the tears from before, even before knowing her, were gone. Just being with another wolf was bliss. It wouldn't matter what they talked about or what they did, as long as he was with someone. This female was nice too, showing concern for him. At her touch, even if it was just to lift his head, was nice too.

"Danger no a while quite for. Injured was I, healer but helped. Just... sad. Sad very... lonely." He would give a whine at his own words, faded blue eyes looking to Koi's own bright ones. "Friend a all is want I. Name my Kyda Ethne is. You...?" His tail was wagging just a little more as his eyes seemed to beg her. Friend. Be my friend.



04-19-2014, 06:36 PM
sowwy for shortness /:

Brain would attempt to process what the wolf was telling her, out of order, unusual to her. Was this normal, or was this how his people spoke? Oh, a new language! Koi wanted to learn it! Eyes narrowed while she listened, but not out of irritation or annoyance, she was trying to focus on his voice, listening closely. Danger, he didn't experience it for some time now? He was injured, healer helped. Sad, sad and very lonely. "Aw..." She whined softly, her lips turning into a small smile when he told her all he wanted was a friend, his name Kyda Ethne and asked about hers. Her tail would begin to wag, small smile turning into a grin as she stared into his gaze. "I'm koi! Koi Hutashi-Fex, I'll be your friend!" She barked happily, bumping her shoulder into his before standing up and dropping her front half to the ground in a playful manner. "I'll make Kyda happy again!"


Awesome table by Tealeh <3


04-26-2014, 01:20 PM
Kyda?s would blink some as she whined, his ears lifting in hopefulness. Sympathy. Understanding. The small smile upon the face of the female would become a grin as she gave her own name. Koi. He had heard that there was a type of fish that bore the name as well, beautiful ones. Her last name was something he was going to make sure to remember too, even if it was one that wasn?t familiar. His own tag began to wag a mile a minute as the those four precious words left her mouth. A friend. He had made a friend.

Excitement, happiness, relief, all of it erupted at once as Kyda recovered from the playful bump and got to his own paws. It was at that angle Koi might have noticed that the male she stood with didn?t have the parts that set him apart as a male anymore... And instead the scars upon the healed flesh was there. It was still a tender area, but he no longer had to worry so much about tearing it once again and bleeding out. The healer who had helped him was certainly knowledgeable in his trade... And Kyda hoped to see him at least one more time, to thank him again for saving him... For giving him the chance to live and find a new friend. To find Koi.

Such hope shown in his eyes, everything else in the past, for the moment, forgotten to give way to this new feeling that bloomed in his chest. Koi spoke a little differently than other wolves he had met too, but Kyda didn?t mind. It was nice, beautiful. It set her apart and made her unique. The male dropped his own front half to the ground, butt and tail both wagging in the air. ?You thank~~ Wonderful are you. Friends good always will be we.? He would tap her paw then, a little giggle escaping his maw. She seemed to want to play, and Kyda wanted to play too! ?It you are!? Then he would turn and bounce ahead a few steps, looking over his shoulder to see if she was going to follow.